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A Brand New Ending

Page 20

by Stephanie Rolls

  “Rain!” I screech out, my eyes almost not able to believe what they’re seeing.

  “Surprise!” she squeals out.

  Taking large, quick steps, I close the distance between us, wrapping my arms around her.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” I say into her ear.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner. I was so worried about you, Phoenix,” she squeaks out.

  “How…I mean…why are you here?” I ask.

  “Remember? I told you I was allowed day visits,” she reminds me. “Donovan is my aide.”

  I wrap my arms over her again, knowing I won’t be able to do this every day. I hear her laugh as I pull back.

  “You look good,” she tells me.

  I roll my eyes.

  “I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck for the past decade.”

  “You look happy…”

  I smile. “For once I can say I am.”

  The room falls silent and my heart soars. People are here because they care about me.

  “Well, I’m fucking starving and I can smell the food,” Donovan says.

  We all laugh and pile into the kitchen, grabbing plates of food. Walking back into the living room, I notice the chairs out on the porch.

  “Let’s go sit outside,” I tell Rain.

  She smiles and nods, following me out the sliding glass door. We settle ourselves in the chair, eating quietly at first.

  “So, tell me, how are things with you?” I ask, not wanting to spend my time with her in silence.

  “A lot less fun since you left,” she says with a sigh.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, feeling slightly disappointed. “Have you ever thought about leaving?”

  My heart races as I wait for her to answer.

  “I have,” she admits. “I just don’t have a knight in shining armor to save me.”

  I give her a crooked smile.

  “He loves you,” she states, my heart skips multiple beats, my fork slipping through my fingers.

  “What?” I ask, knowing I must have heard her wrong.

  She looks down at her plate, pushing her food around.

  “You should have seen his face when he came looking for you. He knew…” she explains. “He may not have had all the pieces put together, but he knew you were in danger. He looked so…broken.”

  I cringe at her words.

  “I think we both were,” I explain. “When he went back into that house there was a part of me that felt I was going to lose him.”

  As shiver runs down my spine as the emotions from that night bubble up.

  “That should be proof enough.” She smiles. “Has he said anything yet?”

  I shake my head and her brow furrows. “Rain?” I ask, confused by her change of emotion.

  She just looks up and gives me a smile, putting her fork in her mouth. We sit out for quite some time and we hear the slider open, both our heads turning. A smile comes across my face when my eyes meet Braeden’s. His body stands relaxed in the open doorway, a small smile on his face, but I can tell something is off. My mind shifts to the picture frame. Rain stands up from her chair, looking in between us, and smiles before heading back inside.

  “Hi, Seraph,” he says smiling. “Are you having a good time?”

  I smile back and nod.

  “It’s really great to see Rain,” I explain.

  His smile widens.

  “Let me guess, it was your idea,” I laugh.

  “I figured you could use some girl time before you get too tired of always being with my sorry ass.”

  Setting my plate down on the side table, I pop up out of my chair and bound towards him, my fingers wrapping up in his shirt as I try to climb his tall form. My lips find his instantly, a moan escaping both our lips. I pull back, suddenly embarrassed by this uncontrollable desire I have for him.

  “You don’t know how much I missed that today,” he says, bending down and placing a small kiss on my lips.

  “How was school?” I ask, trying to remember his schedule.

  “It was fucking boring as hell, pretty sure I didn’t hear a damn word the professor said.” He laughs. “You were the only thing on my mind, Seraph.”

  I lick my lips, feeling the warmth creep up my face.

  “Are you far behind because of…ummm…the incident?”

  “Don’t worry, I’m a fast reader,” he says as he reaches out lightly, taking my hand in his. “Did you get my note this morning?”

  “I did!” I squeak, excitement taking over. “But why do I have to wear something nice?” I don’t own anything nice.

  “That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” He smiles.

  Hearing giggles coming from the living room, both Braeden and I turning around and head back inside. I scan the room, realizing now that Dr. Harris has joined us. He and Chelsea sit together on the couch eating and laughing. Braeden and I stand there just holding hands.

  “He looks happy,” I whisper into Braeden’s ear.

  Braeden studies his father.

  “That he does,” he says quietly.


  Too soon everyone has to return to their respective jobs. I give Rain a hug before walking her out to the car, Donovan is already smiling and waving from the driver’s seat. The house quickly goes from being full of activity to the quiet solitude of just Braeden and me. I keep myself busy by cleaning up all the dishes from lunch and I find myself content with the idea of a lazy afternoon. As I swirl the brush around a dirty plate, I feel hands slide underneath my arms and settle on my hips. I try to hold my anxiousness, knowing his touch will never be harsh. I feel his lips on my neck, my body suddenly feeling like it’s on fire. Dropping the dishes and the brush I spin around to face him, gorgeous green eyes staring down at me.

  Two identical boys.

  “Are you ready to go out?” he softly asks.

  My eyes widen.

  “Were going…” I swallow the lump in my throat. “Out?”

  His eyes change from passion to worry.

  “Oh, fuck,” he mumbles. “I didn’t even think about how you would feel about going out after all that has happened.”

  I smile. “Braeden,” I sternly say trying to get undivided attention again. “It’s fine…”

  Reaching up I run my hand through his hair.

  “I would love to go out with you.” I smile and I can see his worry settle.

  “I just want you to feel safe,” he explains.

  “I always feel safe when I am with you,” I explain while stand up on my tippy toes giving him a kiss. “Just give me a little bit of time to get ready, OK?”

  Slipping out from under his grasp, I bound up the stairs quickly, my eyes staring down at the ground as I pass the closed doors. Walking over to the closet I really take the time to go through each and every item hanging, thanking my lucky fucking stars Chelsea picked out stuff that I would actually wear. I settle on skinny jeans and a t-shirt, pulling the extra fabric to the side and tying it in a knot. Reaching back into the closet I find something for warmth, my mouth dropping when my fingers come across leather. Pulling it out, I scan over the jacket. Remind me to thank Chelsea…again.

  Sliding it on I walk into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and hair quickly, not wanting to be one of those girls who take forever. When I feel satisfied, I make my way downstairs, my eyes falling on Braeden immediately. He is in a completely different outfit, now sporting dark jeans and a black button up shirt, his hands in his pocket. I have to grip the banister so I don’t fall flat on my face. He turns around to face me and I look down at the floor, suddenly feeling incredibly nervous.

  Chapter 39


  “You look beautiful,” I state, noticing how incredibly amazing she looks in that outfit. Walking up the first few steps, I slide my hand in hers.


  She nods. Leading her out the front door, we walk down the street, crossing a few blocks before we reach the underground tr
ansit. Most people don’t have the need for a car living in the city and taxis tend to be expensive. As we descend the escalator, I pull her close to me, feeling her fingers tremble in mine.

  “He’s not here, Seraph,” I whisper in her ear. “I won’t let anyone hurt you again.”

  She looks up at me and gives me a light smile before nuzzling her face into my neck. Once we reach the bottom, I walk over to the machines, putting twenty dollars on a pre-paid card for her.

  “This is yours,” I say handing it to her. “I want you to keep it. You’re going to need it for when I’m not with you. “

  Her eyes widen as she takes it from my hand. I can tell the thought of being out alone terrifies her. A small wave of anger flows through me every time she looks this vulnerable, knowing that asshole caused her broken state.

  “Come on, Seraph, let’s go eat.”

  We stand on the platform for a few minutes, my form behind her, my arms wrapped around her tiny frame.

  “Have you ever ridden the subway before?” I ask into her ear.

  I see her head shake. I guess that’s a dumb question. When our train comes, I push on her to move forward, still holding onto her from behind, knowing people on here can be quite pushy. I maintain my hold on Phoenix as we remain in the standing position, all the seats already taken. Curling my left arm around her back, I hold her into my chest, my right arm hanging onto the handlebar above me. After a few stops we filter out and head back above ground, only a block away. We reach the restaurant quickly and I open the door, letting Phoenix enter first.

  “Braeden!” I hear my name being called out, the owner of the restaurant coming over to us. “It’s so nice to see you!”

  Letting go of Phoenix’s hand I shake his.

  “It’s really nice to see you too, Salvatore.” I smile.

  “And who is this beautiful creature you’ve brought with you?” he asks, his eyes finding Phoenix’s.

  “This is my Phoenix,” I say, wrapping my arm around her. Salvatore brings her hand up gently, placing a small kiss on top of it. If he wasn’t almost old enough to be her grandfather I would be jealous. “We have the best table for you two,” he says, ushering us to follow him.

  When we reach the back room I notice we’re going to be seated alone, a table for two in the middle of the room, a small candle lit in the center.

  “Thank you,” I say to him as I walk around the table, pulling out a chair for her.

  Salvatore nods and leaves us alone.

  “Thank you,” she says shyly as she sits. “This is beautiful, Braeden.”

  I smile at her as I sit down across from her.

  “I have been coming to this place for a long time. It was my family’s favorite restaurant.”

  The waitress brings us our menus. I don’t have to even look at it to know what I am going to order. I take this opportunity to watch Phoenix, her eyebrows scrunching as she reads over the menu, a small smile coming across her face. After a few minutes, she sets her menu down and looks up at me, catching me staring at her.

  “What?” she asks, red rising on her cheeks.

  My heart begins to pound in my chest. Before I have time to answer the waitress comes up to our table, losing the moment.

  For the rest of dinner Phoenix and I talk about everything and anything. I am relieved by her happy mood and Salvatore’s chef seems to know the secret to awakening her appetite. After dessert we walk along the streets of the city, my hand in hers. After a few blocks, I feel a shiver run down Phoenix’s arm, different than the fearful kind I’m used to.

  “Are you cold?” I ask her.

  “A little bit,” she admits shyly.

  I look at what street were on, knowing the café is close.

  “Come on,” I say tugging on her, an idea popping into my head.

  When we reach the front door I stop her.

  “Since I want to be completely honest with you, when we go in this café the women working here might seem…odd.”

  She laughs lightly. “It’s OK, Braeden. I see how women look at you.”

  I roll my eyes. “Don’t let that shit get to you, Seraph, I only want you,” I say leaning down and pressing her lips to mine.

  Pushing the door open, I hear the bells on the handle chime, my eyes immediately finding Lacey, her eyes wide. Grasping Phoenix’s hand, I walk up to the front counter, pulling out my wallet.

  “Two hot chocolates, please,” I say pulling out a twenty, keeping my eyes on Phoenix, a smile coming across her face.

  Out of the corner of my eye I see Lacey throw her broom on the ground and leave the room. A girl I’ve never seen before starts to makes our drinks and I’m grateful I don’t have to deal with any bullshit. When they’re done I slide a lid and sleeve on each and head back out the door, still hand-in-hand with Phoenix. I watch her take a sip, a look of enjoyment spreads across her face.

  “Good?” I ask.

  “Very.” She smiles.

  Things fall silent for a second.

  “She looked really mad,” Phoenix laughs as she puts her lips on the cup again. “Did you two have a thing?”

  I scoff, almost ashamed that she would think I would date that.

  “Never,” I say looking into her eyes. “I wouldn’t touch that with a ten foot pole. That woman is the definition of fugly.”

  “Braeden…” I hear her scold.

  “No, I don’t mean it like that, baby,” I go to explain. “Inside, she is as black as night.”

  “What about me?” I hear her ask softly.

  Leaning down I put my fingers under her chin, making her look at me.

  “You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen, Phoenix. Both inside and out. You have been broken multiple times over, but here you stand. Willing to open your heart to me when you trust no one else.”

  She doesn’t respond but instead curls into my chest and we walk the rest of the to the subway station. Once we get home I open the side door to my father’s house. I’m not surprised to see all the lights off. The house is vacant. Shutting the door behind me I watch her start to head upstairs.

  “I’ll be right back,” she says before running upstairs and out of sight.

  Walking over to the couch, I set myself down on it, turning on the TV hoping to cut up the silence. I stare at the screen, an unknown amount of time passing before my vision becomes blocked, everything dark.

  “Count to ten and come find me,” I hear her voice whisper in my ear.

  Before my eyes have time to adjust she is gone like a leaf in the wind. I slowly rise from the couch.

  “One…” I call out loud. “Two. Three.”

  I start to walk around the family room.




  I peer into the kitchen, her figure nowhere to be seen.




  “TEN!” I shout out, bounding more into the kitchen, pulling open the door to pantry.


  I feel like a kid again, memories flooding over me. Heading back into the living room I check every crevice and closet, all of them coming up empty. I look up the stairs but decide to stay on the first floor since I didn’t hear any telltale creaks coming from the stairs while I was counting. After minutes I gather that she’s not downstairs, only leaving one place. Outside.

  Walking up to the glass slider, I reach up with a shaky hand, pushing it open. Looking down at the ground, I secretly pray that she is sitting on one of the chairs on the porch. I am grateful for the motion censored lights illuminating the backyard. Swallowing, I take the first step out, peering out into the backyard.

  “Phoenix,” I call out, no longer wanting to play.

  When I hear no answer I take another step, my body slowly descending the stairs. And then I hear it. A crash comes from the shed, my body jumping.

  “Phoenix!” I shout out as I run over to it.

  I go to
put my hand on the handle but my hands are trembling so bad that I can’t clasp onto it. I can hear a giggle come from within.

  “Phoenix! Get out of there now!” I scream, my voice echoing through open space. Moments later, I see the shed door being pulled open, Phoenix’s form coming into the light. Grabbing her arm harshly I drag her back up the steps of the patio and slam the back door closed behind us. As I lean against it, I feel my body becoming weak and my legs buckle out from under me, my body hitting the ground.

  I hear Phoenix scream out my name before everything goes black.

  Chapter 40


  Stumbling forward I go to stop Braeden’s lifeless body from crumbling to the ground but my strength cannot match it.

  “Braeden!” I ear-piercingly scream out.

  We both crash to the ground in a pile. Getting our arms and legs untangled, I center myself on my knees, my face hovering over his.

  “Braeden! Can you hear me?” I say, running my hands across his cheek. When I don’t hear a response I can feel the tears begging to fall. Fuck! What do I do?

  “Dr. Harris,” I say out loud to myself as I pull myself from the ground.

  Sprinting into the kitchen I find the card with his hospital numbers on it. Dialing the number my fingers are so shaky I hit multiple buttons at once.

  “Fuck!” I scream out, the tears flowing down my face.

  Trying to calm myself I focus on the buttons, finally getting the right number. Putting it up to my ear I listen, the silence between each ring feels like hours, not milliseconds. Just as I am about to hang up I hear a female voice come over the phone.

  “Sarah speaking,” her happy voice declares.

  “I need Dr. Harris,” I squeak out, my voice shaky.

  “I think he might be with a patient but let me go check.”

  “Please hurry, it’s an…”

  I hear a moan coming from the other room and the phone slips out of my fingers and bounces on the counter top. Pressing my legs forward, I bound back into the living room. Braeden’s body remains on the floor but his hands are now on his head, his fingers methodically running through his hair.

  “Braeden,” I cry out.

  His eyes snap open. They are dark as night.


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