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Gold Digger’s Demise – The Club

Page 2

by Rebelman

“Maybe,” she replied as she pushed her ass against him and rubbed it against his cock, “We can do it again now.”

  Chapter 2

  Steve was using a laser pointer to highlight a specific area of the large screen. Matt glanced around the room and was happy to see that everyone was deeply engrossed in the subject and that all of the men were taking notes.

  It had been 3 months since the meeting with Kimberly and her attorney, and Steve had developed a new mission. He found several other men that had been duped by her and brought them together to figure out a way to bring her down. The group formed quickly and easily with their common denominator being that each had fallen under Kim’s spell at one time or another. They were hand picked by Steve for the skills they could lend to the undertaking, and those skills were impressive.

  All of the men were wealthy, but David Johnson was by far the man with the largest portfolio. At thirty, he had sold off his first company and used that profit as leverage to buy into and rebuild several other companies over the years. Now, he was pushing fifty, and the contacts he had made over the last twenty years put him at the top of the list of candidates to help with this project.

  Larry Miller had been chosen for his ability with computers. It was more of a gift really, as he was able to interact with a line of code more easily than people. He had been reluctant but Steve could be persuasive, and over the last few months, a friendship had developed. It was easy to see why Larry had been such an easy target for Kimberly, and the first program that he had sold belonged partly to her. Not because she had helped him in any way, but because he had been so naive.

  Jerry Mass was a rotund man. He was the youngest of the group at thirty eight and seemed to be in a perpetually good mood. That is, until the conversation turned to Kimberly. Then he became somber and almost withdrawn. He owned a real estate company two states away, but he was on the next plane when Steve called him. There was obviously more to his story than just the loss of money, and it showed in his hatred for Kim.

  “So we have everything in place now, and everything is on track.” Steve was saying, “All we need is a location to set the plan in motion. Mr. Stout, can you give us an update?”

  “Sure,” replied the burly man. Gary Stout strode easily to the front of the room. He exuded confidence for good reason as he was very capable of getting things done. It was the reason the group had hired him.

  Gary picked up the remote and clicked a button to change the screen. A photo of Kim appeared in front of a large house. She had just gotten out of the back seat of a large black sedan as the driver held the door for her. “She is currently in Miami and has resided in this house for over a year.” He clicked the button, and the picture changed again.

  This time it was of Kim at her pool behind the house. She was wearing a bikini and lounging quietly while looking at her phone. “This appears to be her base of operation, and no one comes to visit her here. She has three other houses around the city.” He clicked the button, and the images of the houses came up.

  These houses were not as nice as the one she lived in, but they were not rundown either. “She uses these houses to ‘entertain’ her guests,” Stout continued, “It appears she uses the Internet to locate her marks and then meets them at one of these houses. Most of the men are middle-aged with a good amount of money and either a public profile or a wife. She gets photos of them engaged in sex with her and then blackmails them.” He paused for a second in case anyone had a question. No one said anything, so he clicked the remote.

  “She has two scams that are in play. The quickest one is to find a mark that has something to lose and blackmail him with sex photos. She hits them once and walks away without any more contact. The average take is about $50,000.” None of the men in the room flinched at the number. They all had lost more than that to her.

  “I checked all the houses,” he informed them. “She has some high tech equipment installed in each room of the houses. Whatever photos or videos she gets, it’s going to be very clear, and there are also separate microphones so the voices are going to be easy to determine as well. She has this scam going on in three states at any time and poses as an insurance agent for commercial property. She actually has a business setup and is licensed. This gives her the base for the second scam she has been running.”

  He glanced around the room and then moved to the next slide. It was a list of names for what Stout called the long con. Kimberly developed relationships with men over a period of time and had an ongoing stream of income from them. The names on the list had all developed a product of some type that was being sold, and she was getting a percentage of the profit. Four of the names on the list were in the room at that moment.

  “She spends a lot of time setting these cons up. She is careful and does a lot of planning that has paid off for her. She has help, but I haven’t found out if they are partners or hired hands. My guess is the help is hired because she is extremely controlling and I doubt anyone as selfish as her would share in the profits.” He paused again but only briefly as this group had a good grasp of what was going on, and it was unlikely there would be questions.

  “As of last week, she just finished a long con and she may end up with a 10% cut of a new type of paper that is being developed. She has been working on this one for over a year, and based on her past, I think she will start over with another long con. First, she will move to a leased home in the city she is going to work in. She will set up one or two short cons to keep up cash flow and work on a long con at the same time.”

  “My suggestion is to find someone that fits the profile she is looking for and turn the short con into a long con,” Stout said. “If she thinks she is has found a long-term mark, she will probably focus on him, at least until she feels he is hooked.”

  “How does she pick her marks?” Steve asked.

  “She uses the Internet to find them,” Stout replied. “She searches for middle-aged men with a good portfolio and maybe some media attention for their work. Ms. Cross has done a lot of research lately, and, thanks to Mr. Miller, we have everything she has accessed in the past month.” He nodded to Larry and the computer expert looked away, embarrassed by the compliment.

  “Do we know where she is going next or who she is targeting?” Steve asked.

  “She’s coming to us,” Stout smiled, “And she’s coming at you.” His big arm stretched forward and he pointed directly at Matt.


  Kimberley Cross checked her makeup one last time before the car pulled up to the large house. She had spent hours making sure her dress gave her the look she wanted. Alluring but not sluttish was how she envisioned the night going, and she needed to be able to play the part.

  She pushed her breasts up as the driver opened the door, and she stepped into the humid Miami night. It had been dark for hours but it was still hot, and Kim had taken that into account when buying the dress. The material was light, but the design was elegant and hugged her figure that she worked so hard to maintain. She was aware that someone might be watching, so she moved toward the door as gracefully as possible.

  The house was huge. It would have been a mansion in any other part of the country, but it was just a house by Miami elite standards. It sat on twenty acres of real estate about thirty minutes from the city, and the grounds were immaculately kept. It was only two stories but seemed to spread endlessly in either direction from the entrance.

  The door opened before she could reach for the handle, and a large black man in a butler suit greeted her. He simply stepped back and motioned with his hand in a sweeping gesture to invite her in. As Kim stepped through the doorway, she could see there were many small groups of people chatting with each other.

  The main room just through the door was massive and rivaled the size of many hotel ballrooms she had been in. The highly polished granite floor bounced the sound of the many voices toward the lofty, vaulted ceiling as the different groups laughed and talked. Several clusters had broken off and stood huddled
to one side of the room. It was obvious business was being discussed by the expressions their expensively dressed dates had on their faces. They looked bored, and one was pecking away at her cell phone; probably updating her social media status so friends would be jealous that she was invited to a private party and they were not. It didn’t matter that her ‘date’ was 35 years older than her and not much to look at.

  Kim recognized many of the faces as she moved across the room. Some she would need to avoid, but others nodded in greeting or spoke to her. By design, she was one of the last to arrive, and she had just gotten a drink when an announcement was being made. A large, well-built, white man in a butler suit similar to the one the doorman had greeted her in broadcast in a loud, booming voice that the party was moving to the pool area. The crowd dutifully shuffled toward the rear of the house and out into the muggy night to find a stage had been erected in the backyard.

  The platform was about twenty feet across at the front and rounded so the people could gather around it. It was almost four feet off the ground so it would be easy for everyone to see what was happening even from the back of the yard, and the raised floor extended to an unknown point behind a curtain some thirty feet away. There were professional stage lights with a bundle of cables that disappeared off to one side, creating a trail to a point beyond where the crowd was gathering, terminating at a table with expensive looking sound equipment. Two young men with headphones were punching buttons and sliding controls as the lights on the center stage began to brighten.

  Kim stayed toward the back of the crowd, and as she took in the scene, she caught the gaze of a well-dressed man staring at her. She had seen him before at parties and a club but now a shiver ran down her spine making her involuntarily look away. She cursed herself for the action and reminded herself that she was a successful, confident woman. Nevertheless, she moved behind a group of people so he could not see her.

  The owner of the house stepped onstage and introduced himself. He appeared very professional and was at ease with the microphone in front of a crowd as if it were something he did every day. He thanked everyone for coming and relayed his hope that his guests would enjoy the entertainment before giving over the stage to the white butler.

  The man appeared larger now than he had in the ballroom. His chest bulged and the elevation revealed his thighs were so massive even the tailored butler suit could not hide it. He had no microphone and as he began to speak it was obvious why. His loud, thunderous voice echoed across the crowd, penetrating every corner of the yard.

  “Tonight,” he said as he dramatically swept his hand across the crowd, “We bring you the sensuality of submission!” No one spoke, and it was if he had entranced the entire audience.

  “This performance is not for the faint of heart,” he continued, “Everything you see is real.” He smiled broadly and looked around the large crowd without really seeing anyone in particular.

  “We encourage you to leave if you are sensitive to intense sexual acts or…” he paused dramatically, “Pain.” Several women gasped, but no one moved. Whatever was about to happen had their full attention, and they weren’t going to miss it.

  The butler paused again for effect, and when it was obvious no one would leave, he took a few steps to one side and a spotlight suddenly lit up the curtains behind him. Music began to play at the same time and a woman in a ball gown appeared from the curtain. She began to dance, and it was obvious this was a well-choreographed and rehearsed performance.

  She was tall and graceful with long red hair that billowed out behind her as she moved. Her dress clung to her upper body while the skirt flowed neatly around her legs. She was exotic and radiated sexual energy to the point the crowd had unconsciously pressed against the stage to be closer to her.

  Without breaking time to the music or losing a step, she somehow managed to discard the dress in something more akin to a magic trick than dance. She held the material for only a second before flinging it toward the back of the stage, and it fluttered to the floor. The dancer once again faced the crowd and twirled before them in a set of shiny black panties and bra with nothing else except her matching ballerina shoes.

  As she continued her performance at the edge of the platform near the guests, the black butler appeared in a spotlight in the center of the stage. He was wearing only a leather belt and arm bands that accentuated his large muscles and next to him was a bar stool.

  The woman moved toward him, no longer dancing but with her head bowed and hands behind her back. As the man waited for her, he moved his hands slightly at his side and a thin cane could be seen. The redhead moved into place with her back to the audience and slowly bent over the stool resting her stomach on the seat.

  Music was still playing, but now it had blended and morphed into something else. The beat was becoming stronger, and the tempo had changed to a faster more intense tune. The butler unceremoniously raised the cane and brought it down hard across the woman’s butt. The sound overpowered the music, and the loud “THWAK!” could be heard by everyone.

  On the white skin of her ass, where the panties did not cover, there was now an angry red line that showed exactly where the cane had landed. It was soon joined by another and then another as the man rained down blows onto her stroke after stroke without slowing his speed or force.

  The big man kept pace with the music as it became louder and the tempo increased. The cane was a blur now, and the swish and crack of it hitting her ass could still be heard above everything as he increased the blows to full force. The music crescendo was reached, and the woman lay panting on the stool. Even from behind, it was easy to see the rise and fall of her back caused by her labored breathing.

  The black man dropped the cane, and the lighting changed, illuminating his large swollen cock. He grasped the woman’s panties and ripped them from her body, revealing the mass of welts across her inflamed ass. Tossing the torn cloth to the crowd, he stepped behind her, and in one motion, sank his cock to the hilt. He began to pump into her as the music and lighting changed again. The small section of the stage with the stool began to rotate, and the two turned slowly so everyone in the audience would get a view.

  The man never slowed his pace or changed positions. He rammed into the dancer almost angrily with no sign of becoming tired. The music began to speed up again, and the hard beat was intoxicating as the crowd stood mesmerized by the lewd display before them. A few of the guests began to fondle and caress the person next to them and others unconsciously began to touch themselves, but no one looked away as the two on the stage coupled.

  The music was very loud now, and it was obvious the man was getting close to cumming. His large muscles flexed, and he increased his pace even more as the redhead was tossed about like a rag doll beneath him. She opened her mouth as if the scream but no sound came out, and her face contorted in what could have been either pain or orgasmic bliss. Her captor pulled back letting his member pop out of her and into his hand. He stroked his cock a few times before becoming rigid and shooting long white streams of cum across her back.

  Kim glanced around the stage to find clothes being pulled away from bodies of the guests at an alarming rate. There were men and women all around her engaged in one form or another of sex. The woman next to her suddenly dropped to her knees and began sucking the cock of her date… or maybe it wasn’t. Kim couldn’t tell who was with whom as the party devolved into a drunken orgy.

  She looked across the stage and directly in front of her was the man. He was staring at her, trying to pierce her soul with his eyes. She looked down and turned to walk away. A hand grasped at her breast as she headed toward the door, but she brushed it away and moved quickly around the bodies both standing and already prone on the ground in various sexual positions.

  Kim made it to the backdoor of the house and turned to see the undulating crowd that had turned flesh colored, accented with a sheen of sweat from the Florida heat. The next act was being wheeled onto the stage, and it appeared to be a s
hapely young woman tied tightly in an upright position inside a heavy metal framework. The contraption was pushed to the middle of the stage by the white butler who was now nude.

  His bulging muscles, now unhampered by clothing, looked impressive as he flexed to push the trapped girl into position. Satisfied he had the stage set correctly, he stepped back and unfurled a whip which he cracked once over his head in a loud bang that momentarily stopped everyone cold. The lights came up and shined brightly on the captive.

  Kim could see clearly that it was the bored girl whom earlier that night had been texting on her phone. She had a ball gag in her mouth and drool escaped around it as her body was held tightly in place, stretched by hand and foot toward each corner of the unyielding metal stand. The whip cracked again and then, in a wide arc, made its way toward her. The girl’s eyes widened as the leather snapped against her skin, and then she howled in pain so loudly the agonizing cry could be heard above the music.


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