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Gold Digger’s Demise – The Club

Page 3

by Rebelman

  Once again the crowd was enthralled, but this time only for a few strokes before they went back to whatever sexual act they had been performing. The sound of the whip striking flesh pushed them on, and the moans of pleasure mixed with that of the girl’s pain. She was completely immobile except for her head which shook violently side to side each time the man landed a blow.

  “At least she’s not bored,” Kim said to no one in particular as she turned to leave the party. She did not see him, but she knew he was watching her as she walked toward the front door. The party had been a success and was the cultivation of over a year of planning to get him interested without making it obvious.

  “It won’t be long now,” she thought to herself, “A few more times, and he will be all over me.” She smiled as she moved past the driver holding her door and slid into the back seat. The wait for the final score was almost over. Now, it was time to disappear for a while and make the final preparations. She already knew where she would be going and what she would be doing during that time.

  Chapter 3

  Chip floored the accelerator and swerved around the slow moving cars in front of him. They were actually driving over the speed limit, but Chip was in a hurry and cursed at them as he jockeyed around the line of drivers only to find he was almost to his exit. He jerked the wheel hard to the right, narrowly missing a car, and barely making the turn. The tires of the BMW made a thump, thump, thump sound as they bounced over the lane indicators to let a driver know he was off the road. Chip accelerated down the ramp and followed the in-dash GPS to the location he had been given.

  The electronic map led him to a small shopping center with a half dozen flourishing shops of different types. He slowed enough to read the addresses until he reached a store front with a large sign claiming it was for rent. He checked the address again and groaned.

  “Fucking cloak and dagger bullshit!” he spat. Sliding out of the car, he walked to the entrance of the abandoned store and tugged at the door. It was unlocked, so he stepped inside the building and let his eyes adjust to the dimness.

  “Good morning, Mr. Wendt!” a voiced boomed from the back of the empty room. Chip could see the shadow of the large man, and he moved in his direction.

  “What the fuck is this?” Chip whined, “You want to play spy, get someone else to do your shit for you!”

  “That’s fine with my employers,” said the man, “But I’ll need the initial payment back.” Chip was only a few feet away now, and he could see the man was bigger than he first thought.

  “I don’t have it,” Chip’s voice dropped off, “Fucking divorce is about to put me under.”

  “Don’t worry, Mr. Wendt. My employers will live up to their end of the deal as long as you do as you are told.” Chip’s eyes flashed in anger.

  “Do as I’m told?” he screamed, “I’ll…” His words were cut off as the bigger man grasped his throat and slammed him up against a nearby wall.

  “Yes,” the brute said calmly, “You’ll do as you’re told. Exactly as you are told, every time, or I will be back to have another meeting with you. Only next time, I will not be so gentle.” He released his grip allowing the lawyer to sink back to his heels.

  “Ok, ok,” Chip coughed, “What do you want me to do?”

  “Sometime in the next few weeks, you’ll be approached by a woman,” the man said, “Do whatever you want with her, but don’t go to her home or any place she suggests.”

  “That’s it?” Chip asked puzzled, “Don’t go a bitch’s house? What the fuck is going on?”

  “She lures men to a location and her films them in awkward positions for blackmail.”

  “So you’re some sort of cop?”

  “Something like that,” the man said dismissively, “We have reason to believe she will target you next.”

  “Why me?” Chip was whining again.

  “Because you fit the profile,” the mystery man said patiently, “She’ll probably offer sex to lure you in.” Chip was surprised at this but quickly composed himself.

  “You want me to avoid her?”

  “No. Do whatever you want with her, but make sure it’s at a place of your choosing.”

  Chip stood quietly now, taking in what the man was saying, “You want me to fuck this broad any way I want but not at her place?”

  “Not at any place she suggests,” the man replied flatly. Chip shrugged as he accepted this without further question. It was obvious this man wasn’t a cop, but he also wasn’t a joke either.

  “Who am I looking for?” Chip asked, “Do you have a picture? What is her name?”

  “I’ll get you all the information you need when it is necessary,” he said, “Any other questions?”

  “What do I call you?” Chip asked suddenly.

  “Mr. Stout,” The man said as he turned to leave, “We’ll be in touch, Mr. Wendt.” He left through the back door, and Chip resisted the urge to peek out and see where he had gone.

  “What a fucking day!” Chip whined. He walked quickly through the front door and got into his car without hesitating. He felt like he was being watched, and it made him paranoid. Slamming the car into gear, he headed out of the shopping center and directly to his favorite bar. He needed a drink.


  Matt and Steve listened intently to Stout’s report via a speaker phone system. They sat in a boardroom one floor above Steve’s firm in a set of offices that had been vacant. It was really David’s idea, and since he had the money to bankroll the operation, they all agreed. It was a good setup, and it allowed Larry to spend as much time as he wanted in a separate office with all his computers well into the night.

  “He’s good to go,” Stout was saying after relaying the play-by-play of the meeting with Chip, “He’s a real squirrel, but he should be easy to keep on a leash.” They ended the call and Matt sat back in his chair. He was concerned about the new addition to the plan and worried that Chip would tip off their prey.

  “He may be an idiot, but he knows how to keep the woman in check,” Steve said as if reading Matt’s thoughts. “He is an asshole and won’t let her get close to him. He’ll treat her like shit and make it difficult to get anything out of him.”

  Steve was confident of how Chip would act. He was aware of the divorce and the issues of domestic abuse. If Chip’s ex-wife was to be believed, Kim was in for a hell of a ride.

  “Are we sure Chip is the one she’ll pick?” Matt asked suddenly. They had been over the data Larry had compiled dozens of times, and it always came out that Chip was the most likely target. They had also warned a few others to watch out for her to narrow the possibilities.

  “We’ve done all we can,” Steve shrugged, “Larry knows his stuff, and based on what we know about Chip, he looks like an easy target. It all fits and Larry thinks she will make her move in the next two weeks, so we should be in good shape.”

  “I’m not sure about the car,” Matt said, “I don’t want to be involved with a stolen car.”

  “Stout already took care of it,” Steve said and he dismissed it with a wave of his hand. “We can’t be traced to it, and it’s a good insurance policy.”

  The car was Stout’s idea. They would ‘acquire’ an identical model to that of Chip’s and switch the license plates. Kim was shrewd and would know a lot about her target before proceeding so it was important to keep everything the same. She always asked to borrow a car in order to keep the contact with the men she conned. It was a clever way to ensure she had his attention. If he was willing to give up his car for her, she knew he would do anything she asked.

  Larry’s system was proving to be very accurate when it came to predicting how Kim would act. The men had pooled their experiences, and Larry had written a program to help track variables and determine probabilities. It wasn’t foolproof, but the men had a put a lot of faith in it, enough to steal a car to use as a backup plan. If it all went wrong, they could call the license plates in as stolen, and the Kim would be arrested for possession
of a stolen vehicle.

  “I agree with having a backup plan,” said Matt, “If she picks Chip, and if she asks for the car, and if, if, if…” He trailed off and slouched in his chair. He had more to lose than the others because his company was on the line. They were using his livelihood as bait to work a con on Kim, and if it went wrong… he didn’t want to think about it.

  “Chill out,” Steve said, “According to Larry’s calculations, it will be within the next few weeks that she makes a move and then you’ll be fine. It’s all this waiting around that has you worked up.” He didn’t know if he was trying to calm Matt’s nerves or his own.


  Chip sat glumly at the bar and sipped at his drink. It burned slightly as it went down and warmed him up. The meeting with Stout had been nerve-racking to say the least, and he was finally calming down.

  He would have liked to tell the big man to fuck off, but he needed the money. He had already lost the house and car. HIS car. It was a seven series top-of-the-line BMW, and he missed it. The three series replacement was ok but had only half the horsepower and was a lot smaller. He really missed his old car, and it burned him up that his ex was driving it now.

  The house wasn’t a big deal except it had doubled in value since he bought it. He thought in the divorce we would get some equity but the judge didn’t see it that way. The domestic violence and the revelation of his affairs over the years had finally caught up with him.

  “Fuck the bitch,” he mumbled to himself as he nodded to the bartender to bring another round. He glanced about the dimly lit room and took in the scene. The air hung heavy with cigarette smoke, and the bar smelled of cheap whiskey and cheaper perfume. It was a dive by any standard, and he felt at home.

  He was calmer now, and he began to check out the crowd. He had a few regular hookups, but it was the middle of the week and he didn’t see them. There was a couple sitting close and flirting at a corner table and a woman he had seen occasionally the last few months at the end of the bar. A few other men lounged around the room. One was in a cheap suit and drinking alone while others were drinking together and telling lies about how much they had accomplished in life.

  He looked at the solitary woman again. She sat quietly at the bar and seemed to be lost in her own thoughts. Her hair was pulled back, and she was dressed conservatively, like a secretary or real estate agent in the suburbs. She was attractive, but not a model and he noticed her tits weren’t that big. They were probably just a C cup or maybe a bit larger, but nothing to get too excited about.

  Chip picked up his drink and walked over to her. She didn’t look up or acknowledge him, so he sat on the next stool. He didn’t feel like playing the cat and mouse game tonight. He just wanted to fuck, and he had a feeling she was here for the same thing.

  “How are you doing?” he asked.

  The woman looked up and smiled weakly. “I’m fine, just had a rough day.”

  “We got something in common then,” Chip said and held up his glass in a toast. The woman looked at him inquisitively for a second, and then a ‘what the hell’ expression crossed her face. She picked up her glass and clinked it against his before downing the contents completely.

  Chip spent the next hour plying her with drinks and pretending to listen to Dena’s sad story. There was something about her car being in the shop and her boss being on her ass. It really wasn’t that interesting so he passed the time by thinking of different ways to fuck her. When she was sufficiently drunk, he offered her a ride and wasn’t surprised when she accepted. He could be quite charming when he was horny.

  A fifteen minute ride got them to his house outside the suburbs. He had chosen it because it was out of the way and surrounded by a bit of land. It was in the company name but he was the only one that used it, him and his conquests that is. It was the only thing he had gotten in the divorce because his ex said she didn’t want any place he had taken his whores.

  Chip had to help his new friend out of the car and into the house. He kicked the door closed behind him and took her straight to the bedroom. She lay motionless on the mattress and at first he thought she was asleep.

  “This is not my house,” Dena slurred, “Where are we?”

  “I don’t know where you live,” Chip said, “I brought you here so you can rest.” He tugged at the buttons on the blouse and pulled it aside. He had guessed right about the tits, but he wasn’t too disappointed. She had a good body and wasn’t fighting him off so he continued with the skirt.

  “I’m losing my clothes,” the woman giggled, “Are you planning to fuck me?” Her voice was thick from the alcohol, and she giggled again at her sentence.

  “Fuck me?” Dena said again loudly, and she burst into a drunken fit of laughter. Chip smiled and slid the panties from her legs, admiring how toned they were. It was obvious she spent a lot of time in the gym.

  She lay quietly while he undressed and climbed onto the bed, but then she sat up and surprised him with a passionate kiss. He kissed her back, and her hand grasped his hard cock and began stroking it. He pushed her back flat on the sheets and settled between her legs. Grasping both her wrists in his hands he pushed them above her head and held them tightly.

  “OHHH,” she smiled, “I like a man in charge.” Chip grinned and suddenly plunged into her in one violent motion. She gasped from the force and then groaned as he began to pound into her. The sound of slapping flesh and moans filled the room as he roughly fucked her. She spread her legs wide, and he pummeled into her pussy with all his force, not caring if it hurt or if she was enjoying it.

  The smell of alcohol was heavy as he held himself above her and he kept the pace hard and fast. She groaned again but never asked him to stop. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was labored. He released her arms and moved his hands beside her to give himself better leverage. She didn’t move positions but began to shudder in climax as he dropped his mouth to her breast and grasped a nipple between his teeth.

  He bit down lightly, and she squealed but didn’t try to push him away. He bit down harder now, and she moaned loudly before bucking in orgasm. Her gyrations pushed him over the edge as well, and he came deep inside her before dropping onto the bed flat on his back. She stayed where she was with her hands above her head while her breathing returned to normal.

  “She likes a man in charge,” Chip thought to himself. He watched her closely and even though she was free to move any way she wanted her hands stayed above her head and her legs were still spread.

  “Suck my cock,” he said forcefully. She immediately obeyed and quickly positioned herself on her hands and knees between his legs. She greedily sucked their combined juices off his cock, and it began to harden rapidly due to her attention. Chip began to wonder how far he could take her.

  “Get off the bed and stand with your hands over your head,” he barked. She complied without hesitation, and he stared at her for a few seconds. His gaze met her eyes and she looked down. She was embarrassed, and it excited him to see her like this. She was his to do whatever he wanted, and the possibilities suddenly flooded him.

  “Turn around and bend over,” he demanded. She did as he asked and stood with her ass facing him. “Reach back and spread your ass.” She hesitated for a second before grasping her cheeks and spreading them for him to reveal her puckered anus and dripping pussy.

  “Nice,” he muttered to himself. He got off the bed and stood behind her. Without thinking he slapped her ass forcefully, and she yelped but did not move. His cock was rock hard now, and he moved close so he could fuck her again. Grasping her hips in his hands he plunged into her pussy again and short stroked into her for a few seconds. Her hands remained in place, pulling her ass apart as if inviting him to sodomize her.


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