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Page 11

by Will Brown

  “Where is your life now? All you had to do was listen, but that was just too hard for you, wasn’t it? You’re going to have a lot of time to think about how you’ve hurt everyone and finally destroyed yourself! You could have had everything, but instead you had to disgrace our family’s name and I’m not spending one red penny on an attorney. You are on your own this time,” he said, walking out the courtroom.

  When his father and brothers returned home with the news that Gerald was facing 20 years to life, his mother began to cry.

  “Look. There is no need for anybody to feel sorry or blame themselves for what has happened! This is Gerald’s fault and the only thing we can do now is come together and be strong.” Listening to their father as he pounded his fist on the table, everyone sat in the living room, silent, knowing their father was right. They ended the conversation in prayer and asked God to watch over Gerald.

  Still searching for some peace of mind, Vivian laid across the bed to gather her thoughts. The only thing left to do was call JJ and T-Bird and tell them the news about what had happened to Gerald. When they heard the news, their sympathy didn’t last long. It was a moment of retribution as far as JJ was concerned. He told her he’d come to Austin to be with her and her family and called Q to make arrangements.

  “Q, Vivian just called to tell me that the police arrested her brother in a drug bust. Man, he’s about to get twenty years. They finally caught that asshole. I told Vivian I’d fly out there to be with her and the family.”

  “No problem JJ, I’ll be ready when you are.”

  On the way to Texas, JJ told Q that he was considering separating from Vivian because of what happened.

  “Look man, I think that would be a bad decision. You need to chill out. I know you’re still upset, but you can’t throw everything away over one situation. After all, now Gerald is behind bars and getting what he deserves. Right? You need to just stay cool and be the rock she needs right now and get off of this emotional roller coaster of yours.”

  When they arrived, Vivian’s parents took them out for dinner to share with them some of the struggles their marriage survived.

  “Listen, we just want to give you guys some encouragement and something to think about. JJ, I know you’re the head of your house, but if you allow this situation to cut off your head then the rest of your body will be no good. You don’t have to have a failed marriage because of one mistake. We have a family business and believe in sticking together. We just don’t know how Gerald fell through the cracks. Situations will test your strength, but you have to make up your mind that you’re going to win. You two are really just getting started. You don’t even have any children yet! Now if you’re the man I know you are, you’ll work this thing out.”

  For the first time, JJ felt as if he’d heard the voice of the father he never had; he was hearing words of wisdom. JJ was used to telling everyone else how to settle their problems. Now he was having life poured back into him and it really felt good.

  Meanwhile, Q was being entertained by Vivian’s two sisters, who took him around the city and like Vivian, were very attractive and making money. For the first time his concerns were focused on supporting his closest friend, hoping he wasn’t going to be hot headed enough to throw away his marriage.

  After arriving back to the house, Q asked Vivian’s brothers to ride him back to check on the plane. He needed to do a maintenance check in preparation for the flight back. By the time they returned, it appeared that whatever Vivian’s father had shared with JJ over dinner, had worked, because he had a smile on his face.

  JJ thanked Vivian’s parents for counseling them and giving them advice before they prepared to leave for the airport with Q. As they boarded the plane, JJ turned to Vivian and grabbed her hand.

  “Vivian, I apologize for being so cold and upset. I’m just disappointed, that’s all. I’ve never loved another woman as much as I love you. Now the question is, are you worth it? Of course you are. However, there’s some healing that needs to take place and we have to figure out how to rebuild my trust in you. I’ll tell you what. I’ve got a few days open before I start the talent night at the club. We can go down to Florida to take our minds off of all of this. Okay?

  Vivian was willing to do whatever it took to repair the damage she'd created, as she removed the palms of her hands away from her face in relief. Being able to get away for a few days was a good decision to jump start their marriage in the right direction. Needless to say the anguish and frustration left JJ exhausted, while falling asleep as he laid across the bed, after returning home.

  The next morning Vivian was up alone sitting in the chair, crying again. Awakened by her sniffling with tears running down her face, he got up, put his pride aside and embraced her. He then began to pray over their marriage and business affairs. That experience alone gave her the courage to accept that it didn’t matter if they were in a room with the walls falling in, her husband was asking God to fix their marriage.

  A day later, Florida never looked so good, lying on the beach and onto a romantic dinner. Starry eyed from glasses of wine, she looked at him sitting across the table and without regret.

  “So are you ready to take me back to the room and give me the best sex I’ve ever had?”

  Without hesitation he placed his hand on his chin. “I think you’re making me an offer I can’t refuse..." as he attempted to get up from the table, escorting her back to the villa.

  The moment they stepped inside, Vivian wrapped her arms around him and walked him backwards into the bedroom, pushing him on to the bed. Nothing was going to stop her from making love to him, as she began to kiss him and take off his shirt. She lifted her dress and sat on top of him while going into his pants to take out his dick. Holding it in her hands and rubbing it between her legs made her wetter than ever. The look on JJ’s face told a story of its own. She knew how to push hi buttons when it came to making love.

  Next, he grabbed her tight while she stroked him until he came inside of her. All she could think about. at that moment, was the possibility of getting pregnant, as she felt him pulsing and leaving her no alternative but to cum in ecstasy with him.

  Finally, after an exciting few days away, with some much needed rest, time was closing in and the reality of returning home presented itself. They both knew that once they returned, it was going to be back to hectic work schedules and business as usual. JJ couldn’t have asked for more, to know Trey, Q and T-Bird were running the club for him until he returned. Arriving back at The Tea Pot, he found the club was making more money than ever. Everyone gathered in their usual booth. T-Bird put her arms around Vivian.

  “Baby, that may be your husband, but I love him just as much, remember that.”

  All Vivian could do was smile realizing that she was the woman who had made her husband turn in his player card to marry her. Regardless of their present trials, she was able to break into their circle.

  “T-Bird, I need to meet with you tomorrow to help me with this idea with the talent night,” JJ said, attempting to finalize the last minute details.

  What's Left to Give?

  JJ realized he needed to be more creative in promoting talent night since it was going to be featured during the dinner hours. So, the next day when T-Bird arrived to listen to his plans, she suggested that he bring in a few newly signed artists from different labels to perform each week over a six week period. At the end of the six weeks, a finalist would be selected and awarded a grand prize of a demo and a recording contract.

  Once again, T-Bird had come through with a terrific idea, a plan that was sure to work. Something JJ believed would take them in the right direction.

  As T-Bird walked out the door, JJ called Trey to talk to him about the progress he and Carlotta were making. When he called, Trey was trying to finish up on the contract to finalize the merger with the cellular company in Chicago. The company was adding two new towers around the city, enhancing the current service. Between the paperwork and the corres
pondence with his legal team and the FCC, Trey was totally inundated. But it was an exciting time for him and the company that left him with no time to catch up with anyone, including Carlotta.

  Regardless, he took JJ’s call.

  “JJ good to hear from you, man. Now don’t take this personally, but I’m going to have to get back to you. You know how it is when you’re under the power of the pen and time restraints. I’m going nuts over here with this acquisition and my legal team. So can we talk later about Carlotta? I’ll be glad to tell you all about how I’m missing her. As a matter of fact, she’s due to return from her trip from Jamaica any day now.”

  “Is that right? Okay, give me call back when you can. I want to hear how things are with the two of you. You know anything is possible these days. You can meet someone today and they’re gone tomorrow. By the way I’d like to talk to you about the steps Vivian and I are attempting in our healing,” he said.

  “Great! I’m anxious to hear all about it. And JJ, let me say this before I go, I’m really proud of you for taking a big step in the right direction to give Vivian another chance. Man, that girl loves you. Hey, I’ll call you later.”

  Afterward, Trey spent the next two hours finalizing all the papers, including zoning permits from the FCC for additional towers. As he prepared to return JJ’s call, he received an incoming fax. Trey’s first reaction was to think, not another document to look over, but it was from Carlotta. She had just sent him a copy of her hand-print, with a message attached, while she waited in the lounge at the airport in Jamaica. The message read:

  Hi Trey, just felt the need to reach out and touch, while thinking about you. I hope you’ve been missing me, as much as I’m missing you. I’ll be back before your heart can take the next beat. Please have lots of hugs ready. Can’t wait to see you.


  He couldn’t hold back a big smile as he read the letter over and over again. Minutes later, he received a call from her, surprising him with the news that she had just landed at the airport with her girlfriends.

  “Hi baby! And how is your day going?” she asked.

  “I must admit, I don’t have any complaints after receiving your fax. I can’t wait to see you” he replied.

  “Do you really want to see me?” she said.

  “What kind of question is that? Of course I want to see you.”

  “I’m about to go through customs and claim my bags.”

  “Isn’t this a surprise? I was just getting ready to leave the office. I’ve been working on closing this big contract all day. Would you like me to come and pick you up?”

  “I’ll be fine,” she said. “There’s a car waiting for us. We’ll be leaving shortly.”

  “I know you’ll want to wind down a bit, so do you want to call me after you get settled and we can go have some dinner?” he asked.

  "That will be fine. I’ll call you later.”

  Trey lounged on the living room sofa, recuperating from the stress of completing the contracts to finalize the merge with his company. Carlotta had really made an impression on him, sending him the fax of her hand. Still considering the night heat that continued, he thought of going into the city and down to the village.

  After a long day in a suit and tie, he wasn’t interested in anything less than wearing a pair of sweat shorts and a jagged t-shirt. Finally, Carlotta was calling, as he picked up a bottle of water.

  “Hi baby it’s me. I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Good evening, so can’t I. So when would you want to get together?”

  “How about right now? I mean, how much do you want to see me?” she asked.

  “Sure, I’d like to see you right now.” he replied. “What time would you like to get together?”

  Carlotta was sounding sexier than ever, as she continued to hold his attention.

  “Why don’t you open the gate and let me in” she said.

  “Let you in? I’m confused. You mean you’re outside my house?”

  “Well yes. I’m at the gate if you’ll let me in..” she said.

  Trey looked at his camera showing her at the front gate. How surprising to know she even remembered how to get back to his house. He didn’t hesitate one minute to buzz her in, watching her drive right up to the front door. Carlotta was looking gorgeous as ever and tanned from her trip being in Jamaica.

  Standing in the doorway, he watched her get out of the car, admiring her walking towards him with bags in her hand. Without notice, Carlotta put down her bags, pulled her hair off of her shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. Her Alabama accent resonating in his ear.

  “So if I recall, I believe you were just about to tell me how much you missed me. Am I correct?”

  “You’re absolutely right. As a matter of fact come on inside so I can start working on that,” Trey said while escorting her inside. Not willing to waste another minute, he kiss her while guiding her to the sofa. Trey was ready to take her to another level, having her body hostage and stretched out on his sofa. Carlotta had put some serious pressure on him, especially because at that moment. He was having flash backs of being with Octavia. To still have her residue in his spirit was surely not good.

  “Baby please, I don’t want to go there, not just yet. I need more time. I need you to love me not lust after me. Do you have the patience to wait? She asked. “Give me a minute, I have something for you. She then attempted to point towards the bags. “These are for you... give me a minute. I’ll be right back..." Regaining his composure he picked up the card and the bags positioned near him. Filled with curiosity, he read the card:

  If I had a hundred good-looking men

  at my side to choose from I’d still choose you.

  Even if you had no money,

  I’d still choose you.

  If the sun decided not to shine,

  Loving you would still brighten the day.

  Two hearts so true is the greatest thing in life

  All I want is to love and be loved by you.

  Finding a life of hidden treasure,

  is what happened the day I met you.

  All Trey could do was shake his head, to know she cared enough about him to bring him back gifts. The whole time he’d been with Octavia, he didn’t get a toothpick from her, he thought while opening the boxes. After calling her name several times, finally, he looked up to find her standing naked at the top of the stairs.

  Confused, he sat there thinking how she had just persuaded him to not provoke her and now she’s standing at the top of his stairs naked. She then summoned him while motioning her index finger.

  After reaching the top of the stairs, she lured him into the bedroom and pulled his t- shirt over his head. She then began kissing him down his neck and chest. Trey could hardly compose himself as he felt the heat and moisture of her lips against his skin. Full of passion and barely able to speak, she pushed him down onto the bed.

  “Are you sure this is what you want to do? Oh baby, that feels nice,” he said, as she ran her fingernails down his back.

  “Hold up a minute. Do you realize what you’re doing? You told me to wait while we were down stairs. Now here we are again in the same situation. Once we crossed that line, there’s no turning back” he said, rolling over. Carlotta looked him right in the eyes.

  “I made that decision while I was in Jamaica. I just needed to freshen up a bit. I promise you this will be the best piece of Alabama ass you’ve ever had so there’s no need to say anything else.” Trey just looked at her,

  “Okay, as long as you’re sure.” He said and pulled her closer to him, stretching her body across the bed. Her legs were as smooth as butter as he grabbed her by ankles and climbing between them. He watched her in pleasure as he pinched the nipples of her breast, before using his tongue to trail down the inner seam of her thighs. The moisture and sensitivity of each kiss allowed her to gasp while locking her arms around his neck.

  “Come to me Trey,” she said. Wrapping her legs around his waist, as he entered

  Every stroke of his body against hers created its own a rhythm and suddenly she stopped, as they both gasped for air. She then took a scarf from her bag and around put it around his neck. While holding both ends tightly wrapped around her wrists, she began to stroke him with intensity. As her momentum increased, it seemed as if Carlotta became even stronger until her body began to tremble. At that moment she screamed into a frenzy, having another orgasm.

  Although Trey was putting work with Carlotta he was already turned by Octavia. Regardless, Carlotta still had skills. She made him pay for making her cum so hard and tied his hands to the bed, then used the same scarf to run it up and down his body until he begged her to stop. Finally they lay quiet.

  “I need to tell you something. I spoke to my mother and I'm meeting her for lunch tomorrow. She’s driving up. It would be great if you could be there to meet her.” Still lying in bed, he wrapped his arm around her waist cupping her ass.

  “That sounds like a great idea. As a matter of fact, we’re giving T-Bird a dinner party before she begins her tour. You can bring her along. How about that?” he asked.

  “Perfect.” she replied. I’ll call her in the morning when she arrives at the hotel, to let her know.

  Lying there, his mind began to spin like a top, thinking about how his emotions were beginning to get attached to Carlotta and how good she was in bed. That alone provoked his fear and vulnerability. But no two women were going to be the same and he now was experiencing the opportunity of having someone who wanted to show him something better. He then walked into the bathroom, smiling and thinking of how Q had approved of Carlotta after their trip to Martha's Vineyard. Stepping into the shower, water already saturating her body, as she pulled him close to her and rubbed the soaped sponge down his back.


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