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Page 12

by Will Brown

  He then wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her as water beaded off their faces. As they stepped out, Trey grabbed a towel from the heated rack and wrapped it around Carlotta, leading her back to the bedroom and giving her the glass of wine. After watching her lay across the bed he applied lotion to her entire body before they dressed to leave when his cell phone began ring. It was Octavia calling, still trying to convince him that he was the father of her child. Since Carlotta was driving in her convertible, she wanted to continue driving into the city.

  Trey had no problem relaxing in the passenger's seat, while occasionally caressing her thigh as they drove down the expressway. The moment they arrived into the city, the vibes were high with people everywhere. He had a favorite spot in the village, where he, Q, and JJ, would go and play ball and wanted to take Carlotta there. As soon as they walked up, the hip hop music permeated the air from the boom boxes on the ground. Someone then yelled out his name.

  Trey was known for having a good game and reputation on the courts back in the day, as he approached and receiving a handshake welcome from the guys. Afterwards, all eyes were on Carlotta, admiring her black satin hair, dark eyes and perfectly round ass filling her jeans. He was glad to be the one by her side and enjoyed every minute of it. The guys were used to seeing him with Octavia although they never liked her. When she’d come down to the court to watch the games, she’d always put on a front, acting like she was the shit. It was always about her showing off her bling and body, thinking she was better than every other women. No one could deny Octavia was eye candy, but there is such a thing as going overboard and the other women who came to the game to watch their men play hated her.

  They were truly glad to see Trey with Carlotta. Right away the guys were willing to show off their skills in front of her. But that didn’t intimidate Trey at all. He wanted her to see another side of him so he took his shirt off and immediately began making three point shots into the net, from all over the court. He even performed a few dunks, which was his signature, solidifying his rep and then played one game. Before leaving, one of the guys again called his name and quickly threw him the ball, trying to check his reflexes. In a split second, Trey caught the ball and ripped off another jump shot right in front of everyone. All you could hear were cheers on the sideline with everyone giving him the respect he deserved. Carlotta was even more than impressed.

  “Oh my God. I can’t wait to tell the girls how well you can play. You’re full of surprises. I don’t know what else to say.”

  He looked at her while wiping his face, “I’ve been coming out here with Q and JJ for a long time and we own these courts. If you think that was something, you should see us play together. Nobody can beat us. We’ve sponsored a whole lot of games to help T-Bird with the foundation.”

  “Foundation? What's that all about?”

  “We’ll talk about that later. Let’s go get something to eat. And please let me apologize. We should have gone to eat in the first place.”

  “There’s no need to apologize. I’m enjoying myself.” She said while walking back to the car. They then headed uptown to Lenox and 131st to a restaurant called, The Smoke Stack. It was a small place that specialized in soul food—BBQ chicken and ribs that fell off the bone, sweet potato pie, coconut cake, Italian hot dogs, Philly cheese steaks, and the best milkshakes you’d ever tasted.

  As they got out of the car, people waited in line outside as jazz music pumped out of the speakers hanging from the front doors. You could smell the charcoal smoke as everyone placed their orders. Carlotta was getting her first taste of his background hanging out in the hood in a melting pot community filled with Hispanics, Jamaicans, Blacks and other ethnic groups.

  Being a southern country girl now in a different part of the city left her fascinated. The reality of it all, was obvious. This was the real deal, survival and learning how to watch your back. Regardless, Trey knew she was safe with him. He knew how to use his hands after growing up through some hard times in Newark. Needless to say, the entire block was filled with festivities, since the early morning. All you could hear were the sounds of steel drums, timbales, congas, wooden shakers and acoustic guitars, as everyone danced and sang in the street.

  By the time they’d finished walking around they were totally exhausted. On the way back to the car, Trey asked Carlotta,

  “Do you mind if I drive now? I have one more place I want to take you, before we go back to Jersey.” Carlotta nodded. He drove through the city to the other side of Brooklyn and under the bridge and in front of water, near South Beach. They watched tub boats float by, while enjoying the cool breeze that toned down the heat still permeating the air and waves splashing against the rocks.

  He stood behind Carlotta with his arms around her waist. Looking up at the stars he asked,

  “Can you pick out any of them like Pavo or Indus?” Even though it was a clear night those stars were far from being obvious to the eye. She smiled.

  “Come on. I think I’m pretty intelligent, but there’s no way I’m going to try and pick out any of those stars. I never even heard of them. That’s not fair. In that case, can you find the Greek God Pegasus?” she asked. This time he was the one feeling silly, as she pointed it out to him.

  “I have one more star to point out, then we can leave. So tell me, where is Queen Carlotta up there?”

  “Hmm. Now let me see, that’s a good question. I don’t know if I can find that one either,” she replied snuggled under his arms.

  “Wait. I see her. Right there. She’s beautiful don’t you think?” he said pointing into the dark filled sky.

  “Yes. — She looks like a fireball spinning in the middle of darkness,” Carlotta said.

  Not being able to take another second of the humor they began to laugh.

  “That was good. I’m glad you have a sense of humor. You are a star. I made that clear the first time we met, that God must have let one of his angels out of heaven.”

  She held his hands close to her breast. “Every time I think about you, I want you even more," she said. “Have you ever thought about marriage or having children?”

  Trey couldn’t believe the question he was being asked to answer. His chest tightened and his mouth began to dry.

  “I’m not scaring you am I? I mean, it’s not often you find a man who’s as successful and—”

  Before she could finish her statement Trey interrupted.

  “You know, I’ve made a lot of sacrifices to get where I am and I’ve been in a few relationships as well, but nothing to make me want marriage or a child. I just can’t deal with that until I find the right woman. You know what I mean?”

  Carlotta nodded.

  “So, do you think you’re wife material?”

  She looked at him and crossed her arms. “I guess that’s a question you’ll have to figure out. When you look at me what do you see?”

  Once again she was pushing his buttons, asking him to respond to questions he’d never had to answer before.

  “You know something, the relationships I’ve been involved in have turned into nightmares because all those women ever saw was my money. They never saw me for who I am. I guess I have to accept that I’ve made some pretty bad choices that haven’t been good for me at all. However, God does do things for a reason and I would have to say, you coming into my life is for a good reason. You know what they always say, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. And your personality and spirit are a breath of fresh air.”

  “Thank you. I think I can handle that. At least I hope I can. I mean it’s crazy. Your energy is pulling me so close to you. I don’t know how to explain it. Just do me a favor, close your eyes and listen to my voice. I’ll never hurt you or try to take advantage of you. I just want to give you my heart, if you’re willing to open yours. I know I’m a woman that can take care of you. I’ve given you what should be precious to any woman and that’s my body. I hope you don’t misjudge me for being vulnerable. I just believe I should tell you ho
w I feel about you.” She then look at him with a conning looking grin.

  "Now remember what I said when we first meet, I’m a southern girl, and what a southern girl want, a southern girl gets.”

  Trey was always weak when it came to women, that’s what got him into trouble with Octavia, now Carlotta was melting him like butter, but judging from her character and personality she was going to do right by him.

  “I need you to do me a big favor," she said. “I promised the girls I’d bring you by their place to meet them, so can we stop by Amelia’s house?”

  When they arrived, Jessica stood in the doorway. “Well, are you going to let us in or are you just going to stand there?” she asked, as Jessica stood in the doorway.

  “Girl, if you don’t bring yourself inside and let me see this man? There’s no need for me to act like I don’t know who you are, Trey. I’m Jessica and this is Amelia. I’m sure Carlotta’s told you we’re her best friends,” Jessica said with a smile on her face.

  “Yes as a matter of fact she did. It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

  “Have a seat right here. Can I get you a beer or something?” Amelia asked.

  “You know, I think I will. Thank you.”

  Trey relaxed in the living room, looking at the pictures they had taken from their trip to Jamaica, while finishing his beer. The women returned with smiles on their faces. He knew that he’d been the topic of discussion.

  Amelia sat next to him.

  "Trey, I’ve heard some really good things about you. I thought we’d meet you at the airport, but this was worth the wait. Carlotta is our sister, so you better take care of her.”

  Trey couldn’t help admiring her concern.“I understand. I have the same kind of bond with my friends too. We tend to be a little overprotective of one another. You know, sometimes friends are all you have in life and you have to value that.”

  After an hour, Carlotta read in Trey’s eyes that it was time to leave.

  “Well ladies, it's time to go. We have one more stop to make before calling it a night, so we’ll catch you guys later.” As they left, the women each gave Trey a hug.

  The last stop Carlotta had been referring to was going back to Trey’s house to drop him off, but to attempt to drive back to her place was pointless. They were dead tired after having sex, then going into the city and finally visiting Jessica and Amelia and ended up right where they started, in the bed asleep.

  The next morning seemed to come quickly. She got up leaving Trey a note to call her once he got up, then rushed out the door to go home and wait for her mother’s call to arrange what time they were going to having lunch and also tell her that they were going to have company--Trey and his mother. To set the record straight, what else could her mother really say?

  Carlotta had grown into a fine woman with a great job, doing well for herself and was about to finish school. And when she finds out her daughter’s with a good man like Trey, owning his own company that was going to be a no-brainer. Finally, after two hours of waiting, they were meeting at their usual place, having an espresso and banana cake at the corner cafe. Immediately, Carlotta began to tell her about Trey and how they met. Her mother listened then interrupted her in the middle of her conversation. “Does he come from a good family?” her mother asked.

  “It appears so. As a matter of fact, he should be here any minute with his mother. Now I think that’s worth a few bonus points. Don’t you?” She then replied. Her mother then looked at her.

  "You know I adore you and trust your judgment. You are so beautiful. I’m sure you know what you want.

  “Of course I do.”

  “Okay then.—If Trey makes you happy, that’s all that matters. I just want to meet this man.” They both shared an emotional moment.

  “You know, I’ve been in the south all my life. I can’t believe I married your father and not another black man. So many times I questioned God for that. I suffered a lot of consequences for marrying a white man too. However, your father loved me and gave me everything I ever wanted. If Trey loves you for who you are and wants to take care of you, then give him your heart so I can have lots of grand babies. I wish I would have had one more child like you, but I guess one is enough. I did not want to have another child by your father after seeing his ugly racism. I wish someone else would have been your father instead. But I thank God for you. I know you were meant to be.” Her mother looked again. “So how are you going to tell your father? You know how he feels about black men. That is why we are not together..."

  For a moment, Carlotta wore a look of despair, while listening to her mother.

  “Yes I promise you I will let him know, mother and thank you. I knew you would give me the advice I needed. That’s why I love you so much.”

  Trey pulled up to the cafe with his mother and after meeting, they talked for over an hour. She then turned to Carlotta.

  “Baby, I think you’ve got a good catch. Remember what I told you.”

  Meeting Carlotta’s mother, Trey knew it was time to cash in his chips and asked, “How would you like to come with me to the office? I can show you around if you have time.” She immediately answered yes.

  Carlotta interrupted.

  “Trey, you don’t have to go out of your way. We can wait until another time..,”

  “No I insist. Remember I wasn’t going in until after 1 p.m. anyway, so it’s okay. I’m not going to do any work until later.”

  After hearing this, Carlotta gave in. She’d never been to his office anyway and to ask her mother made it even the more special.

  “I guess that settles it. Why don’t you leave your car here? And I’ll bring you back when we’re done. I mean if you don’t mind getting in my Jeep. Do you, Mom?”

  “Come on, are you kidding?” Carlotta’s mother replied. “I’ve just retired from the military. Do you know how many times I’ve climbed in and out of these machines?”

  They drove to Trey’s office. As they walked inside the building, all of the floor managers and workers stopped in their tracks to acknowledge him. He escorted his guests through the Call Center.

  He then took them to the 4th floor to see the Control Center, where the technical support team tracked all of the cell sites throughout the network in all the regions and then proceeded to the Media Room. It was where all the major meetings were held via satellite.

  “We also have twelve other rooms for smaller meetings,” he said while walking them toward the elevator and to his office. Trey’s mother had only been there once and that was during the ribbon cutting celebration opening the call center. She remarked how she couldn’t believe the number of people on staff all over the building. Walking down the corridor they were greeted by his personal assistant and secretary, India.

  Before they could even walk inside, she was offering them refreshments with a smiling face. As they sat around the table, he told Carlotta and her mom how he got the company started and expressed how blessed he felt to be able to start a major corporation in an urban area, creating new jobs and increasing the real estate value in the community, which brought in other companies. He then showed them all the pictures and plaques he had received from city officials, including the foundation that he was a part of with Q and JJ, founded by T-Bird. It was their efforts that was making a difference by employing people from the community they’d grown up in, empowering them with tools and the skills to get jobs in the corporate world.

  Carlotta and her mother were clearly, totally blown away by his humanitarian deeds. They looked around the room at the pictures of Trey, T-Bird, Q, JJ and city politicians that had been taken during the groundbreaking ceremonies, along with the mayor and members from The Black Organization.

  Before leaving, Trey escorted them downstairs to the cafeteria where the employees ate free before returning to the lobby where they’d started. Still attempting to digest all they’d experienced, Carlotta’s mother invited Trey and his mother out for dinner.

  “Trey, you have to com
e out and have dinner with us.”

  Trey smiled before giving her a reply.

  “Sure. I would like that very much. Just let me know and I’ll be there. I have an idea. Do you mind if I bring my closest friends? I know they’d enjoy meeting you as well.”

  “If we’re going to do all that, I might as well invite Amelia and Jessica,” Carlotta said.

  “Sure, that sounds good to me...make it one big party” Her mother stated.

  On the way back to the cafe, he told Carlotta he’d give her a call after he met with Q, JJ and T-Bird. T-Bird was preparing for her tour and wanted to discuss how long it was going to last and who was going to be managing her business affairs. He then reached over and gave her mother a hug.

  “I hope you enjoyed the tour and I’ll be seeing you later. Right now I have some other affairs I need to take care of and have to go. Why don’t you get back in the Jeep and I’ll take you back to get your car.”

  The temperature was steaming again, in the high 90’s as Trey rushed to get on the freeway. He knew seeing the guys wasn’t going to be a quick conversation because they were going to have a lot to talk about, especially concerning him and Carlotta, also JJ and Vivian finally being able to resolve their marriage problems. His cell phone rang. It was Q.

  “Trey what’s up? Where have you been man? I haven’t talk to you in a few days. Is everything okay? I know business right now is booming but I just wanted to touch base with you. By the way, I’ve really been thinking since we last talked about me and Desiree. She’s really made an impact on me. And you know something? After listening to the things you said about Carlotta, man, I know exactly how you feel now.”

  Trey interrupted him. “Hey...okay…I’m on my way to see you guys right now. I was about to give JJ a call and tell him I’m driving over to the club, so we all could talk with T-Bird about her tour.”

  He heard a beep. T-Bird was calling on the other line to tell Trey that everyone was going to meet at her place instead of the club. Trey agreed and told Q since he was on the other line and that they were on their way.


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