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Page 16

by Rosh Senior

  I reopened my VLT and special computer of company-3071. Also, I needed to be careful on my record. They had set a secret code on the door of Parliament House. Therefore, I had to copy the system significantly.

  "Sir, I cannot hack their codes. I need help, "I said, appeared as Mr. D Johnson on the monitor.

  He ordered to do things faster to company operators. They found its opening process in a few seconds and I could enter the Parliament House.

  "Member, you must break its entire security. Then you can reach at this time machine. Remember, its rays can burn your body. It is acidic in nature, "a company robot made his appearance and said.

  I saw the danger everywhere in the house. I had no safety clothes that protect me. My one step to the next level can think of the city and others, including destroy. It was like a rocket, which they had been put to send.

  "Jasomine, you stay there. Go, not even a meter!”an operator of company- 3071 said on the video call.

  They scanned these invisible and visible machines of the house. I watched their work on my VLT screen.

  "Shoot them, we say," chief operator said.

  I followed their orders carefully one by one until I have not reached my destination.

  "The main door to Time Machine came" said my robot when I completed these first steps.

  Parliament house built its security system once automatically. Now, no one came in and just stopped me from this zone.

  "Trouble is still here, I see this is a difficult situation!" I said.

  I was working on its opening process. It showed me a lot of numbers on my monitor.

  "Hello sir, you choose your passwords in 50 seconds. Otherwise, just give you a chance, no more, "said an Iowandian machine.

  He did not recognize me. He did not scan my identity. I estimate that they entered the house secretly.

  There were so many numbers came up on my screen, before my eyes. I raised my right finger and clicked one.

  "Sorry sir, this is wrong. You've failed, "said the Iowandian machine. "Please tell me your name and leadership identification."

  I thought this is a risky business. I did not want my own decision. For this I needed an export, a hacker.

  "My dear, my attempt did not work. Now I want you help the second time, "I said, looking to the operator.

  Mr. D Johnson ordered them to search information on the door of the building process. They found complicated to break the hard security forces. They took time; they spent at least 15 minutes. They ran these computers quickly.

  "We could get something, try the passwords-224562," he said.

  I typed this on the Iowandian monitor, and I had success.

  "Oh God, this is the largest ship in the world. The entire device is full area of Zujic city! "I said.

  I tried to understand the Creator made tool. The universe has inspired the secrets that we certainly don’t know its importance. They are deeply hidden treasures of nature.

  "How do you know?" Uncle Gregory asked.

  I showed a map of the ship on my VLT screen. It was at the beginning.

  "Now go in and look for its control room," said Mr. D Johnson.

  I stepped to the machine. I saw in the case of new people it is not easy if they were not familiar. They might need training to get some opportunities.

  "It's too big, sir. Guess the ship must be carried out thousands of pilots and engineers. "

  "Another problem is that we have to change the time-machine to its original shape," I said.

  "Do you mean it is not a spaceship?" Mr. D Johnson asked me.

  "The operating system is now time calculation. Perhaps Mr. Umota and Mr. Duroder know it well. They can tell us about the changes, "I said, looking him up on my screen.

  My VLT warned me coming of robot guards to Parliament. They were in thousands, from the north side of Zujic city.

  "Do not worry, they cannot enter without your permission," said Mr. D Johnson.

  They fired the home. They tried different types of weapons to destroy its front main door. I immediately contacted my co-members. They were also busy with fight to other Iowandian monsters.

  "Janie, where is Mr. Umota?" I asked when I called on my VLT.

  She showed me the struggle of Bosor boss with President Xenon. The war began to cover the city in just a few hours.

  "Jasomine, are you okay?" Janie asked me from her place.

  She was ten miles away from the time machine, my robot majored the distance.

  "Yes, I'm in the boat, just a hundred meters from Iowandian country. I need to see Mr. Umota, ask him to be here! "I said.

  "What happened, man?" Mr. Umota asked during his sword fight to robot guards. He made some serious injure to Mr. Xenon.

  "I cannot operate the machine alone. It has technical problems. Do you know how can I change its system? "I asked.

  "Go straight to fourth room, sit in the captain’s chair," said Mr. Umota when he fought enemies.

  I followed his words. I reached the main square of the control room. My robot explored information on some switches.

  "Warning- Click on red bottoms will be cause of disappearance of both Tukzamosi and Iowandian generation from the earth and then the time machine will change to a spaceship."

  "No, I cannot kill these innocent tukzamosi people. They do nothing wrong to the planet! "I said. "Only gods can decide about this matter, I am not the type to do what they did not allow it."

  I could not dare to take the step. It was like a murder for me. I did not want to feel guilty myself.

  "Hey, what happened? Why do not you move to the next?" Mr. Duroder asked. He was employed to fight other monsters.

  "I cannot do that. Gods did not ask me to punish,” I said. "You know exactly what will happen if I did this thing, I do not think that's possible for me."

  "For the world, for your current life you have to do this, my boy. Our old job made us realize. You will need to save the planet from the evil forces. Earth needs to be slow, Stop the fastest development! ", Said Mr. Duroder through the contact with my co-member Dwayne. It passed the video directly to me, from its server.

  "What do you think member? Do what he said, "Mr. D Johnson.

  He talked about the protection of mankind. A civilization is formed after the death of the first; it is a law of the gods that they have used for many years.

  "Who am I to kill them?" I said. "Creators should do the work; you know this well than I do."

  "Maybe they sent you. They needed only a media and it was you, "Mr. D Johnson said. "Do not bother, I understand it could hurt you, me too, but we have no choice."

  "You do it or let it die the world by now."

  I was at a loss for a while. I thought it should not happen, but I needed, and I have to go.

  "Will it hurt members here?" I asked.

  "No, they will be safe from destruction," said Mr. Duroder. “It will make an impact on applicators that they have used time machine for their own growth and development.”

  "Your four members are already dead in the city. We have lost much. If you do not stop it, they will kill others. They will grow faster on the remaining areas. "

  I had not too late. Slowly I closed my eyes and clicked at a time to these red switches. It made explosion. Iowandians further disappeared on the planet including their things. They did lose the energy.

  "I'm so sorry, my friends, I could not be with you," said Mr. Duroder when he was dying and his generation vanished.

  "Meet Mobile statues before your trip. They will give you strength. "

  It was his last words that I remembered. It was his mythological facts. He wanted to say something.


  Palace of the gods: Return of the saviors

  (Day-2: Before the trip)

  "You do not need to apologize. They were martyred for the world. We respect them. Your work will not go in waste I promise, "Mr. D Johnson said on the video chat with me and fifteen other co-members and Mr. Umota.

  We ca
me back to Carolus generation territory to the end of the war. We watched Bosor soldiers and Ho- ship at destroyed Zujic city. Yes, we were out of danger, but problems were not limited there. They were looking for us.

  "We lost our co. Is not it our fault? "I asked. "They were our friends."

  "I understand Member. We apologize. We cannot make it possible to find them again, "Mr. D Johnson said, and saw.

  "Nature decided their death, and that's for goodness of humanity. They told you to do this because they know that we need the ship. Without this we cannot go to Hovlef! "

  Gorilla boss Mr. Umota came on the chat. It seems he was serious about the situation.

  "Have you ever visited the second world?" He asked.

  "No," said Mr. D Johnson.

  "We know nothing about Hovlef and their lives. We do not know the perfect way to be there. How can we make the trip then? "Said Mr. Umota. "It might be a lifeless part of the universe."

  "Yes, I know, before Duroder’s death, he said, we have to meet mobile statutes. They are the gods and they made all over the world. They can suggest us what we need during the trip, "I said. "I think they got a secret."

  "Palace of the gods, by the way the place is 20 miles far from the jungle. Choose the good. "

  "And the journey is similar to death. They will eat us! "Said Nuro.

  "What do you mean?" Asked Uncle Gregory.

  "We have to cross Water- Bridge," Mr. Umota said. "It's about power of the gods, unseen and immortal."

  "Where's problem then?" Uncle Gregory asked.

  "That's the real test actually. You hear about Rock- Bridge, but this is in fact quite different. Dragons of the water come out to eat us if we will go about it. If they will find us bad they will not let us go to this palace. They will burn us in their fire," Mr. Umota said. "They have been there for many times, perhaps when our ancestors were to help them to build the nature."

  "They are looking for pure souls in you. A thousand years ago, when the gods of heaven brought us on earth they thought that we avoid bad things. The earth can be home for us. "

  "And here you can treat other worlds, but it has not happened to Monster characters emerged slowly," Guena said, looking to Mr. D Johnson.

  "We only hear about the palace of our ancestors. We did not see them in real, "Mr. Umota said. "They said it leads to heaven."

  "We will be back. They know us well!" said Iebo. The male snake came there through his fly. Then his wife came to us.

  "I'll go with you," Naifa said, looking at her husband.

  "Are you ready?" I asked my co-members. "We will be fun. Never forget the journey of magic and miracle. If you think that you can see them. "

  First among them some feared. They were nervous when we had lost our four co-members in the war to Iowandians. They had to delete the incident from their mind.

  "I am," Janie said.

  "Me too," said Dwayne and looked at me.

  "We all want peace, and we will bring it at any price," said a member.

  Bosor boss Mr. Umota, including his soldiers made the trip with us to the palace of the gods. Iebo and Naifa took us off in the blue sky.

  "If any evil force follows us now?" I asked. "I saw it in movies. They have black magic. "

  "It would be better if we live in the real world", a co-member said. "Earthers do so only for entertainment, we have them."

  "What's the movie?" Asked a Bosor.

  "It's about modern world thing, I'll explain later," I said.

  "I think it's like your computer," Bosor said me.

  "Yes, you think rightly so," I said. "We do watch them on screens."

  "And the fact is that our children love to see you."

  "How?" asked Bosor.

  "In our films, we humans make on adventurous country where you play your original games. We struggle to you, too! "I said. "We do it just for fun."

  "Gods could send their servants on us to take reports. They have magic. I think they are invisible, "Mr. Umota said.

  He was sitting behind me on the back of Iebo. His wife Naifa was flying close to us in the same direction.

  "I've heard that they are like smog. They are thin, and they can mix in the air, "female snake Naifa said. She turned her head toward us.

  "Are you going?" I asked her. "Hope you try."

  "No, we see the location of our flight. We dare not only in the vicinity of this dragon to go. We know that they can kill us. Do not wait to order. When it comes to risk and they see, then they activate their protector,” Naifa said. "It seems that they do not like snakes."

  "Are you not from the same family?" said Janie. "They fly as you do."

  "We are from the lower cast. They live near the gods and angels, "Naifa said.

  We could now see the area.

  "We are going to land," Iebo said.

  We arrived at the palace.

  "In order to enter the palace you need to cross the water bridge," Naifa said. "We couple will wait for you here."

  "Who will go first about them?" asked Mr. Umota.

  The bridge was normal. We saw there was no dragon emerged what they said.

  "Where are these rescuers?" Dwayne asked. He moved on to a little; this was followed by his first step. "They said they are insidious."

  All of a sudden we heard the great sound of someone. We saw dragons of the water came out, one after another.

  "Do not be afraid, go on!" Mr. Umota said. "They are looking only once."

  He was already on the bridge.

  "You also go, he alone cannot do the deal," Iebo said.

  I lifted my right leg, then my left. A dragon came out when I was three feet away from the start. He noticed me deeply. They were twenty in number.

  "Can you bring us to gods?"Asked Dwayne to a dragon.

  The animal focused for a while on him. Then he turned face to Mr. Umota and brought his head to the gorilla quickly and easily.

  "What will we do now?" I said.

  I thought they will attack us immediately.

  "I know what I do, you need not to worry," Mr. Umota said.

  "The Dragons understand only the language of the gods. Do not talk to them and calm down, "said Iebo to him as the gorilla boss was afraid.

  Another dragon appeared before me then. He saw my eyes closely. He was too big. He alone can swallow twenty people at a time. I opened the VLT screen. I told him the thing.

  He continued to speak something in his own language, which was not to get in my ability easily.

  "Who are you?" Dragon asked me. I translated the language through my machine.

  "We're from the future. We need your help, "I said, and my computer translated the conversation for him.

  "But the gorillas are of Carolus generation. Years ago their ancestors worked for gods. Why did they do wrong?" Dragon asked.

  "They made monsters on the land that should not happen," his co-dragon said when he was right behind me, four or five yards from my stand. "Do you know what happens when you cheat the gods? You are not blameless. "

  "We deliberately did not the thing. Our brothers have done, and they are now no more! "Mr. Umota said, looking at him.

  "Something made them disappear."

  "Oh, you're talking about time machine of evolution?" Said a dragon, which was near the gorilla boss.

  "Yes, the machine is now essential for us. We have to make a trip to another world as soon as possible. Other evils are in the future. They are like Iowandian generation. They planned to wreck over the planet,” I said. "We call them machines."

  "You own form them in the universe. Later you suffer their pain. Why did you not disable their works when they began crimes? "A dragon said, looking at me.

  The animals read our future and past. They knew everything about us. They could see that human civilization is stuck.

  "They made our work easy in a few hours as we took years. So we built them. We have not uploaded secret data in their memory. We thought that they can govern us now better because th
ey obey what we say, "I said.

  "And then they decided you without your suggestion. Robots were smart, you did not. People are idiots. I think at first they praised you. They acted quietly. They were innocent in your presence and your absence made them genius," said Dragon. "You know they call themselves artificial gods. I can see them clearly. The machines have fun. You are their victims. "

  "I also see that your brothers and sisters cry. They are destroying cities one by one in a hurry. Do they not love the earth? "

  "Let me explain, you look at the planet as your mother country and they never have. They never have the feeling that war is not important, peace is. "

  I wanted to show something about my current world. I have a video on my VLT screen.

  "No reason this guy; I know what you want to tell us. You want to meet my gods and that would happen! "said another dragon.

  "We were able to get the ship. Now this system has time machine. We just need to change it, "Mr. Umota said, looking at him.

  "Dragons will choose among you people. Do not hesitate to answer them what they want from you. They had already known about you,” Iebo said.

  "Will they kill us if they do not find us perfect?" A co-member asked how he slowly put his foot across the water Bridge. He sought the couple snakes a bit.

  "I hope it will not happen," said Naifa, female snake.

  Dragons were very close to us. I was nervous.

  "What is your name?" asked me a dragon.

  "Jasomine Tasan," I said. He opened his mouth wide.

  "Dude, he'll swallow!" said Iebo.

  I'm afraid. I did not expect this kind of attitude from the animal. I thought he will digest me inside.

  "What should I do now?" I asked him aloud.

  "Run! Run man, run!" Iebo said, and when I started to run back dragon swallowed me quickly.


  The unseen countries of earth: They are here for the wish of the gods

  Country Ihexa


  "Let me try."

  "Who are you my son? Can you remember anything about your past? "Old man asked. I was relaxing at his home. He said to bring coffee to his daughter for me, as I felt cold.

  "My father was in forest. You were unconscious that time. Did you get there haunted? "She asked me. She was young and beautiful.


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