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Page 17

by Rosh Senior

  "No, I was at the palace of the gods, at the start of the water bridge," I said. "My name is Jasomine Tasan."

  The girl came to me and touched my face.

  "What are you doing?" I asked her. "I'm still a stranger to you."

  "You are very innocent. Maybe you ate forget fruits in this jungle, incorrectly, "she said. "I'm Niti, a citizen of Ukenique city."

  "Excuse me, believe me, I do not know you, not across the square. I am an unknown man here. "

  "And where is the city? Is it in South America? "I said.

  "They are on the planet Earth. What are you talking about? Are you from another country? "Niti asked.

  "No, I'm from the future, and I have proof. I can show you everything about my country. I came with my friends! "I said. She gave me a cup of hot coffee.

  "Where are they now?" asked Niti. "Do you mean you're out of our tomorrows?"

  "Yes!" I said.

  "A dragon swallowed me; I do not know what has happened in my memory now."

  "I am concerned that, as I have reached here? I was in the old days, with these Bosors. Maybe I have to think once again after the headache. "

  "It's impossible. You cannot come over. I have not seen this type of machine, as you say," Niti said, looking at me.

  "It happened!"

  "I can show you a video about this," I said. I tried to open my VLT screen, but it did not work. It made my things complicated.

  "What happened?" asked Niti.

  "It does not work!" I said, irritated. "How can I return to my Co? They could wait for me. "

  I showed her my hand clock that controls the entire system.

  "My father works on the subject. He is a mechanist. Maybe he can help you, "Niti said.

  "I wanted to show my friends, my people. You can talk through a video telephony application to them,” I said. "My answer is there."

  I tried to give a clear message. It was not easy to get in a position for me.

  "If your machine so?" Said Niti and brought me a telephone. It was very old and not in the list of new technologies.

  "Where did you get that?" I asked. "You can do this only for voice calls and not for video chats."

  "We bought it from the city market, from a business," Niti said. "Dad gave me this as a birthday gift."

  I explained all kinds of techniques about my VLT. I told her to bring a white paper. I drew a diagram of this machine, with labeling.

  "We mostly use the computer as the paper. This is so good," I said.

  "I'm not familiar about the device. I think it's a new thing that you invented in your country. Maybe later we will get this here when you export, "Niti said, looking at me.

  "Are you sure you understood me well?" I said.

  "I think so," Niti said. She took a chair, just near me.

  "I tell you again that I'm from the future. I know about the map of the earth, and truth is, I did not hear your country and city before in my life. They are quite new to me. This is not real. I think I'm in a dream land! "I said. "And I'm a part of history."

  "I do not hear about your country. Are you from another planet? "Niti said.

  It's an astrological thing where they drift planets, stars and galaxies. They were able to never see how I came to the place of the future and yes, another past.

  "No, my origin is from the planet. Do you have any vehicle, I mean car or bike? "I asked.

  "Yes, we have a car," Niti said. "Do you want to visit somewhere?"

  "I just want to see that," I said. We came out of her house. There was a garden and parking.

  "Oh God, it is a model of 1950. I do not mind you can see very old and traditional as well as a girl of the story. Your clothes are not modern. "

  She asks my opinion. One thing that made me realizes that they do not have TV. Enjoy theater drama. They live like communists.

  "We use all these types of cars!" Said Niti and looked at me.

  "I'm from the year 2096," I said.

  "Dude, listen to me?" Said Niti.

  "Yes," I said.

  "The current year is 1957, April 13," Niti said, smiling.

  "It means that I'm right and I would actually mean come to the town," I said.

  "What kind of action?" Said Niti.

  "Do not know," I said.

  "Okay, let's go, Dad is not here this time. Hope he will help you on his return from hometown. He does experiment on the different kinds of strange things. He is a master, "Niti said.

  "Did he teach this in college?" I asked and looked.

  "No man, he worked as a mechanist in his own business," Niti said.

  "Will I have to wait for him?" I asked.

  "Yes, now you rest for a while," Niti said. "He will meet you this evening."

  I changed my direction. Maybe I came here after swallowing dragon. Did they send me knowingly? What could be causing this? We just wanted a machine and that was by the gods, they told purely through what I am and I can meet Mobile statues?

  "What are you thinking man?" Her father asked me how I was tense.

  "He is thinking about his arrival, dad," Niti said. "He pretends that he of the planet."

  "Did you give him food my dear?" He asked his daughter. His name is Adlof Ugare.

  "Yes, dad, he says he heard the future. I cannot get even that which he actually tried to explain. He showed me something," Niti said, handing him the chart of my VLT I drew.

  He gave a look at this for a while and made a long breathe.

  "Hmm, it looks like a new invention," said Mr. Adlof.

  "Can you help him?" asked Niti.

  "He must be very open to me. I know many people to treat the dangerous disease. It's so simple, "Mr. Adlof said.

  "War is spreading everywhere and you are joking about me still, this is funny indeed!" I said. "I need clap for you. You are happy after watching my problems. "

  "What are you talking about?" Asked Mr. Adlof.

  "I'm a soldier, a warrior on the earth. My seniors sent me to solve this problem. I'm not the one, there are so many like me. We are on a mission and our late will bring death to billions. Please, I beg you, if gods told you about that then tell me. We need urgently, "I said.

  "But the rebels are too far from here, how can they kill us?" Said Niti and looked at me.

  "They are robotic leaders. There are machines, can do things as humans do. I know that you did not face them. They are monsters, "I said.

  "My son, I think we should meet to my friend. He always says we have an invisible world, and we could feel it. I thought he was crazy, but now I do not think he is; he can help you out on this matter. We will go in the city. He lives there," Mr. Adlof said.

  "I want to meet him as soon as possible sir," I said. "This is important for me."

  "We will do, my son," said Mr. Adlof.

  "Dad, I'll cook your delicious meals today. Dude you will like this, "said Niti and looked at me and smiled.

  We went about visiting his friend's house. He drove the car and I took his right side seat. I could find no difference between the city Ukenique and an American or Canadian city of the 1950s. Both were looking as I heard the same and read. People wore old model costumes that were not correspond to our fastest growing generation. They were listening to the radio. They read newspapers instead VLT and the Internet.

  "Do you only repair machines?" I asked as he slowly drove the car and we were on our way.

  "I am a historian. I explore things from the past. This is the first that I could find out, "Mr. Adlof said. He showed me a hand clock.

  "It looks good," I said.

  "Thank you; it is a model of 1930. They say that the inventor could struggle a lot for it. It took many years, "Mr. Adlof said.

  First, we were recognized with the solar time. It was a mediator for us.

  "It feels good about the generation growth to be heard."

  We arrived at the house of his friend after 20 minutes of driving. His daughter had called him already for our visit.

; "Hello," his friend shook my hand and smiled. He greeted us. His name is Dany.

  "I heard about you. Niti told me that you from the future. It made me curious. I'm glad I was able to see you. I am a happy man! "Mr. Dany said, looking at me.

  "Do not believe it. I am a stranger about your country and the city. I know this is not in our map. You do not look like African too, not even Indian or Chinese. You look very similar to Westerners, "I said. "Your hair is gray."

  "This is incredible for them, who have not read myth. My doubt came true. "

  "And my friend Adlof says I am a crazy, I make stories. I was looking for support and today I would get it, "Dany said.

  He was interested in Creators. He said something happening around us is the miracle and we cannot see them.

  "What do you mean?" I asked him.

  He showed me his own drawings made about imaginary worlds and people. He took me to my civilization where things create rudely.

  "I'm talking about invisible countries and places around us. They are true! "Said Dany.

  "What?" I asked him.

  "They are of the world that is invisible to us, and we are invisible to you. Therefore, you cannot recognize our countries and cities. We all belong to the earth, but we have a lot of difference," Dany said. He shocked me with his imaginary facts. Perhaps gods made this really a different way.

  He showed me a completely different map of the planet. It has five continents, several countries and cities, including eight oceans. They were not comparable to us.

  "No, the sketch showed me is not like my world. I'm from Canada, a country of the North American continent. Look at me; my clothes are modern and narrow. They have set cameras in my eyes. They have put machines in my brain that they scan and say what you think. I can catch your ideas. I can scale your wisdom,” I said.

  "I think my generation is too far behind you and this will have an old civilization," Mr. Dany said.

  "Forgive me son, I did not tell you that I could see beams from your eyes, as they were to make a box like display in the air when I found you out in Qullen forest. I was afraid that you could do explosion. I thought you were a suicide bomber. You could harm humans. So I hid it, "Mr. Adlof said, looking at me. He had compassion.

  "No, sir you saved me. I am grateful to you, "I said.

  "What did you see more?" Mr. Dany asked.

  "I saw some pictures were coming out on his screen. It's just worked for a while,” Mr. Adlof said.

  "Then it was off."

  He talked about my VLT. It was a new invention for him as the machine of the future and of another invisible world.

  "I could use this for my friends and members on the detection have participated for the mission," I said, looking at them. "We can see them."

  "Is it still working?" asked Mr. Dany.

  "I'm trying, but cannot get a result. Maybe it did not save energy here or not supported in your atmosphere, "I said. "It is to be charged by electric air particles."

  I gave them my hand watch which usually controls the camera system and VLT. I did not see it not been able to show me what I needed. I could not communicate with company-3071 there. I was worried that how can I get to my co-members back? No single report came to me from my current days. I could not send messages to my seniors for help, like my cameras were turned off.

  "Adlof, you can simply repair the machine?" Mr. Dany asked him.

  "The case is looking complex, because I'm not familiar with this. In my life I never also use camera. It is expensive. Our reporters have this. They are to take these photos, "Mr Adlof said.

  "Did you say you failed?" Mr. Dany asked him.

  "Let me see what I can do for you," Mr. Adlof said, taking the watch for repair. He sat down on a chair and began to open it. He tested its fixed nano gadgets. He checked its battery.

  "Are you sure that you can return home if I could repair the machine?" Asked Mr. Adolf and looked at me a little as he repaired.

  "Yes, I have confidence in this and I believe that I can make my world seen on the VLT, for you. I hope you can help me,” I said.


  "Few seconds ago, maybe I saw rays came out of your eyes."

  "Adlof, you continue to work. I think your repair on a right track!” Mr. Dany said when he spoke to me.

  "I clicked the switch of the clock. I was testing its power, "Mr. Adlof said. "Is it to connect to an optical main engine?"

  "Do it again!" Mr. Dany told him.

  "Yes!" Mr. Adlof said, he kept click the clock’s switch for a minute. As a magic, rays came out from my eyes and made a bright and wide screen in front of me.

  "Thank you, sir, you could fix this!" I said and smiled. I was happy that now I can contact my co.

  "Wow, it's a miracle. It's like theater and a game. Can we see the people on the screen? "Said Mr. Adlof. He gave the watch back to me and I took it to treat my cameras and VLT.

  "In any case, sir, I'll show you my world," I said. I clicked Options on my screen. I made appearance of company-3071 in a field. I thought it would be good to connect Mr. D Johnson when I was talking about at first. It could work to bring those old days on my device.

  "Following head office ...."

  An important mechanical system had reached me a green sign as my message there.

  "Where you belong? We were worried for you. We did not get the signal from you, last night. Are you all right? "A senior operator asked.

  This video was from my main office.

  "I'm all right, sir. How are my co-members and Bosors? "I asked. "May I speak to Mr. D Johnson? It is very urgent."

  "We can get no moving video about them. You see this in your own eyes, "operator said.

  He sent me a picture of my co-members from the palace of the gods. They stood like statues. They were at this water bridge. Nevertheless, their cameras worked well and gave us clear images.

  "Where are these dragons?" I asked.

  "Maybe they're not this time to appear," said the operator.

  "Jasomine you've read any news of them?" Mr. D Johnson came online.

  I said about my last night incidents. I showed them a video of Dragon to swallow me.

  "I think you are going to get the machine soon. Where are these people? "Mr. D Johnson asked, looking at me.

  "They are here with me," I said, leading the invisible city people on the video call.

  "Are you really from the planet, I mean from the earth?" Said Dany. "Waiting."

  He touched my VLT screen. It took a few deflected waves in the air for several seconds.

  "It's asking me," Said Mr. Adlof.

  "Our delivery is here. This is our home. I observe for the first time that we have an invisible world, and that is on the earth. You are people like us, "Mr. D Johnson said.

  "By the way, we are not foreigners."

  "You look like us, the same language and clothing. But our map with difference and our country name is Ihexa. We were not aware about you. Our people do not think that there is another place that is not visible, "said Mr. Adlof.

  "And we have no technologies like yours. Yes, we listen to music from the radio, but we do not contain live pictures that you can watch on the machine. Maybe we will invent these years later, "Mr. Dany said.

  "We know that. Our engineers and scientists built the equipment for jobs,” Mr. D Johnson said. "We have use mathematics, physics and so many formulas."

  "I cannot know why the dragons had swallowed me?"

  "We had a time machine. We could move to know them on a ship after the procedure. We flew there for mobile statues as Mr. Duroder advised us, but what is the real reason for my sudden disappearance? "I asked. "Why did not dragons let us enter the palace?"

  "I think the beasts sent you there for the device that can change our luck. They knew things that we can actually bring on an opportunity in another sense, "Mr. D Johnson said.

  "Do not you think it could be a mistake for them?" I said.

  "You think so?" Mr. D Joh
nson said. "I just cannot see that."

  "The world is full of strange. The civilization is not too much mechanical. How can we find the device? They will call me a crazy guy. They will contradict me if they knew. They will not trust me,” I said.

  "We are with you man, do not worry. We will help you!" Said Mr. Adlof.

  "We will also try to arrange your successful return," Dany said.

  He gave me a newspaper, by removing it from his box, was one of the last week report about their city.

  "Rebels are against government. They want to take back the rule of Governor, "I gave a look at the headline.

  "You are on the wrong track, just read below, in addition to this," said Mr. Dany.

  He suggested me to read another important report of last Friday. It was fresh and hot news.

  "Mayer Josef Gulgit has brought a strange thing of history to his office, maybe he's looking for the right man," I read the line and then I read the report totally.

  "Did he tell to press?" I asked.

  "Reporter got this, by secret people," Mr. Adlof said.

  This is a device discovered from Ukenique. They say this is not known, for every taste and difficult to identify, since no one has ever seen this type of machine. According to the government workers, he could get the thing for goodness of the universe and he does not want to waste it, unless. He can use the gadget to the person who can give detail about it at round table of government.

  "I doubt this; is it the machine you are trying to get?" Mr. Dany wondered. My VLT was offline after talking to seniors. I loaded it.

  I saw the picture roughly used for this unknown device on front page of the newspaper. The thing was black and white color.

  "It looks like an engine of a vehicle," I said.

  "Talk about cars?" Mr. Adlof said.

  "No, it's from a space- ship that looks still innovative. I would like to show it to my Co, just once, "I said. I reopened my VLT and copied the picture from the newspaper. Then I put it on a box of my monitor. I called Uncle Gregory, as he is an experienced man on helicopters and airplanes. I thought he can adapt.

  "It's very valuable. For the first time in 2057 the English had this type of engine on their rocket, used to visit Mars. It's faster than fast and go at speed of light," Uncle Gregory said, looking.

  "Can we use this in time machine?" I asked.


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