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Page 16

by K. A. Sterritt

  Angus and I had accepted places at the University of Melbourne and shared a flat in St Kilda—the same one I still lived in. Angus had wanted to work in finance, so he was doing a Business Economics degree and I was studying day and night to be a doctor. I’d been living the dream until the day my whole world turned into one big fucking nightmare.

  By Thursday evening, a shift at the bar was a welcome distraction. It was quieter and more relaxed on a weekday evening, and I found myself humming along to the music, again playing backup to the movies on the walls. Everything reminded me of her. When I’m Every Woman came on, I glanced towards the door, hoping she’d walk through it. I set about stacking the glass washer and refilling the bowls of nuts on the bar. When my shift ended at eleven, I was pretty gutted she hadn’t shown up.

  “I might have more work for you if you’re interested,” Adriana said as I pulled my helmet, wallet and keys from my locker in the staff room.

  “Yeah, I’m interested. That’d be great.” I needed some extra income if I was going to do more work on the house.

  “Okay. Tony just gave me his notice, so you can take over his shifts in a couple of weeks.”

  I scrunched my face up, knowing I would have to say no. I closed the locker door and turned to face her. “Tony’s on the door, not the bar.”

  “No one’s going to mess with you, Leo. Trust me. That’s all the experience you need.” She had misunderstood my concern and slapped me on the shoulder, laughing.

  “I’d prefer to stick to the bar if that’s okay?”

  “Let me know if you change your mind.” Shrugging her shoulders, she left the room.

  I hit the voicemail button on my phone. Juliette had left a message probably with the reason why she couldn’t make it.

  Adrenaline surged through me as I listened. It was confusing and a little horrifying. It was a long pause followed by her voice repeating the word ‘no’. She sounded traumatised by something.

  What the fuck?

  I bolted out of the bar and sprinted up the alleyway to my bike with my phone to my ear.

  “Hello.” Her croaky voice answered. I was relieved to hear it.

  “Juliette. God. Where are you? I just got your message. Are you okay?”

  “Leo. I’m sorry, Leo.” She sounded like she might be crying, and my desire to have my arms firmly around her was excruciating. “I called before… I’m sorry I didn’t leave a message.”

  “Please don’t apologise. Where are you?”

  “I’m at home.”

  “I can be there in five minutes.”

  “Joel will buzz you up and I’ll leave my door open.”

  I rode dangerously fast. My mind was focused on her voice. She sounded desperate and broken. If anyone had hurt her, they were going to pay. I nearly toppled the Ducati sideways when I pulled up outside her building.

  When I entered her apartment, I immediately heard her sobbing on the lounge.

  “Jules.” I announced my presence as I didn’t want to startle her.

  She sat up so I could see her and I immediately rushed forward. Her face was red and puffy, but she was still breathtakingly beautiful. I sat down next to her and pulled her onto my lap, hugging her close to my body. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she buried her face in the crook of my neck. I could feel her body begin to relax and the sobs subsided.

  “What happened, Jules?” I whispered into her hair. “Did someone hurt you?” I clenched my teeth waiting for her response, knowing if they had, I’d hunt them down and kill them.

  She shook her head against me then sat up and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. “Not physically.”

  “What does that mean?” I was seething. From the beginning, my instinct had always been to protect her.

  “I’m sorry, Leo.”

  “What? No. Stop apologising.” She wouldn’t look at me, so I cupped her chin and forced her eyes to mine. “What happened?”

  “I don’t really feel up to talking about it at the moment.” She tightened her arms around me. “Can you just hold me for a while?”

  I kissed her head. “I’m glad you called me.” I hesitated before continuing. “I missed you this week.”

  “God, Leo. My life is such a mess.” She sat up and ran her hands through her hair and appeared defeated. “I don’t want to drag you down.”

  I waited until she looked at me. “Life can be messy, Jules. I know all about messy and how angry, bitter and alone it can make you feel.” I stroked her cheek with the back of my hand and stared into her beautiful navy eyes. “But this right here.” I gestured between the two of us. “This feels like the most pure and honest thing I’ve felt in a really long time, and I think you feel it too.” I took hold of both her hands and brought them to my lips, kissing her fingers.

  She gasped and her eyes glazed, but she didn’t interject.

  “You’re a strong and beautiful woman. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Don’t let anyone or anything take that away from you.”

  Juliette leaned in and pressed her lips against mine. I wanted to devour her, but I needed her to take the lead here until I had a better idea of what was going on. I needed to know who or what had upset her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered against my mouth. “Can you stay? I don’t really want to be alone tonight.”

  I kissed her again lightly. “Of course I can.” I hugged her to me and stroked her hair. “Come on. Let’s go to bed.”

  When we got to her room, she removed her clothes and pulled on her pyjamas.

  “I’m just going to grab a shower. I smell like beer.”

  I was desperate to have her in my arms again, so I had a lightning quick shower and returned to her room within minutes, but she was already asleep. I pulled the covers back and quietly joined her. She was facing me, so I could marvel at her beautiful features. I couldn’t resist stroking her face and moving the loose strands of her hair away from her closed eyes. There was something very right about being in her bed, and I surprised myself how content I was just being there with her. For the first time in my life, sex wasn’t the only reason to be in bed with a girl.

  Juliette found comfort in my arms. When I was with her, I felt important somehow. I’d never blamed my past for anything. It was weak to use the past to justify your mistakes or shortcomings. I had spent the last five years trying to make peace with what happened in that house and the first snippet of hope I’d felt was with Juliette. Clearly we both had demons, but no one gets a free ride. Everyone has baggage—things they wish they could change—and God knows there’s things I’d have changed, but that was impossible.

  Before sleep found me, Juliette started speaking. Initially I thought she had woken up, but her mumblings were incoherent and obviously part of a dream or perhaps a nightmare.

  “No. No. No. Mother. No. I can’t. Mother. No. Don’t hurt him. Please.”

  There was something really tormenting this beautiful girl, and I was going to be there to help her.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I woke up early—hot and disoriented. Then I realised it was because a hot man was lying half across my body and was wrapped around me. The night before came flooding back. I buried my face into his neck and inhaled, willing his incredible scent to somehow push thoughts of my horror night away. I allowed myself a moment to enjoy being with this incredible man who seemed to value my existence.

  When Leo stirred, I tried to move away from him as he oriented himself. Strong arms gripped me and soft lips kissed my neck. Desire shot through me as he feathered kisses along my jaw and cheek before finding my lips. The outside world was all but forgotten when he looked in my eyes and smiled.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Morning.” I didn’t know much about anything at that point, but I did know I liked waking up with him. “How did you sleep?”

  “Best sleep ever. I might have to keep you.”

  “Thanks for staying.”

  “My pleasure.

  Our clothes were quickly discarded. I was becoming accustomed to his body, every rock-hard inch of it, and I was enjoying sex more than ever before. In hindsight, sex with Richard had been more like a chore to tick off the to-do list. If we skipped a week here or there, we barely noticed. With Leo, I couldn’t get enough.

  Completely sated, I stretched out my body into star position when he got up to discard the condom in the bathroom. When he came back to bed wearing nothing but his black boxers, he gathered me into his side and put his arm around me protectively; his thumb rubbed my knuckles and squeezed my hand. For the millionth time, he stole my breath.

  “Can we talk about last night?”

  I sighed, knowing I couldn’t avoid it forever.

  “Tell me what happened that upset you so much, Jules.”

  “I want to tell you everything, but I’m afraid you’ll run screaming for the hills.”

  “Try me. I can guarantee I’m not going anywhere.”

  I propped myself up with pillows and Leo did the same.

  “Last night my whole life got tipped upside down and shaken up.” I told him all about my conversation with my dad and he listened intently. He was a really good listener, I discovered.

  “So the voicemail message you left on my phone. What was that about? You sounded traumatised by something.”

  I didn’t really want to tell him, but I wanted to be completely open with him. “I caught Richard and my mother together.”

  “Jesus Christ. No wonder you were upset. I’m sorry, Jules.”

  “She’s in a bad way, Leo. Breaking up with Richard seems to have triggered a complete meltdown. She had me followed, for God’s sake.” I shook my head at the ludicrous things I was telling him.

  “She had you followed?”

  “The guy at fight night. I’d seen him at the gym and on the street a couple of times.”

  “What?” He sat up and looked murderous suddenly. “You recognised the guy who attacked you? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You were pissed off at me for being there. Remember? It didn’t seem important. Anyway, she’s going to get help now, so it should be the end of it.”

  “Take the day off work and spend the today with me.” His eyes reinforced his demand with an intensity I’d only ever witnessed on this man. “I’m worried about you.”

  “You don’t have to worry about me. You saw me defend myself and win.” I grinned, remembering the look of shock and pain on his face.

  “Fuck, Juliette.” His harsh tone wiped the grin from my face. “This isn’t a joke. He could’ve really hurt you.”

  “I’m sorry.” I tried to keep a straight face. “I’m not afraid of danger, and if I’m honest, I get a thrill out of it.”

  “It’s one thing to enjoy the rush of adrenaline. It’s another to take on guys twice your size and think you’re invincible. Next time there could be a lethal weapon or backup or a million other scenarios I’d rather not explore.” The crease in his already furrowed brow deepened. “It will catch up with you one day and I don’t want to see that happen.” He cupped my chin so I was forced to look at him. “I won’t see that happen.”

  “I guess I’ve never really cared before. I train and study hard, so I’m far from being a sitting duck and adrenaline has always made me feel so alive.”

  Leo grimaced. “You’re being too flippant with your safety and that pisses me off.”

  “Look. Last night I watched my mother seducing my ex-boyfriend.” I shuddered at the memory. “I’m not really sure I’ll ever get over that, but learning to fight and searching for adrenaline have been the only ways I’ve found to help deal with everything life has thrown at me.” I paused, not sure whether I should tell him about my first competitive fight at Lilydale next weekend. “Sometimes adrenaline feels like an addiction I can’t shake. I love it and I don’t care if I’m putting myself in danger. That’s kind of the point.”

  “I get that, Juliette. Trust me. But you need to rein it in a bit and not get yourself in situations you can’t control.”

  “I’m going to my first competitive fight next Saturday evening.” I just ripped the Band-Aid off, scrunched up my nose and waited for his reaction.

  “What the hell, Juliette?” His whole body went rigid against me. “Why would you want to do that?”

  “Fighting is my bliss. I love training with Zac, and he wants to see if I have what it takes in the ring. I want to feel that rush.”

  “Where is the fight?”


  “Lightning Fight Centre?”

  “Yep. The night starts at seven thirty and I’ll be on early as it’s my first fight. I imagine I’ll be done and dusted by eight.”

  Leo blew out a long breath and, despite the angst radiating off his body, a look of resignation overshadowed. “Well, if I can’t talk you out of it, I’m coming with you. I know a few people there. If I think it’s getting out of hand, I’ll drag you out, and there’ll be nothing you can do about it.”

  “Thank you.” I climbed into his lap and straddled him. “I’d love you to be there.”

  Letting out a long breath, Leo responded with a simple command. “Call your boss.”

  “If it means that much to you.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “You mean that much to me.” He held my face with his strong hands and looked me in the eye, smiling. “I thought I was going to have to work a lot harder than that.”

  “I’m easy. What can I say?” I raised my eyebrows, eliciting another smile from this outrageously gorgeous man. Even first thing in the morning, he looked amazing. I loved his hair, mussed during sleep. I ran my hand over the rough stubble on his cheek. The man was just flat-out bloody gorgeous, and the more time I spent with him, the more convinced I was of his integrity. My ignorance to Richard’s true nature had really rattled me, but I had my eyes wide open now and they were seeing the man I wanted to give myself to completely.

  “You make a phone call, I’ll make coffee.”

  He kissed me, and when he pulled back I grabbed his bicep. “Don’t you want to stay in bed a little longer?” I hoped he would understand my implication.

  He answered by pushing me onto my back and staying in bed a lot longer.

  Later, I shamelessly ogled his incredible body as he walked out of the room.

  I spoke to Heath, who wasn’t thrilled with my last-minute request but agreed begrudgingly. I’d taken no annual leave in almost twelve months. No sooner had I hit the red circle on my phone than it started ringing. It was Dad.

  “How is she?” I asked.

  “Not great. I’m not going to lie.”

  I shook my head. “Well, I appreciate your honesty.”

  “I’ve put in a few calls and have managed to secure a place for her at Dartmoor West Wellness Centre. It comes highly recommended by Dr McGibbons.”

  “That’s really great, Dad. When is she going in?”

  “Monday. I’m going to take a few weeks off work so I can spend as much time at the centre as needed. It’s time I got my priorities in order.”

  “That makes me really happy, Dad.” I felt a heavy load lift from my shoulders. “Really happy.”

  “I’ll keep you updated.”

  “Thanks, Dad. Bye.”

  Chapter Thirty


  “Where are you taking me?” she asked, standing next to my bike and strapping on her helmet.

  “For a start, you haven’t seen where I live. I could do with a change of clothes if that’s okay with you?”

  “Course. I’d like to see where you live.”


  “St Kilda?” she questioned when I pulled up outside my apartment building.

  “Why so surprised? Too upmarket for a thug like me?” I pulled her to me and tickled her sides, knowing it would be torture for her, but it would make her laugh.

  She laughed, and the sound made me happy. “Not at all. St Kilda has some dodgy parts.”

“Oh, thanks a lot, funny girl.” I tickled her, making her laugh harder.

  “I was going to say it’s my favourite suburb in Melbourne before you jumped to conclusions, Mr Chip-on-his-shoulder.” She smirked and I couldn’t resist kissing her, because I could never resist kissing her.

  “I was brought up in the country and longed for city life. Once a year, Dad brought me to Melbourne and took me to Luna Park and the beach. We’d fish off the pier and eat ice cream. St Kilda became my favourite place in the world.”

  I took her hand and led her up the steps. I lived in a two-bedroom apartment on the ground floor of an interwar building that, quite frankly, had seen better days. “It’s not fancy, but it’s all I need.”

  Juliette stood in the middle of the main living room and did a full three-hundred-and-sixty-degree turn. She said nothing as she took it in. An old but extremely comfortable lounge chair was up one end with the TV, and an overflowing bookshelf and a table and chairs were set up by the back window up the other end. The kitchen was through a door on one side, and opposite it, a door led through to the two bedrooms and bathroom. It was a simple design.

  “I love it.” She said it like she meant it then took a seat at the table overlooking the shared garden to the rear of the building.

  “I’m glad.” I sat down opposite her and waited until she looked at me. “Stay here with me this weekend.”

  “I’d like that.” Her cheeks reddened slightly as if I’d just asked her on a first date. Then it occurred to me we’d never had a first date. We’d stumbled from one drama to the next and our time together had been uncertain and fragile.

  She sat forward in her chair and rested her elbows on the table. “How long have you lived here?”

  I looked to the ceiling and counted in my head. “Eight years. I’ve lived here since I finished high school. Angus was my housemate while we were at uni and then he ditched city life and headed home.”

  “You were at uni?” she asked, but her cheeks immediately reddened, embarrassed by her question. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to sound surprised. That was rude.”


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