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The Cities That Built the Bible

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by Dr. Robert Cargill

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  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.


  Genesis, 75–76,

  251, 261

  1, 40, 42

  1:6–8, 77

  2, 42, 50

  2:14, 55

  6–9, 40

  10:21–32, 76

  11:1–9, 76–77

  11:10, 76

  14:18–20, 51, 174

  19, 223

  28:19, 35

  31:13, 35

  35:7, 50

  37:3, 43

  Exodus, 251, 261

  2:3, 146

  2:8, 152

  3:14, 50

  13–15, 146

  13:18, 146

  14:2, 38

  14:9, 38

  15, 40

  19:19, 36

  20:3, 49

  20:19–23:33, 81

  21:23–25, 80


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