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The Cities That Built the Bible

Page 33

by Dr. Robert Cargill

  21:28–29, 80–81

  23:12, 170

  23:32, 24

  32:4, 49

  32:33, 173

  34:13, 100–101

  34:14, 49

  Leviticus, 251, 261

  Numbers, 183, 251, 261

  4:15, 178

  5:11–31, 172

  6:24–26, 182

  22:41, 38

  33:7, 38

  Deuteronomy, 123,

  165, 251, 261

  7:2, 24

  12:2–4, 101

  32:8, 211

  Joshua, 107, 177,

  251, 261

  3:16, 40

  10:1, 175

  10:23–27, 175

  10:40, 175, 177

  12:10, 175

  15:8, 175, 181

  15:63, 175–76

  18:16, 181

  19:38, 38

  21:13, 18, 38

  21:44, 175

  24:11, 175

  Judges, 107, 154, 177,

  251, 261

  1:7–8, 176

  1:21, 176

  1:33, 38

  2:39, 239

  4–5, 104, 155

  4:9, 105

  4:19, 105

  5:6, 38

  7, 106

  9:46, 36

  19–21, 223

  21, 239

  Ruth, 87, 222, 251, 261

  4:11, 222

  4:17–22, 222

  1 Samuel, 107, 177,

  251–52, 261

  9:1–2, 223

  13:14, 177

  16:1–13, 222

  17:4, 210

  17:54, 176

  31:2, 106

  31:8–10, 106

  2 Samuel, 177, 251–

  52, 261

  5, 173, 176–77

  5:2, 227

  5:6–9, 173

  5:11, 22

  6, 177–78

  6:5, 178

  6:7, 178

  6:11, 178

  6:13, 178

  6:18–19, 178

  7, 95

  7:16, 84

  1 Kings, 107, 154,

  251–52, 261

  1:32–39, 184

  5:1, 22

  5:6, 22

  5:9–11, 23

  5:18, 24

  6–7, 179

  8:21, 179

  9:26–29, 24

  11:43, 57

  12:10, 57

  14:25–28, 105–6

  16:30–33, 36–37

  2 Kings, 93, 154,

  251–52, 261

  2:1–11, 239

  8:28–9:24, 107

  9–10, 59

  9:30–33, 107

  15:19, 54

  16:5, 149

  18–20, 61

  18:1–5, 61

  18:7, 165

  18:13–16, 60

  18:26, 61

  19:35, 63

  21:1–18, 159–60

  21:7, 36

  22:8, 165

  23:29–30, 107

  23:30–34, 94

  24:11–17, 83, 85, 93

  24:18–20, 93–94

  25, 225

  25:1, 83, 93–94

  25:4–7, 84, 93–94

  25:8–12, 84, 93–94

  25:22, 84, 93–94

  25:23–26, 93–94

  25:27–30, 85, 93–94

  1 Chronicles, 87, 107,

  251–52, 261

  11, 173, 177

  11:4–8, 173

  2 Chronicles, 87,

  251–52, 261

  12:2–12, 106

  33:1–20, 159–60

  35:20–24, 107

  36:22–23, 96

  Ezra, 21, 87, 157, 180,


  1:1–4, 96

  1:2, 180

  4, 163

  4:1–2, 180

  4:3, 180

  4:8–6:18, 181

  7:12–26, 181

  Nehemiah, 87, 180,


  2:5, 181

  2:17, 181

  Esther, 87, 154–55, 251,


  Job, 44, 46, 251, 261

  1:3, 44

  18:13, 40

  22:6–9, 44

  Psalms, 87, 160,

  251, 261

  22, 89–90

  44, 89

  46:1–5, 94

  60, 89

  74, 89

  74:12–17, 42

  79, 89

  80, 89

  82:1, 36, 50

  85, 89

  90, 89

  122:6–8, 165

  137, 90

  145:13–14, 211

  150, 160

  151, 153, 160

  Proverbs, 87, 251, 261

  30:19, 152

  Ecclesiastes, 87, 122,

  251, 261

  1:1–11, 122

  1:9, 113

  3:18–22, 123

  4:2–3, 123

  6:6, 123

  Song of Songs, 87,

  251, 261

  Isaiah, 71, 251, 261

  2:4, 197

  7:1–6, 149

  7:14–16, 148–49,


  7:16–17, 150

  23, 17

  23:13–14, 26

  33:13–19, 219

  33:16, 219

  33:17, 219

  36–39, 61

  37:21, 151

  37:30–32, 149

  37:36, 63

  44:28–45:4, 96

  45:1, 159

  51:17–18, 45

  63:2, 146

  Jeremiah, 71, 87, 93,

  251, 261

  1:16, 95

  3:16–17, 179

  5:19, 95

  7:4, 63, 94

  7:5–6, 94–95

  7:8, 94

  10:11, 156

  12:6, 95

  20:2, 95

  22:16, 95

  25–29, 93

  27:8, 94

  32–44, 93

  35:17, 95

  36:4, 93, 156

  36:18, 93

  36:23, 95

  38:6, 95

  38:17–18, 94

  38:20–23, 94

  39:1–10, 93

  40:7–41:18, 93

  44:30, 83

  46:2, 83

  52:4–16, 93

  Lamentations, 71,

  86–88, 93, 251

  1:8, 88

  1:18, 88

  1:22, 88

  3:22–24, 88

  5:20–22, 89

  Ezekiel, 71,

  251, 261

  14:14, 20, 46

  27:17, 24

  28:3, 46

  28:6–8, 25

  28:22–23, 25

  Daniel, 21, 46, 87, 91,

  93, 116, 125, 154,

  157, 251, 261

  1:7, 157

  2–7, 91

  3, 92, 157–58

  6, 92

  8, 116

  8:1–2, 116

  8:1–8, 92

  8:3–4, 117

  8:5–8, 117

  8:9–12, 92, 118

  8:13–14, 118

  12:1, 173

  Hosea, 251

  11:1, 227

  Joel, 251

  Amos, 251

  Obadiah, 251

  Jonah, 53, 251

  1:2, 64

  3:2, 64

  3:4, 64

  3:10, 65

  4:1, 65

  4:9–11, 65

  Micah, 251

  5:2 (5:1 HB), 224,


  Nahum, 251

  2:7–10, 67

  3:1–7, 68

  Habakkuk, 251

  2:5, 40

  Zephaniah, 251

  1:4–5, 66

  2:13–15, 53

  Haggai, 251

  Zechariah, 251

  9:9, 184

  Malachi, 251


  Matthew, 152, 185, 218,

  225–28, 230, 232,


  1–2, 245

  1:22–23, 148

  2:1, 226, 231

/>   2:6, 227

  2:11, 227

  2:15–16, 227

  2:16–18, 243

  2:31, 231

  11:20–24, 26

  12:41, 66

  15:21–28, 27

  22:25–28, 154

  27:59–60, 191

  Mark, 148, 185, 225,


  7:24, 27

  7:26–30, 27

  11:1–11, 185

  11:2–3, 185

  11:7–10, 185

  13, 245

  15:25, 186

  Luke, 185–86, 218,

  225–28, 232, 253–55

  1–2, 245

  1:5, 231

  1:26, 228

  1:27, 148, 228

  1:34, 148

  1:39, 228

  2:1–5, 228, 230

  2:4, 228, 230

  2:7, 231

  2:25–35, 231

  2:36–38, 231

  2:39, 230, 231

  10:13–15, 26

  11:32, 66

  22:15, 186

  John, 122, 148, 186,

  225, 254–55, 260

  4:20, 178

  19:31, 186

  Acts of the Apostles,

  254–55, 261

  9, 240

  9:3–9, 128

  13:22, 177

  15:2, 240

  17, 113, 131

  17:16–34, 129

  17:18, 119–20

  17:19, 129

  17:22–23, 129

  17:24, 130

  17:25, 130

  17:26, 130

  17:28, 130–31

  17:29, 132

  25:24, 128

  26:14–15, 128

  Romans, 235, 247, 255

  2:14, 127

  16, 249

  1 Corinthians, 255

  1:18–31, 126

  8:4, 49

  9:24, 127

  13:12, 121

  15:33, 126

  2 Corinthians, 255

  Galatians, 255

  1, 248

  5:23, 127

  Ephesians, 255

  Philippians, 255

  1:21, 127

  4:3, 172

  Colossians, 255

  2:8, 126

  1 Thessalonians, 255

  4, 248

  5:15, 127

  2 Thessalonians, 255

  1 Timothy, 255

  2 Timothy, 255

  Titus, 255

  1:12, 126

  Philemon, 254–55

  Hebrews, 252–56, 261

  1:3, 121

  James, 255, 261

  1 Peter, 254–55, 261

  2 Peter, 254–55, 261

  2:4, 124

  1 John, 254–55, 261

  2 John, 254–55, 261

  3 John, 254–55, 261

  Jude, 254–55, 257, 261

  Revelation, 10, 107,

  109, 172, 245,

  254–56, 258, 260–61

  16:12–16, 108

  16:14, 99

  16:16, 99, 108

  17:5, 72, 98

  18:21, 98


  Tobit, 53, 153–55, 261

  3:8, 154

  6:14, 154

  Judith, 153, 155,


  1:1, 57

  13, 260

  Additions Esther, 153,


  Wisdom of Solomon,

  153, 156, 254–55,


  Sirach, 153, 156, 251,

  255, 261

  Prologue, 141

  13:15, 251

  Baruch, 153, 156,


  Letter of Jeremiah,

  153, 156, 259–60

  20–23, 157

  Prayer of Azariah and

  the Song of the

  Three Jews, 92, 153,


  Susana, 92, 153,

  158, 255

  48, 158

  Bel and the Dragon,

  92, 153, 158

  1, 159

  28, 97

  31–42, 92

  41, 97, 159

  1 Maccabees, 153, 161,

  255, 261

  2 Maccabees, 153, 161,

  255, 261

  1 Esdras, 153, 163,


  4:42–63, 97

  2 Esdras, 153, 163,


  1–2 (5 Ezra), 163

  3–14 (4 Ezra), 163

  15–16 (6 Ezra), 163

  Prayer of Manasseh,

  153, 159

  3 Maccabees, 153,


  5–6, 162

  4 Maccabees, 153, 162

  1:8, 162

  1:13, 162


  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.

  (The transliteration of the letters ’aleph, ‘ayin, as well as supra- and sublinear diacritical marks (ā ḥ ḫ ṣ ś š ṭ û) are ignored for purposes of English alphabetization.)

  Aaronic blessing, 182

  ‘Abd al-Malik, 167–68

  ‘Abednego, 157–158

  ’Abinadab, 106

  ’Abino‘am, 104

  abomination of desolation (“desolating sacrilege”), 242

  Abraham (’Abraham), 46, 95, 174

  Abram (’Abram), 50–51, 175

  Acca Larentia, 238

  Achaemenid, 20, 25, 96, 117, 180

  Acropolis: of Athens, 112–14, 129–31; Museum (Athens), 112; of Ugarit, 32–33, 37;

  acrostic, 87–88

  Actium, Battle of, 241

  Acts of Andrew, 256

  Acts of John, 256

  Acts of Paul, 256

  Adad-nirari II, 54

  Adam (’Adam), 130

  Adapa, 56

  Adasi, 54

  ’Adoni-bezeq (Adoni-bezek), 176

  ’Adoni-ṣ edeq (Adoni-zedek), 175

  Aegean Sea, 18, 113

  Aegisthus, 128

  Aelia Capitolina, 190

  Aeneas, 238

  Aeneid, 238

  Aeschylus, 114, 128

  Against Celsus, 220

  Against Heresies, 254

  Agamemnon (play), 128

  Agamemnon (king), 128

  Agrippa II (Herod), 128

  Ahab (’Aḥ’ab) son of ‘Omri, 37

  ’Aḥaz, 148–49

  Aḥaziah (’Aḥazyahu), 107

  ’Aḥiqam, 84

  ‘Ain Dāra, 179

  Akkad(ian): kingdom, 33, 55, 83; language, 20; 75–79, 159

  Al-Aqṣā Mosque, 169, 171

  Alamo, 108

  Alawite, 31

  Alba Longa, 238

  Alexander, bishop of Constantinople, 258

  Alexander the Great, 10, 25, 92, 111, 115–17, 133, 136, 138, 166

  Alexandria: archbishop of, 258; bishop of, 193; city, 116, 135–39, 141, 153, 161–62, 164, 264; Clement of, 255; Library of, 10, 127, 136–39, 143, 164; Lighthouse of, 136; Musaeum of, 138; Origen of, 220; Philo of, 126, 143, 145; Siege of, 138, 243

  All Along the Watchtower, 140

  Allegory of the Cave, 121

  Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman, 108

  alphabet, 9, 10, 13, 17–21, 28, 41, 87, 263

  ‘Amaleq(ite) (Amalek, Amalekite), 106

  Amarna Letters, 18, 32, 173

  Ammon(ite) (‘Ammon), 76

  Amulius, 238

  Amun-Re: deity 104–5; Temple of (Karnak), 104–5

  Amorites (’Amori), 54

  ‘Anat, 38–39, 41–43, 45

  ‘Anat-Yahu (‘Anat-YHWH), 39

  ‘Anatoth, 38

  Andre the Giant, 210

  Anna (prophetess), 231

  Antigonus I Monophthalmus, 25

  antilegoumenoi, 255

  Antiochus IV Epiphanes, 92, 115–16, 118, 161, 242

  Antipas, Herod “the Tetrarch,” 245

  Antipater, 242

  Antiquities of the Jews, 147, 210

  Antisthenes, 119

  Anu, 36

  Aphrodite, 241

  Apries, 83

  Apocalypse of Peter, 254–56

  apocalyptic, 91, 99, 107–8, 116–17, 263

  Apocrypha, 3, 10, 136, 153–54, 159, 163–64, 261–62, 265

  ‘Aqaba: city, 199; Gulf of, 24, 147

  ’Aqhat: character, 45–46; Epic of, 34, 41, 44

  Aqra, Mount (Jebel ’Aqra‘), 35

  Arab(ian): Peninsula, 146, 199; people, 199; Sea, 147

  Arabic, 13, 15

  Aramaic, 9–10, 20–21, 39, 61–62, 76, 91–92, 136, 141, 156–57, 181, 203, 250, 264

  Aram(ean) (’Aram), 20, 55

  Aram-Damascus, 149–50

  Arapaho, 108

  Aratus of Soli, 131

  Archelaus, Herod, 231

  Areopagus, 113, 129, 131–32

  Ares, 113–14, 241

  ark of the covenant, 33, 76, 135, 177–80, 193, 196

  Aristeas (court official), 141

  Aristophanes, 114, 147

  Aristotle, 114, 127

  Armageddon, 10, 99, 104, 108–9

  Armenia(n), 192, 194

  Artaxerxes, 181

  ’Asa’, 60

  ’Asherah, 10, 36–38, 41–42, 44, 47–48, 51

  Ashurbanipal: king, 69, 81; Library of, 56

  Asia, 104, 147

  Asmodeus, 154

  Assyria(n), 53–57, 59–65, 67–69, 81–82, 94, 149–51, 155, 160, 165, 264

  ‘Astarte, 38, 55, 106

  Aswan, 39

  Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria, 258, 261, 265

  Athena, 114

  Athena Promachos, 114

  Athens, Athenian, 10, 111–14, 119–21, 129–33, 264

  ’Athirat, 36

  Atraḫasis Flood Epic, 41

  augury 238

  Augustine of Hippo, 122, 259

  Augustus, 228, 241

  Aurelianus, Lucius Domitius (Aurelian), 138

  Australia, 239

  Aventine Hill, 239

  ’Ayyamurru, 42

  Az-Zir, Maḥmoud Mella, 31

  ‘Azariah, 157–58

  Ba‘al: deity, 9–10, 32–33, 36–43, 45, 50–51, 66; Cycle, 34, 36, 40–41, 43; Hadad, 32–33, 36–37, 42–43, 45; of Ṣafon, 32, 38

  Babylon(ian): city, 10, 17, 20, 26, 46, 57, 71–72, 74–75, 77–79, 81–88, 90–92, 94, 96–98, 155–56, 159–60, 180, 225, 241, 263–64; Hanging Gardens of, 82

  Baghdad, 71–72

  Bamot-Ba‘al, 38

  Banias, 14, 115

  Bar-Kokhba Revolt, 190

  Baraq son of ’Abino‘am, 104

  Barber, Michael, 250, 260

  Barkay, Gabriel, 181

  Baruch ben Neriah, 93, 156

  Basilica of the Annunciation, 229

  Bedouin, 198–201

  Beirut, 202

  Bel (deity), 159

  Benaiah (Benayahu) son of Jehoiada (Yehoyada‘), 184

  Benjamin(ite) (tribe), 58, 176, 223–24

  Berlin, 85

  Bet She’an (Bet-shan), 106

  Beth-‘Anat, 38

  Beth-’El, 35

  Bethleḥem (Beit Leḥem), 11, 148, 186, 190, 201, 213, 215–18, 220–28, 230–33, 265

  Bethṣaida (Beit Ṣaidah), 26–27

  Bezeq, 171

  Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 137

  Big Lebowski, The, 208

  Birds, The, 147

  blues (musical genre), 86

  Bo‘az, 222

  Bobbio, Italy, 254

  Bonaparte, Napoléon, 108

  Bond, Sarah, 239

  Book of Life, 172

  Book of the Law, 165

  British Museum, 56, 112

  Brooks, Mel, 5

  Bruce, Thomas, 112

  Brucheion, 138


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