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Twisted Knights: Heaven and Hell: Twisted Knights MC Book Two

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by Calhoun, Lauren

  Twisted Knights: Heaven and Hell

  Twisted Knights MC Book 2

  By Lauren Calhoun

  Copyright © 2015 Lauren A Calhoun

  All rights are reserved to the author. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles, blogs or reviews.

  This novel is entirely a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved


  To my loving husband: you are the most supportive husband EVER! Know that even when I am busy trying to take over the MC world, you are always on my mind. I love you forever and always!

  To my kids: One day you will hate for being “The mom that writes Smut”, But I will always love you! Everything I do in life is to make sure y’all are taken care of. One day, hopefully not anytime soon, you will know the feeling of having to do whatever to give your kids everything. Sorry that mommy has to lock herself away in her “writing cave” for hours at a time, but one day you will understand!

  My Nanny: We have been through it all haven’t we! It has always been you that stands by me. I might have to be the rock for my husband and kids, but you Nanny are MY ROCK, the one I run too, the one that keeps me together. I love you so much!


  Michelle: You are the best damn PA ever!! I will never be able to repay you for everything that you do for me! Know that you are the BESTEST EVER!! And I love you, TWIN!!!

  Chasiti and Pam: Y’all might not be my aunt’s by blood, but you would never know it. Y’all have my back 100% of the time, and encourage me to reach for the stars, something my own blood doesn’t do too often, so for that Thank You from the bottom of my heart.

  I hope that I can continue to make you proud!

  My Beta Readers: Lisa, Ellie, Kirsty, Ashley, Jennifer, Alison, Melissa, Cora, Sharon, and Teena.

  Y’all ladies are the shit!!! When I needed help y’all stepped up! I am so glad that I have met each and every one of you ladies, y’all are Angels from God!!

  My Street Team: Thank God for the Twisted Angels. Getting on every form of Social Media and “Pimpin” my work, showing up at takeovers and helping with contests. Thank you all!


  I seriously think I am going crazy. I have no clue how long I have been here, locked away in some basement. Really, I have no clue where I am. Handcuffed to a wall, with only enough slack to use the makeshift toilet, a five gallon bucket. He really out did himself this time, even the torture chamber at the house isn't this bad. Clarke has only been by once, that was to show me the pictures of my dead brother and the members of his club.

  Tears sprang to my eyes as I looked at the pictures on the floor. Demon, god I miss him, he was among them. He was the one person that knew me better than anyone else. Clarke took him from me, from the world. For what, exactly? To keep me locked up here, to rot? I wish that I knew where I was, so that I could figure out how in the hell to get out of here.

  Trying to mourn the loss of what could have been my soul mate, my brother, and worrying about the safety of my babies has drained me. I don't feel like they're dead, my heart keeps telling me that they are alive. Clarke could be lying for all I know, I just don't feel the heartbreak that I think I should.

  I know it is just a matter of time before Clarke notices. I won't be able to hide the fact that I am carrying Demon's child much longer. When he finds out I'm sure he will kill me, or worse, kill the baby, that’s the kind of sick fucker this man is.

  I no longer try to kick and punch the guard that brings my meals. All I do is sit, or lay, and stare at the ugly brick walls. My wrists aren't as raw and the bed sores aren't as bad. Once every couple of days they come in and take me to a real bathroom. The same guy, who has a gun by the way, watches me take a shower every time. I really hate that guy, it's like he is visualizing running his hands over my body and it creeps me the fuck out. This man has made the mistake of touching me. He slapped me because I have a smart mouth. What person wouldn't have a smart mouth if they were handcuffed to a fucking wall for god knows how long, with no fucking end in sight.

  Crazy, that is what this is making me. Clarke is out living his fucking life, while I’m in here, I have no clue where my children are, or who they are with. I'm just here. I wonder if he wants me to get to the point where I try to kill myself. Truthfully, I am pretty fucking close, only thing that stops me is Rylynn, Ryder and the baby growing inside of me.

  The door flew open and slammed in to the wall with a loud bang. Clarke strolled in, like he didn’t have a care in the world, the devil himself. Demon might have thought he was bad, but Clarke is a thousand times worse.

  “Hello Rebecca, did you miss me?” God his voice makes me want to hurl.

  “Well, yes I did, but step a little closer and my aim is bound to improve.”

  Yeah, so what I have a smart mouth, if the asshole would un-cuff me, he would find out that it isn't just talk. Demon did train me well, he was the best of the best for a reason.

  “Not going to happen doll. Not until you're good and broken. I don't want to have to kill you for doing something else stupid.” He pulled a chair from across the room, and sat just out of my reach. Smart fucker. “Now, we are going to have a little chat.”

  “I really don't have anything to say to you Clarke. Plus, your voice makes me sick. So, can we please skip all the bullshit.”

  “I see fucking a biker made you brave. I'll give you that, but I broke you once and I'll break you again, you stupid cunt.”

  “Well, you're just full of joy today.” I leaned forward with my elbows in my knees,

  “Cut the shit Clarke, what the fuck do you want? Is it that you didn't beat me enough the last time, you need to get your rocks off again?”

  “I made you a promise that I intend to keep, don't you remember? I told you that if you ever ran from me, I would make you pay. Did you honestly think that I would just let you walk away? Just take all my dirty little secrets and walk away. If so, you are more stupid than you look.”

  “Well I’m here now, what are you going to do? Beat me? You have already done that. Rape me? Oh, you did that too. Keep me locked up here until I die? You're doing a great job at that. Keep up the good work, boss!”

  The evil look in his eyes is starting to show. How cute, I'm getting in the sick bastard's head, perfect. Clarke starts cracking his knuckles. Bitch, please, he’s done the beating thing before, I survived it once, and I’ll do it again.

  “Actually, I want to know about your little boy toy. Demon, was that his name? He started a bunch of shit down south, and now I have to clean it back up. You see, that man killed a bunch of the people working for me and stole my money. Now that he is dead, I need to get it back. That is where you are going to come in. I need to know where that money is, so that I can go get it.”

  I stared at him, does he really think that I am going to help him in anyway shape or form. Clarke must have taken a few beats to the head when he fought with Steel.


  “Is that your final answer?”

  “Bitch, this isn't Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. Matter of fact, this ain't Burger King either, you can't have it your way.”

  “I'm glad you think this is funny.” he chuckled,

  “Butch, come here.”

  The g
uard dog, man, whatever you want to call him, walked into the room, and stood right behind Clarke.

  “I'm sure you have noticed that Butch has a tiny crush on you, I can't see why, you disgust me. So, I have agreed to allow him to have his way with you until you comply. Beware, he likes it rough.” Clarke smiled at me.

  Butch winked, then grabbed his dick. He spoke for the first time,

  “That's right, and I like my women to try and fight it too.”



  Angel was laid out underneath of me and Her silky smooth hair fanned out around her head. Completely naked, hard as a nail nipples and soaking wet pussy. My hand softly ran up her side, below her arm. I grabbed her shoulder and rolled us both so that she was sitting on my stomach. The way the sun highlighted her body made her look like a true Angel. I could smell her scent mixed with the outdoors, causing my dick to twitch. I'm in Heaven. She rocked her hips along my abs smearing juices all over. I reached up and grabbed her tits, squeezing firmly. A soft moan escaped her lips as she threw her head back.

  “Oh Demon.”

  I lifted her weightless body and aligned her with my cock, dropping her and burying my thick cock deep inside of her.

  “Oh shit, babe. That pussy is still tight for me.” She moaned as she rocked, lost for words.

  In a flash, everything changed. It all went black and I reached out for Angel, but she was gone. I could hear her sobbing, I looked all around but didn't see her anywhere. A flash of light went off behind me and I turned quickly. There she was on the floor, handcuffed and gagged. I tried to run to her, but steel gates slammed down in front of me. I watched as faceless beings beat her. I shook the bars and screamed. If being with Angel was Heaven, This was surely Hell. A whispered voice touched me causing me to jump,

  “Fight. Wake up and fight.” I was sure I had heard that voice before. So feminine, small even. Angel's voice sounded like honey, this voice sounded almost god like. It hit me like a cement brick to the nuts, MEG.

  “Meg, What do I do?” I dropped to my knees and placed my head in my hands. What do I choose? Life or Death, Meg or Angel? The voice came back,

  “She needs you, fight.” I made up my mind, in that moment. Angel needed me and it was time.

  I tried to open my eyes, but they weighed so much. Where the hell am I and what the fuck happened? The beeping is making my head pound that much more. Pain coursing through my body, make it stop. Voices, who are they? Is that Steel and Jizz?

  “Steel, we have no clue where they are. It's like he vanished into thin air.” Jizz spoke quietly.

  “He'll show up somewhere, we have too many people looking for her. I'll make a few calls later after I speak with his doc.”

  Footsteps headed out of the room, then silence. How long have I been out of it? I tried to move my head, nothing.

  “Damn it D, you have to wake up. I need you.” Steel was talking to me but I couldn't do anything to respond. When nothing happened, I heard him sigh.

  Angel, where is she? Why isn't she here? So many questions I need to ask. The biggest one is who the fuck put me here?

  More beeping. Fuck, someone shut that damn thing up. I fought with the pain and was finally able to open my eyes. Blinded by the brightest lights ever, I blinked a few times.

  “D, you awake man?” Steel moved over top of me. I focused on him and was able to clear my vision a little. All I could do is grunt, speaking seemed like to much trouble.

  “Demon, snap out of it brother. I need you, they took her. They have Angel and we need to get her back.”

  Everything came flooding back to me, Angel was taken by her psycho husband. His goon had shot me in the shoulder and then hit me in the head. Fuck, I'm in a damn hospital. That sorry son of a bitch, I'm going to murder him when I get my hands on him.

  Angel, my crazy Angel. I have to get out of here and find her.

  “How long.” Is all I could manage to say. My mouth is too dry. Trying to lick my lips only made the problem worse.

  “You have been in a coma for nearly a month.” He spoke so shyly, like he was afraid I would be pissed. He stuck a straw in my mouth and I gulped the cold water into my mouth, glorious. As I processed what he said I began to get pissed, livid even.

  “Where is she?” I croaked, my voice still to weak

  “I have no idea, he disappeared with her. No one has seen or heard from him since.”

  OK, so Clarke has the woman I love somewhere that no one can find them. I'm in a fucking bed coming out of a coma. FUCK, the twins!


  “They’re safe with Alyssa at our safe house. I moved them as soon as I could. Fucker shot me in my stomach, superficial though. You on the other hand have a fractured skull and they had to dig a bullet out of your shoulder blade.”


  “Basically. Now that you are awake let me get your doctor.” He walked off towards the door.

  With my strength coming back to me, I reached over and pushed the button to raise my head. I hate fucking hospitals, everything reminds me of death. Speaking of which, I wonder if we lost any members. I remember a few went down. I think someone may have shot one of Clarke's men. Let's hope he was left behind, if he hasn't talked yet, he will.

  Steel walked back into the room and sat down in the chair across the room.

  “Doc will be in here in just a few.”

  “Steel, I need to talk to you about something.” For some reason I needed to tell him that I was going to do everything in my power to get his sister, my love, back here with us.

  “OK.” He bunched his eyebrows together, looking confused. Steel looked so much like Angel, now that I was paying attention. His shaggy brown hair was the same color as hers. His nose, and his ears matched hers too. Steel has a different shade of green in his eyes. He also has a five o'clock shadow. Women flocked to Steel, not because he was a hard-ass like me, because of his amazing charm, he could tame a snake. With that in mind, don't piss the man off, he's a beast with a killer smile. I'm about to poke the damn thing.

  “Well, man I'm in love with your sister.” I wasn't going to beat around the bush, not my style. Steel jumped from his chair, causing it to slide backwards and scarp the floor.


  “I said that I love your sister, and her kids.” I raised my voice. I'm not going to back down, we have hid the sex and the flirting. Not anymore, I'm going to do something I swore never to do again. Angel will be my Old lady!

  “This is not fucking happening, I didn't want this for her. She deserves better than a biker. Demon, tell me you understand that.” Steel started pacing and watching him was making me dizzy.

  “You don't think I know that? That woman deserves the world on a fucking platter, And I sure as fuck don't deserve her, But I can't deny that I love her anymore. Fighting it is killing me. Everything about her, the scars, the baggage, the kids, I want it all. This time I am going to be greedy!”

  “I should have seen this coming, putting y'all together. You two are perfect together and now that it's in my face, I don't know how I feel about it.” He hung his head, and sighed before starting to talk again,

  “If she decides not to be with you, let her go. If you don't, I'll kill you. Know that I'm not the happiest man in the world right now, but I'll be happy as long as she is happy.”

  “Thanks man, she will never be unhappy with me, but there is a slight problem.”

  “What's that.” He looked at me for the first time since I told him and his face looked defeated. I know he isn't too happy about this but I love her.

  “We have to find her!”


  Tears streamed down my face, the devil and his minion just left. Not only did Butch rape me, but Clarke watched. What sick man watches as another man rapes his wife. I will not break, not this time. I owe this much to Demon, who laid down his life to try and stop Clarke.


>   His voice was clear in my head. I miss that man so much. Oh man, his cuddles, i think that’s what i miss the most. A man with the name Demon is scary, mean, and cruel. My man with the name Demon likes to cuddle, but only with me.

  It’s one thing for Clarke to do these things to me, but for him to allow the guy that shot Demon to do it, I can't handle that. Surprisingly the abuse I am numb to, but him reminding me that he was the reason Demon no longer breaths, that was to much for me handle.

  “Angel, don't let him get in your head. Once your attacker gets in your head, they have won.” Demon reminded me.

  I need to stay strong, letting them get to me would disappoint Demon, I won't let that happen. I need to find a way out, somehow.

  “Where do I start Demon,” I whispered to the air.

  First, I need to get these handcuffs off. I've never been really good at picking locks or anything like that, so problem one. Second problem, I have no clue how many men I face once I get the cuffs off. Damn it man!

  A strange man walked through the door, I mentally cringed. I will not show fear, I kept repeating to myself.

  “Did Clarke think one wasn't enough for today?”

  He sat down in the same chair Clarke was in, and just watched me. He finally spoke after a few minutes,

  “I have a question for you?”

  “Oh, this is going to be epic! Alright let's here it!” My words were laced with sarcasm.

  “Do you go by a different name?”

  His question threw me off guard, why was he asking this.

  “Maybe, Why do you want to know?”

  “I swear, I've seen you before at a bar, one that belongs to my club.” No fucking way, no way would Clarke be dumb enough to hire a fucking Twisted Knight!

  “Twisted,” His eyes gave away too much, he was a member, but can he be trusted. Clarke did tell me that he had some Twisted Knights on payroll, but that was for drug running. “Have you been in the bar while I was working?”


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