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Twisted Knights: Heaven and Hell: Twisted Knights MC Book Two

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by Calhoun, Lauren

  “Yes, I have. Angel, what are you doing here?” The man kept looking over his shoulder like he was about to get caught.

  “My real name is Rebecca, Clarke is my very abusive husband. I was in hiding at Twisted because my brother is the VP.”

  “You're Steel's sister?”

  “That would be me.”

  “Look, I don't have long to talk before Butch comes back, but my name is Tatts. I'm a Nomad and a Twisted Knight. My friend helped me get this job, but no one here knows that I'm a patch-holder. I don't wear my cut, and these are members I have never met. Steel has been looking all over for you, but can't leave Cali because Demon is in a coma.” I sucked in a shocked breath and he stopped talking.

  “What do you mean, in a coma? I was told they are both dead!” I exclaimed

  “Keep your voice down.” He walked over to the door and looked out. “I'm not suppose to be in here. To answer you're question, no they are not dead. They are very much alive and Steel has been looking for you for almost a month.”

  “A fucking month, I've been in this fucking room for a goddamn month!”

  “Yes, now keep your mouth shut.” He walked back over to the chair, but didn't sit. “I'll make a call to Steel once my shift is over and let him know where you are. Promise me that you will do whatever they say until then, don't raise the alarm. And for god's sake don't let on that you know.”

  Right then Butch walked through the door and yelled,

  “What the fuck are you doing in here?”

  “This little bitch was yelling about wanting something to eat, so I came in here to tell her she could have a cock sandwich.” Tatts spun on his heels and headed towards the door. I shot them both a dirty look before laying back on the bed and turning my back towards them. Can I really trust what this guy is saying, or is he fucking with my head as a part of Clarke's game? I guess only time will tell.

  Tatts played the part well, Butch seemed convinced and they both left, slamming the door on the way out. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.


  Angel where are you? I have called every contact I have that knows Clarke, no one has seen him. Steel put a price on her safe return, so every Twisted Knights member is searching high and low for her.

  The doctor said that as long as everything looks good I can head home tonight. Thank fuck! I'm tired of this place and I have only been awake for a few hours. My shoulder is sore but nothing I can't handle, it's the dizziness from the fracture that gets me. Can't drive my bike if I can't see straight.

  Steel had finally left to check on the twins and get me clothes. Ryder and Rylynn are so adorable and truth be told I missed them. I tried to go with him but everyone had stopped me, threatening to knock me back out if I didn't stay put. I had agreed and I let my self think about Meg, what would she think now. Would she approve of Angel? I’ve held on to her memory for so long, is it possible to let her go? I really needed to talk to Spider about this, with him being her dad, he can maybe help. I'll pull him aside the next time I see him.

  Wishing for a miracle that would bring my Angel home, I laid there waiting for my ride.

  When the phone rang, I was hoping it was Steel saying she was home, but it was Tatts

  What does this Nomad want?

  “Tatts, whats up man? You in town?”

  “No man I'm not, But I do have some info for you.”

  “Man I'm laying in a hospital right now. Can it wait?”

  “Dude I know, everyone knows. Clarke Murphy, ring a bell?”

  I sat up straight up and the world started to spin. Damn.

  “What do you know?” I started ripping lines out of me and swung my feet over the side of the bed. Steel walked in the room with an arm full of my clothes, perfect fucking timing. I held the phone between my shoulder and ear. I motioned for Steel to bring me my clothes, and started to dress myself ignoring the pain.

  “Well he has her, Angel. One of his guys is trying to get her to turn on the club and fork over the money that you took back from the guys in New Mexico.”

  “He was behind that?”

  “Yeah man.”

  “Angel doesn't know anything about that. We never talked about that, and how is he trying to turn her?”


  “MOTHER FUCKER!” I roared. I stepped into my boots and headed out the door. This is going to end up bloody, I will kill that fucker.

  “We are in Virginia, a small town called Rappahannock. The same guy that has been bragging about killing you is the one hurting Angel. He has about 15 guys there at all times, twelve hour shifts. I'm on the night shift.”

  “How did you get in touch with that asshole?”

  “About ten of the guys here are Twisted Knight members, Alec called and asked if I needed work. It pays good, so I took it.”

  Steel and I were headed down the road towards the clubhouse. His phone was blowing up, the hospital was freaking out because I walked out. Oh fucking well, I'm headed to get my old lady.

  “Okay, I'll call you back in a few. We are headed to the club house to round up everyone.”

  Steel was eying me like I had just been fucking abducted from my home planet and just showed up after a ten year period. I quickly explained everything and with a sigh of relief, we started making a plan. Clarke is the type of bastard you want a solid plan before busting down doors with guns blazing.

  I left out the part of that fucker named Butch raping my woman! I will handle that mother fucker one piece at a time. That body, mind and pussy are MINE!

  “Tell me who's pussy this is, Angel!” I groaned into her ear as I rammed my cock deep inside of her.

  “Demon, this pussy belongs to Demon.” She moaned between thrusts.


  “Oh it's going to happen babe. You're going to suck me off.” Butch barked at me while trying to force me to open my mouth. His grip on my hair was uncomfortable, to say the least. By the time he finishes I am going to have a fucking bald spot.

  “Just open your mouth, you dumb bitch.” He is such a sweet talker. Oh yeah I am going to get this jackass better than good. I continued to fight him, making him think he has the control.

  “No, I won't do it!” I mumbled. I wasn't going to open my mouth. If he wanted me to suck him off, he's going to have to fight for it.

  After a few more minutes of fighting it, I decided it was time for him to think he has won. I unsealed my lips so he could pry my mouth open, He crammed all of his tiny pecker in my mouth. He tasted disgusting, and his dick felt strange. Whenever I tasted Demon it was like home. When he was lost in pleasure I made my move. He shoved me all the way to the base and I moaned. He took it as pleasure, it was really a warning. I bit, hard and didn't stop. The pain finally registered to Butch and he tried to pull me off, only causing me to scrap my teeth along his shaft. I tasted the blood, and I bit that much harder, causing him to scream in pain. He drew back his right fist and slammed it right into my eye, I fell backwards and took some meat off the tip of his dick with me.

  “YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT, I'LL MURDER YOU!!!” He tried to attack me but Tatts was there to stop him. He pulled him out of the room mumbling that Clarke needs me alive. When the door closed, I sat up and spit the blood out onto the floor. Bet that mother fucker won't be back for more.

  “That's right, I'm the stupid one.” I laughed to myself.

  The next day after Tatts left, Butch came back. This time he didn’t have sex on the brain. His main goal in life was to cause me pain, and boy was there tons of it. My screams had to have shattered windows.


  Three days later.

  Backwoods Virginia

  I hate the fact that it took us three days to get out here. Lord knows what is happening to Angel, knowing her she is fighting every step of the way. Tatts has kept us up to speed on the things he is told, which isn't much.

  Clarke is staying at an Inn somewhere in Rapphannock, while Angel is up at a cabin at the base of a mou
ntain. She is guarded well, and so is Clarke. We prepared for that, we rode in fifty members deep, with enough guns and ammo to scare the US Army.

  One thing in life you don't fuck with is a man's woman, the other thing is a fucking MC. It's like calling the reaper and asking to meet you maker. With our size, not

  many other clubs fucked with us anymore. Clarke pissed off two ranking officers in the founding chapter, not many would live to tell that tale. Just proves what I already knew, he is a stupid fuck!

  The tricky part of the rescue is getting Angel out while not getting her killed. I would love to say this is an in and out sort of thing, but it's not. Clarke is too smart for that. From what Tatts says getting fifty members anywhere near there on bikes is going to be a hard thing to manage.

  When we stopped at a hotel about thirty miles away from my Angel, we called one last meeting, can't have Church in a bar.

  “We end this tomorrow, Clarke doesn't leave Virginia unless it's in a body bag. My sister will be ridin' bitch on her Ol' Man's hog on the way back to Cali, understood?” Jaws dropped and eye's bugged as Steel spoke, no one knew that I had claimed Angel, until this very moment. I'm not the type that commits, well I wasn't until I met Angel. It's pretty fucking sad to wake up from being in a coma for a month with a pain in my heart and my dick, neither of which I can fill, soon though.

  “That's right fuckers, I went and claimed my woman. So if one hair on her head gets harmed, you deal with me!” I raised my voice at them, but didn't need to, I scare most of the guys in the entire club.

  They all nodded in agreement, and went back to their tables to finish their beers. Steel and I sat back down at our table, minutes passed as we just stared at the tables.

  “We will get her back, Demon.”

  “I know we will.”

  The plan is simple, we are going to hike up the backside of the mountain, come down to get visual on the cabin and wait in the trees until Clarke arrives. Tatts told us that Clarke shows up every evening at the shift change. So now, it's a waiting game.

  Tatts is also going to make sure that Angel is safe until I can get to her. After this we’re going a long vacation with the twins. She’s been gone from my side long enough.


  “You guard the cunt, we have a meeting upstairs” Butch pointed at me, and stomped up the stairs. Being the only person down stairs now, time to make my move. First, I pulled out my cell phone and text Demon,

  They are in a meeting, securing Angel now!

  I muted my phone and set to work. I grabbed the key's and headed into Angel's room. What I haven't told Demon is that they have beaten this woman so bad I barely recognize her.

  “Angel, babe wake up.” I brushed the hair out of her face and rubbed her cheek. Angel couldn't speak, just mumble. I grab the keys and un-cuff her, then I lift her half naked body and cradle her to me. I walk over to the door and peek out. With the coast clear, I head to the only other door in the basement. Butch's room, I know it sounds stupid, but the man has about 5 bolt locks on the inside along with a lot of weapons.

  When the gunshots started going off upstairs, I knew we needed to move fast. I laid Angel down on the bed and raced back to the door, to secure it. After that, I ran around and found all the weapons I could, including two 1911 handguns and a double barrel shotgun. Once I had them all loaded and ready, I started searching for something Angel could wear.

  “Tatts” Angel mumbled when I lifted her leg to slide the pajama pants on.

  “Yea babe, it's me. I need you to be quiet, Demon is coming for you.”

  “Thank you” she whispered.

  She passed out again. FUCK! She is in no shape to be running, We'll have to stay here and wait. Not part of the plan. I’m suppose to take her and head into the woods and wait. Can't really do that now, can I? Demon is going to fucking flip when he sees her. I tried my best to stop most of it, but she just had to keep fighting them. Biting Butch's dick was the funniest thing I have seen in years.

  Hearing gunshots explode overhead made me jumpy. Yes I know 50 to 30 is good odds, but how many of our men are going to die trying. I paced the room, mind going a thousand miles a minute. I'm too young for this shit. I have my whole life ahead of me, if Clarke makes it out alive, I'm dead. All I ever wanted in life was to travel and tattoo. The club allows me to do that. Sometimes I have to flex my muscles, get into a fight here or there, but hell we are outlaws. I've never wanted children and I don't think I could settle down with one woman. Hell, I don't even know what state I am going to be in next month, let alone where I will lay my head down.

  I looked over at Angel. The beautiful woman that lay in the bed. I sometimes wish that I could find myself a woman like her. Ride or Die. I knew she could kick ass, I heard all about it. I also know she is loyal. I mean she took several beatings and not once did she roll on the club. Weaker women would have turned the moment Butch walked in the door. Demon is a lucky man, that's for sure.

  I sent a quick message to Demon to let him know that I wasn't leaving the cabin.

  Keeping her in the basement, use code when you come.

  I tried to keep my cool waiting but the noises and the shouting going on upstairs began to worry me. What if it's Butch that comes down here? I might be an Outlaw, but I know the fact that not to many people can beat him. Demon might be the only one.


  When I got word from Tatts that he had Angel in a safe location, we stormed the house. Knowing she was somewhere in this god awful place made me sick to my stomach. With the element of surprise, men dropped before having a chance to draw their gun. We surrounded the house and came through every door. I went through the kitchen, where five of his men stood, my group and I dropped them all. Gunshots rang out in every direction. Steel was in the other group that came in through the front, I could hear him giving directions. More shots rang out and I heard Steel cuss, he must have been hit. Fuck!

  Clarke really did make this easy for us, in his attempt to hide Angel from us, and the world, he picked the most secluded spot for me to put a bullet in his head.

  I searched the dining room and a small pantry, dropping three more of Clarke's men. In the hall closet I found one trying to hide, I ripped him from his hiding spot by his hair before I put the gun to his forehead and pulled the trigger. I dropped the mag and shoved a new one in it's place. I chambered the first round into the clip as I turned into the makeshift office. I finally laid eyes on the two fuckers I was looking for. Clarke had his back turned towards me with his gun pointed at the other door. Butch was about to turn around so I moved quickly knocking Clarke out with the butt of my gun. Butch tried to run, but I had him cornered.

  “Big tough guy can rape MY WOMAN, but can't fight me.” We were doing quite a dance around the desk. Like a cat playing with a mouse I finally got bored, pulled my gun out and shot him in the shoulder, he dropped. As I rounded the table, I noticed him trying to reach for his knife, not wise my friend, not wise. I kicked the knife out of his hands and bent down,

  “Life has the karma effect doesn't it.” I shoved the barrel of my gun into his wound, causing him to scream in pain. “I would have just shot you in the head for shooting me, but then you have to fuck with what is mine, so now I'm going to teach you a little lesson.” The Demon was back and there was no stopping him. I twisted and turned the gun into his shoulder. His screams became more girly with each turn.

  “My plans for you are far worse than this.” I took the gun and knocked him out.

  We swept the whole property, making sure that the only two people left breathing were Butch and Clarke, both tied up in the office.

  In the chaos, Steel had been shot in the back a couple of times, He was still breathing but we need to get him in an OR stat. With everyone focusing on him I went to the room Tatts had locked Angel and himself in. I knocked on the door and yelled for him to open up. I heard the gun click and he asked me for the proof. We are far from stupid, every member of the club learns the code. Spe
cial numbers meant for situations like this one. Basically if I wasn't alone I would say 711, that meant that coast wasn't clear and not to open the door.

  “420” Whoever came up with the code was a funny fucker. I heard the door locks clicking open. He cracked the door far enough to let me in and then slammed it shut again. The image I saw laying on the bed will forever be burned into my mind.

  Angel was lying in a ball, bruises on every visible part of her body, cuts on both sides of her lips, and her eyes swollen shut. I ran to her side and scooped her up as gently as I could. I glared at Tatts for a few seconds, how could he let this happen to her?

  “Angel baby, I got you, we are going to get you better. I love you.” I whispered in her ear as I carried her out of the room. It sounded like she said Demon, but I couldn't be 100%. I held her close as I took the stairs two at a time. These mother fuckers will pay for this, I will bleed them dry for causing my woman this much pain!

  “Are... they... dead?” She gasped between words.

  “No babe, but we got them.”

  “Wait... for …. me.” She whispered before passing out again. That's my girl, and as much as it pains me for those fucker to live, I will let them live until she is gets better.

  When we arrived at the hospital, we were met by ten members, all waiting on news about Steel. I had called ahead so the nurses grabbed Angel and instantly took her back.

  We were in the waiting room for what seemed like hours before a doctor stepped out.

  “Who is here for a” he looked down at his paper “Marcus “Steel” Kenny.” When we all stood up, the doctor headed our way. When he got to us he rubbed his chin and let out a sigh. I knew what was coming and there was no way of stopping it.


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