Twisted Knights: Heaven and Hell: Twisted Knights MC Book Two

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Twisted Knights: Heaven and Hell: Twisted Knights MC Book Two Page 4

by Calhoun, Lauren

  She talked a lot about Clarke faking our deaths, and how she thought she had lost me. Each time she brought it up she would remember her brother, causing her to go into emotional episodes. There is nothing worse in this world than feeling helpless, and when Angel cries that is what I feel.

  Clarke and Butch are still up at the cabin, waiting for her. She is still dead set on finishing this. I have begged her to let me do it, but she is adamant about it. Most people would just go finish the job anyways, but ya see Angel is a special kind of woman. I have no doubts that she would kick my ass and anyone who was involved. So here I sit, waiting while those mother fuckers still breath. Fuck me.

  Today the doctor should release her. She is finally eating again, and the bruising has lightened. The rib is going to be sore for awhile, and she is going to be on light duty. All but a few members have left and headed back to Cali with Steel's body. His funeral is set for a week from tomorrow, giving us plenty of time.

  “A rusty fork.” Angel stated. When I looked at her funny, she continued.

  “I'm going to use a rusty fork to kill him.” The way she spoke scared me, like she didn't even care she was planning to kill someone.


  “Yes, really. Could you image getting stabbed with a fork multiple times?”

  “Well. No. Actually. Remind me not to get on your bad side babe.” I believe she wants to kill Clarke, but with a fucking fork? DAMN.

  Right about the time she went to say something else, the Doctor walked in with a clipboard and started talking.

  “Well, it looks like you have been cleared to go home. I'm going to forward your file to the OB you have here in your file. I am also going to send you home with mild pain pills and anti nausea pills.”

  After a few signatures we walked out of the hospital and headed to the one place that I didn't want to take her, to Clarke. Even though she is fully capable of killing, I did train her, but I don't think she will like the demons that haunt you when you do. One thing is true, I will be there for her no matter what. After that we will talk, and I will spill the beans about Meg and my trust issues.

  “I want Butch, Clarke is all yours babe, but Butch he is mine.” I said to her on the way up the road towards the cabin. Tatts and few others are guarding them, he and these men were the most trusted. Looks like we get to go cleaning.


  I know Demon is worried about me, it's written all over his face. I just want to get this over and head home. Take my kids and move the hell on from all it. They are waiting until we return to bury my brother. We still haven't talked about the baby, and I know there is something Demon is hiding from me. Today I get to question Clarke, So many questions I need answers to. First and foremost how the hell did he find out where I was. Another question is what was he talking about when he wanted his money back.

  “Demon, Clarke was talking about you, wanting to know where you hid the money that you took from the guys down south. He also said something about members spying on me.” I looked at him, both hands tightened on the steering wheel.

  “Angel, I can only go into somethings because mostly it's club business. From what I can gather Clarke is the one that was behind the members jumping ship down south. He also has a lot of side jobs he offers to them. Today I plan on getting some names, but I don't know if these guys will talk. Tatts, had heard that whoever broke into the apartment, worked for him, but I don't know a name.”

  “Want me to get information from him?”

  He reached over and grabbed my hand. After rubbing his thumb across the back of it a few times, he pulled it to his mouth and placed a very soft kiss on it.

  “Baby girl you don't have to do anything you don't want to, but if you do it I would like to be there to hear it.”

  I turned my head to look out the window. Lost in thought. The past few years have been difficult, to say the least. Could I truly question him, torture him and kill him.

  “Remember babe, let go of everything but that anger. I will be there, if you need me.”

  We arrived at the cabin twenty minutes later, with Tatts and some other member I hadn't seen before. There was a woman with her head resting on her knees, blocking her face.

  “What the hell?” Demon hopped out of the truck, walked around and helped me out of the truck.

  “Thanks babe.” I stood up on my tip toes and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. When I turned to walk away, he slapped my ass and give it a lingering squeeze.

  Tatts walked over with his head hung and his hand in his pockets. I blushed thinking back to the last time her saw me.

  “Angel, Demon we found this woman trying to free Clarke and Butch. She won't tell us a name or anything.”

  “Let me try.” I pushed passed him and walked over to her. The woman looked familiar, but I couldn't my finger on it. Plus, she still wouldn't look up. I grabbed her by her ponytail and forced her head up, immediately I recognized her, Chloe.

  “What the fuck are you doing here.” I didn't let go of her hair, instead I pulled harder.

  She laughed before saying,

  “Clarke is my man, you stupid bitch.” I put everything together rather quickly. That night in the bar I fought with her, that same night someone broke into my apartment. Clarke knew exactly where I was, because of her. All rational thinking went out the window and I attacked her. Punch after punch straight to the face. Before the guys knew what was going on I had her pinned under me beating the hell out of her. She tried to block her face but it was no use.

  I saw Demon run up beside me and tried to grab me when he realized who it was, he backed away.

  “I will fucking kill you, you dirty ass whore!” Chloe had huge gashes on her cheeks and a few on her lips. Her nose had blood flowing and her eyes were already turning black. I stood up and spat on her.

  “I hope his dick was good because it is the last one you will ever have!” I started to walk inside so that either Tatts or Demon could finish the job.

  “You think you are getting something from killing him, but you aren't. The two of you aren't even married, who's stupid now.” She manged to choke out. I stopped dead in my tracks. Without turning around,

  “What did you just say?”

  “Bitch you aren’t married, you get nothing!”

  I slowly turned and walked back over to her, squatted down next to her head and whispered,

  “I left because I wanted nothing from him, I left because nothing of his meant anything to me. You on the other hand are about to die a whore, nothing but a snitching, worthless, loose lipped whore. Me, I get to live on and continue to carry Demon's baby. We will raise Clarke's and mine too. Funny how things can turn around in just a few moments. Ryder and Rylynn father is Clarke, everything that is his will go to them.” Her eyes started to bug out. “In case you are wondering, I will see you in hell!”

  I walked away. When I passed Demon I stopped and put my hand on his chest.

  “Finish it, I don't give a fuck how, just make it hurt.” I walked in the house and shut the door. I slid down the wall and collapsed as the gun shot went off.


  I let the other guys handle Chloe, shooting her knee cap and letting her bleed out slowing. I talked to Angel about the conversion she had with Chloe. So far this is what I know. Clarke may have faked their marriage and Chloe sold her soul to the devil to roll on Angel. Now with Angel promising to wait for me, it is my turn with Butch. The mother fucker that raped and beat my woman.

  When I walked in the door I slammed it shut, causing him to jump.

  “Took you long enough. I have been in here for days.”

  I walked around so that he could lay eyes on me. Judging by the surprised look on his face, I wasn't who he thought was walking through the door.

  “Did you think that someone was going to save you? Even if you manged to get out of here, I would hunt you down like the dog you are. Why try and fight it?”

  “You will pay for this, along with Tatts. Ther
e are still people out there that when they find out about this, they will come for you and your club.” He tugged on his restraints, the effort was a waste, they aren’t going to budge.

  “I can't wait.” I grabbed his jaw and began to squeeze it. He tried to jerk away but my grip was too tight. I pulled out my pocket knife with my free hand and whipped it open.

  One long slice from the side of his lip to his ear. He growled with pain, and I chuckled. I repeated the same on the other side. I smiled down at him,

  “Now no matter what I say or do you will smile.”

  “Let me free and I'll show you who's boss.” Butch hasn't eaten in days, and I know for a fact I could take this puss.

  “Fine, first give me some names. Club members that work for Clarke. If you beat me you can walk, agreed?”

  “Fine, I'll tell you the names of the members that I know. When I beat you, your guys let me walk, and believe me I'll be taking Rebecca with me when I do.”

  “If you beat me, you'll have to deal with her.” Even if he were to beat me, he wasn't going to be walking out of this cabin.

  I stripped the room, no weapons or objects. I walked back into the room with Tatts, who was ordered not to interfere. I felt way too much rage for this to be slow. Butch would die today.

  Tatts cut him loose and I stripped off my shirt. Before he was fully standing I hit him with a right hook straight to the jaw. He stumbled to the side and took the back of his hand and wiped the blood off his lip.

  “Her pussy really was tight, you must be a needle dick.”

  Butch charged me, slamming me into the wall. When my head hit the wall it felt like it was going to explode. Stars filled my line of sight for a few brief seconds. He dug his fingers into my shoulder causing me to groan in pain. He hit me in the gut and I elbowed him in the head. The blow to the temple was harsh, he grunted on impact. Dizziness slowed my movements, as I walked over to him, kneeing him in the ribs with enough force to knock him down. I already had all the club names on a piece of paper in Tatts pocket, time to kill this bastard. I kicked him in the face and I heard the crunch of his cheekbone shattering. I raised my foot to stomp his head but was halted by his mumble,

  “Wait. This is bigger than Clarke, and you won't live through it.” I almost stopped myself, but Clarke is still alive. I can get what I need out of him. I walked over to Tatts held my hand out for his knife. Without a word he handed it to me, handle first. I dropped to my knees by Butch.

  “By the time I get through with all of y'all, Twisted Knights will be the only thing left standing.” I nicked his neck, blood started gushing. I stood and walked out of the room without looking back.


  I kept my promise to Demon, I waited until he was done with fuck face. Now it's my turn, Demon had prepped me before we headed to the room. Clarke is a sick man and deserves what I am about to do to him.

  When we walked in the room Clarke's head was hanging down, like he was asleep. Yeah right, that bastard sleeps with one eye open all the fucking time. I carefully walked over to him, knife in hand and gun tucked safely in my pants.

  “So, I met your whore.” His head jerked towards my voice. The evil smile on his face made me want to barf. His glare boring holes into me as he watched me move around in front of him. That's right mother fucker, Demon isn't going to finish this fight, I am. “She was under the impression that we aren't married, that can't be true right. I do remember a priest and a white dress.” I laced my voice with enough sweetness to sound honestly hurt.

  “Bitch you were a pawn, just a means into the club.” Not going to lie that hurts a little. “Don't get me wrong, the sex was great but we knew that if push came to shove Steel wouldn't harm a hair on you head. I faked the whole thing, even the priest was a fake. So if I die you get nothing.” His snicker was beginning to piss me off.

  “Well, that's great! I don't want your blood money.” I walked up to him and held out a picture of Ryder and Rylynn. “But these two, they are entitled to everything you own. Seeing as how you helped produce them.” His eyes changed no longer amused, they filled with red hot anger. That's it get mad, I want you to be mad.

  “YOU FUCKING DUMB CUNT.” I slid the picture of Demon holding the Twins back into my pocket quickly. Then I produced the knife and laid it in on his cheek.

  “You don't ever get to call me that again. And as for my kids, yes they are your blood, but Demon is their daddy.” I slid the knife quickly, drawing blood.

  “You remember what you told me, the night of the pool party? I do believe it was 'I OWN YOU!' wasn't it? Well now it looks like you don't own shit.” I ran the knife along his forearm, blood almost immediately ran down his arm and onto the floor.

  Demon stood in the far corner of the room listening. He nodded once showing his support. I wanted this, he would have handled this, I know that. What I don't know is why I am doing this, it doesn't make me feel better about losing my brother. I have to keep my emotions in check or I might just fail at this.

  I took the fork that I had been hiding in my pocket out, I wasn't kidding about that part. When I came closer I could tell things began to click into place with Clarke. He eyed the fork carefully, wondering where I was going to go with it. When I jammed it deep into his upper thigh, he screamed in pain. I twisted it around before removing it and doing the same on the other thigh. His scream echoed around us, instant goosebumps.

  “Tell him what he wants to know Clarke and this will be over very soon.” Clarke shook his head to inform me he wasn't going to talk.

  “Clarke, you took my brother from me, you killed him, you abused me for years. What kind of sick fuck allows a man to rape a woman? Do you think that I am going to be easy on you? You wanted me fucking broken, well you got it!” I was screaming in face, holding his head forcing him to look at me. This is no longer a sick man's mind games. I let go of his face and backhanded him. His head whipped to the side and perfect hand print welted on his face.

  “Rebecca, this is bigger than me. I will not give up the names, ever. You could cut my nuts off, still not going to happen. One thing I will tell you, my kids aren't safe. I would never harm them, but these guys don't give a fuck.” His voice was too calm, it was like he was accepting his fate.

  “Clarke, I can't protect my kids if I don't know who to protect them from.” His eyes showed little emotion, he doesn't truly care about the twins. This man is a heartless bastard who has made his billions by killing people and dealing drugs. When I look over at Demon, I almost loose my resolve. His face is saddened. I realized then I was crying, not the hard bawling I have been doing but a few tears ran down my face.

  “I will not roll.” I slapped him again. The sting of my hand burned like molten lava.

  I don’t know why but all I want to do is beat the shit out of this man, cause him some of the pain I felt for all those years. I took the knife back out and cut his shirt open. The knife sliced right across his nipples, causing him to flinch.

  “When I get done with you, no one will ever want to look at you. Remember when you said that to me? Remember the pools of blood at my knees? Yeah, I bet you do remember.” His frown was beginning to piss me off, maybe I should change that. I held the blade up to his mouth and ran the blade along his cheek, cutting a smile onto his face. Repeated on the other side too.

  “There, now you are happy! Tell me what I need to know!”

  “No!” I dropped the weapons and punched him, right in the nose. Blood drained into his mouth, and he spat it towards me. I elbowed him in the chest knocking the air out of him.

  “Tell me!” The room echoed with my voice, but Clarke remained quiet.

  I walked around behind him, pulled out the gun and shot him in his shoulder. His scream was full of agony and for some reason I loved it. It might make a sick person, but he has caused me to scream that way so many times, this just seemed to even the score.

  “I'll ask you again, who are we looking for? All I need is a name” I could hear him sniffl
ing, letting out weak breaths. I've been there, done that. This time I put the barrel of the gun to the back of his head. I was holding it with just my right hand, when I noticed it was shaking, I gripped the gun with both hands.

  “All I will tell you is that a woman at your club has daddy issues. Figure it out yourself.” He took a couple of deep breaths before continuing,

  “Demon, I hope that every time you fuck this bitch you remember that I had her first, that I was the one that broke her. I will always haunt her!” His voice, I hated it so much.

  “Clarke, you might have broke me, but Demon is the one that heals me. As for me I get to be happy, finally. I get to walk out of here knowing that you will never lay an eye on my babies. Also I will enjoy thinking of you, because every thought of you will remind me that you are in hell!” Before he could respond I pulled the trigger, his head flew forward and blood spattered everywhere. In that moment relief washed through my body. I dropped to my knees, laid the gun down. Everything on me hurt, but I feel lighter, almost like a weight has been lifted. I started to cry, Happy or sad tears, I don't know, both I guess. One thing I do know is I'm free!


  On the flight back home, Angel cried most of the way. Sleeping the rest. I knew it was going to be hard on her, but my woman wanted to do this. Steel would be so proud to know that she stood up for herself, finally killing the man that has caused her so much pain.

  Steel's funeral was the day after we returned home. Most of the club was there, all on their bikes wearing their cuts. On the way to the grave site Angel rode with Alyssa and her mother in the limo, while I rode beside Spider. We closed down roads for more then five minutes. The roaring of bikes could be hear for miles around. Everything was just like he would have wanted it, including the major after party. I'm not going to lie and say that I didn't shed a few tears, because I did. My best friend was no longer with us, and it was something I wasn't prepared for.


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