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The Virgin Witch and The Vampire King: Book One: Weddings Bells Times Four (Vampire Witch and The Vampire Kin)

Page 18

by Trinity Blacio

  Tears rolled down her cheeks and her lip trembled. “I’m sorry. I just wanted you to see Avril could be trusted. He’s been so good to me, been there when I need to talk to someone.” She stepped back when he stood.

  “Ask us first, Little Witch, with everything going on around us, it’s important that you listen. We still have a spy in our ranks and the thought of them getting their hands on you turns my blood to ice.” Edward pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. “Now, dry your tears and go have a good time. I’ll meet you there in a few.” He kissed the top of her head and released her into Lucas’s arms.

  Dred and Rock followed them out of their room as he went to the desk to write the note. They would also have to take Avril into their confidence, but Edward already knew Avril could be trusted or their alien friend Raymond and the Yeehaw’s wouldn’t have allowed him down here.

  Pulling out the paper, Edward knew he would also have to speak with Avril before meeting his family and Beth would not be happy with the outcome.


  There had to be at least 200 people outside around the bonfire. Claire met them as soon as they appeared near the fire. “What’s wrong? Your eyes are all puffy. Did Dred hurt you?” She gave her brother a glare and Beth smiled, shaking her head.

  “No, Dred didn’t do anything. I did something I shouldn’t have and have a sore ass to show for it.” She rubbed her butt and sat down on a log next to Claire as Dred, Rock, and Lucas stood behind her.

  “Man I hate that, believe me I’ve had a few of those, but what hurts worse is the disappointment you hear in their voice,” Claire said and Beth nodded feeling the tears close to the surface.

  “Well, I know something that will cheer you up.” Claire handed her a stick and two marshmallows. “I got our own stash too.” She held up the chocolate bars and Graham crackers.

  Both of them moved closer to the fire and stuck their sticks into the heat. “Thanks Claire, I need this,” she said noticing Dred sitting down behind her with his guitar in his hand. “Looks like we’re going to get some music too.” Beth’s gaze met Dred’s. The song he started with made her eyes water again.

  “Boy, he must have it bad, he’s never sang a song to anyone,” Claire said as they both took their marshmallows and smashed them on their smores while listening to Dred’s voice.

  She shivered as Beth took a bite of her creation. Dred’s eyes were now that of the wolf’s as he finished the song to her.

  “Do you sing?” Claire asked, dragging her attention away from Dred.

  “I used to sing when my parents were still alive. Mom would play the piano and we’d sing, but it was a long time ago,” she said visualizing the picture in her head. “A very long time ago.”

  “Sing us a song. It will help, make you feel closer to her,” Claire requested, pulling her back to Dred. “Tell him what song.”

  “All I know are songs my mother sang to me.” Beth looked down at the ground. “Danny Boy and no laughing,” Beth looked at Claire who shook her head.

  She took a deep breath and sat down next to Dred as he started to play her mother’s favorite song. Old memories rose up as Beth started to sing, her mother smiling at her as her father sat in his chair and watched both of them.

  Her words faltered for a second and tears filled her eyes. “I will see you soon my Queen.” The words filtered in her head. Beth looked down at the ground and finished her song. The minute the last word was out she was walking away from everyone. Oh, she could hear Claire yelling for her, but Beth was furious and hurt.

  He’d taken one of people she could talk to, the one who was helping her with her wedding, away from her. Avril would sleep for the next three months and there was nothing she could do about it. Edward’s sentence had been carried out without a word to her and how it would affect her. Not looking where she was going, Beth ran straight into a solid wall of muscle.

  “Sorry, excuse me,” she said before looking up into Edward’s gaze. “Let me go.” Beth hissed. “Don’t touch me or say a word to me. I’m…UGGG.” She went to slug him, Beth was so furious and mad, but he ducked, bending at the waist, his shoulder connecting with her stomach as he lifted her off the ground.

  “Put me down now, Edward!” She slapped his ass and tried to get down, but he wouldn’t release her as he made his way into the forest where he placed her onto a fallen tree.

  Crossing his arms, Edward glared at her. None of her other mates had followed, but she didn’t care. “How could you? Don’t you know he was the one planning our wedding? I know nothing and you took the only one I could talk to. God, how could you?”

  She absolutely hated when she cried and lately it seemed that was all Beth was doing. Turning away from him, Beth stared out at the forest. “I’ll cancel the wedding, maybe it’s best anyway with everything going on. It’s not like we need it.” Beth looked up to see a giant owl staring at her and she smiled through the tears.

  “No. You will not cancel our wedding. I’m sorry I hurt you, but I had no choice. If it had been anyone else, their lives would have been taken, Avril knew this.” Edward stated right behind her.

  “Bullshit! You could have delayed his punishment or come with something else, but no, you’ve taken a friend away from me. So in a matter of three months two of my closest friends are gone.” She jumped up away from him.

  “Until he is back there will be no wedding. Do you know what he does for me?” Beth shook her head. “How many people live here in the castle, Edward? I’ve been here a year.” Beth didn’t let him answer.

  “And only a few have accepted me as your mate, but none have accepted me as your Queen. Avril was teaching me things, helping me bridge that gap so you would be proud of me, but without him, all the work we’ve done to help me stand beside you will go to waste. I need to go for a walk. Deception, come on.” She took two steps before Edward wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “I didn’t know, why didn’t you tell me?” Edward kissed the side of her head.

  “Because, you have enough to worry about Edward. I wanted to do this, to prove to everyone I was worthy of you.” She turned in his arms and said in the ancient language. “I love you, but I need to know I can pull my own weight and Avril was helping me with that.”

  To say he was shocked was an understatement. Beth would have laughed if she wasn’t so lost. The thought of not having someone to talk to who knew everything that went on in the castle was just too much. She stepped out of Edward’s arm, but not before she kissed his chest. “I’m going to bed. I’m all of a sudden tired. Night.” With that Beth left Edward standing there alone.

  “You know I could help you with the lessons till Avril gets back, and of course no one is going to give you a hard time with me around,” Deception said and Beth grinned.

  “I’d appreciate the lessons, but it won’t be the same. Avril would casually introduce me to individuals each week so I’d get to know them personally. He’d have little cards for me to look at about each person, what they liked, hobbies, their position, mates, children and such. By the time the week is over I knew the person and I’d remember each person’s name and what they did in the castle. So far to date I have 30 new people I can say hi to in the halls and actually remember their names, which has always been hell on me.” She reached for the door and laughed.

  “Avril was so proud of me, Deception, he gave me a ribbon.” The knot was back in her throat and she blinked away the tears. “He has become my teacher, friend and I betrayed him.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Edward sat down on the log and looked up at the stars. He needed to find a way to erase Avril’s punishment. He hadn’t realized how much he’d done for his Little Witch. “God, I’ve made a mess.”

  “You don’t need to find an excuse. You are King and Kings are known to change their mind, but maybe lessen his punishment,” Lucas said materializing next to him. “You don’t know how many times I had to change a sentence. We’re not perfect, Edward, and if the
people believe that, then they need to wake up.” Lucas crossed his legs in front of him and leaned against the log.

  “What kind of punishment? My mind is scattered after Beth’s little surprise.” Edward shook his head. “I can’t believe she has taken to the old language so easily and to think she’s trying to prove herself for me.” He shook his head and sighed.

  “I have a feeling that even with her parents giving her everything she needed, Beth has doubted herself for a long time. Look at what her brother did to her. Not only did he torture her, but the psychological things he did to her ego would screw up anyone’s head. Anytime Avril is to be around our woman, he must be with one of us. If in a month, if all goes well, we could ease this up, but till he proves to us he will listen to our rules regarding our woman this is the only way he be allowed near her.”

  “She’s still not going to like it, but I like the idea and it will give us more time to spend with her. Some of the things I found in her head that Avril did for her I was a little taken back. We should be doing these things. Beth should be able to come to us for help. I especially do not like the fact our people have snubbed her as our Queen.” Edward stood and stretched.

  Both men started walking back to the castle. “Did you have a formal coronation for her?”

  He stopped walking and shook his head. “No. With everything going on Beth didn’t want one. She said it would be too much with our mating and bringing her here, but now that I think about it, we should have done that first.”

  “You have three weeks to your wedding. Everyone is already here. Why not have it next week? You can have Avril plan it and I think it’s time all of us start setting up some rules for our lovely mate. She’s been alone and unattended for too long. As a Queen, she should be guarded at all times, not that Deception isn't an excellent guard for her, but the guards have gone lax in her protection.” Lucas snarled the last part of his sentence.

  “She shouldn’t have been out in that maze by herself. Anyone could have attacked her, but, it is nice to know the stone beasts are watching her too.” Lucas and Edward came up to the fire.

  “Until recently, Dred and Rock have been guarding her, but with his pack close and with everything going on, we never replaced the guard on her. It will be done tonight before I retire. I’ve also spoken with the General and he has agreed and his son knows about it even though Avril was not too excited about it.” Edward nodded to Dred and Rock when they approached.

  “I was thinking on this. I would like Elon as one of her guards. I grew up with him and trust him with my life,” Dred said as both men had heard everything that Lucas and he had discussed.

  “I have one also. She is old, but good and has woken up recently, Justine Collar.” Lucas announced and Edward whistled.

  “I’ve heard of her, she’ll clash with Beth, both women are stubborn as hell,” Edward started to smile. “They will be perfect for her. Dred, have your man seek out Justine. I’ll expect them in the morning for breakfast. We’ll inform our Little Witch of our decisions tomorrow. Now, I need to go and inform Avril of our decision before he is escorted to the sleeping chambers. Afterwards, I’m heading towards bed. It’s been a long day and I have a feeling tomorrow will be really interesting,” he laughed.

  “We’re on our way there now. I’ve already given the guards their orders and everyone is heading towards their sleeping quarters anyway,” Dred said walking with Lucas and Rock towards their rooms.

  One more last thing and Edward would be able to join them. The sleeping arrangements would be difficult with one more man, but they would work it out. Tonight, Lucas would hold onto their mate, but tomorrow he would take the pleasure of having her body against him.

  “Unknown presence is scanning property. Can’t get through barrier for now.” Raynard sent to him. Turning on the speed, Edward mentally called a halt to Avril’s punishment as he headed towards their woman.

  “Lucas, did you get that? Can you feel anything?” Edward asked on their own private path.

  “I got it and I can sense something. It’s not familiar and they can’t break the shield that has been set up, but I don’t like it one bit. We are going to have to seek outer help and I haven’t done that in a long time.” Lucas broke the connection. Edward stepped into their personal quarters the guards nodded to him.

  It seemed rest would have to wait while they discussed their next move tonight. The three of them sat on the sofa while Beth was passed out on the bed behind them. A sound proof wall was up thanks to Lucas, so their Little Witch wouldn’t hear them.

  “You need to feed,” Dred said to him and went to him. “You take care of everyone else but neglect yourself.” He bared his neck for him and Edward didn’t waste any time yanking him into his arms.

  “Thank you Dred, it’s been a long day,” Edward ran his tongue over the vein before sinking his fangs into him. At once strength poured into him, replenishing his. Around them it was quiet as the grounds settled, the threat gone for now.

  Kissing the spot where he’d fed, Edward placed his forehead to Dred’s. “We have much to discuss. I’ve sent word and Avril will not be sent into a sleep. He will meet us in the dining hall tomorrow morning with the others where we will set down a few rules.” Hugging him tight, Dred nodded.

  “I really believe, Lucas is right, Beth needs a strong hand. I’ve noticed little things and think it’s all too much for her to handle. She seems lost sometimes.” Both of them joined the other two on the couches.

  “I was going over the things Avril did for our woman. She flourished when he put her on a schedule. I’m beginning to think Beth needs this kind of structure. I met her father once when he was alive and the number of times when we first got together. She’s used to orders and a strict regimen.”

  Rock got up and went to the wet bar, grabbing four beers. “Are you saying our woman has been molded to be a slave like that in what the human’s term it in their BDSM lifestyle?” He handed him one, and he frowned.

  “I don’t believe our woman could be considered that, more a submissive.” He turned to Lucas. “How are you going to get ahold of these individuals you seek? For that matter will they still be alive and can you trust them?”

  “The one I’d trust with my life; he’s my brother and with him I just need to reinstate my bond with him. As for the other, that could be a problem, but Konrad, my brother would know where to contact French. I’ll work on contacting my brother tomorrow. We have a certain time that is safe to link together without others knowing. It’s safer this way. But for now this entity that has provided protection to the castle has added another layer of protection around us. It will hold for now, but I’d like her kept inside as much as possible till we figure out what is going on.”

  “We’re going to have a fight on our hands with that. Especially now that she can shift, she’s going to want to run,” Dred announced.

  “When? Damn, I was hoping to wait.” He held up his hand. “I know we agreed about the change, but that was before Lucas showed up.” Edward glanced at him. “What do you think?”

  “Every advantage she has is in her favor. Even though she can shift, she’s doesn’t have that link. It’s important to them. I say after we lay down a few rules tomorrow, we do it then. She’ll be laid up for a while and it will give me time to get the help we need here.” Lucas stood and stretched. “Now, I suggest we get some sleep, because I have a feeling that little angel there is going to be furious with us tomorrow.” He smiled moving to the back of the room. “And I can’t wait.”

  He snorted. “You just want to get your hands on that ass.”

  “Of course, and I plan on fucking it tomorrow,” Lucas said crawling into the bed and lifting Beth’s now naked body up. “Pajamas will have to go too.” He grunted his clothes disappearing as the rest of them crawled onto the bed getting as close to her as they could.

  Behind Edward, Rock held onto to his waist, kissing his back. “We’ll make this work, quit worrying.”

nbsp; With that last thought, Edward squeezed Rock’s hand and closed his eyes knowing tomorrow the real work would begin.


  Waking up on top of Lucas, Beth debated how to get up. It was early, but she had things to think through and one of them was her wedding. One thing was for sure. It wasn’t going to be at the beach. It just wasn’t safe, but the thought of the bonfire did give her a great idea.

  When brainstorming, it was always easier for her to write things down, so she could actually see what she had. She had three weeks to get things moving and without Avril all she had was Edwards’s mother and maybe Claire to help her. She also wanted to ask Claire to be her matron of honor. Slowly, Beth lifted her head and sighed. Lucas stared down at her.

  “Thinking of going somewhere?” he asked waking the others.

  “Yes, I have lots to do. I have an appointment at ten and since Avril is not around, I have to take his place and meet with the extra staff we hired to help with the wedding, which I’m changing.” She glanced over to Edward. “It’s dangerous to be out on the beach. I thought we could do it here in the castle, but outside with a big bonfire. Nothing fancy since one, I don’t have the bridesmaids for a big wedding, and two, I’m to the point I just want it done.” She slid out of his arms and jumped off the bed before they could stop her.

  “I’m taking a shower then I’ll be working in my office,” she said over her shoulder before going to close the door, but Edward stopped it and shook his head.

  “No, we’re going to take a shower, and then we’re all going to have breakfast together. We have things to discuss over food. As far as the wedding, it’s up to you, but…” Edward turned her around and looked down at her. “Make it special, Little Witch. It’s the one day where you are bound to us for life. I want it to be a happy day for you.”

  She sighed laying her head onto his chest. “We can have a nice wedding outside. Maybe a big bonfire going, Christmas carols and such. I’ll think about it. Your mom suggested a theme, so were going to the Charles Dickson, you know the old days. I really do need to get started on my wedding dress, though.”


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