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The Virgin Witch and The Vampire King: Book One: Weddings Bells Times Four (Vampire Witch and The Vampire Kin)

Page 19

by Trinity Blacio

  “After breakfast, now get in the shower, I’ll wash your hair,” Edward reached over and opened the shower door, but she shook her head when he went to kiss her.

  “Nope…” She covered her mouth with her hand. “Morning breath, need to brush teeth.” She turned around and headed towards the sink hearing Edward laugh.

  “Do you really think your morning breath would stop me from kissing you?” he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling her neck as she grabbed her toothbrush and paste.

  Trying hard to ignore the hard cock rubbing against her butt, Beth proceeded to brush and rinse her mouth out with mouthwash. “You might not care, but I do,” she said and turned in his arms. “Now, how about that kiss?”

  “My pleasure,” Edward whispered before covering her mouth with his. His lips were firm, but gentle while he slid his tongue inside her mouth caressing her tongue. He bunched his hand in her hair and pulled her closer if at all possible. His other hand cupped her breasts, his thumb brushing over her nipple.

  “I love these little round nipples. They are so sensitive to my touch, but come, we need to get washed up. We’re meeting people for breakfast,” Edward went with her into the shower and began to wash every inch of her body with his hands.

  There wasn’t one spot he misse. His hands were like magic as he brought her so close to coming, and then left her hanging. “Edward!” she pleaded and turned to him just as he flipped the nob and cold water came streaming onto her.

  “Did that help?” he asked, stepping out of the shower enclosure as she called him every name in the book.

  “That was not funny.” She yanked the towel away from him, furious all over again. “Why do you do this? You hurt me by taking my friend, and now you tease me and leave me hanging again.” Beth grumbled as she dried herself, keeping a close eye on Edward.

  “Lucas is waiting for you with the clothes you will be wearing for today,” Edward nodded, waiting.

  “I can pick out my own clothes, Edward.” She reached for the hairbrush, but he got it first.

  “No, Dred will do your hair. Now go and -Beth, we will be dressing you from now on. One of us will shower and take care of you.” He put a little pressure on her back guiding her into the bedroom.

  “What? Since when do I need help doing these?” She eyed Lucas as he used his index finger pointing to the spot in front of him.

  “There are going to be a few changes to make things go a little smoother around here. First, every morning each of us will take part in getting you ready for the day.” Lucas bent and held out a new peasant looking skirt. “Step in, My Heart,” he asked and she reached out holding onto the top of his head as Beth stepped into the skirt.

  There was a slit up the side of the black flowing skirt leaving most of her thigh exposed. Once Lucas got the skirt where he wanted it, he reached back for an off the shoulder top which was pink. She looked down and rolled her eyes. “Um, hello you can see everything here?”

  Both Lucas and Edward turned her around and nodded. “Perfect, and yes we know we can see everything. That’s what we want. Don’t you want to please us like we do you?” Lucas asked running his knuckles across her breast.

  “Of course I want to please you, but what about everyone else seeing?” She frowned and glanced at Dred and Rock, both of them looked like they could devour her right there on the spot.

  “We are not ashamed of your body if they want to look they can, but no one will touch you, so there is nothing to worry about. Dred is going to do your hair and they’ll walk you up to the dining hall. We’ll see you there. Oh, and there will be no changing clothes, My Heart,” Lucas said, running his hand down her exposed thigh. “I just love a woman with curves and, honey, you have them all.” He plopped a quick kiss on her lips and left, clothing himself with a wave of his hand.

  His dark blue dress pants fit tight around his muscular ass as he and Edward walked away. Edward was wearing his normal black dress pants. She blew out the breath she’d been holding and turned to Dred.

  He sat on the couch, where he pointed to the floor between his legs. Following his silent orders Beth stood between his powerful legs. “Dred, if I can shift into a wolf, do I still need to be changed?”

  Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the sensation as he ran the brush through her red hair. “Yes, you need the bond that is our blood. We will discuss this at breakfast. Not to worry, we have it planned out.

  Bending down in front of her, Rock lifted one of her legs and slipped on a moccasin boot type shoe. “This will keep your feet warm and they are padded to add to your comfort.” Rock said as he ran his hand up her leg. “You’re so beautiful that sometimes it feels if I’m dreaming. That you’re a figment of my dreams.”

  “No I’m the one who’s dreaming. Look at you guys. In high school we would call you hunk city. Not once did any boys looking like you even notice me. To come from maybe a date here and there to having the four of you need me…” Beth looked down at her hands. “Every morning when I wake and I’m still in bed with you is another gift to me. When you’re not used to having someone love you so much, it’s hard to accept.”

  He leaned in only inches from her. “Well then, we’ll just make sure you never forget,” Rock promised, kissing the top of her nose, before slipping on the last boot.

  “Okay, all brushed out. Up, you go,” Dred said placing his hands on her waist and lifting her up.

  “I thought you were going to put my hair up?” She asked ,as he shook his head and was pushing her to the door.

  “Nope, we all like your hair down.” Dred stepped aside and let her go through the door first.

  “I still feel naked here,” she mumbled, and covered her chest as they went up the stairs and into the main hall.

  “Put your arms down Beth. I like to look at you,” Dred ordered taking one of her hands into his while Rock took her other. “You are our woman. Queen and Alpha female of one the largest packs. You should be proud of yourself. We are.”

  All through the hall, people nodded after they did a scan of her body. After the fifth person looked her up and down, Beth stopped in the hallway and glared up at Dred. “I feel like a piece of damn meat.”

  “Hmm, what kind? I’m kind of partial to the breast myself? Rock?” Dred said and reached up lifting her breast in his hand.

  “I prefer the ass myself,” Rock slipped his hand into her skirt and cupped her ass.

  “Damn it…”She tried to break away, but they held her still while they touched her.

  After a few moments, Dred lifted his hand from her breast. “Are you ready to proceed now to the dining hall without any more fits? Or do we need to prove to you some more how desirable we find you?” He waved his hand and the three of them continued their journey in the hall.

  Something had changed in her men and Beth didn’t know what was going on. Of course she loved all the attention, but it was different. As they stepped into the dining room, all eyes turned to her, but that didn’t matter. Standing next to Edward was Avril. He smiled and bowed his head to her.

  “But…I don’t understand,” Beth approached Edward as he held out his hand.

  “Sit and we’ll explain a few things,” He pulled out a chair in between him and Lucas as the staff brought in a plate tuffed with sausage, bacon, eggs, muffins, and a bowl of oatmeal.

  “I’m not going to be able to eat all this,” she moaned around a piece of bacon.

  “Eat as much as you can. You are going to need your strength for the change later today. There are a few things we need to get straightened out. Since Dred and Rock are not your personal guards anymore we have two others that will be taking their place. They will go everywhere with you, and I mean everywhere.” Edward said, glancing at her and she rolled her eyes.

  “Who?” She knew this was coming and had no problem with it until a woman and some burly man came into the dining room hall and bowed to Edward.

  “This is Justine Collar and Elon Franker, both will n
ow be your personal guards while you are awake,” Lucas said next to her ear.

  “No!” Beth said and took a bite of her sausage. “I’ll agree on Elon, but I’m sure Justine has other duties that prevent her from doing this. Find someone else. You may go Justine.” She waved her hand, but the woman just stood there. Her lip curled up and she waited as did everyone else.

  “I’m afraid you have no choice,” Lucas said. “She’s my personal choice in this matter and comes from one of the best families. She is highly trained in what she does.”

  She wiped her face and turned to Lucas with a nice smile. “Do you really want me to get into this with you and embarrass her, because I will? I have met your friend and we do not get along as you can tell by the sneer on her face. Now, I’m not objecting to a guard, but I will not be around someone 24 /7 who can’t stand me.” She threw her napkin on her plate ready to leave when Lucas wrapped his arms round her and hugged her tight.

  “Calm down, My Heart. Why do you think she does not like you?” He kissed her cheek.

  Turning to look at her, Beth nodded. “Tell them about our conversation yesterday, Justine. Please enlighten my men and those here about your views on me being Queen.” Inside Beth was fuming as she waited.

  The woman just shrugged. “There was nothing personal about what I said. I just believe you will not make a good Queen. You're too worried about little things. You can’t concentrate on the bigger picture,” she said lifting her head, waiting.

  No one said a word, until Lucas released Beth and stood. He walked over to Justine, circled her. “You don’t hate our woman, but you judge her already. You’ll do, but Justine, you will respect our woman and get to know her better. Also remember if something happens to her while in your care, I’ll personally find you and kill you. Not only will you, but your family will be destroyed.

  "Okay that is taken care of.” Lucas stated and sat back down. “Next issue.” He pointed to her food. “Eat.”

  She sat back in her chair as the two moved to the end of the room. “You’ve got to be kidding me! You think your threats are going to make things easier?”

  He turned his full gaze on her and Beth waited. “You need guards, not friends. If she was your friend, she wouldn’t be paying attention to her surroundings, but she will respect you and protect you.”

  “As for Avril, you may meet with him, but only when one of us are present since he has lost our trust. If there are no mishaps in the next four weeks, we will see and go from there,” Edward stated and took a sip of his coffee.

  “You’re meeting at ten with the staff will be good, because they have another event to plan for. Next Friday we will have a formal dinner and your coronation. It’s time others know things are about to change,” Edwards gaze flew to Justine’s.

  Beth tapped her fingers on her chair and glared at Edward. “So even though we discussed the waste of money a formal coronation would be, you are going to go ahead with it. When the money could be used elsewhere? What else?”

  There had to be close to 50 people in the dining room as Edward turned to her and placed both of his hands on her face hold her still. “Lucas and I have already looked over your calendar with Avril. At each meeting, you will have one of us will be with you. You will not be doing anything alone till this threat is taken care of. Also, there will be no more trips outside unless you are with one of us. We won’t risk you being taken. Finish your food so you'll be at full strength later,” Edward ordered kissing her nose before releasing her face.

  She reached out and grabbed onto her juice. “You know this undermines me even more, right? Your people already think I’m weak, but this will only confirm it.” Beth took a drink, before she stood. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to use the restroom.”

  Looking up, she noticed her two new guards come away from the wall and Beth groaned. “I’ll be right back.” But both waited for her at the door while her men watched every move she made. She held back the grin, knowing they were watching the sway of her hips and her ass. Beth didn’t know why, but each of them loved to touch it whenever they could.

  “Sorry you are stuck with me. I tried to get Lucas to change his mind, but he is set,” Beth said as she and Justine stepped into the bathroom.

  She checked each stall and nodded. In a castle as big as this one, there were a number of public restrooms with stalls in them for the guests they had always wondering the halls. Elon waited for them outside. “I knew once he asked, he wouldn’t change his mind. Plus, it is an honor to be asked to be personal guard of the Queen even if I don’t agree with Edward’s choice.”

  “There was no choice, Justine fates made that one for us. Even if I wanted to step down or let Edward go, I couldn’t. Afraid the ancient rumors were true about a number of things, but all I can do is try my best.” Beth jumped when Terk busted into the room with some kind of gun in his hands.

  At once Justine stepped in front of her. “Elon?” She yelled her weapon already out, aiming it at Terk.

  “He’s a little disposed right now. Move out of the way Justine, I just want the Queen. She won’t be hurt.” He was saying, but kept watching his watch.

  There was no way Beth was going to allow this man to hurt Justine. He not only betrayed Edward, but she had a feeling Elon was now seriously hurt. Stepping around Justine, her hands started to move working her magic.

  “Stop it now!” Terk yelled and tried to keep control of the gun, but it went off and the bullet ricochet in the bathroom, hitting her in the shoulder. Beth went down as she heard Justine’s yell and another round of gun shots rang out.

  Before Beth knew what was happening, Terk yanked her up and over his shoulder. “You weren’t supposed to get hurt,” he mumbled and ran at a speed that had everything blurring around her.

  He threw the door open to the side entrance to the castle and stepped outside. Once outside, she flinched, hearing him scream and the god-awful smell of something burning before everything went dark around her.

  Chapter Twenty

  Edward jerked and jumped up, grabbing his shoulder. An intense sharp pain rippled through him and then they all heard the gun shots. His looked up as he ran towards the door. Lucas had already left of the room.

  As soon as he stepped into the hall, he saw Elon laying on the ground, a bullet wound in his gut, but Edward knew a shift would heal him. He was more worried about…

  Lucas broke the bathroom door in half coming out. “Beth’s gone and she's hurt. Terk has taken her.” He looked back over his shoulder. Justine was sprawled out on the floor. “She has two bullet wounds, one hit the arm and one hit the leg, but she’ll be fine.” Lucas’ terrified gaze met his. “I can’t connect with her.”

  “Look at this blood and it’s hers,” Dred said, bending down and sniffing the drops of blood. As they went down the hall, guards surrounded them. As they followed the path, a sick feeling of helplessness settled in his gut when they were led outside.

  A black smoldering spot of grass still threw off heat and the stench of burning skin filled the air. “Dred?”

  He shook his head. “It’s not her. I can’t pick up her scent. It’s like she’s disappeared, but Terk is gone. Whoever did this is not from this world.” Dred looked up at Lucas and he nodded.

  “It’s time to call my brother.” Lucas vanished once more and Edward turned around, heading straight toward Governor Broward’s room. It was time to set his plan into motion.

  “Dred, you’re with me. Rock, I want you to find Avril and start planning our wedding. When she comes back, I don’t want to wait. I want to surprise her. We’ll have the coronation and wedding all on the same day. A day around her and only her. Oh, and Beth wants the theme she was talking about, that Charles Dickens one. Inform my mother that she is in charge of the wedding dress.”

  Rock nodded and took off. “You really believe we’ll get her back?” Dred snarled, but kept up his pace next to him.

  Edward stopped, his hands in fists at his side. “I have to
believe we’ll get her back, because if I don’t…Lucas isn’t the only one with shadows, Dred. Only you and your brother are keeping me from tearing this place apart.” He turned and grasped Dred’s shoulder. “We’re going to have to reach out to Lucas and surround him. He does not have us as an anchor. All he has is her and with her being hurt, gone…We better hope we find her soon.”

  Turning the corner, Edward ran smack into Governor Broward. He stumbled back, but Dred caught him, growling at the man.

  The man winked and drew up. “I’ve come to file a complaint! I demand to know why you are treating my son with such disrespect. He’s been at your side for over one hundred years, but never once has he turned on you like these other men. I demand his punishment be lifted.”

  Cracking his neck, Edward leaned against the wall as a crowd started to gather around them. “You do know what has happened, don’t you?”

  The man waved his hand. “Our Queen’s vanishing has nothing to do with my family. Hell, maybe my son can help find her. He knows every inch of this castle.”

  “You are causing a scene, Broward. I suggest you back down and go to your room. When you are calmer, we will talk.” Edward stepped aside to go around him, but the man grabbed onto him and spun him around.

  Gasps filled the hallway and Edward had to keep the grin back as Dred seemed to attack the man. “Escort him out of the castle. You have one month to get yourself together. I suggest you take this time to pull yourself together. Now get out of here,” Edward snapped and stepped back as Dred escorted the man off his property. Their plan now was in effect. Edward watched those around them as his people slowly walked away from the scene.

  Not one person stood out, but he knew word would get back to the group who had taken their woman about the Governor. Hopefully he’d be able to help them. He turned and moved toward the throne room wanting to see what was going on with Lucas.


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