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The Surgeon's Cinderella

Page 7

by Susan Carlisle

“Okay. Then how about a ride through the valley since you’ve never been to Napa? It’s a beautiful day.”

  Secretly pleased, she admonished, “You know you don’t have to entertain me. Don’t you need to be hanging out with Malcolm and the other board members?”

  “Nope. I have you here and I understand the need to appear ready to settle down, but I’m not going to pander to anyone for a job.”

  She was glad to hear that Tanner had a moral line that he wouldn’t cross.

  “Let’s take that ride. Do you have a hat?”

  “No, but I have a scarf.” She gave him her best mischievous grin.

  “We’re going to find you a hat.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward a boutique with hats in the window.

  A few minutes later, they came out with her wearing a tangerine-colored wide-brimmed hat that was far more attention-getting than anything else she owned. But she loved it. Between it and the dress she was really stepping out of her comfort zone. Somehow Tanner was bringing out her inner diva.

  “That color suits you,” he said as they settled in the car.

  “Thank you. You do know you don’t have to compliment me when there’s no one around to hear?”

  “Has it occurred to you that I might like complimenting you?”

  It hadn’t, but she had to admit she liked the attention from him.

  Over the next couple of hours they just drove at a peaceful speed along the main road through the center of the valley. The vineyards they passed were impeccably groomed and endless. Tanner pulled over at a little roadside stand and bought them bottled drinks.

  “This is so beautiful.” Whitney stood beside the car, looking off toward the east where the hills created one side of the valley.

  Tanner leaned against the car and crossed his ankles. “I was impressed the first time I visited as well. It’s like a little piece of France at your back door.”

  “I would love to visit France one day.” Whitney took a sip of her cola.

  “I think you would like it. I’d heard so much about Paris that I didn’t believe it could live up to the hype, but it was everything I had expected and more.”

  “Do you travel a lot?” She couldn’t help but look at him. Even his body movements captivated her. She was so on the road to trouble. Heart trouble.

  “When I can. It takes some reconfiguring for me to get away from the hospital.” He didn’t sound disappointed, just resigned.

  She met his gaze from under the brim of her hat. “So what about this weekend? Who’s watching over everything?”

  “I’m close enough to be there in an hour or so. I have good staff who will help out until I can get there.”

  Their lives were so different. Her career almost seemed frivolous compared to his yet he’d asked for her help. No matter what people did in life they wanted to share it with someone. The more she was around Tanner the more she could understand why he would be considered a catch.

  But why was he so against a relationship that involved love? She had a feeling he had a lot stored up to give.

  They were in the car again and Tanner was about to turn into the road to head back the way they had come when Whitney said, “Thank you for making the afternoon nice for me. It was sweet of you. I would have made it through tea by myself but it was good to have your support.”

  “You’re welcome. If you have any issues with Charlotte, just let me know. Max will be here this evening and most of that will stop.”

  “Is she always so catty?”

  He glanced at her. “Only when she can get away with it.”

  Whitney watched his capable hands on the wheel. He had nice hands. What would it be like to be intentionally touched by those fingers? That wasn’t a safe subject. Charlotte was a more benign one. “She said she was at Berkeley at the same time we were.”

  “She was. We dated awhile in my senior year.” He slowed and let a car go around them.

  “I don’t remember her.”

  “She transferred in.” Tanner looked up into the rearview mirror.

  So that was why she hadn’t recognized her. Charlotte had been around during those years she hadn’t seen much of Tanner.

  They returned to the château around four that afternoon. Whitney pulled off her hat and shook out her hair as they walked toward the main entrance.

  “You have beautiful hair. That chestnut color is so unusual.”

  “Thank you.” Oh, yes, the man had charm. And was laying it on thickly.

  He pushed a strand off her cheek. “You should wear it down more often.”

  If she let him keep this up he would have her in bed in the next fifteen minutes. “Tanner, I think we need to make a rule that you only touch me if it’s necessary.”

  “Do I get to decide what’s necessary?” He fingered her hair.

  She stepped out of reach. “No, I think I should make that decision.”

  “What’re you afraid of? That I’ll uncover the true Whitney?” He waited for her to join him on the stairs.

  Tanner was perceptive, she’d give him that. Was that the part of his character that made him such a good doctor? But he was her client and she had no intention of confessing any of her secrets.


  TANNER COULDN’T REMEMBER when he’d spent a more relaxing few hours with a woman. Whitney didn’t need to be entertained. She seemed happy just being along. Few women he knew would have been glad to spend hours riding in a car. There was something reassuring about having Whitney in the seat next to him. It was an odd feeling. It was nothing like what he’d seen in his mother and father’s relationship. He wasn’t going into that emotional minefield. They had nothing to do with him and Whitney.

  Now she was in the bath, preparing for the evening. He was confident from her no-nonsense personality that he wouldn’t be left waiting long. After showering and shaving, he’d given the bathroom over to her. He had no idea what she planned to wear that evening but he was determined that his response would be positive, no matter what her attire.

  There was a knock at the door. He opened it to find one of the bellboys.

  “Mrs. Jarvis sent this up for Ms. Thomason.” The young man handed Tanner a dress bag and was gone before Tanner had time to tip him.

  Tanner closed the door. So had Whitney taken his suggestion and bought something for herself after all? He tapped on the bathroom door. “Marie has sent you something.”

  Whitney opened the door a crack. Her eyes widened when she saw the bag. “I forgot.” She reached out and took the bag. “Thank you.”

  Seconds later Tanner was left looking at the panel of the door.

  It had been twenty minutes since he’d heard anything coming from the bathroom. He checked his watch again. What was Whitney doing? They would be late if she didn’t hurry up. He tapped on the door. “Is everything all right in there?”

  A muffled sound reached his ears. That wasn’t good.

  The door barely opened. Her voice held a note of misery. “I can’t zip my dress.”

  So that was what this was all about. “Step out here. I can help with that.”

  Tanner registered a flash of red as she came only far enough into the room to present him with her back. For a moment his focus was on nothing but the bare V of skin between the two sections of the zipper. Whitney wore no bra. He made himself swallow.

  Stepping up to her, Tanner took the tiny pull of the zipper between two fingers. Why were his hands trembling? He’d seen many bare backs. The zipper didn’t move when he tugged so he had to hold the material below it snugly, which brought his hand into contact with the curve of her back.

  Tanner didn’t miss the sharp intake of Whitney’s breath. He was breathing harder as well. Getting hard. This simple action of closing a zip was turning into somethi
ng personal, sensual. With the zip closed Tanner stepped away, shoving his hands into his pants pockets.

  What was going on here? He had no particular interest in Whitney. Still, what he wouldn’t have given to run the tip of a finger over the exposed creaminess of her back. Or to taste the ridge of her shoulder.

  He cleared his throat and stepped back until the backs of his legs touched the bed.

  “Thank you,” she said as she turned.

  That scalding desire Tanner had felt had been fading and now it ignited to explode throughout his body as he took in the full view of Whitney. Her dress was demure by most standards but sexy on Whitney. With a V neckline that only showed a suggestion of cleavage and a length that stopped at her knees, she looked amazing. Just as he had suspected, there were curves under those baggy clothes she usually wore.

  Her hair flowed thick and free around her shoulders. Tanner fisted his hands in his pockets so he didn’t reach out and grab a handful. “Whitney, you look lovely.”

  A shy smile covered rose-tinted lips. “Thank you. I’m ready when you are.”

  His desire intensified. He was ready all right, but not for something that involved anyone but them. He stepped closer to her. “We should be going or we’ll be late. But before we do, I think we need to take care of something.”

  Whitney looked around the room as if she had forgotten something then back at him with a questioning look on her face.

  “I know you said only when necessary but I might need to kiss you tonight in front of the others so I think we should practice. Get that first uncomfortable one out of the way. Settle the nerves, so to speak.” Yeah, like that was going to happen. Nothing about the reaction she was creating in his body was settling.

  “I guess we could do that...”

  He found Whitney’s lips with his.

  They were soft and inviting. Plump and perfect. He pressed more firmly and a shudder went through her. Her fingers gripped his biceps yet she didn’t return his kiss. Tanner pulled back and searched her face. Her eyes were wide and she looked dazed.

  “It might be more believable if you kissed me back. Should I try again?” He waited. This he wouldn’t push.

  “Yes, please. I think it’s necessary.” Her lips hardly moved as the soft words left them.

  Tanner chuckled softly. What little taste of Whitney he’d had made him want more. She lifted her mouth to his. This time he placed his hands on her waist and brought her against him. When her lips stirred, his heart drummed faster. Her hands tightened, fisting in his shirtsleeves.

  The kiss was quickly moving away from practice to pleasure.

  Seconds later, with one sharp movement Whitney broke away, turning her back to him. “I think that was enough practice. We should go.” She picked up a shawl from the bed and draped it over her arm. The tightly controlled woman had returned.

  Their simple kiss had left him rock hard. Staying where they were was more of what Tanner had in mind. But he was a man of his word. He’d promised not to ask her for anything physical. Their kisses might be considered bending the rule but he’d not push further. Nothing about Whitney struck him as someone who didn’t invest emotionally and he certainly wasn’t looking for anything that involved his heart.

  “I guess we should.” Even to his own ears he sounded disappointed.

  * * *

  Tanner’s kisses had been sweet and nonthreatening yet they sure had rocked Whitney’s world. Even now as they walked across the parking area toward the winery she still trembled. She’d been kissed before but none had been as divine as those Tanner had gifted her with. The problem now was that she wanted more, but she wouldn’t let that happen.

  She could be in trouble on so many levels. He was her client. He didn’t believe in love. He was looking for a wife. She was nothing like what he wanted. He would break her heart. Of that she was confident. She had to get through this weekend and see to it that they returned to their business relationship.

  When she stumbled, Tanner’s hand was on her elbow to steady her instantly. “I’m sorry, Whitney. I promised nothing physical. I shouldn’t have kissed you. It won’t happen again. It’ll be your call from now on.”

  Was that statement supposed to make her feel better? It sounded as if he regretted their kisses. Here she was trying to hold herself together while it hadn’t had any effect on him. She couldn’t have him thinking that she was some ninny who fell apart when a man kissed her.

  Long ago she’d learned to cover disappointment and hurt. She’d just do it once more. “Not a problem. I won’t hold it against you. It’s no big deal.”

  Had she felt his fingers flinch?

  “I’m glad you understand.” His hand remained on her arm until they stepped in front of the tasting-room door to the winery. When he let go she felt the loss in more ways than one. That tentative friendship they were building had lost some stones.

  “I hope I don’t slip up and say anything wrong,” she whispered.

  “Don’t worry about it. Let’s just concentrate on having a nice evening.”

  Tanner seemed far too laid-back for someone who was worried about his friends finding out she was actually his matchmaker. She sure wished her nerves weren’t jumping. If it was from Tanner’s kisses or her worry over disappointing him, she couldn’t say.

  He held the large curved door open for her to enter. Inside, the lights were turned low, giving the stone-walled space a cozy feel. It reminded her of pictures of a French farmhouse. To one side there was a bar with a full wine rack behind it. To the other side was a small, tastefully arranged shop area where shelves held wine flutes, cork removers and other paraphernalia. An upright, glass-doored cooler containing small packages of meat and cheese was discreetly positioned in a corner.

  Sharing the other half of the room was a grouping of café tables and chairs. Each table was covered in a bright yellow cloth with a white dahlia in a vase. They were a pop of sunlight in the otherwise dark area. Greenery and tiny lights were draped above the doors and along the shelves. Whitney was instantly charmed.

  “I love this place.” Whitney couldn’t help but be impressed. She glanced at Tanner. He was giving her an indulgent look.

  “Has anyone ever told you that you have a beautiful smile?”


  He held her gaze as he said softly, “They should have because you do.”

  Tanner’s voice vibrated through her. Had anyone ever looked at her like that before? Like she was the most special thing in the world?

  “I think if you continue to look at me that way I’ll forget my promises,” he said quietly. “Maybe we should join the others? I’ve been told that the Garonne Winery has a remarkable white.”

  Whitney didn’t drink much but she was in the mood to enjoy some wine with Tanner. She would not get any ideas where he was concerned. The only reason he was paying this much attention to her was because he was putting on a show. But that kiss had felt real. That moment just now had felt real too. She was going to enjoy this feeling while she could.

  He took her hand and wrapped it around his elbow and they walked toward the others gathered near the bar.

  Marie met them, her hands out in welcome and a wide smile on her face. “Whitney, you look wonderful. I knew that dress was just the thing for you.” She regarded Tanner. “I hope you told her how beautiful she is.”

  He nodded. “I did.”

  “Did he?” Marie looked at her.

  Whitney smiled up at Tanner. “He did. He was very complimentary.”

  Thankfully, Marie didn’t waste any time directing them to the bar. “You must try the white.”

  “Tanner said it was good,” Whitney remarked.

  Marie smiled with obvious pride. “It’s our first award winner.”

  “Then no wonder you’re proud.” Whi
tney watched as the middle-aged man behind the bar dressed in a white shirt, black vest and pants poured the liquid into a glass.

  “I must check on our meal. The tour will begin in a few minutes,” Marie said, and whirled away.

  The bartender handed Tanner a tall fluted glass and he gave it to her, then took his own. He tapped his glass against hers. “To a nice weekend.”

  Their looks held as they took a sip of wine.

  “Nice,” Tanner said. “What did you think?”

  “I’m not much of a wine connoisseur so I can’t really say.” Once again she was out of her element.

  “That’s okay. You either like it or not.”

  She paused a moment. Was he talking about more than wine? “I like it.”

  Tanner smiled. “Was that so hard?”


  “Would you like a lesson on how to taste wine?” He made it sound like it was something intimate between them.

  “I’m always willing to learn something new.” Had she really said something that flirtatious?

  Tanner’s eyes darkened but his grin was an easy one. “That’s good to know. Okay, let me show you. First, you look at it.” He brought his glass up so that it caught the light. “Then swirl it gently so that you can get the bouquet.” Tanner put his nose to the rim.

  Whitney followed his lead, doing exactly as he did.

  “Next you take a sip in your mouth and swish it around, letting each taste bud have its turn.”

  Whitney watched, enthralled, as Tanner’s lips moved against the edge of the glass. Those same lips had just touched hers. She had tasted their fullness and she wanted more.

  “Appreciate the richness of it. Then swallow.”

  She watched the long length of his neck as he drank. He was making the process a seduction. Heaven help her, he was a temptation she was having a hard time resisting. She no longer needed her wrap in the cool, dark room. It had turned far too warm for her. Tanner had an effect on her like no other male. He wasn’t what she needed but she couldn’t seem to stay away.

  His gaze met hers. Tanner asked in a low raspy voice, “Do you still like it?”


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