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The Surgeon's Cinderella

Page 8

by Susan Carlisle

  He wasn’t referring to the wine. The innuendo was clear. She licked her bottom lip.

  Tanner’s nostrils flared. He looked as if he might grab her. This time the kiss wouldn’t be a practice one, she was sure.

  The moment was shattered when Malcolm slapped him on the back. “Tanner, how’re you doing this evening? We missed you on the course. I’d hoped we would get a chance to talk.”

  Tanner’s attention went to Malcolm and that suited Whitney fine. She wasn’t sure she could have handled the intensity she’d seen in Tanner’s eyes if they had continued uninterrupted.

  The two men talked about general hospital business and Whitney stood by listening but not really understanding the nuances of the conversation. Still, she enjoyed the rumble of Tanner’s voice as it became animated about an issue. She was content to just listen to him. Mercy, she had it bad. Just like trying to return a cork to a bottle once it was out, there was no going back. She was falling for Tanner.

  Marie had just touched Malcolm’s arm, reminding him it was time for the tour, when Charlotte, hanging on the arm of a distinguished-looking man with snow-white hair, entered the room. Everyone in the room looked in their direction. The atmosphere took on a tense air.

  “Well, it looks like we can start now that all the guests are here.” The distaste in Marie’s voice was unmistakable.

  “Yes, it’s time,” Malcolm said in a pacifying voice as he took her hand. “Ladies and gentlemen, I believe they’re ready to show us the winery now.”

  As if on cue, a young man dressed identically to the bartender came to stand at Malcolm’s side.

  “Please follow me,” the young man said as he opened a wrought-iron door and walked along a passage. Whitney, Tanner’s hand at her elbow, followed the other members of their small group through the stone opening into a modernized cement-floored room with large aluminum vats.

  The guide began telling them how the grapes were harvested and pressed. Charlotte and her partner, who Whitney hadn’t been introduced to, came to stand beside her and Tanner. The entire time the guide was talking Charlotte was busy whispering in the man’s ear and giggling. Once Whitney saw him give her butt a squeeze and was disgusted by the display. It was as if Charlotte wanted everyone to pay attention to them. A few times she noticed Tanner glancing in their direction. Did this show bother him as well? Was Charlotte putting it on for Tanner? As if he knew what she was thinking, his arm came around her waist and brought her close.

  “Now, if you’ll follow me,” their guide announced, “we’ll go into the cellar where the wine is stored in oak barrels to let time create our award-winning vintages.”

  They entered another room where barrel after wooden barrel were piled on top of each other in ranks. They were stacked well above Tanner’s head.

  Whitney pulled at her shawl, trying to bring it up over her bare shoulders as the coolness of the windowless wine cellar surrounded her. Tanner’s fingertips brushed her arm. Why did she have to love his touch so much? The wrap was lifted off her. Seconds later, it came to rest across her shoulders.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” His voice warmed her as much as the material around her.

  They continued down the wide aisle until they came to an area where three formally dressed tables were set for dinner. A single candle flickered in the center of each.

  “Everyone.” Marie gained their attention. “This is where we’ll be having dinner tonight.

  “Charlotte and Max, you’ll be at this table.” She pointed to one to her right. “Ellen, you and Carlos will be joining them. Lucy and Rick, you’ll be at this table with Whitney and Tanner.” She touched the table closest to her. “Sue Ann and Russell, you’ll join Malcolm and I here.” She indicated the table off to the right.

  Whitney couldn’t deny she was relieved not to have to spend the entire dinner with Charlotte. The woman rubbed her up the wrong way for more than one reason. What Tanner had ever seen in her Whitney couldn’t imagine.

  Tanner held the chair for her to sit. His hand brushed her neck as he moved to take the chair at her left. A shiver of pleasure went through her. Had he done that on purpose? Her reaction to him was on overload tonight. The romantic setting must be getting to her.

  A waitress came to stand beside the table and popped the cork off a bottle of red wine. She presented a glass to Tanner. He sipped and nodded. She then poured each person at the table a glass.

  Whitney liked their tablemates, Lucy and Rick. She had gotten to know Lucy a little during the trip to town but found Rick an interesting yet bookwormish type. Their conversation was steady and often drew laughter. Whitney felt herself relaxing. Midway through the meal she’d forgotten all her worry over whether or not she might fit in.

  “I can’t believe I’ve found someone as interested as me in growing violets,” Lucy commented.

  “Just goes to show you never know about people until you get to know them,” Tanner said as he looked at Whitney. “We always get surprised.”

  Was he talking people in general or her in particular? How had she surprised him? Why would he be interested enough to notice? After all, she was only his matchmaker.

  “Yeah, and after this weekend I’d be surprised if I get that promotion as Director of Infectious Diseases,” Rick said.

  Lucy placed her hand over his. “Now, you don’t know that.”

  “I just have a feeling,” Rick said.

  “What do you mean?” Tanner asked.

  Rick lifted his glass. “I don’t think you need to worry. You’re the perfect person for the cardiothoracic department. It’s just something Malcolm remarked that Max had said.”

  Tanner turned in Charlotte’s direction. She was laughing loudly. “He does seem distracted.”

  “Don’t give up hope yet, honey,” Lucy encouraged.

  Rick shrugged and took a sip of his wine. “Let’s talk about something else.”

  By then the salad had been removed and the entrée of prime rib and roasted potatoes with green beans was placed in front of them. As they ate they discussed a recent movie.

  Whitney enjoyed the delicious food too much. Tanner smiled at her as she put the last bite in her mouth. “Good?”


  “I like a woman who enjoys eating.” Tanner’s attention returned to his plate.

  A sick feeling formed in Whitney’s stomach. Her fork hit the edge of the plate with a clink. Tanner glanced at her. His expression turned from one of happiness to distress. His hand took hers under the table and squeezed. “Did I say something wrong?”

  He truly looked perplexed. Whitney felt sorry for him. “No. I’m fine.” She made herself smile. Would she ever reach the point where she didn’t think every remark regarding her and food was a negative one?

  Minutes later the waitress removed their plates and brought another with chocolate à la mode on it. Whitney stuck the tines of her fork in it and put a bite in her mouth. The shot of chocolate tasted wonderful but she took no more of the dessert. She saw Tanner look at her uneaten sweet but he said nothing.

  With dinner finished, Marie stood. “Before we all go on our separate ways for the evening I’d like to give you a little idea of what we have planned for tomorrow. First, we’re going on a hot-air balloon ride. We’ll have to be up before daylight but I promise it’ll be worth it. If you haven’t seen Napa from the sky you haven’t seen Napa. Cars will be outside the main entrance to take you to the field at six thirty.” Charlotte groaned loudly as Marie continued, “The rest of the day is yours. Dinner is at eight beside the pool. Casual dress is fine. Malcolm and I have enjoyed having you here.”

  She and Tanner said their good-evenings to Lucy and Rick then thanked Marie and Malcolm for the nice dinner. Tanner pushed the door of the cellar open for her to precede him out. It had turned dark
. The moon was big and full against the night sky and the air was cool.

  “The hot-air balloon ride sounds awesome. I’ve always thought they were so beautiful.” Whitney pulled the shawl up around her shoulders. Tanner helped her adjust it.

  “It should be fun.” Tanner’s words didn’t sound all that heartfelt. Whitney didn’t have time to question him before he said, “It’s a beautiful night. How about a walk?”

  She wasn’t sure she should take the chance on being alone with him on a moonlit night but after the meal she’d just eaten she could use some exercise. She wasn’t looking forward to returning to the room where they would be closed up together. He had too much sex appeal to ignore. Feelings that had nothing to do with looking for a wife for him had crept in, feelings that would only break her heart in the long run if she were to let herself act on them. It might not be a safe idea but she agreed. “I guess so.”

  Tanner offered her his arm. She placed her fingers in the crook and he set a leisurely pace toward the rows of vines to the left of the winery. The paths between the rows were so well maintained the walking was easy.

  The night was still enough for her to hear herself breathing. They had walked some distance away from the hotel when she said, “I love this. It makes you want to take off your shoes and run.”

  “Go ahead.” Tanner’s voice was as deep and smooth as the night.

  Whitney glanced at him. Suddenly she felt like doing just that. He made her feel special. She kicked off her shoes, grabbed a handful of her dress and ran. The soft dirt, still warm from the sun, surrounded her toes. She threw up her arms and twirled.

  A deep chuckle filled the air, bringing her to a halt. She looked at Tanner.

  “Don’t stop on my account.”

  She studied him for a moment. He looked handsome and sturdy standing with his back to the moon as if he were a warrior of old. She wanted to reach out and take his smooth-shaven face in her hands and kiss him for all she was worth.

  She didn’t have to. He came to her, standing so close she could hear him breathe but he didn’t touch her. “Whitney, I need to kiss you.”

  Needed to? Had anyone ever needed to kiss her? She stepped to him. His lips found hers. This was no practice kiss, this was a man wanting a woman and telling her so.

  Tanner pulled her against him, lifting her until her toes barely met the ground. His tongue joined hers and danced a measure that Whitney recognized as theirs alone. She held on and took the spine-tingling, heart-revving and mind-blowing ride. Her arms circled his neck as her mouth begged in desperation for more. She clung to him.

  Tanner broke away, inhaling before he took her lips again. This time his hands moved to cup her breasts. They tingled, became heavy. His arousal was evident between them. The pleasure of having Tanner touch her made her feel weak. She clung to him as if he were her lifeline.

  In a low growl he said, “Let’s go inside. I want you.”

  Whitney was tempted to throw caution away and act on the fiery emotions boiling within her. She’d had no business agreeing to a walk with Tanner. It was too romantic, too perfect, too much Tanner. He filled her thoughts, filled her days, and if this continued he would fill her heart. That would be a road to nothing but misery.

  If she agreed to his request what would happen to her self-respect, her business? What would happen to what she wanted out of life? A husband who loved her. Someone who invested his life in hers, theirs. She wanted a loving marriage, something Tanner wasn’t willing to give. What was between them would only be a weekend fling. That wasn’t enough.

  “I can’t.” She stepped back, her mind forcing her body to move away when it yearned to cling to him. “I need to go in by myself.”

  “Are you running, Whitney?”

  She looked at him. He stood with his legs apart and arms at his sides. “I guess you could call it that. I know when something isn’t going to end well. We aren’t meant for each other. We are looking for different things out of a relationship.”

  * * *

  Tanner watched as Whitney became a shadow among the vines. He knew she was right. Heck, he wasn’t even sure what she wanted was real. He’d seen his mother fawn over his father, but was that love or obsession? His father had certainly not cared for his mother in the same way. Was his son even capable of loving someone?

  He followed Whitney at a distance, making sure she safely entered the front door of the château. Along the way he picked up her shoes. She had such tiny feet for a woman who had such a strong will.

  Once again he was pushing when he’d said he wouldn’t. He’d apologized to Whitney more than he had to anyone in his life and here he was needing to do it again.

  He went to the library off the entrance hall and poured a drink. Taking a seat in a chair near a window, he nursed his drink, giving Whitney time to get ready for bed and for him to get his libido under control.

  It was late when the sound of footsteps drew his mind away from the woman upstairs. He glanced behind him. Disappointment washed over him. It wasn’t Whitney looking for him but Charlotte. He returned his attention to the window, hoping she hadn’t seen him. Sadly, that wasn’t the case.

  “Why, Tanner, is that you? I thought you’d be upstairs with your plain little woman.”

  If his hackles hadn’t already been up they would have stood on end at that remark. The need to defend Whitney ran hot and rapid through him. He made no attempt to keep the aversion out of his words. “You know, it’s been a long time since it’s been your business where I am or what I am doing.”

  “Or who you are doing, is my guess.”

  “Or that either. You’ve found who you want in Max. Leave me alone.”

  She sauntered toward him. “The question is, have you found what you want in Whitney?”

  Had he? “That’s between us. It has nothing to do with you.”

  Charlotte leaned toward him, giving him an impressive view of her full breasts. “You used to think I was pretty important.”

  “Those days are gone and I’ve moved on. Now, excuse me.” He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her away as he stood. “I have other people and things that interest me more now.”

  “Like that nondescript woman upstairs waiting patiently for your return.”

  What had he ever seen in her? “As a matter of fact, yes.”

  Charlotte stepped to him so fast he had no time to react. Her mouth found his. Forcing himself not to squeeze her waist to the point of pain, he set her away from him. “If you ever touch me again, I promise Max will learn in no uncertain terms what a witch you are.” He didn’t wait for her reaction.

  When Tanner entered their bedroom Whitney was in the bed, asleep. One lone light near the sofa burned. On the couch was a pillow, sheet and blanket. Tanner looked longingly at the bed and the soft, warm woman in it. After muttering a few expletives that he was sure would make Whitney blush, he shook out the sheet and let it drop haphazardly over the sofa. By the size of the piece of furniture his feet were going to hang over one end. Removing his jacket and shirt, he threw them on a chair nearby. His hands went to his belt. Normally he slept in the raw but he would defer to Whitney’s sensibilities and wear his underwear. She would just have to deal with them.

  He was on the sofa, curled up the best he could, when a soft voice said, “Goodnight, Tanner.”

  Had she been watching him undress?


  WHITNEY LOOKED DOWN at Tanner sprawled across the sofa. He’d thrown the blanket off his chest. His head was on a too-small pillow and one leg rested along the back of the sofa. Despite the unusual position, he was snoring softly.

  Their kiss in the vineyard had kept her awake into the early hours. The passion behind it still had her feeling fuzzy all over. She’d been kissed before but not with the magnitude of Tanner. It made her
forget all her reasonable thoughts where he was concerned. For once in her life she understood that “heat of the moment” concept. Tanner, the cool night, the warmth of the earth beneath her feet, the yellow moon above had all conspired against her. She had to see that she didn’t get into that position again.

  She was thankful for the second of reality that had crept in, for she had no doubt she was on the fast track to heartache. She knew rejection too well. Most of her life had been that where men were concerned. As a chubby child, overweight teen and college student she’d always been picked on in some form. She wouldn’t set herself up for disappointment. Anything she might feel for Tanner would turn into just that. Letting a simple kiss change her entire life was ridiculous. Only it hadn’t been a simple kiss.

  She’d known the second Tanner had entered the room. Her body vibrated with awareness when he was near. She probably should have let him know she wasn’t asleep but instead she’d watched him remove his clothes. No doubt she had been invading his privacy but she’d been unable to help herself. Worse had been the urge to touch him. When she’d said goodnight she’d seen the small smile form on his lips. He must have liked the idea she’d been watching him. It had been an enticing show.

  When the alarm had gone off she’d quickly turned it off. There had been no movement from Tanner’s side of the room. She’d lain there listening to his soft snoring for a few minutes before she’d looked at the clock. They needed to get up and get moving. Marie would be expecting them.

  Delaying no more, she reached out to touch Tanner then pulled her hand back. For just a second she wanted to admire him a little longer. His shoulders were wide and the muscles of his chest defined. He must work out when he could. A smattering of hair surrounded each nipple before it formed a line down the middle of his belly to dip under the elastic band of his boxers. Tanner’s manhood rose high beneath the material.

  She sucked in a breath that sounded loud in the almost silent room. What would it be like to be loved by him?



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