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Page 4

by Allie Standifer

  With a quick prayer and a silent thank-you for the old-fashioned keyhole door, Daisy slowly pushed the wood away from the frame. It took seconds for her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. When they finally registered the sight, shock held her immobile.

  Sitting on her bed, looking massive and deadly, was the largest black wolf Daisy had ever seen or heard about. The creature looked like a horse trapped in the coat of a wolf.

  “Oh no, you ate Rami!” It didn’t matter that the statement lacked evidence. Rami wasn’t in the room, the wolf was and she’d heard his cry of pain. Ergo the wolf ate her lover.

  Her quickly formed plan for hotel security, a can of mace and maybe a bag of bacon took a step back when the wolf started glowing. The same bright colors she’d glimpsed beneath the door. Within seconds the menacing wolf had disappeared and a naked Rami sat in its place, his cock no longer impaired.

  “Oh, shit,” she whispered and pushed her back against the wall. “Tell me this is a really bad mix of jet lag and those motion sickness pills I took.”

  Dark, shaggy, black hair shook back and forth. “I’m afraid I can’t, Daisy. I’m a werewolf and we need to talk.”

  * * * * *

  In all the scenarios where Rami had imagined telling Daisy the truth about him, reality hadn’t come close. He’d been forced to shift in order to relieve the aching and brain-numbing pain in his testicles. Sending his mate out for ice seemed to be the quickest way to get her out of the room and save what was left of his family jewels.

  Now Daisy sat across the room from him, arms crossed tightly over her generous tits, as far away from him as she could get without leaving the room. He fisted one hand in his hair and the other on his jean-clad hip and paced the room.

  “What the fuck do I say now? Where do I start?” He hadn’t realized he’d said the words out loud until Daisy spoke.

  “The truth would be nice.” Her whisper traveled across the small space between them. Even with his advanced hearing he almost missed the hushed words. “As long as the truth doesn’t involve you eating me or sacrificing me to the devil.”

  Her words startled a laugh out of him. Damn, even in the midst of the worst situation of his life, Daisy could make him laugh. “Honey, I’ve already eaten you the only way I know how. As for sacrifices, not while I’m still breathing.”

  A rush of air left her lungs and some of the tension eased from her tightly wound shoulders. Shit, she’d been serious? The insult to his wolf and his people cut straight through him. “I’d never harm you. I’d never allow anyone else to hurt you either. Be it human or other they’d have to kill me to touch a hair on your beautiful head.”

  That had her head popping up. “There’s no need to throw around false flattery. You’ve already had me in bed.”

  Was it possible that the woman didn’t know her own appeal? Surely she had a mirror. Then again, human women were strange when it came to things like weight and other crap he didn’t care about. Thoughtfully he rubbed the bridge of his nose, letting his anger and the injury to his pride seep away.

  “Look, I know all this must look pretty freaky to you, but I promise to answer any questions you have honestly.” Slowly he moved to her, wary of startling her again. “I promise I’m not going to hurt you, Daisy,” he reiterated.

  Those big moss-green eyes grew wide at his approach, but she didn’t back away and her scent stayed stable. The smell of burnt popcorn that signaled her fear eased up every time he promised her safety.

  But the pain she tried to hide from him stood out in sharp relief. “Why?” Her voice soft and unsure. “Why me? Aren’t there other women out there, more beautiful, sophisticated women that are used to this?”

  He didn’t know what she meant by this, but he’d promised her the truth and the truth is what she deserved.

  “I don’t know about any other women. I haven’t thought of a single other female since I first caught your scent. You…” Here Rami almost tumbled over his tongue. How did you describe the sensation of waking for the first time? Of having your body come alive after living so many years layered in cotton? “It sounds as corny as hell, but you complete me. I’ve been looking all my life for you without knowing it. I caught one whiff of you and fell head over tail. Seeing you for the first time had me almost walking into traffic I was so thrown. I know you don’t understand any of this, but you are a walking, talking, more-sexy-than-should-be-allowed miracle to me.”

  How could he explain it, the immediate feeling of rightness just sharing the same space with her, when words weren’t enough?

  Instead of accepting all the undying love he threw her way, Daisy focused on the singularly unimportant detail.

  “You think I’m sexy?” Her head tilted sideways as she shyly watched him from beneath her thick lashes.

  He groaned and shoved both hands into his hair. If this kept up he’d be the only bald werewolf in existence. “Yes, baby, I think you’re sexy. Everything you do, say or even breathe turns me on.” Then the perfect idea struck him. “If you’re not sure, I’d be more than happy to prove it to you again.”

  Color flooded her pale cheeks. “It’s just that…” She paused as if trying to gather her words. “Every movie or legend about the supernatural always tells of the vampire, werewolf or whatever falling for the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  His heart broke at her words.


  She held up a hand. “I know I’m not sexy in that way. I’ve learned to live with it. I refuse to starve myself to look like a twelve-year-old boy.” The last part came out part growl. “I’m just…me.”

  And just like that his heart mended and landed in a heap at her feet. Damn, his mate was a true female of great worth.

  “I would never ask you to starve yourself. I think everything about you is perfect. In my world those skinny adolescent-looking women would be considered outcasts, not strong enough for the pack. Every damn vampire I know would laugh their head off at the thought of taking blood from one of them.” A mental image flashed in his mind and he laughed. “Yeah, they’d be too afraid of taking the blood because those models can’t afford to lose a drop. They’d pass out.”

  Interest lit her eyes like the Fourth of July. “Vampires are real, too?”

  “Um, yeah, they are.” The conversation wasn’t going where he wanted it. He knew she’d be afraid of his hairy side. He’d been prepared to deal with hysterics and paranoia. But aside from her first questions, Daisy seemed to be handling his big revelation with little upset.

  “Do they really die in sunlight? What about crosses and garlic? Can they cross someone’s threshold without invitation or is that an old wives’ tale?” Her anticipation hummed through the room. Normally Rami would be all over this conversation, but her eagerness and acceptance had him backing off both physically and mentally.

  Retracing his steps, Rami sat on the rumpled covers of the bed. “Not to sound like a jackass or anything, but why are you taking this so well? I thought I’d have to work for days, if not weeks to get you to even stay in the same room with me.”

  She flushed a little and sat up straighter. Her arms dropping their defensive position. “I’d always hoped there was more to this world than meets the eye. Mythology, history and even sci-fi have always fascinated me. I guess I’m so happy to know some things are true I’m not worried about freaking out. Plus, I have a million questions rolling through my mind so there’s no room left for fear.” The deep breath she took did wonderful things for her breasts, which were currently braless and hidden behind his shirt.

  And how he liked the look of her in his clothing. It made him feel that they were more like a mated pair than ever. She had accepted him or at least accepted what he turned into. That was more than he dared hope for in one night.

  “I’ll answer whatever questions you have, Daisy, if I can. But there’s more we need to talk about before we get into all the Dark Kin legends.”

  “Dark Kin? Is that what you call y

  Squirming on the bed, uncomfortable with her absolute focus Rami wondered exactly what he’d gotten himself into. “Yes, that’s the name others came up with many years ago.” Many, many years ago, but she didn’t need to know that exact detail just yet. First he had to get over the whole “Honey, I’m mated with you” thing.

  Showing more courage than any human male, Daisy left the relative safety of her corner chair and crossed the room to sit at his side. “Look. I don’t know if I’m doing anything right here. There are rules and protocol that I’m sure I’ve messed up ten ways to Sunday. So whatever it is, please just spell it out for me. Use hand puppets if you have to. Just don’t leave me hanging here imagining the worst.”

  The smell of burnt popcorn grew stronger with her words. Great, now he’d managed to scare her again. His parents should have given him a mating manual when he hit puberty.

  “You haven’t done anything wrong, honey.” He tunneled his fingers through her silky hair turning her eyes to meet his. “I’m the one who’s managed to screw everything up.”

  A flash of humor lit her eyes. “Oh, I don’t know about that. I think shoving my foot in your…well” she waved a hand in the general direction of his lap. “I’d say we’re even.”

  Laughing he pressed a quick kiss to her startled lips. “Thank God for you, Daisy. You’ll never let me take life too seriously will you?”

  “I…don’t… That is…” her words stumbled out along with the hint of her confusion.

  “There I go again.” Rami released her hair only to reach down and entwine their fingers. “I’m rushing into the things without explaining anything to you first.” But oh, how he wanted to rush. Nothing would make him happier than a quick trip to the local priest and a yearlong honeymoon. Too bad it would only happen in his dreams.

  “So explain. I’m here. I’m willing to listen.” The gentle tone of her voice soothed the worst part of his nerves, allowing his head to clear somewhat.

  And didn’t that make his heart swell?

  “Okay,” he took a deep breath trying to organize his thoughts. Better to start at the beginning. “Like I said before, I knew you from the first hint of your scent. Then you walked into the hotel and I had to wipe the drool off my mouth.” He joined in her laughter and felt his shoulders ease down. “Your scent called to me in a good way. You smell like fresh plums, sweet and ripe, and I couldn’t wait to get my mouth on you.”

  “Really?” She seemed astounded by the news.

  From now on he’d make it his mission in life to ensure Daisy knew exactly how beautiful she truly was. He couldn’t help, but kiss her again. Long minutes later he finally found the strength to raise his head.

  “The things you do to me, Daisy.”

  “I think we’re even on that score.” Her breath panted gently across his wet lips while the hard tips of her nipples teased his self control. “Speaking of, everything back to normal down there?”

  A wicked grin flashed across his face and Rami did nothing to stop it. “You can always find out for yourself.” Please, by all the saints in heaven let her want to see for herself. Wetness leaked from the tip of his throbbing cock at the thought of his mate’s mouth closing over him.

  A shudder ran through his body before he clamped down on his primal urges.

  A delightful blush colored Daisy’s cheeks when he finally managed to open his eyes. The sweet temptation of her tongue darted out along her lower lip. “Uh, as much as I’d love to try that I need a little more information.”

  Did she know the effect her seemingly innocent act had on him? And she wanted him to form words and sentences? “Ugh.” Was the best he could do.

  “Rami,” a soft gentle hand stroked his arm. “I’m not trying to play games or anything. Heck I wouldn’t even know how. All I want to do is understand you and your…other side.”

  Could she sound lamer? Daisy mentally smacked herself. Up until that moment she’d prided herself on being calm and in control. But one wet and deep kiss later, Daisy’s brain melted, her hormones rioted and her body burned.

  Afraid of facing him and the expected pity in his beautiful eyes, Daisy forced her gaze to the closed doors of the balcony. Flashbacks of the previous night zinged through her mind in delicious detail. Even if Rami Gadi walked away for good, she’d always have the memories of their erotic encounter.

  Once more she felt her cheeks heat with a damn blush as she thought back to the night and early morning. They’d come together in a blend of need, desire and heat. The things she’d let him do to her. Things she almost begged him to do, tying her to the antique bedpost wearing nothing but her pantyhose tied around her wrist and ankles. At the time giving in felt right, but now she wondered. How much control did he have over her? Would it ever end? Did she want it to?

  His lupine heritage should be more important than whatever sex they’d shared. After all, most normal human women would have run out of the room screaming by now if they’d just found out their bed partner could turn furry at will. Instead, that mystical side of him both fascinated and scared her.

  Rough hands cupped the back of her neck, forcing their eyes to meet. “Baby, why are you looking like that?”

  Her life had tumbled so far out of control in the past twenty-four hours, Daisy didn’t know where to turn or how long she’d be able to keep her feet grounded. “Like what?” Scared, horny, embarrassed?

  Whisper-soft kisses against her neck caused shivers to race up and down her spine. “Like you might bolt out the door any second now and leave me alone.”

  The forlorn tone not quite hidden in his voice touched her almost as deeply as his lovemaking. “I’m not running anywhere,” she told him honestly, thinking it would be Rami running from her, not the other way around.

  “Why don’t we get comfortable? I’ll tell you everything and answer any questions you have later.”

  Carefully he pulled her on the bed, arranging her body to his satisfaction. They ended up sitting with Rami propped against the headboard, Daisy’s back snugly fitted to his broad naked chest. His long, muscular, tanned legs framed her own shorter limbs and filled her with a strange sense of belonging.

  “I want one promise from you before I start explaining,” he demanded, settling his arms firmly across her not so svelte waist.

  Valiantly trying to ignore the large hands coasting over her belly pouch, Daisy agreed.

  “Good.” Those damn hands had moved on to frame her “birthin’” hips as they’d once been described. Couldn’t he leave any flaws untouched?

  “As they say, a long time ago my ancestor saved the life of a wolf. The male was defending his cubs and mate when my ancestor came along. Normally, from what I understand, humans bypassed this kind of scene, but for whatever reason good ole’ Pappy decided to step in. He killed the mountain lion threatening them with his spear or knife. No one knows for sure. But he saved the lives of the wolf, his mate and cubs and the male turned out to be so grateful and shocked by a human’s help he offered my ancestor access to his soul. Not being a fool, Pappy said yes. And thus the Gadi werewolf line was born.”

  Though the story was brief, it had also been beautiful. Daisy knew there were details Rami had purposely left out, but she didn’t mind. Having him even share this much of himself filled her with pride. “And your family’s been able to change ever since?”

  She felt his casual shrug against her back. “Pretty much. That’s the way most weres are created. A noble and proud animal must offer to share his soul and the human must be strong enough to accept it. Once done it can never be changed or reversed.”

  “That’s amazing,” she whispered, thinking how lucky Rami’s ancestor had been to save that particular wolf.

  A soft kiss tickled her temple. “I’m not done yet, Daisy.” Another kiss was pressed to her nose. “No more questions.” He said firmly while still scattering soft kisses over her face. “When I’m done you can interrogate me to your heart’s content.”

>   The last thing she felt like doing with Rami touching her was asking questions. The man’s lips should be registered as lethal weapons. “I won’t say another word.” She made the childish gesture of zipping her lips and throwing away the key and instantly regretted the impulse. Surely he’d see what an unsophisticated nerd she truly was.

  Again he surprised her by laughing instead of mocking. “Later,” he whispered in her ear, “we’ll find that key and put your mouth to better use.” Sharp teeth gently nipped her lobe before his heated tongue caressed the small hurt. “Now behave so I can concentrate.”

  Her behave? His lips were the ones doing all the damage. She longed to open her mouth and put the blame squarely on his shoulders where it belonged, but a promise was a promise. So she nodded her head, wiggled for a more comfortable position and settled in to listen.

  His frustrated groan filled the room before she felt his chest expand for a long breath then slowly release it. “I’m going on the assumption you aren’t familiar with the habits of wild wolves. It will be easier to explain that way.”

  He paused, when Daisy kept her lips shut, Rami absently patted her stomach. “Natural wolves mate for life. There is only one female for the male and vice versus. They passed that trait to us. When one of my kind find his forever mate there is a huge celebration because we know the couple will be together through eternity. There’s never been a divorce or unhappy pairing in all the centuries since my family bonded with the wolf.”

  Strong, calloused hands stroked over her body in an absentminded manner. As if Rami, while not completely aware of his actions, took comfort in the touch of her skin just the same.

  “Your scent hit me harder than a freight train at full speed. I couldn’t think, walk or talk. The only thing that mattered was getting to you. My parents had tried to explain it, but there really are no words for when it happens. Every instinct I possess as a man and wolf screamed that you were mine.” His fingers traced unknown patterns across her skin faster and faster as his agitation increased.


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