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Outposts on the Frontier: A Fifty-Year History of Space Stations (Outward Odyssey: A People's History of Spaceflight)

Page 60

by Jay Chladek

  STS-128, 440–41

  STS-129, 444–45

  STS-130, 441, 451

  STS-131, 452–54

  STS-134, 456–57, 458

  STS-135, 455, 458–61

  Sturckow, Fred, 456

  submarine-based cruise missiles, 44–45

  Surayev, Maksim, 441, 452

  surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), 14

  surveillance. See reconnaissance

  Swanson, Steve, 437

  sweat, 14, 402, 427, 428

  Sweden, 244, 398

  Switzerland, 244

  Syria, 278–79

  Syromyatnikov, Vladimir, 182, 186

  Taco Bell, 354–55

  Tani, Dan, 414, 415, 417, 420, 421–23, 432

  Tani, Rose, 422–23

  Taylor, James, 21, 22, 36

  Tchibis, 158

  TDRS. See Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS)

  telescope(s): AAP and, 115, 119, 125, 129–30; Almaz and, 56; ASTP and, 195; Hubble, 253, 268, 349, 397; Mir and, 277, 281; MOL and, 29, 33; Salyut and, 80, 84, 98; Salyut 4 and, 158, 160, 164; Salyut 6–7 and, 212, 224, 237; Spacelab and, 265, 268. See also specific types of telescope

  television cameras and monitors: ASTP and, 200; in helmets, 402; on Mir, 295, 354; on Progress, 222, 330, 333; on Salyut, 97, 98–99, 209, 226; on Skylab, 129–30, 131, 138

  telex printers, 158

  10kh missiles, 42–43

  Tereshkova, Valentina, 81

  Thagard, Norman, 262, 263, 309, 310, 315–17, 318, 357

  thermal control, 13; for ISS, 358; for Salyut, 79, 157, 165, 238; for Skylab, 123, 125, 134–35, 136, 138–39; for Spacelab, 247

  thermostabilized food, 434, 436

  Thiokol, Morton, 268

  Thirsk, Robert, 438–39

  Thomas, Andy, 309, 338–40, 341–42, 370, 392

  Thomas, Don, 384

  Thor missiles, 10, 12

  Thornton, Bob, 128

  Thornton, William, 131, 252, 262, 263, 264

  3D printers, 466

  thruster firings, 86, 156, 202, 224, 313–14

  Tiangong module, 461–62

  Ting, Samuel Chao Chung, 457–58

  tissue samples, 129, 196, 315

  Titan series rockets, 15, 17–18, 24, 25, 32, 37, 47, 350

  Tito, Dennis, 354, 361–62

  Titov, Vladimir, 81, 233, 234, 279, 280, 281, 283–84, 285, 314, 339

  TKS spacecraft: Almaz and, 58, 61–62, 172; Mir and, 273, 277, 286; Salyut 4 and, 157; Salyut 6 and, 229, 230, 271; Salyut 7 and, 230, 232, 233–34, 238–39, 271, 272; Shuttle-Mir Program and, 309. See also specific spacecraft

  Tognini, Michel, 302

  toilets, 77, 126, 427–29

  Tokarev, Valery, 393

  Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS), 295

  tool bags, 405, 432

  TORU, 329–30, 332–33, 354, 358, 388

  tourist astronauts, 353, 354, 361–62, 366, 437–38, 442

  Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS), 257, 260, 363, 376

  tracking ships, 80, 303

  tracking stations, 32, 80, 86, 96, 176, 177, 256–57, 303

  tracking systems: ESRO and, 245; ISS and, 363; Mir and, 303, 354; optical, 30, 56; Salyut and, 80, 96, 103, 149–50; Skylab and, 134; Spacelab and, 256–57

  training: EVA, 210, 405–7; language, 192–93, 310–11, 339, 408–9; MOL and, 26–28; neutral-buoyancy, 27, 405–6; Shuttle-Mir Program, 311–12; on space systems, 312; underwater, 27, 414–15

  Tranquility node, 441, 451, 459

  transfer tunnels, 18–19, 37, 250, 254

  trash, 126, 167. See also waste management

  Travers radar, 322

  treadmills, 97, 128, 154, 160, 230, 407, 440–41

  Treshchev, Sergei, 366–67

  Truly, Richard, 21, 22, 28, 34, 35, 304

  TRW, 250, 305

  Tsar Bomba, 15

  Tsibliyev, Vasily, 325, 328, 329–31, 332–34, 337

  Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin, 6

  TSKBEM. See Central Design Bureau of General Machine Building (TSKBEM)

  TSKBM. See Central Design Bureau of Machine Building (TSKBM)

  TSUP. See Moscow Mission Control Center (TSUP)

  Tuân, Pham, 227

  Turin, Mikhail, 362, 365

  two-gas oxygen-and-nitrogen system, 19, 116–17, 124

  Two Sides of the Moon (Leonov and Scott), 90

  Tyurin, Mikhail, 398–99

  U-2 spy planes, 14

  UHF frequency, 374

  Ukraine, 80, 219, 329, 465

  ultraviolet light, 129, 130, 195

  United Kingdom, 42, 243–44, 296–97

  United Nations Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 177

  Unity node, 343–45, 351, 352, 358, 436

  unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH), 52, 208

  UR-100s, 46–47

  UR-200s, 46–48, 59–60

  UR-500s, 50–53, 54, 61, 62–63, 147–49, 173, 343

  urine collection, 77, 126, 131, 401, 427–28

  urine samples, 126, 129, 232

  Usachev, Yuri, 320, 322, 360, 362

  U.S. Air Force: intelligence satellites and, 33; missiles and boosters of, 47, 52; MOL program and, 11–12, 16–17, 19–21, 31, 32; space interest of, 13, 14, 15–16

  U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School, 20

  U.S.-Russian relations, 438, 465

  Ustinov, Dmitry Feodorovich: about, 48–50, 49, 60, 61; death of, 271–72; as defense minister, 172–73; pressure suit and, 107; Salyut and, 71, 74–75, 76; Vladimir Chelomei and, 50, 151, 173

  V-1 cruise missiles, 42–43

  V-2 rockets, 7, 10, 42, 48

  VA capsules, 55, 58, 61, 232, 233, 238–39

  Valier, Max, 6

  van den Berg, Lodewijk, 262–63, 263, 264

  Vandenberg AFB, 32, 37

  Van Hoften, Dave “Ox,” 401

  Vasyutin, Vladimir, 238–39

  Vector Analysis (Chelomei), 41

  Verne, Jules, 5, 425

  VfR (Verein Für Raumschiffarht), 6–7

  VFW Fokker, 250

  vibrations, resonance, 215

  vibrations study, 41

  Viehböck, Franz, 302

  Vika canisters, 325–26

  Viktorenko, Aleksandr, 278, 288, 289, 291–92, 314, 315

  Vinogradov, Pavel, 324, 337–38, 339, 393, 398

  Virts, Terry, 373

  virtual reality laboratory, 406, 411

  vitamin D, 434

  Vittori, Roberto, 366, 391

  Volikov, Dmitriy, 41

  Volk, Igor, 236, 279, 280

  Volkov, Aleksandr, 238, 284, 285–86, 288, 302, 425

  Volkov, Sergey, 425, 430, 431

  Volkov, Vladislav, 70, 92–95, 96, 99–100, 102–4, 105–6

  Volynov, Boris, 69, 167–69

  von Braun, Wernher, 1, 7–8, 9–10, 9, 11, 112–13, 114, 119–21, 241

  Voronov, Anatoli, 83

  Voskhod 2, 96

  Voskhod program, 74, 92, 96, 155

  Voss, James, 360, 362

  Vostok 3, 81, 82

  Vostok spacecraft, 12, 74, 81, 82

  Wakata, Koichi, 437, 439, 440

  Walheim, Rex, 366, 423, 459, 460

  Walz, Carl, 365

  Wang, Taylor, 262, 263, 264

  Waste and Hygiene Compartment, 428

  waste management, 77, 126, 131, 143, 167, 401, 427–28

  water reclaiming and recycling, 154, 159, 232, 290, 372, 427–28

  Weatherbee, Jim, 314

  Webb, James, 117–18, 121, 176, 178, 180

  weightlessness, 56, 413; MOL training and, 26–27; neutral buoyancy tank and, 119; Salyut and, 81–82, 97, 98, 158, 161, 165, 218, 220; Skylab and, 127

  Weitz, Paul, 132, 137, 138, 140, 252

  welding in orbit, 70, 236, 275

  West Germany, 195, 196, 197, 244, 267–68, 269

  wet lab, 112–15, 116, 118–21, 119

  wheeled space station, 9

  Wheelock, Doug “Wheels,�
�� 417, 418, 420

  White, Ed, 116–17

  Whitson, Peggy, 315, 366–67, 413–14, 415, 416, 422, 425–26, 432

  Williams, Dave, 413

  Williams, Jeffrey, 393, 394–95, 398, 441–42, 452

  Williams, Sunita, 398–99, 407, 412, 415, 416

  Wilson, Stephanie, 394

  Wolf, David, 309, 312, 338–39, 367, 401, 439–40

  X-15 rocket planes, 11–12, 23

  X-20s, 15–16

  X-rays, 129, 130

  X-ray telescopes, 237, 265, 268, 277, 281, 284, 288, 293

  Yamazaki, Naoko, 452

  Yangel, Mikhail, 46

  Yang Liwei, 388

  Yeliseyev, Aleksei, 64, 69, 70, 83, 88, 99–100, 150, 189

  Yeltsin, Boris, 299, 305

  Yi So-yeon, 425–26

  YMK jet packs, 291–92

  Young, John, 258, 259, 260, 307, 426

  Yurchikhin, Fyodor, 399, 410–11, 412, 414

  Z1 truss, 352, 389

  Zalyotin, Sergei, 353

  Zarya FGB, 341, 342–43, 344–45, 349–50, 351, 362, 459

  Zarya name, 84

  Zenit, 286

  Zholobov, Vitaliy, 167–69

  Zond, 62–63, 65, 76

  Zudov, Vyacheslav, 169–71

  Zvezda, 341–43, 348–51, 351, 425, 433

  About Jay Chladek

  Jay Chladek is a spaceflight historian and a regular contributor to the online forum collectSPACE.

  About Clayton C. Anderson

  Clayton C. Anderson retired in 2013 after a thirty-year career with NASA and two missions to the International Space Station. He is the author of The Ordinary Spaceman: From Boyhood Dreams to Astronaut (Nebraska, 2015).

  In the Outward Odyssey: A People’s History of Spaceflight series

  Into That Silent Sea: Trailblazers of the Space Era, 1961–1965

  Francis French and Colin Burgess

  Foreword by Paul Haney

  In the Shadow of the Moon: A Challenging Journey to Tranquility, 1965–1969

  Francis French and Colin Burgess

  Foreword by Walter Cunningham

  To a Distant Day: The Rocket Pioneers

  Chris Gainor

  Foreword by Alfred Worden

  Homesteading Space: The Skylab Story

  David Hitt, Owen Garriott, and Joe Kerwin

  Foreword by Homer Hickam

  Ambassadors from Earth: Pioneering Explorations with Unmanned Spacecraft

  Jay Gallentine

  Footprints in the Dust: The Epic Voyages of Apollo, 1969–1975

  Edited by Colin Burgess

  Foreword by Richard F. Gordon

  Realizing Tomorrow: The Path to Private Spaceflight

  Chris Dubbs and Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom

  Foreword by Charles D. Walker

  The X-15 Rocket Plane: Flying the First Wings into Space

  Michelle Evans

  Foreword by Joe H. Engle

  Wheels Stop: The Tragedies and Triumphs of the Space Shuttle Program, 1986–2011

  Rick Houston

  Foreword by Jerry Ross

  Bold They Rise

  David Hitt and Heather R. Smith

  Foreword by Bob Crippen

  Go, Flight! The Unsung Heroes of Mission Control, 1965–1992

  Rick Houston and Milt Heflin

  Foreword by John Aaron

  Infinity Beckoned: Adventuring Through the Inner Solar System, 1969–1989

  Jay Gallentine

  Foreword by Bobak Ferdowsi

  Fallen Astronauts: Heroes Who Died Reaching for the Moon, Revised Edition

  Colin Burgess and Kate Doolan with Bert Vis

  Foreword by Eugene A. Cernan

  Apollo Pilot: The Memoir of Astronaut Donn Eisele

  Donn Eisele

  Edited and with a foreword by Francis French

  Afterword by Susie Eisele Black

  Outposts on the Frontier: A Fifty-Year History of Space Stations

  Jay Chladek

  Foreword by Clayton C. Anderson

  To order or obtain more information on these or other University of Nebraska Press titles, visit




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