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Page 11

by Jennifer Foor

  I think one of the biggest problems for me was that my family was always around. I was still getting to know Cole. Since they’d all pretty much gone out of town, I had the ranch to myself, or at least my Gram’s house. It was like we couldn’t catch a break.

  I was hot driving to Joe’s house, and I’m not describing the temperature. Cole was beside me telling me how Joe was threatening him. What really rubbed me wrong was that Cole was just trying to start his life over. Yeah, he’d made mistakes along the way, but didn’t everyone? How could Joe continue to try and hook up with me when he treated his foster brother like he was a junkie? Cole hadn’t dabbled into the things I’d gotten involved in. He was a much better example for me to follow.

  “I’ll handle Joe, precious. You just stay in the car.”

  If he thought I wasn’t going to give him a piece of my mind he was very mistaken. “The hell with that. Joe needs a wake-up call.”

  “And you think rubbing it in that we’re together will solve anything?” I could tell Cole was worried about me, but he didn’t need to. It took a lot for me to get pissed, but once I was there, nothing could keep me from speaking my mind.

  “It will prove that he’s wrong. It will show him why I don’t want to date him.”

  “Addison, I don’t care what Joe thinks. He’s an asshole. He always was.”

  That was beside the point. Joe was an egotistical pig. He treated people with problems like they weren’t worth anything. He didn’t have compassion whatsoever. “No. I’m not okay with him doing this. He’s a hypocrite.”

  For the fifteen minute car ride Cole and I tried to delegate who would say what. Maybe it would have gone better if I hadn’t pulled up and seen clothes strewn across the front lawn. I looked over at Cole, seeing the anger in his eyes. My hand reached out and fell over his. “Don’t let it get physical. Like it or not, he’s a cop and he can make your life hell.”

  “I know. I want to rip his fucking nuts off, but I’ll try to restrain. You don’t know how hard it’s going to be though. This has been a long time coming. I’m sick of abiding by his rules. ”

  I parked out front, only to see items already covering the front lawn. I knew better than to think this would sit well with Cole. His eyes were intent on one thing – retribution. The next thing I knew Joe emerged from the house, carrying another handful of Cole’s clothes. I don’t know which one of us got out of the car first, but the moment my eyes locked with Joe’s it was like Cole had disappeared from the equation. Joe’s mouth dropped, and he appeared to be stunned we were there together. A part of me wanted to smile, because the sexy man getting out of my car wanted to be with me just as much as I wanted him. We had a chance to be happy – both of us longing for a connection. Nothing was going to stop me from spending time with him, not even his love-struck foster brother.

  Joe pointed to Cole, but looked at me. “Tell me you’re just his ride home.”

  “I’m not going to lie to appease you. We’re together. He’s who I want to be with.”

  “You whore. Do you know how long I’ve waited for you?”

  Cole darted in between us. “Leave her out of this, man. She’s not a whore. She’s nothing like that at all.”

  “No.” He looked at me again with pleading eyes. I understood he was hurt, but he didn’t need to shame me with inconsiderate names to make himself feel better. “I want to know why you of all people are helping him. He’s a loser. He came from trash and he’ll always be trash.”

  This hurt my heart. Joe was jealous, so he’d decided to lash out however he saw fit. It wasn’t fair to judge Cole for what his family did. He was his own individual. “I happen to think he’s a great guy,” I announced from behind Cole.

  “You would. I don’t know why I’m not surprised. It takes one junkie to know another one.”

  I didn’t have time to grab hold of Cole before I watched him pounce on Joe. They rolled around the ground, shouting profanities and throwing punches. I tried to intervene, but they were out of control, and I knew with my small proportions I’d only get hurt, so I did the next best thing. “Cole, stop. You’re going to kill him. Cut it out you two. This is ridiculous.”

  Cole shoved Joe one more time before they moved away from each other. “Don’t you ever fucking call her that again.”

  “You can have her. I’d never want sloppy seconds after you. You’re filth. If she’s willing to fuck you then she’s nothing special at all.”

  I jumped in front of Cole before he could haul off and hit Joe again. “Just let it go.”

  “Get your shit off my property. If I see you around here I’ll report you for breaking and entering.”

  “I live here.”

  “No you don’t. You crossed a line, Cole. You knew how I felt about her. Was that her bra?” He shook his head and let out a disgusted laugh, before looking in my direction. “Wow, that didn’t take long.”

  The fact that I still hadn’t had sex with Cole made me laugh. Of course he’d misconstrue the situation, yet I wasn’t about to correct him. “He’s more of a man than you’ll ever be, Joe. Lose my number. I’d never get involved with someone as shallow as you.” I reached my hand out to Cole. “Come on. Lets get your things and get out of here.”

  It wasn’t until we were in the car when Cole addressed the situation for what it was. “I don’t have any place else to go, Addison. Maybe I should call my foster parents and tell them what happened.”

  “Don’t bother. There are two empty trailers on the ranch. My dad is looking for renters. You can stay there until you find something else.”

  “That’s a terrible idea.”

  “Why? I won’t tell him we’re involved. I’ll explain I’m helping you. He’ll be fair. My dad will do it for me. Besides, he’s going away. I don’t even have to tell him until they get back.”

  The only two people who had to know were my siblings and I didn’t think Chris or Noah would rat on me. I’d kept secrets for them, and frankly I didn’t even think I wanted Cole to be one. Sure, I’d keep the reason we met under lock and key, but only because I knew they wouldn’t understand.

  “I don’t know. I think it’s a bad idea.”

  “I’m not asking you to move in with me. The ranch is big. We could go for days without seeing each other.”

  “I highly doubt that would happen.”

  I smiled in the midst of him needing me to be serious. “I’m not a stalker. I can restrain.”

  “If you’re sure it won’t cause a problem? I can pay the rent upfront if it will help. How much is it?”

  “I’ll ask. Just relax. We’ve got at least a week before they find out. You’ll have plenty of time to figure out if it’s where you want to be.”

  “Addison,” he said in a serious tone. “I wouldn’t do this if I had another place to go. I’m not seeing you for some kind of handout. I enjoy being with you. If it will make you feel better I’ll get online and look for small places I can afford, at least until I can save up enough for something better.”

  “Cole, I insist. Stop fretting. It’s all good, I promise.”

  I could tell he felt funny about taking me up on the offer. Maybe he knew it wasn’t really my place to promise something that wasn’t exactly mine, but my parents had raised me to help people we cared about, and even though we were only starting out, I did care.

  Instead of going straight to my Gram’s house, I drove up to one of the old trailers that wasn’t being used. The lawn needed to be trimmed, and I was sure my brother was storing some of his shit inside, but Cole wouldn’t care. He needed a place to keep his things; to go home to at night. I stepped out of the car and looked at the back kitchen door. “It’s nothing fancy.”

  “Does the roof leak?” He asked.

  “Nope. You’ll stay dry.”

  He started getting some of the clothes we’d grabbed from the backseat. “I really appreciate this. For what it’s worth, Joe was wrong. You’re nothing like he said. I’ve never met a woman like y
ou, Addison. It pisses me off how he tried to hurt you. You should have let me keep pounding.”

  “I’m a big girl. I can handle name calling. I have an older brother and live on a ranch. Don’t think for a second I haven’t been teased. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but I have a ton of cousins and we tend to gang up on each other.”

  “Still, I didn’t like it.”

  “I appreciate the sentiment. Come on, I’ll show you around.”

  Cole followed behind me, taking it all in. I think he was a little overwhelmed. We’d just agreed to be exclusive and date and now I was moving him onto the ranch. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he turned around and ran for the hills.

  After we went through the whole trailer, Cole grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms. “Is this what you do with all your boyfriends?”

  “Ha ha. You’re hilarious.”

  “I’m kidding. Thank you. I’d rather be anywhere but back with Joe.”

  “I don’t blame you. He was an ass.”

  “I guess dinner is ruined?”

  I shook my head. “Nope. It’s going to be great. Let’s get out of here. We can come over tomorrow and clean up the place.”


  “Did you forget about spending the night with me?” I was sure he hadn’t.

  “I figured after everything you’d want a break.”

  I shoved him down on the couch that was covered by sheets. Before he could argue I was on top of him, kissing him passionately on the lips. “Just so we’re clear, I don’t want a break. We’re just getting started.”

  Dinner only took a few minutes to heat back up. We sat at the kitchen island eating side by side. Cole seemed withdrawn. He didn’t say much, and I was certain it was due to the earlier events. Who could blame him for feeling like a burden? I had no idea what it felt like to be disrespected like Joe had done, not until he did it to me.

  Maybe if Cole weren’t around I would have felt more offended. Joe had always been so nice. He put on a fake façade, but inside he was an ugly man. It made me sick to think I’d actually considered giving him a chance at one point. Looking back, I was so glad I hadn’t. He didn’t deserve me or any other woman for that matter.

  “Are you still thinking about what happened?” He asked.

  “Unfortunately. It just really pissed me off. I mean, who does he think he is? What gives him the right to judge us? He’s not God.”

  Cole started to laugh at me. “You’re really cute when you’re pissed off.”

  I ran my hands through my hair, taking it out of the messy bun I’d had it in most of the day.

  “Sorry. I’m sick of people judging. If it’s okay I’d rather not go swimming tonight. I feel like crawling into bed and being close to you without interruptions.”

  “I’m good with that, except, I did tell you I had something in mind for tonight. If it only requires you to lay down, are you willing to do it?”

  I snickered. “Is it sexual?”

  “No. Not really. I mean, I’m sure it could lead to wanting to have sex, or you could find it absolutely boring.”

  “You’re not going to give me any hints as to what it is?” I had no clue what he could want to do. He was being so secretive. It was amusing.

  “I’m going to clean up dinner. Why don’t you head upstairs and take off all your clothes, climb on the bed and wait for me to join you?”

  I almost choked on a gulp of tea I’d just been sipping on. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “Oh I’m not. For what I want to do I’ll need you naked and sprawled. Plan on being that way for a while too. I like to take my time while I’m working. It makes for better results.”

  Did he assume I was ready to sleep with him? Maybe inviting him to stay the night again was giving him false hope. The night we’d spent together had been amazing, and if he would have tried I probably would have let him. I wondered if one day could change the way I felt about it. Maybe I was still festering from earlier events to allow myself to relax and enjoy our time together. “You think I’m going to drop my pants so easily?”

  “First,” he pointed to my legs. “You’re not wearing any pants. You’re in shorts. Second, it’s not what you think. Like I said before, we’re not having sex. Go upstairs and wait for me. Fetch me a piece of paper and a pencil. It can be a pen, but I prefer a pencil.”

  I smiled. “Is it a game?”

  “No. Would you stop asking and go do it? I promise I’ll be quick to join you.”

  I had no idea what he was up to, but I wasn’t going to pass up on having him do the dishes. While I made my way up the steps, I could hear the plates clanking as he loaded them in the dishwasher. I went into my Gram’s office and grabbed a few sheets of paper and two pencils. When I got in the room I’d been staying in, I looked at the bed, reminiscing about the night before, and how romantic he’d been. No matter what he was up to, I had to be trusting.

  I started undressing, feeling overwhelmed with nervousness. He’d said we weren’t going to have sex. Last night we’d slept in the nude and he hadn’t made a move on me. I couldn’t understand why I was being so dramatic.

  By the time I was under the covers, I heard him enter the room. I was holding the sheets up to my chin, even though it wasn’t at all cold. “I did what you said.”

  He pulled a chair closer to the edge of the bed, obtained the pencil and paper from the nightstand and stared at me. “I’m going to need you to get comfortable, oh and remove the sheet.”

  “What?” Then it finally hit me. “You’re going to draw me aren’t you?”


  “I’m scared. It so exposing.”

  “Precious, I’ve seen every inch of you. Come on. I’m not asking you for anything inappropriate. This means a lot to me. I want to do it. Let me show you how I see you. Let me give you something to say thank you.”

  How could I deny this gorgeous man anything? He’d been nothing but good to me. I shoved the sheet down away from my exposed body and posed by leaning on my elbow. “Is this good?”

  “You’re perfect.”

  “Do I get to draw you next?”

  “Precious, you can do whatever you want to me once I finish, and that’s a promise. You’ve just made my lifetime.”

  It was difficult to keep a straight face when all I wanted to do was smile. No man had ever made me feel so beautiful, so appreciated. It would be so easy to fall for him completely. The only question I had for myself was if I could let it happen, or would I push him away in fear of what could go wrong if he ever hurt me.

  Chapter 14


  I wanted to forget what had happened with Joe, but I knew it wasn’t sitting well with Addison. She was still stewing as she sat posing for me. I wanted to take my time, envision her as royalty, and then draw her the way I see it.

  “Stop fidgeting.”

  She giggled, throwing her head back. “This is hard.”

  “Would it help if I took my clothes off, because you know, I love being naked.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’re a nudist aren’t you? That’s the catch. You’re perfect in every way because secretly you’re a nudist.”

  Did she really call me perfect? I was flattered beyond belief. If she only knew the struggles I’d gone through in life, never feeling like I was worth a damn. In the service, before I was discharged, I gave everything my all, striving for greatness to fulfill the empty spot where gratification had never been met.

  Low and behold I’m forced to return to the town where everyone literally knows my name as being trash. Without even trying I meet this woman who not only cares whether I’m sober or not, but also about me as a person. I didn’t know if it was luck or something else bringing us together. What didn’t fit into the puzzle was the fact that I was holding a heavy secret from her; one that could end this new beginning for both of us. That scared the shit out of me. “Yeah, I’m a nudist. I’ll have you converted in no time. Just wait. You’re
going to love the nudist parties we attend. There are dicks and balls bouncing around, meshing together in harmony, while big saggy titted women stand around chatting about it over margaritas.”

  She picked up a pillow from behind her and started cracking up while tossing it in my direction. “Shut up.”

  I cackled while still doing some shading on her shapely legs. “You’ll love it. I’m telling ya.” I kept at it, knowing she was completely intrigued, yet disturbed at the same time. “They come in all sizes too. I mean, sometimes there are dudes who haven’t seen their actual dicks in years.”

  “What?” She couldn’t keep her body in the same position anymore. She covered her mouth and fell back in hysterics. “I can’t do this. The image of that is stuck in my head.”

  She was so cute, innocent, and mine for the taking. In that instant I wondered how I’d ever be able to walk away from something that felt this damn awesome. I sat the drawing to the side, climbed on top of the mattress, and pinned her down to kiss her tantalizing lips. Left breathless, I pulled away and made the trip down to her neck, sampling the taste of her salty skin as I continued with my travels. I was determined not to stop, and certain she wouldn’t make me. My attraction to her couldn’t be denied. Every inch of her needed to be explored. My mouth watered as I reached her abdomen, circling my tongue around her little belly button. A trail of wetness showed where I’d been, and the places left to discover.

  Tiny hums escaped her lips the further my lips went down. By this time I think she knew what I wanted, and how restraining was becoming impossible. My clothes had been removed, not that she seemed surprised about it. I’d teased her about being naked, but couldn’t help from wanting to be inside of her. As I slid my body between her legs, I felt them spreading for me, anticipating what would happen next. I picked up her thigh and drug my open mouth over it. Echoes of the sounds she was making vibrated off my lips. I was so close to the prize, focused on taking my time. My bottom lip dipped down coursing over her exposed clit. A gasp, followed with a shudder was her reaction. She sucked in air loudly, preparing for my next move. “I want this. Tell me I have you.”


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