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Page 12

by Jennifer Foor

  “Yes.” Her hands dug into my hair. “Cole, please. I won’t stop you.”

  I doubted she would. It was only a matter of seconds before I dipped down, covering her pussy with my whole mouth, licking her essence, and tasting what had been kept from me until now. Her musky arousal filled my senses, her pheromones causing me to crave her more. I was enthralled, working for the purpose of bringing her to a quaking eruption of pleasure. Nothing would stop me, not my past, not my fears. This was my moment.

  My mouth brushed, and perused her shaved area. My thick tongue lapping her juices, while pressure gave her trembling spasms. I knew she was close. I could feel her body reciprocating movements. She was losing herself, digging her hand into my hair, guiding me to viciously continue until the brink of euphoria took control.

  Then it happened. She bucked against my face, a powerful orgasm causing a loud bout of screams. Her ass tightened, lifting off the mattress until finally collapsing back down, still and lethargic.

  My soaked lips kissed my way up her body, set on feeling her mouth against mine, her tongue tasting what I’d done. This was only the beginning of what was to come. If she allowed it I’d finally be inside of her. I’d connect to her in body and mind. We’d grow closer, losing ourselves in this new relationship.

  Her kiss was electrifying. As if I needed a reminder of how hard I was, she reached down and began stroking my cock. I rocked to the rhythm she was moving, matching her hips as we grinded together. “Did it feel good, precious?”

  She kept kissing me, teasing me with her tantalizing tongue. “Mmm, I need more. Do you have protection?”

  I nodded against her lips.

  “Go get it. I don’t want to wait.”

  I ran my lips over her ear lobe. “Are you sure?”

  She answered quickly. “Of course. Please. I want all of you. I can’t stop it. I don’t want to.”

  I lifted her into a sitting position, pulling her against my chest as we embraced. While doing so, I reached into my wallet and got out a rubber, ripping it open with my teeth and letting her apply it. Even the slightest touch of her hands caused my dick to react. It had been too long.

  While she managed the condom, I reached between her legs, spreading her warm juices around to prepare me for entry. My fingers dipped into her pussy, sampling her tight walls to know what to expect. This time I was the one groaning. My discovery was going to make it difficult to last long. “Damn, you’re so fucking tight.”

  She lifted her body, positioning it to easily slide overtop of my awaiting erection. I threw my head back as she let it naturally slide in. Her channel was suffocating my girth, making me feel every single inch it entered. I dug my hands into the skin of her ass, pulling her up and then back down. Our mouths met for a ravenous bout of kisses. She bit down on my lip as her body began to rock harder than mine. Each time I was about to come I’d slow her pace and make her sit still. Finally, after some time, I knew we needed to switch positions. I flipped her around, making her stick her butt up high for me. Her supple ass drew me in. I took her hips into each hand and slid back inside. Her soaked pussy made sounds as I rammed her hard, intent on finishing with forced thrusts. I pulled back on her hair with one hand, bringing my mouth down to kiss hers as I felt my body succumbing to eruption. She cried out against my lips, losing herself at the same time I collapsed over her back.

  When we separated, the room was still spinning. Addison lay beside me spread out and panting. We stared into each other’s eyes not needing to say anything at all. Whatever was happening between us was mutual. I couldn’t remember wanting something so much in my life. She’d given herself to me, and I owed her the same respect. This couldn’t go further. I knew it was already happening; that feeling like nothing in life is better- the four letter word no one wants to admit. It was starting. I was falling hard, and I had to put a stop to it, before I couldn’t stop myself.

  This would never last. Fate was working against us before we ever met. I’d never be accepted by her family; or anyone else who cared about her. As painful as it was, I had to let go. The only question remaining was how to do it. Could I look into those beautiful green eyes and lie about our connection? Could I tell her it was only one-sided and I’d used her for sex? Could I abandon the one person who accepted me and make her think it was all some sick game?

  I didn’t know if I was capable.

  Addison was in my head. She was everywhere. In such a short time I’d become addicted to her touch, that sweet smile, and the way she made me feel about myself. I wanted her in my future, if not my lover, my friend. In spite of my fears, I could see it ending badly. I didn’t know what was worse; waiting until I was hopelessly in love, or walking away before ever getting to experience it.

  Chapter 15


  That night we made love. Afterwards we lay there together, content and exhausted. There wasn’t a second of it I regretted. Cole was more than I expected him to be. He’d comforted me, showed me what it was like to feel normal, and appreciated my flaws. Never in a million years could I see this happening, could I have imagined the way we would connect.

  The next morning I awoke to the smell of bacon. After looking beside me in the bed, I noticed he was gone. I got up, brushed my teeth, and then followed the aroma until I reached the kitchen. Standing in only a pair of shorts, Cole was washing a frying pan. A plate full of pancakes and bacon was staked high on the counter. He smiled when he noticed I’d come into the room, and poured me a cup of coffee. “Good morning, beautiful.”


  “Did you sleep well?”

  “I didn’t wake up once. What about you?”

  “I stayed up thinking about shit, but it was nice waking up next to you. You’d kicked the covers off and were all sprawled out on my side of the bed. I had about five inches to myself.”

  I covered my mouth and began to laugh. “Seriously? I’m not used to sleeping with someone.”

  “Do I need to buy a bigger bed?”

  This made me smile. “Are you admitting you want to have more sleepovers?”

  He brought two plates over and winked. “What do you think?”

  I chewed on some bacon as I replied. “I think you can’t get enough of me.”

  Cole sat down next to me and started pouring maple syrup over his food. “Perhaps. I think it goes both ways.”

  “This is probably a terrible question to ask, but do you think we’re moving too fast?”

  Before Cole could answer, I heard the front door of the house opening. I turned to see my father walking into the kitchen. “Daddy?”

  He looked from me to Cole, down at what we were wearing, and then at our plates of food. I watched his arms cross as he took in a deep breath. I’d never been caught with a guy by my dad before. It was a little scary, and I couldn’t begin to imagine what was going through Cole’s head. “Addison,” he cleared his throat. “Your mother and I wanted to let you know we were heading out.”

  I couldn’t look at Cole as I spoke. “This is my friend Cole. He just moved from Georgia. He’s looking to see if he could rent one of the trailers we have vacant.” I was going to freak out if he said no. “Before you say anything, he has his first months rent, and I already told him you don’t tolerate trouble makers.”

  “Can I speak to you outside?” He looked over at Cole. “We’ll be right back, son.”

  My dad practically drug me out to the pool yard. He let go once we were far enough away where Cole couldn’t hear us. “Young lady, you’ve got some explaining to do.”

  “It’s not what you think.” I bit down on my lip and thought about how I wanted this to play out. “Actually, that’s not true. I’ve been seeing Cole. Last night he spent the night.”

  For the record, I was an adult. I could sleep with who I wanted. It was the fact that I sort of snuck around to do it. “This is the first I’m hearing about a boyfriend. Do I need to be worried?”

  “What? No! I’m not keeping secret
s. The topic just never came up. I think I’m entitled to some privacy, don’t you?”

  “Addison, your mother and I have been through a lot regarding your decisions in the past. We’re only looking out for your best interest.”

  “Daddy, don’t be mad.” Calling him that reminded him that I was his baby girl. “That’s exactly why I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want you worrying. Cole’s a good guy. He was in the Army. He’s sweet to me, and I enjoy his company. He makes me feel normal, not like I’m an addict.”

  “So, you think you can just move him in and I’ll be okay with it? You can’t make decisions without clearing it with me. I know nothing about this guy. He could be a criminal.”

  “I assure you he’s not. Please. I don’t ask for much. I help out wherever I can, and I’ve been trying so hard to make you proud of me.”

  “It’s not about that.”

  “Daddy,” I pleaded. “He has nowhere else to go. He doesn’t get along with his brother. They got into an argument last night and he kicked Cole out. He’s a cop who thinks he’s God’s greatest gift. I feel terrible, because the fight was about me. Cole’s foster brother has been trying to get me to date him for years. When I showed up with Cole yesterday he went off. I feel responsible for this.”

  My father’s shoulders relaxed. “You trust this guy?”

  “Yes. Completely.”

  “He can stay in one of the empty trailers under two conditions.”


  “It’s temporary. I don’t want him getting comfortable. As soon as he can find another place he needs to move out.”

  “Okay. What’s the second?”

  “You are not to spend the night there.”

  “Dad, I’m an adult.”

  “Addison, don’t give me a hard time. I’m about to leave town and a stranger is going to be hanging around. There’s no telling who this guy is, at least in my opinion. I’ll have your brother looking in on him every night, so don’t try to pull a fast one. If I find out you disobey me your friend can find somewhere else to stay. Do you understand me, darlin’?”

  I lowered my head. “Yes, dad.” I didn’t have a choice.

  “When I get back we’ll sit down with your friend and possibly reconsider the situation. Until then, behave.”

  I put on a smile for his benefit. “Thanks, daddy.”

  “I’ll have your mother call tonight when we get to the North Carolina farm. Keep out of trouble.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  “Oh yeah,” he turned to face me. “It’s five hundred for the first month. I want cash until I can do a background check on him. I need to make sure he hasn’t committed any felonies.”

  “Dad, seriously?”

  “Yes. I love you. We’ll call tonight.”

  My dad walked back into the house, saying something quickly to Cole before I could hear. I watched him leave, and then turned to my very freaked out boyfriend. “He said you can move into the trailer.”

  “Yeah. I know. He also said if I hurt you in any way he’ll hide my body where no one will ever find it.”

  I popped bacon into my mouth. “Oh, well that’s probably true.”

  “Good to know,” he stammered. “It’s always nice to have a heads up when your life is about to end.”

  “I’m sure it will be quick, probably a bullet to the nuts first and then head. He won’t let you suffer. My dad has compassion for living creatures.”

  “You’re scaring the shit out of me right now. I’m not hungry anymore.”

  I reached over and leaned my body on his. Cole pulled away. “It’s best if I clean up and head over to the trailer. I don’t want him thinking I took advantage of his generosity.”

  “You’re going overboard. My parents are gone for a week. By the time they get back the rest of my family will be with them. It will be so chaotic they’ll forget about you. It’s all good.”

  “I’m good. Go on and get something other than a T-shirt on.”

  I looked down realizing I had nothing on underneath. It made me blush. My dad knew we’d slept together. He must have been chomping at the bit to give Cole a piece of his mind, and probably a foot up his ass. “So you’re going to clean up and leave?”

  “I can’t stay forever. I have work, and you have a ton of shit I’m sure.”

  I looked right at him. “Are we okay?”

  Cole sighed and pulled me closer. “Yeah. We’re okay. I’m a little freaked out, that’s all.”

  I kissed him tenderly. “It’s going to be fine. I promise.”

  Cole did as he said. He cleaned up breakfast and gathered his little bit of things, before telling me goodbye. I offered to drive him over to the trailer, but he insisted on walking. It made no sense. Sure, my dad put the fear of God in him, but Cole didn’t seem like the type of person to listen to an overbearing parent. I couldn’t believe he was acting so ridiculous.

  By afternoon I was feeling worried. My sister had gone with me to a meeting. We stopped to get our nails done, and even grabbed a bite to eat. As we sat there enjoying the afternoon together, she started on me. “So, I wasn’t going to mention this, but Mom called and drilled me about Cole. She wanted to know where you met and why she’d never heard of him. It seems someone spent the night with you last night at Gram’s house, and I had to hear it from them first. You hussy.”

  “What did you tell her?” I was worried my sister knew a little too much. It didn’t matter what she was calling me. I knew she was teasing.

  “I told her you met him at the hospital when he got beat up for stalking kids on a playground. Oh, and I may have mentioned he was into trafficking.” She laughed at her own joke. I rolled my eyes.

  “Yeah right. Seriously. What did you say?”

  “I said you met him at work, and he seems like a nice guy.”

  “Did she tell you he’s moving into the trailer?”

  “Yep. I have specific orders to tell Dad if I catch you spending the night.”

  “For Christ sakes. I’m an adult. Does no one else see that?”

  Chris laughed at me. “Do you really think I’d squeal on you? You’re my sister.”

  “What about Noah?”

  “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” She held up her glass of tea to clank it against mine. “Cheers to that.”

  When we got back I dropped her off and went straight to the trailer. Cole was sitting on the couch watching an old television with bunny ears as an antenna. “Are you bored?”

  “It gets four channels. At least there’s baseball on.”

  I noticed he’d tidied up a bit. “It looks better in here. I guess you were too busy to call?”

  “Addison, don’t get on me about it. I needed some time to recuperate from your dad walking in on us.”

  I sat down across from him. “It could have been worse.”

  “I don’t see how. Every single time the man sees me he’ll think of how we met. Guys don’t get over things like this. He hates me.”

  “He doesn’t hate anyone. In my whole life my dad has hated maybe two people, and I guarantee neither have anything to do with you.”

  He covered his face and said something under his breath.

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing. Look, I like you, way more than I should. We had a good time, but if I’m staying here we need to cool off.”

  It was breaking my heart. “I don’t understand. Is this because my dad?”

  “No. It’s not just because of him. It’s other things too. I need to get my life in order. Being with you is great, but it’s distracting. I’ve got nothing to my name. It’s going to take time to reestablish myself. I’d rather keep you as a friend than fuck up everything with a failed relationship.”

  This didn’t make sense. We’d slept together. He’d told me he wanted to be with me. Now he’d changed his mind.

  A million things ran through my head. Was I terrible at it? Did I do something to offend him? Had my dad said somethi
ng else? It made absolutely no sense. “Cole, I don’t understand.”

  “Look precious, I need some time to think. I’ll text you later or something.”

  I stood up, feeling a rush of wetness filling my eyes. I didn’t do this. I didn’t cry in front of a man. I wouldn’t let him see me hurting. “Whatever. Thanks for using me. If I were you I’d start looking for another place. This is only temporary, keep that in mind.”

  I slammed the door when I left, finally falling apart once I made it down the dirt road. I was confused and destroyed. After such a long time I’d opened up and let someone in. I thought we’d had a connection, but it had to be a lie if I was so easily dismissed. I felt used, disappointed, and embarrassed. Once inside, I closed the door behind me and fell to the hard floor. My sobs were loud, but I didn’t care, because there wasn’t anyone to hear me. This was where I didn’t want to be – lost and alone.

  Chapter 16


  I had to do it. It was necessary to separate myself from her before things got entirely too serious. The way they were heading it wouldn’t have been long before I couldn’t go back. She’d never understand how hard it was to keep my composure while I watched her breaking down. She tried to play it cool, like it didn’t bother her I was pushing her away. I wished I could have told her the truth. She deserved to be held; to be told how she was perfect. She deserved to be loved. I wished I could be the one to do it. I knew we could be good if there wasn’t a past haunting us.

  A few hours after she’d left I was feeling out of sorts, kicking myself for treating her wrong. A knock at the door surprised me. I opened it without looking. “I’m sorry about earlier. I never meant to…” It wasn’t Addison. A guy, looking around my age, stood there with his arms crossed. His familiar eyes told me he was probably her brother.

  “Go on. You never meant to what?”


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