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Loving Link

Page 16

by T. D. Hassett

  He was keeping himself busy between meetings with his lawyer, composing new material for the next album, and setting up deals for distribution of his new beer line. He’d get it stocked at the Empire and Hell clubs for starters, and if he could get all the pieces in play fast enough, full production could begin before the end of summer. He hoped to have Biker Brew and Bitching Biker Brew out in stores and available at the late-summer motorcycle rallies. It was a side business he’d been working on the last two years, inspired by some fellow musicians who’d branched out and done quite well for themselves. He didn't need the money; it really wasn't about that. It was about doing something different, creating something and succeeding. That and he didn't want to be waking up one day, sixty years old, and feeling like the only thing he could do was throw on leather pants and wail his guitar on stage.

  Link had planned for more than just his label expansion. Tommy had let it slip that Madison would be shopping for Isabel’s baby shower gift this afternoon. Tommy only knew because Maddie had asked to borrow a car so she could get the gift to the apartment, wrap it, and hide it there instead of bringing it back over the weekend for the shower. Link would simply show up at Thomas’ at the right time and confront her. If she really didn’t want to hear from him anymore, he’d back off, but it had felt like they had something real at the cabin. Whatever had changed must have happened at the charity concert.

  * * * *

  Link sat at Tommy’s breakfast bar. They were hanging out and talking just like they used to. He tossed Tommy one of his Biker Brew beers. “Give this one a try. It’s a little hoppy but I like it.”

  Thomas popped open the top and took a healthy swallow. “You really have been quite the entrepreneur. Endorsing guitars, composing film scores, a line of cologne, and now beer. Although, got to say, this beer is mighty fine.” He spun the top on the granite counter.

  “Now if I could just get the label art right we could distribute. The last proof was awful.” Link put his empty bottle on the counter.

  The doorbell rang and both men looked at the entryway. “That’s Maddie; Izzy’s at a massage appointment. Her back’s starting to bother her with the baby and all. You can go ahead and get the door; I know that’s why you suddenly wanted to stop by and show me the new lager.” Thomas glanced at his half-empty beverage with a knowing smile.

  Link didn’t waste time arguing. He went over and swung open the door. “Hey Madison, long time no see. Want some help with all that?” He reached out to grab the precariously balanced boxes Madison held. Her face blanched and a package tottered.

  “Um, sure, just be careful.” She allowed him to grab one of the larger boxes and eased her way in the door and set down her packages.

  “I thought I had it all. When I was picking stuff out I just got carried away. Everything is so darn cute.” Madison dropped the car keys onto the counter. “Thanks for the car loan. I didn’t want to chance having stuff delivered when Izzy would be home so this worked out great. She is going to love all this.” Madison’s smile stopped at her eyes. Her hands were balled tightly, and she darted anxious glances about the room.

  Link placed the bigger box next to the rest. “All this for one little baby, incredible.” He shook his head. Why is she so difficult? Is she nervous because Tommy is here? He thought the whole affair being out of the bag would put a stop to that fear.

  “Ha, this is nothing. You should have seen Isabel dragging me around to pick out nursery furniture, strollers, car seats, and all the other wonky stuff they make for babies. I think we even ordered the baby wipe warmer so the little beastie’s bottom won’t have to endure cold cloths during a diaper change.” Thomas wandered over to the pile and started looking through the stuff. He smiled wistfully, picking up a small pink baby bathrobe.

  Link cautiously approached Madison by the breakfast bar and quietly asked her, “So Maddie, I was wondering if you might want to go to dinner with me or something?” He waited, watching different emotions flicker across her face. It was a respectable date she should be able to accept even with an overprotective brother-in-law in earshot. She pursed her lips a couple of times and dropped her gaze to the floor. “What is it? Everything seemed great last week, now we’re back in New York and you won’t take my calls. What’s going on?” Link ran his hand through his hair, fighting to keep his voice steady. He wanted to grab her and shake her. Why was she giving him the cold shoulder? He’d done everything he could to clear up the whole web-cam sex thing; he’d even talked Lori G into giving Maddie her job back.

  “Link, I had a good time with you, but I really need to get back to work. I appreciate you talking to Lori for me and helping me get my job back but—” Maddie stopped as Thomas walked over toward her holding up a stuffed puppy with a mini guitar attached to it.

  “Maddie, this stuff is so abso-bloody-lutely adorable. Isabel will love it. You want a beer or something?” Thomas offered, pulling a bottle out of the box on the counter.

  “No, thanks, I can’t. I gotta go. I’ve got to get to work at four.” Her eyes watered and she turned her gaze back to the floor.

  “Madison, what is wrong?” Link asked, taking her chin in his hand and lifting her tear-filled eyes to meet his. He searched her face, clueless as to why she seemed so sad and vulnerable. Was she having trouble back at the shop? Did she spend more on the shower gifts than she should have?

  “Hey, Moppet, no tears. I can only handle one crying, hormonal woman in my life,” Thomas joked and pulled Madison into his arms and stroked her hair. She burst into full-blown sobs, burying her face in his shirt. Thomas looked at him accusingly. “Did Link do something to you; what the fuck is going on Moppet?” Thomas’ voice was gentle in her ear, but his eyes blazed at Link.

  “No, Link didn’t do anything.” Madison pulled her face back from Thomas’ embrace and wiped it with her sleeves. “I’m just, I’m just emotional right now. I’m happy about being back at work and shopping for Izzy’s shower was wonderful.”

  “Oh shit, I know these tears-out-of-nowhere. You’re pregnant aren’t you?” Thomas muttered.

  Madison choked out a sob and nodded her head.

  Thomas turned from her side and swung his fist out. Link pulled his face back only to have Thomas’ other punch land in his gut. He dropped to his knees, coughing from the blow. He threw his hand down onto the floor and willed the air back in his lungs. He was torn between puking and breathing. What the fuck? Pregnant?

  Maddie grabbed Tommy’s hand. “Leave him alone, it’s not his fault. I just, I have to get to work.” She pushed past both of them and ran for the door. Link stumbled to his feet to reach for her and grasped her shirt.

  “Maddie, hold on, we need to talk,” he gasped, his head still fuzzy from the shock. “What do you mean it’s not my fault—it’s mine, right?”

  “Just leave me alone. It’s my problem, not yours. I can’t deal with you right now. I need to think and get to my job.” She pulled his hand off her sleeve and walked out, leaving him stunned and lost.

  “Let her go. Right now you need to deal with me,” Thomas coldly stated, grabbing Link’s arm.

  The chilling sounds of Beethoven’s Fifth rang in his ears.

  Chapter 43


  The knocking on the door wouldn’t quit. Couldn’t she get a break from people today? She’d talked to Isabel. Had to; she knew Thomas was going to say something, so she’d have to come clean with her sister sooner than later. She called when she got in from work, and Isabel was really great. She didn’t yell at her or say how disappointed she was. She mostly asked what she could do to help and wanted to know if Madison had made any decisions yet.

  She hadn’t. She needed time to figure everything out. Maddie threw the blanket off of her and got up from the couch. She just wanted to watch some crummy television and be left alone.

  Link had been calling and texting her nonstop so she’d turned her phone off. He wanted to see her, talk about things, but she couldn’t, not unti
l she knew what she should do. She’d already told Darling what was off the table for options. She wouldn’t have an abortion; she just couldn’t do that. She couldn’t go to her mother’s in Florida, and she knew her apartment with Darling was way too small to add a baby. She wasn’t going to be like her mom, dependent on some man to support her and a kid. At least until that man moved on and left them.

  She could try and find a small apartment for her and the baby or maybe go live with Isabel and Thomas until she could figure everything out. Isabel had immediately told her she should come and live with them. They had room at their New York penthouse and an entire guesthouse at their country estate. They had already planned to move out of the city after the baby was born, so maybe she should just go with them? Ugh, she didn’t want to do that. Isabel and Thomas deserved to have their family life without her adding drama to it. Besides, she could handle this…couldn’t she?

  The knock came again. Please don’t let it be Link. She couldn’t face him right now. She peeked through the eyehole of her front door, hesitant to just open it at eleven o’clock at night when she was home alone. Darling was out with Zach, probably watching him at a local show. An eye loomed in the view window, and she stepped back.

  “Madison? Madison are you in there?” A familiar, clipped accent was calling her.

  Damn, damn, double damn. She knew that voice. It was Robert. Just what she needed. She slipped the chain off, undid the bolt, and opened the door a crack.

  “Robert, this really isn’t a good time.” She moved to shut the door, but he wedged his foot in the jam.

  “Please, Maddie, I just want to talk to you. I’m all the way from London to see you; could you spare me five minutes?” Robert knew how to guilt her into showing some manners.

  “Okay, but just five minutes; it’s late and I am working tomorrow.” He didn’t need to know she didn’t have to be at work until noon. She opened the door and let him in. Robert entered, pausing to look around cautiously as if expecting someone to jump out at him from the corners. Seemingly satisfied all was well, he went over to her couch, sat down, and used the remote to turn off her television. Same old presumptuous Robert. He crossed his legs and adjusted his cardigan sweater. He looked every inch the university professor from his loafers to his blond hair graying just a bit around the temples.

  “Madison, I don’t know what I can say to convince you, but I had to try. I am here because I think we had something very special. I know I love you; I want you to marry me and move back to London. We could have a good life together. The position at the museum is still yours if you want it. I talked to Smith and she’s willing to take you on.”

  “Robert, I can’t. I can’t move back to London, I can’t be what you want me to be,” she interrupted.

  “Balderdash. You are already what I want—a beautiful woman with real talent and a kind heart. I want to take care of you and have a family.” He gestured for her to come sit.

  “It’s too late for that. Look, Robert, I’m pregnant, so…” Maddie stopped, not sure what she should be saying. He looked at her from his perch on the couch, studying her flat stomach.

  “You must be mistaken Madison, we haven’t been together in far too many months…” He let the words trail off, understanding slowly dawning on his face. He stroked his full beard before continuing. “I see you’ve met someone, and my suit is unwelcome. I suppose you will be marrying soon under the circumstances?” His voice was quiet, but there was a somber note to it all. He stood stiffly and straightened his sweater.

  “No, I won’t be marrying him. It was a…It wasn’t a serious relationship,” Madison explained, walking toward the door in hope he would follow and leave.

  “If you’re in trouble Maddie, I’ll help you. I know I’m older, but I also realize that with youth comes the occasional error in judgment. If the man responsible won’t step up or you don’t want him, well, I would still be willing to marry you. If we hurried, no one needs ever know…” He let the implication of his words hang in the air.

  It was a kind offer she supposed, but not one she was ready to respond to tonight. She opened the front door. “I’ll think on it Robert, but right now I really want to be alone. Have a good night.” Madison sighed with relief when he parted without another word.

  Chapter 44


  Link rubbed his eyes and shifted in the oversized leather chair. “What was that?” he asked, moving his gaze back to the young woman conducting the interview for Guitar Magazine.

  “I asked if there was any truth to media reports of you and actress Shannon Trace seeing each other.”

  Link slapped his hand down on the conference table and pushed his chair away. “I will not be answering any questions about my personal life. If you don’t have anything else then this interview is over.” He spoke forcefully, suddenly tired no more.

  “Um, sorry. Ah, yes. What can you tell our readers about the guitar tracks you’re recording for the upcoming movie, “Anonymous Jukebox Hero”? She pushed her recorder closer to his side of the table.

  Link answered, explaining in detail the different styles he was incorporating into the soundtrack. He lost track of what he was saying again and needed to be prompted. Great, she would probably report that he was on drugs or something during the interview.

  He just couldn’t stop thinking about Madison and the bombshell she’d dropped last week. A baby? He was going to be a father. He’d never really thought about having kids himself. Just knowing what his parents went through when his sister died had discouraged the thought. The last few years he had had a front row seat to the pain of losing pregnancies that Thomas and Isabel had suffered. He liked kids, just never imagined himself with one. Now all he could think about was Madison carrying his child. But she was driving him crazy. She wouldn’t take his calls and only returned his text message with a cryptic “I need some time please.” He didn’t want to give her time. He wanted to move her into his house and put a ring on her finger. She was his, wasn’t she? He certainly planned on convincing her of that. Besides, she should be getting lots of rest and picking out nursery furniture, not working late nights tattooing. What if she got hurt or had a needle stick?

  Link ended the interview as quickly as he could. The reporter had been nice, but she kept wanting to talk about Link Jacks, bad boy, rather than focusing on the music end. He needed to get down to the studio and lay down more sample tracks, but his head just wasn’t in it. He couldn’t keep hiding out in the Canterbury conference room. Maybe he should just show up at Madison’s apartment and try and see her. They had a lot to talk about. Damn it, this was his child too, and she kept putting him off, saying she needed time to figure out what to do. A chill went through him. What if she was considering an abortion? He had to see her right away.

  Chapter 45


  Madison spread the peanut butter on the roll and scraped the last of the strawberry jam out. It was a lame sandwich at best, but she hadn’t had the time lately to pick up much in the way of groceries. She tossed some broken potato chips on her plate and lunch was ready. She managed to get one bite of her sandwich down before the knocking on the door dragged her from her plate. Damn it, now what? Oh crap, it’s probably Robert back to pressure me some more. He was like a dog with a bone last night, hounding her for an answer to his proposal. She couldn’t face him right now. She went over to the door and shouted through the wood, “Robert, go away. I still don’t know if I want to marry you!” She turned to go back to the table and was stopped in her tracks by thunderous roaring.

  “Who the fuck is Robert? Open this door Maddie, right now!” Link yelled.

  Oh, double damn. She should have looked before saying anything. She’d never seen an angry Link before. As much as she wanted to hide in her apartment, she really did need to face him. She undid the deadbolt and opened the door. Link stood, his arms braced against the door jam, his face a mask of rage, brown eyes burning hot. He wore his black motorcycle jacket
and black jeans that slung low on his hips.

  He tapped his boot and let out a soft stream of curses, shaking his gorgeous head. “So who is Robert?” His voice was deceptively soft.

  Madison stepped back to let him enter. He seemed to take up the whole room and suck all the oxygen out of it. She had to remind herself to breathe. “Robert was my boyfriend in London; we broke up after Christmas. He is over here for a conference and just stopped by to see me. Not that it’s any of your business.” She couldn’t help her rude tone. Who was he to question her?

  “He just happened to stop by to see you and propose?” Link bit out the last word.

  “He’d proposed last Christmas but I said no and broke things off. Robert just wants a second chance.” Madison stepped around him to take a seat on the old green couch.

  “Jesus, Madison, does he even know you’re pregnant?” Link ran his hand through his hair and watched her expectantly.

  “Yes, and he knows it’s not his. He didn’t care; he loves me and wants to take care of me. Look I don’t know what I want to do, this is just all so…” She spoke defensively, staring right back into his brown eyes.

  “What about me? Does what I want count?” He countered, the anger of his earlier words replaced with a note of desperation.

  “I’m not having an abortion so if that’s what you want you can leave now. And don’t worry, I’m not going to sue you or drag your name through the press.” Madison got up and went to the small dinette table in the kitchen. She pulled out a chair, sat down, and took a bite of her sandwich.

  “Christ, Madison. I don’t want you to have an abortion and I’m not worried about my name or a lawsuit. It’s just…It’s just that this is my child too, and I want to know what’s going on. I thought we had something going at the cabin, and then you get home and cut me off. Next thing I know I’m trying to see you and find out what the fuck is going on, and you announce you’re pregnant and I get hit in the gut. Now I’ve been trying to call or see you for over a week, but you’ve hid.” He followed her to the kitchen table. “And what are you eating, a peanut butter sandwich? Shouldn’t you be eating something, I dunno, healthier?”


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