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Loving Link

Page 17

by T. D. Hassett

  “I don’t have much in the way of groceries right now.” Her voice sounded small even to her ears. “What, Link, are you offering to raise this baby with me, give up all the parties and groupies and clubbing? Come on, we hung out for a few weeks and it was nice, but this is a much bigger commitment. I can’t risk counting on you and getting tossed aside.” Maddie wiped the moisture from her eyes. She needed to hold firm. She couldn’t raise a child the way Susan had raised her, always dependent on some man to take care of them and then destroyed when things fell apart—and they always fell apart eventually.

  “Damn it, Madison, I’m not really like that. Stop believing the worst about me. I’m not saying I’m a saint, but I haven’t partied for real in years, and I certainly didn’t sleep with every girl that I’ve been photographed with.”

  “What about that actress claiming you and she are hot and heavy? Or how about that model I saw you with at Hell on Earth? I don’t want to get hurt, and you could do that to me.” She hated to sound so pathetic, but she had to cut to the quick of things and just get it all out.

  “It’s bullshit. I’ve never even had a phone conversation with that actress. More than likely my manager encouraged her to let that fly as a way to get both our names in the media. And Peyton was chasing me at the club; I didn’t invite her, and nothing happened. Fuck, woman, I would never hurt you. You’re one of the only people who knows who I really am. You know so much about me.” He sat and steepled his fingers together on top of the table. “I love music, I love art, I’m happier kicking back with you or Tommy than doing just about anything else. I hate shopping, love video games and classical poetry.” Link reached out and took her small hands in his. “Madison, I love you, and I know I will love this baby too. I want to take care of both of you and have you in my life. When I think about you I hear music, beautiful music, and I just wish I could compose something that was as incredible as what I hear in my head when you’re with me.”

  Madison let the tears flow unabated and watched Link’s heartfelt plea silently. When he finished and reached over to wipe her wet face with his sleeve, she sucked in a breath and tried to speak. It took a couple of false starts to get the words out.

  “Link, um…” She cleared her throat and tried again. “I’m in love with you and if you leave me I’m afraid I’ll fall apart and never be able to put the pieces back together again.” She wiped her eyes again. “When I see you, it’s like I’m seeing a Renaissance masterpiece in the flesh, all beautiful lines and luminescent soul. I want to just absorb all of your light into me and never let go. If we’re going to do this, make us work, I need to do some things to try and remain my own person. Like work and have my own money. I can’t be so entwined with you that I lose me.” Maddie held her gaze steady on Link’s face watching his expression turn from sad and guarded to bright. His eyes crinkled and the smile he initiated lit up his whole face.

  “Move in with me. I’ll build you an art studio; we’ll design a nursery. I’ll never go to another party or talk to another woman again. Just be with me and be the person you already are. You’re so creative and strong. You don’t back down, you go after what you want. And you taught me how to fish. And you know what they say about teaching a man to fish.” He reached over, grasped her arms, and pulled her into his lap.

  Link moved Madison into his arms and kissed her lips before kissing away each of the tears staining her face. She returned his kisses, nipping at his lips, rubbing her cheek against the stubble on his jawline, sliding her hands underneath the lapels of his leather jacket. She wanted to feel his skin everywhere. Darling was at her internship and Madison didn't have to be at work for another hour and a half. She pushed his jacket off his shoulders, letting it drop to the chair. Link took her mouth in a deeper kiss, tangling his tongue with hers, rubbing and caressing her mouth. She needed this. It had been weeks, and her body was starving for his attention.

  "I need to get you into a bed. Which is your bedroom?” he asked in between gasps for breath.

  Madison nodded her head to the left toward her shut bedroom door. Link gathered her legs under one arm, the other supporting her shoulders, and lifted her to carry her to her room. He used his foot to push open the door and walked the few feet to her small bed, dropping her gently down. He shut the door and looked around her room. Madison knew he was taking in the pile of laundry in the corner, the art posters in their cheap frames, and her cosmetics strewn across her small bureau.

  He stepped three feet to the edge of her bed and gently removed her sandals, letting them drop soundlessly to the floor. Maddie watched him, reveling in his predatory grace. He tugged at her shorts and peeled her panties down, letting her stay in her loose T-shirt. She tried to sit up and reach for him, but he lightly touched her arm.

  "I've never had you in a real bed and I want to enjoy every moment of it."

  Maddie obliged, wondering what he would do next. He got down on his knees on the floor at the edge of her bed and took one of her dainty feet in his warm hands. He brought it to his face and licked all along the arch of her foot, sending shivers through her whole body. He leaned forward a bit more and rained gentle kisses up her calf, licking lightly behind her knee just enough to make her squirm.

  "You are so beautiful. I love every little gasp and moan you make." Link crawled onto her small bed, balancing his weight on one elbow and kissing her lips gently. He was driving her crazy with all the sensuous stroking. She needed him to pick up the pace or she’d go out of her mind.

  "Link, touch me please,” Maddie whispered, beginning to feel bold in her arousal.

  He gave a low, throaty chuckle and slid his fingers between her moist folds. "You need me here?" he asked, rubbing back and forth into her wetness. "And you want me here," he said, plunging a finger into her clenching pussy.

  Maddie gasped, tightening herself around the digit, wanting more. Oh, he was a vicious tease today. She turned a bit to try and kiss him again, but he kept his lips just out of her reach. He flipped her shirt up above her breasts and caressed her straining nipple between his lips. He sucked and laved one nipple, and then the other, plunging his fingers in and out of her heat. Madison groaned and twisted, trying to find sweet release only to have him slow down and thwart her efforts.

  "I'm not ready for you to come yet,” he said, grabbing her nipple and giving it a gentle pull.

  Madison had had enough. It was time for her to take control. She shoved at his shoulder, sending him sprawling on his back, and quickly rolled and climbed on top of him.

  He smiled in surprise. "Now that you got me, what are you going to do?" Link asked, eyes shining and wicked grin in place.

  Oh how she loved happy, playful Link. He was like a beautiful Rembrandt, all laid out for her. She made quick work of his belt and jeans, pausing to remove his socks and drop them in a pile on her floor. She parted his thighs a bit so she could sit between them, and took his swollen cock in her hands, becoming further aroused by the soft groan he released. She stroked a few times and was rewarded with a few tiny dewdrops wetting its tip. She bent down to lick the drops away and took as much of him in her mouth as she could. Link let out a hiss between his teeth and his head dropped back onto her pillow. She licked his shaft up and down and glided her tongue along the sensitive underside over and over again until he finally stilled her with his hands.

  "Maddie, stop, I can’t hold back much more; you're killing me," he begged, but then released her head so she could suck on him some more.

  Her hands stroked between his thighs, cupping his balls gently in her palm. He grabbed her under the arms, pulling her up on top of him face-to-face, and kissed her hungrily. Madison pulled her legs up to sit astride him and eased his cock into her wetness. He filled her aching slit, and she let out a deep sigh of contentment.

  Link grabbed the bottom of her T-shirt and pulled it up and over her head, whipping it across the room. Madison's swollen breasts puckered in anticipation. He arched toward her to grasp a nipple in
his greedy lips, his strong abs contracting against her clit with his efforts. Friction there was wonderful, and she started moving her hips faster and faster, her breath soon coming in gasps. Link held her hips, balancing her and helping her go faster. His eyes seemed to watch her every expression until she finally threw back her head, moaning and gyrating. He ground into her, swiveling his pelvis and hitting her ass cheeks rhythmically. The sting of the slaps tingled through her; she let out a keening wail that pushed her over the edge. She came gasping, pleasure radiating all the way through her body. Her contractions seemed to go on and on, only to intensify when Link threw his head back and thrust roughly into her, filling her with his seed.

  She dropped forward onto his chest, skin slick with sweat and tinted pink from their exertions. She could hear his heart beating rapidly in his chest over her own heavy breathing. Was this what it would always be like? Always so afraid to let go and love him until he touched her and her passions ignited?

  They lay together trying to catch their breath and letting their heated skin cool for a time. Madison dropped a few playful kisses on Link’s tattooed chest and nipped at his pierced nipple. "As much as I would love to stay in bed with this wonderful body of yours, I have to get dressed and go to work." Maddie pushed on her arms to lift herself off the bed.

  "Hey, baby, about you working; I'd really rather you not." Link looked up at her, and she stopped midway through pulling her shirt back over her head.

  "What do you mean you'd rather I not work? I need to work now more than ever. I’ve got a baby coming." She pushed her arms into the shirt and tugged it down.

  "Well, I'm worried. What if you stick yourself with a needle or have an accident at work? Something could happen. And besides, you really don't need to work; I've got plenty of money. I want to take care of you." Link pushed himself up into a seated position and leaned against her headboard.

  Madison tossed his pants at him and continued dressing. “Didn’t you hear anything I said earlier about needing to work and have my own money, my own identity? I can’t do this with you right now; I gotta get going.”

  Chapter 46


  Jimmy swirled the ice cubes in his bourbon and took a quick sip, sucking his teeth. “Sasha, what’s going on? You sold me what you and that loser photographer friend of yours said was a god damn genuine sex tape of Link Jacks. For the last six weeks I’ve had lawyers up my ass claiming it’s a copyright infringement because it’s protected footage from an upcoming video. What’s the fucking deal? Is he a player who can’t keep it in his pants or am I offering you a contract on a series you can’t deliver?” Jimmy smacked his cut-crystal glass down on an end table. “I need you to catch celebrities and the hangers-on who are looking for their fifteen minutes of fame. So far you haven’t given me tape of the girl doing anything more exciting than taking the subway to work.”

  “Jimmy, baby, I will get it. Link can’t keep it in his pants and that girl is a hanger-on. Besides, you said you loved the footage I showed you of the models throwing up their $200 dinners before the runway show.” Sasha walked over and sat on the adjacent chair, putting on her best cover-girl smile.

  “I need more than bulimic models. I need celebrities passed out drunk in nightclubs, picking fights with fans, or propositioning transgender hookers—that’s what the public wants to see in a reality show. You need to either deliver or I’ll find someone else who will.” Jimmy’s eyes narrowed to snake-like slits as he shifted his bulk in the leather chair and unzipped his pants. “Why don’t you try and redeem yourself, honey?” He pulled out his cock and stroked himself, motioning for her to get on her knees.

  Sasha knew this game. She’d play today but was becoming suspicious that Jimmy might be stringing her along. She would get the video she needed of Link and his little friend and prove that she could handle her own show. She had to; time was running out. Francisco was getting demanding, and Sasha was beginning to suspect that he was following her around. She’d sworn someone was tagging along with her all day today to the point that she switched taxi cabs on her way to meet Jimmy. She wouldn’t put it past Francisco to have one of his slimy porn buddies watching her. After all, Francisco was slow, but not completely stupid. He already suspected she was trying to cut him out of the deal, and she was. He would only fall for her crying, other-woman-scorned act for so long. Frankly, his wife could have him back as far as she was concerned—but not quite yet. She needed Francisco to score some Rohypnol; she was done playing nice with Link. He was the fucker that ruined her marriage and her career with his big mouth. Now she’d ruin his life. The drug would have him so looped he’d do whatever she wanted and all on camera. Even better, he’d never remember a moment of it. She smiled as she knelt down in front of Jimmy.

  Chapter 47


  Madison blew into her chamomile tea before taking a small sip of the sweet brew. “Are you sure this helps with nausea?” she asked Isabel.

  “It helps but won’t cure it. Welcome to the tenth week of pregnancy. You’re pregnant enough now that your body really knows it. How long is the queasiness lasting? Just mornings or all day?” Isabel replied, looking up from a maternity catalog.

  “It comes and goes, but I don’t know what helps yet; the saltines were useless. Ugh, I swear, everything at the shop smells so awful lately.”

  “So why don’t you listen to Link and take a leave of absence? Maybe working around needles and blood and chemicals isn’t such a good idea with a baby on the way.” She patted her own round belly and waited.

  “Don’t tell me you’re taking his side in all this?”

  “I’m not taking anyone’s side, Maddie. It’s just that Link has offered to have you move in with him and raise the baby with you. Why don’t you take him up on it? You know you can’t stay in that little apartment with Darling once the baby comes.” Isabel hefted herself off the breakfast barstool and moved to the sink.

  “I can’t count on him to support me. I’m not gonna just give up working and be some dependent. I can’t.” Madison gulped down the last of her tea.

  “Look, I won’t tell you what to do, but letting someone support you isn’t sacrilegious. I was worried about the whole money thing when I married Thomas, but it has meant more freedom for me not less. As a schoolteacher I couldn’t do all that I wanted. Because of the money, I have been able to fund the opening of two charter schools for disadvantaged youth. Those schools help the same kinds of kids I used to teach; only now I can provide funding for all the equipment and support staff that I never had before. I’m still working, just not to pay bills, and I’m enjoying the difference.” She rinsed out her cup and left it in the sink.

  “I’m just scared. I don’t want to end up like Mom, always relying on a man and abandoned when someone else catches their eye.” Madison reached for the catalog and began flipping through the pages.

  “He loves you; he’s not going to abandon you. And I know you are in love with him, so stop hiding out here and sulking, and go get him.” Isabel walked over to her and gave her a quick hug. “You are nothing like our mom. Susan is a pill-popping drunk that hates everyone. She can only see herself through the eyes of the losers she ensnares, and I wish I had been able to get you away from her sooner.” She stepped back, dropping a quick kiss onto Maddie’s head. “Oh, and take that catalog. You’ll need some maternity clothes before you know it.”

  Madison gave her sister a weak smile and pulled out her phone to send Link a text. She would keep it simple and just send him two words: Let’s meet.

  Chapter 48


  “No, son, that’s not how it went, you have to pick up the tempo on the third bar. You know that. What’s gotten in to you today?” Lionel Senior stared hard into Link’s eyes, waiting for an answer.

  “Sorry, sir, I’m just distracted today. How about next time I come visit I play you the whole opera?” he offered, shutting the cover on the piano.

  “Junior, if you don�
��t keep up the practice and push yourself to keep getting better, you’ll never stay on top. There are a million other talented musicians out there, and you have got to stay ahead of them. We are winning this because you work hard at it, and you keep your name and your image fresh in the public eye. Don’t lose that edge, or it’s over. You hear me?” His father knocked on the piano cover to make his point.

  “Yes, sir, I got it—practice and publicity.” Link got up from the bench and cracked his knuckles. His phone chirped in his pocket, and he fished it out, grateful for the distraction. Madison wanted to see him. Finally. He’d been trying to get her to move in with him for weeks now, and she kept stalling. He’d tried every argument he could think of, from saying he worried about the security in her neighborhood to claiming he was becoming an insomniac without her around. He’d spent some nights with her at her apartment, but things there were tight; especially with her roommate going hot and heavy with the singer from Zombie Punch. That and the lack of decent air conditioning were making him batty. Her place had one small a/c unit in the living room, and the July heat wave made the place humid and miserable. His place had plenty of room and central air, but she was being skittish about living beyond her means. The real problem was that there was no way he wanted his future wife and child living at what Madison’s earnings could cover. Not when he made the equivalent of five years of her salary with one hour on stage. It was ludicrous not to let him handle the money end. What a mess. He loved his brownstone, but maybe it was time to sell and find something else.

  “Junior. Hey, look at me. What is with you today? It’s like you’re not even here.” Lionel Senior waved his hand in Link’s face.


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