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Cosmic Girl: Lost & Found: Superhero series for young adults - Book Three.

Page 10

by R S J Gregory

  After Zoe has driven for a few hours, Jacob lumbers towards the front, and peers out of the windshield.

  “Finally.” I hear him say. “Pull over.” He orders Zoe, and the bus shudders to a stop. “Bring him.” Jacob says, pointing at Joseph, then steps down from the bus.

  I raise my hand to Zoe. “I got it.” I say, and reach down and lift Joseph’s body from the seats. Zoe smiles sadly as I step past her and hop down from the bus.

  Jacob and David stroll over to a small dwelling near some thin trees. Jacob raises his rifle and kicks open the door, then waits a few seconds. He signals David to go around the back, then he steps across the threshold and disappears inside.

  David and Jacob emerge a few minutes later from the front entrance, and Jacob waves me over. I carry Joseph over to the simple dwelling, while the others emerge from the bus and wander over.

  “What are we doing?” I ask when I enter the house and stand in the living room.

  “We’re giving Joe the proper sendoff he deserves.” David says, while Jacob pulls the drapes from the windows.

  Zoe enters and steps around me and begins rummaging through the kitchen area in the next room. I hear drawers and cabinets being opened, while I stand holding Joseph. David and Jacob start arranging the drapes and some unused logs from the fireplace in the middle of the room. Zoe enters holding a large box of matches and some dish clothes.

  “Thank you.” Jacob says, and holds out his arms. I step forward and hand him the body of Joseph. He crouches and lays Joseph on to the makeshift pyre.

  “Goodbye, my friend.” Zoe says leaning down, and she places her ebony hand on Joseph’s chest, then she leaves.

  “So long, pal.” David says and grips Joseph’s shoulder, before he too leaves.

  I look at Joseph, and try to think of something to say.

  “I’m sorry.” I say, and turn to leave.

  “It’s not your fault, you know.” Jacob says, and I look down at him as he kneels near Joseph.

  “Then why do I feel guilty?” I reply.

  “You did all you could. We all did.” Jacob says and closes Joseph’s eyes. “Sometimes, it’s not enough.”


  I sigh and leave the house and join the others outside. Jacob emerges shortly after and walks to the bus, as smoke starts to drift from inside.

  “Oh, great.” Jacob groans as he stands near the bus.

  I head over, along with Max and Jeremy. Jacob points to the ruined tires, which are now just slips of black rubber, exposing the metal beneath.

  “We can’t drive it like this.” Jeremy says, and begins to look around. “There’s some more houses around. Let’s see if they have any transportation.” Jeremy adds and begins to walk along the highway.

  “Go with him.” Jacob tells me.

  “No. I want you here. I’ll go.” Max says and heads off after Jeremy.

  “Let’s unload the supplies.” Jacob says and begins to climb on to the bus.

  “Wait.” I say, and he looks at me over his shoulder. “Let’s see if they find something else first. Okay?” I say.

  He shrugs and climbs up and sits in the driver’s seat. I climb on and head to the back, where Theresa is comforting Abigail.

  “How is she?” I ask.

  “She’s pretty shook up.” Theresa says and continues to rock Abigail gently in her arms.

  “I’m okay.” Abigail grumbles, and I reach down and move a strand of blonde hair away from her face.

  I smile at her, then my heart begins to hammer in my chest, and I feel queasy. My legs turn to jelly, and I stagger and cling to the seat next to me for support.

  “What’s wrong?” Theresa asks.

  I look out the rear window, and in the distance, a huge cloud of dust is rolling towards us.

  What’s wrong? What am I feeling?

  The house is now burning merrily behind me, and I can hear the wood crack, as part of the roof caves in.

  Jason climbs on board, followed by Samantha and Rebecca.

  David and Zoe are still walking towards the bus, when I hear something else.

  A rumble, like a stampede, but very far away. I try and judge the distance, and I slowly turn my head, and look at the dust cloud on the horizon.

  “Oh, shit!” I blurt out.


  I race to the front of the bus and look frantically through the windshield.

  “Where the hell is Max and Jeremy?” I ask, then hop down to the ground outside and call out. “Max? Jeremy?” I shout.

  “What’s wrong now?” Jacob asks as he pokes his head out of the bus.

  I point behind me at the huge dust cloud in the distance.

  Jacob goes back inside and leans on the horn, three long blasts.

  After a few seconds, I hear some quick footsteps. I see Jeremy first as he comes running around the corner of a house a hundred feet away. The house that is now Joseph’s funeral pyre is sending out a long plume of black smoke, at least a hundred feet high.

  There’s no way they won’t see that.

  “Where’s Max?” I call out to Jeremy as he runs at me.

  But there’s something wrong. His expression is one of pure terror.

  Then I see a giant blue freak step out from behind the burning house. It has Max in one of its large blue hands.


  I take a step forward, then another blue giant steps out and begins to make a B-Line for Jeremy.

  Oh, god!

  The realization hits me full-force. I can’t save them both.

  Who do I save?

  My instincts kick in, and I become a blur as I charge the blue devil bearing down on Jeremy. I catch the thing in the ribs, and kick down hard at the dirt, and push up with both of my fists. I feel the ribs give way, and as I leave the ground, driving it upwards into the air, I flip over backwards and kick with all of my might. I hear several cracks, and the thing bellows in pain, before disappearing high into the blue sky.

  I land on my feet and turn my attention to the blue freak who has hold of Max.

  I see Max’s face turn pale, and his eyes roll up into his head, right before his head explodes, as the creature crushes his body in both hands before ripping him in half.

  I am showered in blood as I stand frozen in horror.

  “You bastard!” Jeremy shouts and begins firing at the creature.

  I see red.

  I launch myself at the monster with a scream, and aim for the head. It doesn’t seem to expect my rapid attack, and before it can swipe at me with its long arms, I have both of my hands around it’s thick blue neck. My hands don’t quite meet, so I dig my fingers into the blue flesh, causing green blood to seep, then gush over my hands and down the creature’s chest. I keep screaming as I squeeze and tear at the neck until I feel bone. I grab hold of the neck bones and pull. The creature’s red eyes close as the head flops back, before it detaches and falls to the dirt.

  I let go and drop to the ground, then the blue devil’s legs buckle and the headless body crumples to the ground.

  “Holy shit!” Jeremy stammers as he wanders over.

  I look at my green hands, then I look down at Max’s dismembered and broken body. There’s nothing left to recognize him by.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here.” Jeremy urges, pulling on my arm.

  I stare blankly at the grizzly scene, then I see the huge dust cloud to my left, and blink.

  “Angela.” Samantha screams from the bus door.

  I catch some blue blur to my right, and turn my head. A huge blue fist smashes into my face. The force rocks my head back, and I spit some blood out and glare back at the creature. Its red eyes grow wide as I turn to face it.

  “što si ti?” The creature mutters in a guttural voice, and clutches its side with one hand.

  In a nanosecond, I reach back with my right arm, then plow through the creature’s stomach as it leans over. I push my hand up inside until I feel the beating heart, then I dig my fingers into it a
nd squeeze. It vomits green blood over my head and shoulders before collapsing to the dirt. I pull my arm out and shake off some of the green blood.

  “Are you done?” I hear Jacob call out from the bus.

  I march to the bus and glare at him, making him step back.

  “Put it in neutral.” I tell him, but he stares blankly at me.

  “The bus. Put the bus into neutral. I’ll push.” I tell him testily and point to the gear shift as I stand outside, dripping green blood on to the dirt.

  “Everybody. Sit down, and hold on tight.” I shout as I storm to the rear of the bus.

  The dust cloud fills my entire vision, and I can hear the ground being pounded by dozens of giant blue feet.

  I wipe my hands on my jeans, and shake any excess green blood off, then press my hands against the yellow metal. I push gently at first and walk it to the highway.

  Once Jacob turns the bus and straightens up again, I pick up speed and break into a light jog as I push the bus. I hear a pounding above me, and look up to see Abigail knocking on the glass and pointing behind me. I nod my head and break into a run. The scenery passes by at around fifty miles per hour.

  “Is this the best you can do?” I hear Jacob yell from the front of the bus.

  Okay. You asked for it.

  As I begin to run faster, the bus begins to lean and turn to the right. I plunge my fingers into the metal and raise the right side of the bus, to compensate.

  Geez, it’s like the largest damn shopping cart, with its stupid wobbly wheels!

  I pummel the asphalt as I race along the Extraterrestrial Highway, with a pack of blue demons chasing us. The sound of their feet is starting to get louder. They can’t be more than fifty miles behind us now.

  “Sharp turn coming up to the left.” I hear Jacob shout through the open doorway. “Five....four....three....two....” I begin to slow down.

  “Shit!” I blurt out as the bus makes the turn, but we’re still going too fast. The back of the bus skids and spins, taking me with it. The bus is about to tip over to the right, so I plant my feet into the road and dig down, as I press the left side of the bus down.

  The tires on the left side explode, then I begin to push forward again. We’re on some dirt road now, and as I plough us along the dirt, it begins to kick up dirt and stones at me. I keep my mouth shut and breath shallow through my nose, and pick up speed again. I gain a hundred miles per hour, and try to manage the bus as it rocks left and right. Soon, I’m surrounded by a dust cloud of my own making. It stings my eyes, and I’m forced to close them.

  I can still hear the shit-storm approaching from behind, and plough on with my eyes closed.

  After a few more minutes, I begin to hear something else. A voice.

  “Need a hand?” A man asks. The accent sounds Hispanic.

  I try to look, but the dust cloud obscures my vision. The bus is pulled free from my grasp, and I almost fall on to my face as I reach for it.

  Through the dust cloud, I can just make out the dark silhouette of the bus.

  No, that can’t be right. The dark shape is rising up into the air?

  I slide to a stop, and as the dust settles, I stand in awe as I watch the school bus fly through the air.

  A figure is clinging to the top of the bus.

  Whoever it is, was flying them towards a fenced off area up ahead.

  I give chase, and soon catch up with the shadow as the bus flies overhead. The thundering behind me is deafening now, and I skid to a stop and turn to face them.

  I brush my long white hair away from my face, and notice that a lot of it is stained green with blood.

  Then I hear an in-rush of wind, and three people materialize next to me.

  A hulking man in army clothes with black gloves stands towering over me on my left, while two tall women stand to my right. One has long blonde hair tied into a ponytail, while the other has long black hair hanging loose down to her waist.

  “Nothing gets past us.” The man shouts in a deep rumbling voice.

  “Damn right.” I answer and begin to walk towards the dust cloud.

  A bemused sounding laugh escapes the large man, then he too steps forward with me.

  I can see the blue forms now as they hurtle toward us.

  “Open fire.” The man speaks into a walkie-talkie, then he attaches it to his belt.

  I hear the crack of gun fire behind us, coming from the guard towers. I see two blue forms fall, and those behind trip over their bodies.

  What the hell?

  But, there’s no time for questions. They’re here.

  “Remember, aim for the heart.” The big guy shouts next to me.

  As the first blue giant charges me, I hop up off the ground and slam my right fist into its chest. It flies back and collapses, then the next one leaps at me, hands outstretched for my face. I charge at it and bring my knee up as I leap into the air, catching it under the jaw. Its head snaps back, and it falls to the ground, just as two more start swinging at me with their long arms.

  I duck one punch, then jump up on to the other’s long arm, landing on the crook of its elbow. I then leap towards the head as the other creature makes a grab for me, and wrap my arms around the blue giant’s thick neck and begin to squeeze.

  I feel something grab my long hair, then I’m being yanked back. The pain causes me to let go, and I find myself flung to the ground.

  A huge blue dirty foot stamps down towards my head. I roll out of the way just in time, and grab the ankle and flip the creature on to its back. I try to climb back up to my feet, but then I feel pain in my side, and the wind is knocked out of me as I’m sent flying up into the air.

  As I flip over backwards and look down, all I see is a mass of blue and black. Several pairs of red eyes look up at me as I fall back down, and two make a grab for me.

  One of the blue giants goes down, then the other collapses to the ground, and I see the hulking guy in army fatigues below. He catches me and sets me down.

  “The heart. Go for the heart.” He shouts, then charges two blue giants, elbowing one in the chest before spinning, and head-butting the other in the chest. He moves so fast, it’s hard to follow amongst the chaos.

  The crack of gun fire keeps on behind us, and two more drop in front of me. I charge one that’s giving the black haired woman some trouble, and jump up as I arrive and kick the thing in the ribs with both legs.

  The woman helps me to my feet.

  “Thanks.” She yells, then she shoves me out of the way and charges back into the fray.

  Two more drop from gun fire as I’m about to go at them.

  “Hey!” I shout in complaint, then I choose two more and go at them at maximum speed, driving my hands through their stomachs. I push up and tear their hearts to ribbons, then pull my arms free and launch at two more.

  I lose count how many I kill, but after a few more seconds, the dust begins to settle. I find myself covered in green blood, surrounded by a mass of blue bodies.

  I’m breathing heavily as I turn around, fists at the ready.

  “Hey, slugger?” The guy calls out, and I turn and look at him properly for the first time.

  The left side of his head is scarred pink. No left eye, no hair on the left side of his face. His right eye looks me up and down as he steps towards me.

  “Who are you?” He asks. “We haven’t met a new super in ten years.”

  “I’m Angela.” I reply, as the two women approach huffing and puffing.

  “I’m Pamela.” The woman with long black hair says, before taking another deep breath.

  “This is Georgia.” The army man says and motions to the blond haired woman. “I’m Mitchell.” He says and extends his black-gloved hand.

  “Mitchell?” I repeat and frown.

  “You okay?” He asks, then Pamela slaps me on the back.

  “Come on.” Georgia says and holds her hand out.

  “Sure.” I say and take her hand.

  Georgia freezes and begins
to breathe rapidly. Tears fall from her eyes and she drops to her knees.

  “Oh, my god. Are you hurt?” I ask.

  “Mitchell.” Georgia manages to say between sobs.

  “What is it?” Mitchell asks as he crouches down to her.

  She points at me and bursts into tears.

  “It’s Britney.” Georgia manages to blurt out.

  “Who?” I ask, as they all stare at me.


  “No.” Mitchell says and slowly stands up. “It can’t be. She died.”

  “I touched her.” Georgia says and stands up, wiping the tears from her dusty face. “I don’t know how. But it’s her.”

  Mitchell stumbles towards me and drops to his knees. He looks into my eyes as he kneels in front of me, and removes one of his black gloves. He takes my hand, and examines it slowly with his fingers and thumb. A tear forms in his one good eye, and he looks back at my face.

  “Britney?” He mutters.

  Oh, god. This is awkward.

  “You know me?” I ask, and take a step back as he reaches for my face.

  “She hasn’t aged.” Pamela says as she walks over to Mitchell. “How is that possible?”

  “She fell through a wormhole.” Georgia says, and we all look at her. “I saw everything.” She explains and shrugs. “She crashed back to Earth. She doesn’t remember anything.”

  “What do you mean? Crashed back to Earth?” I ask, dumbfounded.

  “What? She doesn’t know.” Pamela asks Georgia.

  Georgia shakes her head.

  “Britney, you can fly.” Pamela tells me.

  “WHAT?” I blurt out way too loudly.

  “Britney. You’re not from this time. You jumped through time, somehow.” Georgia says.

  Holy shit. My head is spinning.

  “Whoa. Slow down. Explain how you know me?” I ask quickly and take another step backwards.

  “We were your friends. Well, we were, anyway.” Pamela says, and gives Mitchell a sympathetic look as he remains kneeling.

  “You said, I died. What do you mean?” I ask Mitchell.


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