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Cosmic Girl: Lost & Found: Superhero series for young adults - Book Three.

Page 11

by R S J Gregory

  Mitchell’s chest moves up and down rapidly, and Georgia steps forward and puts a hand on his shoulder.

  “When we saw the nuclear explosion in the sky, well, we feared the worst. Then when you didn’t come home.” Georgia says slowly, and then Mitchell begins to sob quietly.

  “But now we know what happened.” Pamela says as tears begin to slide down her pretty face.

  “Let’s say I believe you, and I am this Britney, you speak of.” I say carefully. “What proof can you give me?” I ask.

  “If we show you, that you can really fly. Will that be enough?” Pamela suggests.

  “Okay. Deal.” I say, then I hold out my hand to Mitchell. “Come on. On your feet soldier.” I say as he takes my hand.

  “What happened to your hair?” Pamela asks we begin to walk towards the fence.

  I shrug. “I don’t know. It’s always been like this.” I say as we walk.

  “She hit her head, really hard, when she crashed.” Georgia explains to Pamela.

  Mitchell walks in silence, then he stops and looks back at the mass of blue bodies.

  “What the hell?” He mumbles.

  “What is it?” Georgia asks, as we stop and look at Mitchell.

  “Look. Tell me what you see?” He asks and points at the dead creatures.

  I look as well, then I blush and turn away.

  “Oh. They’re naked.” I say, and the two women giggle.

  “Exactly. They’re in their birthday suits.” He states.

  I look at him blankly, then I remember what Max told me, when I first met him. They were naked when they arrived the first time. But the ones that I encountered in Kansas City and on the road, they wore bear pelts around their waists.

  I gasp, when I finally get what Mitchell is pointing out.

  “They’re new?” I ask.

  “That’s what I think. And look at them. Look at their faces.” He says and marches over to one and turns its head, before grabbing another and holding the limp head up. “Look.”

  Why haven’t I noticed before?

  “They all look the same.” I say. “No, not the same. Identical.”

  “Oh, my god.” Georgia gasps, then hurries over and takes hold of my hand again.

  Her eyes glaze over as she holds on to my hand. She lets go of my hand, and her eyes grow wide with shock.

  "Britney has seen this face before.” Georgia says and turns around and looks at the dead. “Oh, my god. They have his face.”

  “Who? Who’s face?” Mitchell asks, as I look at them like their nuts.

  “The Dubai Devil.” Georgia says, while Mitchell and Pamela look at each other blankly.

  “Who the hell is the Dubai Devil?” I ask.

  “A terrorist.” Mitchell explains.

  “Yeah, the goatee, the facial features, black hair.” Georgia says as she looks at the faces staring blankly up at us.

  “What about the rest? These are nine feet tall, have blue skin and red eyes.” Pamela asks.

  “And are freakish fast and strong.” I add.

  “Exactly.” Pamela says.

  “It all makes sense.” Mitchell mutters as he turns and begins to march back towards the fence.

  “Umm, I beg to differ.” I say as I follow him.

  “They’re man-made.” Mitchell declares as he takes long strides, forcing me to quicken my pace.

  “Who would want to make those freaks?” I ask unhappily as I look up at Mitchell.

  “I don’t know. But we’re gonna find out.” He rumbles in a deep voice. He picks up the walkie-talkie from his belt and presses the button. “Good job, guys.” He says, then puts it back on his belt.

  “I thought they were impervious to all known weapons?” I ask, and he looks down at me with his good eye. There’s such deep sadness etched in his face as he looks down at me, that I almost reach up to him.

  “They’re vulnerable to armor-piercing rounds.” He replies and clears his throat. “That was something you taught us.” He adds and smiles sadly at me, before reaching down and brushing some green blood from my face.

  “Me? How?” I ask.

  “It’s a long story.” He says, and looks back up and salutes the men in the guard towers as we approach the fence. “One you don’t remember.” He mutters under his breath.

  “That and a nuclear blast.” Pamela pitches in, making Mitchell reach up and touch the left of his face.

  It’s only when we get closer that I realize that the guard towers I see are not the only ones. The fence stretches on for miles, and I see a guard tower at hundred feet intervals. Two men in army fatigues slide the fence open as we get nearer.

  “Are we just gonna leave them?” I say and nod towards the mass of bodies behind us lying under the sun.

  “The animals will take care of them.” Mitchell says as he steps beyond the fence.

  I notice the bullet riddled school bus resting beside a huge hangar. The door is partially open, and I see Rebecca watching us from the opening. A tall, athletic looking man with shoulder length black hair emerges from the hangar. He waves at Pamela, before taking off from the ground and hovering over to us.

  “Hello again.” The flying man says as he lands in front of me.

  “Thank you, for saving my friends.” I say and smile up at him.

  “Glad I could help.” He flashes a toothy grin.

  “This is Santiago.” Mitchell says, then turns to me. “And this, is a very old friend.” Mitchell adds and gestures to me with his hand.

  “I’m Angela. Sorry, I mean, Britney.” I say, then turn to Georgia. “Britney, right?” I ask.

  “You don’t know?” Santiago asks with a bemused look.

  “It’s a long story.” Mitchell says.

  “Where are my friends?” I ask as we start walking towards the hangar.

  “They’re fine. You’ll find them in the mess hall.” Santiago says as he hovers next to Pamela.

  “Mess hall?”

  “They’re getting some chow. They were pretty hungry.” Santiago says, then looks at me. “You look like you could use a shower.”

  “You have showers?” I ask, incredulous.

  “Let me show you.” Georgia says and walks on ahead at a quicker pace.

  I hurry up and walk in-step with her as she strides through the humungous hangar.

  I whistle as I take in the size of the place.

  There must be over a thousand beds in here.

  “This way.” Georgia calls over her shoulder, and I follow her over to the left, as she heads toward some small wooden huts.

  I marvel at the amount of space as I gaze up at the steel girders, several stories above us.

  “You can leave your dirty clothes by the door.” Georgia says as she opens the door to one of the simple buildings.

  I step up through the doorway and find myself inside a very clean smelling bathroom area. There’s a sink with a mirror to my left as I enter, and to the right is a white bath tub with overhead shower.

  I tear up at the wondrous sight.

  “I’m going to go freshen up. I’ll see you soon.” She says, then quickly leans in and wraps her arms around me. “I can’t believe you’re really here.” She says and hugs me tightly.

  “I wish I could remember.” I grumble as I hug her back.

  “Give it time.” She says, then pulls away and points to the floor near the door. “Leave your clothes there when you’re done. I’ll bring you some fresh clothes.” She says and stops at the door and looks back at me.

  She looks down at her feet for a second, then her eyes flick back up to mine. There’s an awkward silence for a second, like we’re both waiting for each other to say something. I look back at the shower, then I hear the door close as Georgia leaves.

  I remove my filthy, green blood-stained clothes and drop them to the ground near the door, then I pad barefooted to the bath tub and climb in. When I turn on the hot water, I wait a few seconds before stepping under the shower head. I close my eyes and let
the torrent of water wash away the green blood and dust.

  I was hoping that I would be able to feel the warmth of the water, but no such luck. I just feel the pressure as it hits my head and body with a mild temperature.

  When I open my eyes and look down at my wet, naked body, the bottom of the bath tub is so dark, it’s almost black. I slide my fingers through my long white hair, making sure I get all of the grit and green crap out. I use my feet to push the dirt and grit towards the plug hole, then sit down and hug my knees, as the water hits my back and shoulders.

  I try and run through what they told me.

  Okay, so my name is Britney. I can fly, apparently, and I come from a different time. Is that everything?

  I laugh nervously, then hold out my hands to catch some water, before rinsing my face.

  “Clean clothes are on the chair. Okay?” I hear Georgia call out, making me flinch.

  “Thanks.” I call back, then I hear the door close.

  It’s so weird. I’m not alone anymore. There are other people with powers like me.

  I should feel relieved, but I don’t. But I am grateful.

  I turn the hot water off, and climb out of the tub. A large white towel hangs on a peg, and I take it. It feels so soft, that I can’t help but press it to my face. I pat myself dry, then ring some excess water from my hair, before wrapping the towel around my hair.

  I notice the clothes neatly folded on a wooden chair near the door, and head over to take a look. As I pick up the garment it unfolds, and I see it’s a one piece. It looks like some kind of flight suit that a fighter pilot might wear. I see a plain white bra, underwear and socks on the chair, and some black boots underneath, resting on the floor.

  I put on the underwear and bra, then the socks, before climbing into the dessert tan flight suit. I zip up the front, then sit down and put the boots on. I remove the white towel and place it on the chair, and check my reflection in the mirror.

  I would probably fit in here, except for the brilliant blue radiance emanating from my eyes. I smile at myself, then open the door and step down.

  I find Georgia a couple of hundred feet away talking to two men in army fatigues. She finishes and then looks over and notices me. She vanishes in a grey blur, then materializes in front of me, making me step back.

  “Whoa. Is that what I look like when I run?” I ask, and she giggles.

  “Most likely. Though, I have to say, you seem much stronger than I remember.” She says, then turns around and motions for me to follow. “You might be stronger than Mitchell, now.” She says. “And let me tell you, that is saying something.” She smiles as I frown in confusion.

  “Angela.” I hear Abigail before I see her. Then she’s running across the hangar at me.

  I drop to one knee as she launches herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “Hey, kiddo.” I say and stroke her blonde hair.

  “I take it you know Britney.” Georgia says.

  “Britney?” Abigail says and frowns, then pulls away and looks at me. “Is that your name? Britney?”

  “I guess so.” I reply and then turn to Georgia. “This is Georgia. She has powers like me too.”

  “Really? Cool. What can you do?” Abigail asks with a grin.

  “Well, I’m really fast, and pretty strong. But my main gift is psychometry.”

  “Psycho-what?” Abigail frowns.

  “I can read the entire history of an object or a person, just by touching them.” Georgia explains and she crouches down.

  “Can you show me?” Abigail asks.

  “Do you have anything? A personal item, maybe?” Georgia asks with a smile.

  Abigail holds out her hand. “Read me.”

  Georgia takes Abigail’s small hand gently, and I see her powder blue eyes glaze over. Georgia’s smile begins to fade as she holds her hand, then she lets go of her hand and blinks back some tears.

  “Well, what did you get?” Abigail asks.

  “ were the first person to see Britney after she woke up, and.....she was naked.” Georgia blushes and clears her throat.

  “Wow.” Abigail gushes.

  “Where’s Theresa and Jason?” I ask and stand up.

  “They’re sitting in the canteen. Come on, you have to be major hungry.” Abigail says and pulls my arm.

  “You run on ahead.” I suggest, and she runs off. “Okay, what else did you see?” I ask Georgia as she stands up slowly.

  She waves her hand dismissively. “It was nothing. It’s just her early years were so......tragic.”

  “Death is never far away here.” I say as we walk after Abigail.

  “Maybe the wormhole is still there.” Georgia says softly as we pass a dozen empty beds.

  “If your theory is even correct.” I point out.

  “What if it is still there, Britney?” She says.

  I know it’s my name, but it feels strange hearing it.

  “If it is, then it’s way up there, in space.” I say pointing up at the ceiling.

  “You’ll fly again. You’ll see.”

  “I don’t know if I want to.” I say and frown. “I already feel like a freak.” I grumble.

  “But don’t you see? If you can find the wormhole, then you might be able to go back.”

  “Back where?”

  “Home, Britney.” She says and turns, gripping my arms. “Your real home. Where people love you, and all of this hasn’t happened yet.” She says forcefully, almost shaking me.

  “Home?” I mutter, and close my eyes. “I don’t remember it, Georgia. I don’t remember you, or Mitchell, or anyone.” I grumble and brush a tear from her cheek.

  “Maybe it would help, if you did something familiar.” She suggests.

  “Right now, I just want to eat.” I say and she smiles. “Come on, where’s this canteen?” I ask.


  As I sit next to Abigail, with Jason and Jeremy sitting across from me, with them firing a hundred questions at me, I continue eating my chicken stew, and break off more bread and dunk it.

  “Britney?” Jeremy says. “I like it.” I smile back as I pop the stew soaked hunk of bread into my impatient mouth.

  “And they say she can fly.” Abigail says as she bounces up and down in her seat next to me.

  “Her hair wasn’t always white, either.” Pamela says as she sits down next to Jeremy. “It used to be a warm brown, if I remember right. Almost auburn.” She adds.

  “Wait. You’re Cosmic Girl?” Jacob stammers as he stands up abruptly.

  “She was.” Pamela says. “Man, I haven’t heard that name in such a long time.”

  “Who’s Cosmic Girl?” Andrew asks, as he leans over and looks up the table at me.

  “This bumbling child, apparently.” Jacob states and points at me with his fork, before laughing out loud and sitting down.

  “What’s your problem, Gramps?” Pamela asks and leans on her arms, glaring at Jacob.

  “All of you so-called superheroes.” Jacob snorts in disgust. “What good are you? The world still turned to shit.”

  I swallow and put my spoon down.

  “You’re right.” I say.

  “The world did go to, shit, as you say.” I say and stand up. “But I have done everything that I can, to keep these folks alive.” I say heatedly and point to the people around the table. “And here they sit.” I point out.

  “Not all of them.” Jacob mutters.

  “Hey, now you shut your mouth.” Jeremy says and gets up from the table.

  “It’s okay.” I tell Jeremy and wave him back into his seat. “What if I told you, that I can fix this whole mess?” I tell Jacob.

  “You?” He sneers. “How?”

  “That’s for me to know.” I state and return his defiant glare. “But if I could. Would you believe in superheroes again?” I ask.

  “If you could set this world right? Then, yes, I believe I would.”

  “Deal.” I say loudly, then turn and leave t
he mess hall.

  “Where are you going?” Pamela asks as she catches up with me.

  “Where’s Santiago?” I ask as I storm across the hangar.


  “It’s time to fly.”

  Pamela pulls a walkie-talkie from her belt and presses the button. “Santiago, sweetie?”

  “Hey, baby. What’s up?” A voice replies from her walkie-talkie.

  “I need you at the front door. When you’re ready.” Pamela speaks into the walkie-talkie as we march to the hangar entrance.

  “Roger that.” Santiago replies, then she slips it back on to her belt.

  “Are you sure you want to do this now?” Pamela asks as we emerge into the late afternoon sun.

  “I need to do it while I’m still pissed off.” I reply quickly and look around for Santiago.

  “Here he comes.” Pamela says and points up.

  I look just as he swoops down headfirst toward us, before flipping upright and landing a few feet from us.

  “You rang?” Santiago says and leans in, then plants a kiss on Pamela’s plump lips.

  “I need you to teach me how to fly.” I say and take a step forward, planting my hands on my hips.

  “You can fly?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.

  “It’s complicated.” Pamela says, and brushes some black hair from his face. “She’s a little rusty. She could use your help.”

  “Okay.” He says and walks away a few steps and looks down at his boots. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had to think about it.” He says, then sniffs the air and looks over his shoulder at me. “Let’s go somewhere more private.” He says and starts walking.

  “Have fun.” Pamela says as I follow him.

  I wave at her, then catch up with Santiago as he strides across the dirt.

  “A word of warning, before we start.” He says as he continues marching past jeeps and crates. “I’m no instructor. So if I suck at this, just remember that.” He adds and looks down at me with his amber eyes.

  As we leave the main base behind and continue walking, I look up at him, as the breeze whips his black hair over his shoulders.

  "I will.” I say.

  We continue on in silence for a few more minutes, then he stops and looks around.

  “Okay, this should be far enough.” Santiago says and looks down at me, before rising up off the ground a few feet.


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