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Then He Showed Up

Page 13

by Chris Campillo

“No more talk about bodies, or I’m jumping ship. But we can talk about food.” She leaned over and grabbed a handful of grapes. “If scientists could make one food that you could eat as much as you wanted and it would have only positive benefits for your body, what food would you choose? And I don’t mean some sugar-free or fat-free version. Just the regular ingredients, but with no negative side effects.”

  “Brownies,” Jack said without hesitation. “Warm brownies.”

  “Wow. Didn’t have to ponder that one, did you?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “What can I say? I love them. I’d eat them all the time if I could. And by the way, if you ever hear of anyone that can pull off such a miracle, let me know. I want to buy stock.” He poured more wine and handed her a glass. “So what about you, what food would you choose?”

  “That’s a tough one.” She looked out at the lake, scrunching her nose.

  He loved that she put so much thought into the question.

  “It’d be a tie between pimento cheese sandwiches and mocha almond fudge ice cream.”

  “You do love your dairy products.”

  “Right you are, and the dairy farmers of America love me.” They both laughed, and the conversation ended. They enjoyed the comfortable silence, the only sound being the water lapping against the boat.

  Kate was content. More so than she’d been in a long time. I could get used to this. She considered the gorgeous sky, sparkling water, delicious food, and the oh-so-delightful company of Jack Graham. What’s not to like?

  Jack sat up and grabbed some crackers. “So, are you glad you came?”

  “Yes, very. It’s been a great day.” She took a sip of wine. “This wine really is wonderful.” She took another drink, enjoying the crisp flavor. “You selected some great ones at dinner the other night. I guess living so close to the wine country you’ve become an expert.”

  “Wish I could claim the credit. The truth is I have friends who are the experts. I just know what I like, and at the risk of sounding like a snob, I can afford to buy it.”

  He looked directly at Kate. She wondered if he was expecting her to admonish him for mentioning his wealth. “I would never consider you a snob. In fact, most of the time I’m with you, I forget you’re wealthy.”

  “Thanks. I think that’s a good thing.”

  Kate nodded. “It is.” She drank more wine. “So what’s it like growing up middle-class and then becoming wealthy overnight?”

  Jack choked on his wine.

  Kate jerked up. “I’m sorry. That was rude, wasn’t it? Forget I asked.”

  He shook his head while he coughed. Finally able to breathe again, he said, “It wasn’t rude. It’s just funny that you think I became wealthy overnight. I don’t remember it that way. There were about twenty years between the two income brackets. But to answer your question, overall, it’s been a great experience.”

  “What do you mean, overall? I’d think it would all be good . . . well, except for the taxes.”

  “I used to think the same thing. But once you’ve been ‘identified’ as wealthy, there’s some crap that gets in the way. Long-lost relatives and friends start emerging with desperate needs that only you can fix.”

  Kate was thrown by the idea that Jack wouldn’t help someone in need. Her disappointment must have shown.

  “Hey, I help as much as I can. There’s nothing greater than paying for a deserving kid’s college when there’s no way his parents could. Setting my aunt up in a nice retirement home on the ocean . . . that was a good day.

  “What I can’t stand is keeping my cousin out of bankruptcy while he refuses to admit he’s got a gambling addiction. I’ll help, but I refuse to enable. Thankfully, my attorney is a sharp guy and has set up trusts for my cousin’s family that he can’t touch.”

  He leaned back into his seat. “Don’t get me wrong. It’s nice having money to spend on some foolish things.”

  “You don’t strike me as one who spends foolishly.”

  “Well, I haven’t gone overboard, but in the last two years, I’ve been able to slow down and enjoy my good fortune—travel, my new boat. Don’t tell Peter, but it’s bigger than ‘The Maggie May.’ I want to rub his face in it when he comes out.”

  “So the envy thing applies to boats, too, huh?”

  Jack’s brows raised above his shades. “Why, Ms. Livingston, you naughty, naughty girl.”

  “Oh, you never know about us old widows.” She giggled, and he refilled their glasses.

  “That’s a dead man,” he said, holding up the empty bottle.

  “Hey, that’s right. The sailors of yore must be smiling down on us.” Kate noticed she couldn’t keep her lips from smiling. And they felt tingly. She touched them, checking to see what was going on. “I feel good. Life is good.”

  Jack laughed. “I’m glad you think so. Life is good. Now finish your wine while I clean this up.”

  She watched him as he gathered the food, his hands so big but agile at the same time. She thought about how they held her last night. Under their grip, she’d actually felt small. Under their touch, her body had tingled with sensation.

  When he headed to the hatch, she noticed his muscular calves—tan with just the right amount of curly hair. They would feel so masculine against hers when their legs were entwined. Then there was that hard ass she could look at forever. She would hold on to it for dear life when they made love. She peeked down into the cabin to continue her fantasy. His broad shoulders were noticeable despite the fact he was wearing a loose T-shirt. They would be perfect for hooking her knees over while he drove into her mercilessly. Oh God, yes!

  Kate’s body was no longer loose but tightly strung. She felt currents twitching through various parts of her body that were normally dormant. She closed her eyes and stretched to release the tension, but it just seemed to intensify. She tried taking in a deep breath, but only short erratic breaths escaped.

  “Shall I open another bottle of wine?”

  Kate jolted up. “No! I mean, no, thank you. I’m good.” She stood up and gathered the remaining plates and utensils. “Let me help.” She turned and almost stabbed him with a knife. “Sorry.”

  “I got it. You sit back and relax.” He carefully removed the unintended weapon from her hand.

  “Thanks.” Kate’s heart was racing. She needed some distance from the man and fast. “I’m going to lie out on the deck. Just let me know when you’re ready to head back.”

  “Sounds good. Mind if we hang here for a while? I wouldn’t mind kicking back, catching a few winks before we head in.”

  “Sure.” And I’ll try not to stare at your body while you sleep.

  The combination of the boat’s gentle rocking, the cool breeze, and the wine took him out. When he woke, Jack noticed the sky was turning overcast. They should head back, just in case rain was coming. He called out Kate’s name, but she didn’t move. He tried again, still no response. Figuring she must have dozed off, he went to wake her. When he reached her, he didn’t move. He couldn’t resist the opportunity to study her body without interruption.

  She was lying on her stomach, and the swell of her breasts escaped the side of her suit. Her legs were toned, but still soft and feminine. The wind had lifted the short skirt on her suit, and with just a hint of guilt, he enjoyed her sweet ass, wondering why she would ever want to hide it.

  A gust of cool wind broke the spell. Rain was coming, and they needed to get back. He leaned down and whispered, “Kate.” No response. “Kate.” This time he gently touched her shoulder.

  Kate jerked up. “Ooww!” she yelled, grabbing her neck. When she started to straighten it, she screamed with pain. “I can’t move my neck!”

  “Hang on.” Jack knelt beside her and helped her up. “Come on. I’ll fix you up.”

  Kate awkwardly walked to the back of the boat, holding her neck at an odd angle. “What in the . . . I can’t move my neck, Jack!”

  “Sit down here.” Jack led her to the bench behind the wh
eel. He sat behind her. “I know exactly what to do.” He moved his hands to the bottom of her chin. “Do you trust me?”

  “What are you—”

  Jack snapped her neck back into alignment. “How’s that?”

  Kate slowly moved her head. “It’s much better, thanks.” She increased the range of her movement. “Wow. I’m impressed.”

  “I’m sorry I startled you.”

  “It’s okay,” she said, turning to face him. “Are you a chiropractor on the—Oh!”

  Kate jerked her face away from him and sat perfectly still. Her spine was replaced with rebar. So she wasn’t comfortable with the seating arrangement. Personally, he liked her sitting between his legs.

  “You need to relax. Take a deep breath.”

  She took in a gulp of air and blew it out immediately. She did it again. Hell, was she practicing Lamaze?

  “Breath in slowly.” She did. “Now let it out, slowly.” He had her repeat the process until her shoulders started to drop. Then he rested his hands on her neck, and she immediately tightened up.

  “You’re so tense.” Jack began a gentle massage. When he hit a knot, Kate nearly jumped off the bench. “Sorry.” He lessened the pressure. “You have knots as big as boulders.”

  “Yeah, I know. I think that’s where I carry all my stress.”

  “If this is stress, you need to get some Xanax.” He had a better suggestion for stress relief, but he kept it to himself.

  Kate let out a ragged breath. “You can stop now. I’m fine. The knots are a permanent fixture. I don’t notice them unless someone presses on them. I’ve tried massage, but it usually just makes them feel worse.”

  Jack leaned in closer. “Let’s see what I can do.”

  Chapter 15

  Having his hands on her body would never ease the knots. Being sandwiched between his thighs would turn her into Quasimodo.

  “That’s good. You can stop now.” Kate straightened up, ready to run.

  “Just lean over the wheel and relax,” He gently pushed her head down. “I know what I’m doing.”

  Dude. If you only knew.

  He rubbed her shoulders for several minutes. The feeling was heavenly, but not relaxing. Her body was sensitive to his every touch. As he began to work on the knots, Kate jumped every time he hit a sensitive spot.

  “Take some deep breaths.” Kate wasn’t sure she could. Her heart beat rapidly, and her breath seemed to keep pace.

  Jack lightened the pressure and continued working on her shoulders. Kate finally started to feel some relief. Her body weighed more heavily on the wheel as she let herself relax.

  “There you go.” Jack’s voice was soothing, intoxicating when combined with his hands. He moved them slowly down her back, then worked his way back up, pressing his fingers along her spine.

  “Oooh, that feels so good.” Kate sighed. “Don’t stop.”

  “I won’t.” He said something else under his breath. It sounded like, “Not a chance in hell,” but Kate wasn’t sure. She wondered if he was trying not to laugh. It didn’t matter; this felt too good. He moved his hands further down her spine, pressing each vertebrate along the way.

  “You missed your calling,” Kate managed to say without drooling. She was so calm now, she could’ve been sitting on his lap and wouldn’t have cared.

  “Kate, remember earlier, when we talked about foods with no consequences?”

  “Mmm.” Who needed food when Jack Graham was your masseuse?

  “What about right now? What would you want if there were no consequences?”

  You. She bit her tongue to hold in the truth. Finally, she forced, “Don’t know.”

  He moved his hands up, spreading them out to cover the rest of her back, extending the pleasure. His grasp made her feel small in comparison.

  And then his fingers brushed the side of her breasts.

  Kate trembled and inhaled sharply, but he continued to move up her back. She couldn’t say anything. It would acknowledge that he’d touched her breasts, and it was far easier to just keep her head buried and play dumb. Maybe he hadn’t noticed her reaction. Hope springs eternal.

  “Come on, tell me what you want.”


  How could this be so easy for him? She was flush through and through, and not just from embarrassment. Her pulse was racing, and she couldn’t control her breathing.

  He finished a round at her shoulders and started moving down again. Would he touch her again? Had it just been an accident before? Was this a normal massage in northern California? She held her breath waiting and yes, God help her, wanting. He slowed his movements, his hesitation tormenting her. His hands moved out, and yes, he touched her. Kate’s ragged breath was probably audible in Waco. This was no accidental brush by. It was premeditated stroking.

  “Kate,” he whispered, his mouth close to her ear. He started to turn her, but cold, heavy raindrops interrupted the moment. The raindrops quickly became a downpour, strong enough to clear Kate’s passion-hazed fog.

  She shrieked and jumped up, turning to find Jack on his feet. And he wasn’t the only thing standing. So it hadn’t been just a massage.

  “Grab your stuff off the deck and get below.” Jack jumped into action, collecting everything he could from the cockpit and taking it into the cabin. The rain was falling harder than before, stinging her skin as each drop hit her.

  They ran below deck, and Jack got the cumbersome hatch battened down. The cabin provided shelter, but it was a tight space. The rain pounding on the fiberglass deck roared in the cabin. Though it was June in Texas, the rain had chilled her skin, and Kate was shivering.

  Jack looked through a couple of cabinets and found a dry towel. He wrapped it around Kate’s shoulders but didn’t let go. She didn’t want him to. She looked into his eyes. His pupils were dilated, and based on the warmth building within her body, she was sure hers looked the same. She took a shaky breath. Something had shifted. She wanted to live without consequences. She wanted to live this moment with this man, without any limits.

  Jack pulled her closer; she whimpered. The draw to his body was overwhelming.

  He cupped her face and kissed her with an urgency that matched what had been building in her since she’d walked on the boat. He wasn’t tender like last night, but she didn’t want tender. She’d suppressed this passion for two years. And right or wrong, Jack Graham was the one who had set it free. She was tired of thinking and worrying. The glorious sensations flowing through her body would not be denied. To hell with consequences.

  Jack deepened the kiss, exploring her with his tongue, and she welcomed it with her own, stroking his in a desperate, almost inexperienced manner. He pulled her body into his, holding her against his erection. She began to rub against him, and Jack almost lost it when he heard her moan. He had to have her, but she had to be sure.

  He tried to break the kiss, but he couldn’t stop. When he finally managed, she wouldn’t let go, kissing his neck, moving her body against his. He eventually lifted her face so she would have to look at him. Her eyes were glazed with lust.

  “Kate.” Her whispered name caught her attention. “I want you.” He sucked in a deep breath. “I want to make love to you. But if this isn’t what you want, I have to stop now. You need to be sure. Think about it.”

  She stared into his eyes, her breathing as rapid as his. “I don’t want to think anymore. Don’t stop.”

  That’s all he needed. He took her mouth too roughly, but he was out of control. She grabbed his shirt, twisting the wet cotton in her hands. He couldn’t get enough, soon enough. He ran his tongue against her pulse point as he worked to untie her top. He’d wanted to remove the suit the entire time he was massaging her. Now he didn’t have to hold back. It fell to her waist, and Jack’s heart stopped when he drew back to see her perfect breasts.

  “God, you’re beautiful.” He took them in his hands as if they were a precious gift from the gods. Her nipples were already taut, calling for his attentio
n. He ran his hands over them, and then leaned down and took one in his mouth to suckle. Kate cried out and grabbed his head, holding him in place.

  When he could finally tear himself away and return to her lips, Kate was grabbing his shirt. She tried to lift it, but the drenched clothing stuck to his body. She pulled again, with little progress.

  “Help me,” she pleaded.

  Jack stepped back and pulled it off effortlessly. She sighed and brushed her hands over his chest, driving him crazy. Then she moved her face against it, her lips leaving a trail of kisses. He couldn’t take anymore.

  Jack slid his hands down to her bottom and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around him, her warm sex resting on top of his erection. He carried her to the front of the cabin, while she kissed and nuzzled his neck. He lowered them on the bed and began to kiss her again, working his hands down her body, pushing off the top and bottom of her swimsuit. He’d go slowly the next time; he couldn’t wait any longer. He ran his fingers up between her thighs and found her just as ready.

  Kate leaned up, looking at him with dilated eyes. “Let me see you.”

  When he pulled down his shorts, Kate’s breath caught. She looked in his eyes, and he thought he saw a moment of panic. Though he was way past the breaking point, the look stopped him in his tracks. He lay beside her and took her in his arms. He kissed her forehead, her eyelids, and then moved down to her lips. She turned into him, bringing her body flush against his. He stroked her arms and then her breasts, and then moved down to taste her nipples.

  “Jack,” she cried. “Now. Make love to me now.”

  The words were his undoing, but he had one moment of clarity. He pulled from her arms.

  “Don’t stop.”

  Jack looked at her with fire in his eyes. “Not a chance in hell. Give me a second.” He reached to the side of the bed and rifled through a duffle bag until he pulled out a condom. He slipped it on and lowered his body over hers.

  “Now, please.”

  Jack thrust inside her, and Kate immediately gasped and froze.

  “Dammit.” He’d hurt her. He started to pull out, but Kate grabbed his back.


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