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Then He Showed Up

Page 14

by Chris Campillo

  “No. Just give me a minute.” Her eyes were pleading, her breath ragged.

  He held himself in check, though it took every bit of his strength. He lowered his head to her shoulder, trying to take some breaths to slow himself down, tormented by the pulsing where they were connected. Then Kate began to move her hips, and when he looked up, she nodded.

  Jack moved with care this time, until Kate’s body and sighs let him know he could love her the way he wanted. He increased the length of his thrusts. Each time he moved deeper, Kate’s moans grew louder, drowning out the pounding of the rain overhead.

  He watched Kate’s face the entire time. At the beginning, she looked back, locked in an unspoken bond with him. But as the intensity of their movements grew, she closed her eyes. Her cries of passion almost brought him to climax, but he fought it, waiting for her. He had enough experience to know she was close.

  “Look at me.”

  She opened her eyes. They were pleading. He slammed into her body with a driving force, and it was all she needed. She let out a long, deep moan as her body shuddered around his. Despite his request, she closed her eyes, but Jack saw the look of release on her face. The look burned in him, and his own fire could no longer be controlled. With one final thrust, he exploded with a primal groan.

  The rain dwindled to a gentle shower, as if it had been synchronized with their passion. Jack kissed her neck. Her chest started to shake. He leaned up and saw the tears rolling down her cheeks. “What is it? Are you hurt?”

  Despite her tears, Kate chuckled, then touched Jack’s cheek. He looked so concerned she had to explain.

  “Nothing is wrong. You did everything right. Wow . . . you have no idea.” She smiled, but the tears kept falling along with the laughter. “I think the Hoover Dam just broke.” The tears stopped, and the giggles took over.

  Jack wiped away her tears. “You’re amazing.”

  “No, I think you win that title.” Kate had never experienced such electrifying sex. She’d always thought an orgasm with intercourse was just a myth, designed to make women feel like they were missing out. Who knew? There is a G-spot. An OMG spot. And size does matter.

  “You’ve never suffered from penis envy, have you?”

  Jack threw his head back, laughing. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” He wiped a curl from her brow and kissed her lightly.

  Even though it was an innocent kiss, it fanned the embers that were still glowing in Kate. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and returned the kiss with a growing urgency. When Jack pulled away, she was left needy.

  “Stay right there. I have to get rid of this thing. Don’t move.”

  The condom. Thank God, Jack had enough foresight to wear one. She was shocked that she hadn’t thought about it. There was no way she could get pregnant, she’d had a tubal ligation, but STDs were a whole other ballgame. How could she have put herself at risk? Her family in jeopardy?

  When Jack returned, he must have seen her concern. “Okay. What are you worrying about?” Without waiting for a response, he crawled up beside her, and propped up on his elbow. “What happened to the sex-drunk woman I left a second ago?”

  “I just can’t believe I didn’t think about protection.”

  “I did. No problem.”

  “But what if you hadn’t? Where would we be right now? And why did you have condoms? Were you planning on this?”

  Jack shook his head. “I’ve had condoms in that bag for seven months.”


  “And if it makes you feel any better, Gridion requires execs have physicals every year. I’m clean as a whistle.” He gently brushed her forehead. “Everything’s good . . . Hell, I think we were really good.”

  He stroked her stomach, making her breath catch. God, he made her body hum. When his fingers came to her breast, she shut off her brain and let her body take over. She moaned when he leaned over to kiss her, just what she wanted. It didn’t take but a minute for need to take over.

  Without breaking their kiss, Jack rolled on his back and pulled her on top, straddling him. She rubbed against him, her body searching for release. He moved his lips to her breast, and she sobbed with the pleasure. As he pulled in her nipple, her movement became more urgent. She could feel Jack’s sex, alive and well, pressing against her bottom.

  “Hang on, baby.” He lifted her off his hips, and she let out a moan at being taken away from her pleasure. He quickly put on a condom and immediately pulled her back into place, this time straddling the length of his cock. His hands went back to her aching nipples, pinching and caressing them. Kate was on fire. It was as if there was a nerve that ran directly from her nipples to her core. She couldn’t stop rubbing against him, searching for relief.

  Jack ran his tongue teasingly around and over her nipples. Kate groaned, almost collapsing as the pleasure overtook her. “Ooh, yes . . . That!”

  He pressed his hips up, increasing the pressure where she needed it.

  She moaned, then pleaded, “Don’t stop . . . just . . . there!”

  “Come for me, Kate.”

  She exploded with a sob that came deep from within her chest. She rocked against him as the orgasm flooded her senses. When she’d ridden out each wave, she collapsed onto Jack’s chest, her body melting to his. Jack lifted her head and kissed her sweaty brow, then whispered, “Hang on, baby. We’re not done yet.”

  Before she could regain her bearings, he flipped her on her back and drove into her. She gasped, but not because of pain. She thought she was spent, but the feel of him deep in her brought her back to life. He thrust into her with strong, deep strokes. Kate grabbed onto his back and wrapped her legs around his waist. She met every one of his thrusts with her hips. This time they found ecstasy together, their voices harmonizing as they each let out their cry of pleasure.

  Their hearts beat together. She could feel it in their chests, in their sexes. She was a rag doll. Her body spent. So relieved. So fucked. She laughed out loud.

  Jack leaned up. “What in the world are you laughing about now?”

  “I just remembered that song, ‘Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing.’”

  He chuckled. “I think that’s the greatest compliment I’ve ever received.”

  “From what I’ve experienced, I find that hard to believe.”

  “Oh, but to make a place in your memory book of music, now that I will forever mark as my crowning achievement.”

  Kate stretched and sighed. “It’s amazing, Jack. I don’t know if my body will ever feel this good again.”

  “Glad I could be a part of this historical moment. Although, I hope to prove you wrong.” He brushed aside the curls that had formed around her face and gently kissed her lips. This time she responded with the same gentle touch. Her embers had been consumed, at least for now.

  “I’ll be right back.” When he returned, he pulled her into his arms. She rested her cheek against his chest, and he stroked her back.

  “You’re an amazing lover,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “Now let me rest.”

  She snuggled into him, relishing in the hair that covered his strong, warm chest. She wasn’t ready to let go. Not yet. She needed more time in the land of no consequences.

  When he woke, Kate was still asleep. The rain had stopped, and the sun was beginning to set. He went on deck and found the boat in good shape, wet cushions the only casualty. He considered heading back to the marina but decided against it. He wanted more time with her. She had no one waiting for her, and she had her phone if her kids needed to reach her.

  Having made up his mind, he headed below to Kate. He found a blanket, got into bed, and covered her with it. At the slight movement, Kate stirred and settled against his chest. It felt natural to move his arm around her. He felt her breaths, and a disquieting feeling came over him. Sex with Kate had been better than his fantasies, but right now, holding her while she slept in peace felt even better. He pulled Kate closer and went to sleep.

er 16

  Kate sat perched on the deck, her arms wrapped around her knees. The sun rising over the still water created a picture no artist could ever hope to recreate. She loved the quiet of the morning, before everyone woke. She loved the beauty of the lake; she’d never seen it this empty. It was an image of tranquility. The total opposite of the anxiety charging through her.

  Her brain was bursting with conflicting thoughts. She had to sort them out. There was no way she would call Sue. Maggie was overseas, and she probably couldn’t afford her therapist’s crisis service. No, she’d have to talk it out herself. Look at the situation from both sides. Not wanting to wake Jack, she held the conversation in her head.

  “So what’s freaking you?”

  “I slept with Jack.”

  “Okay. You’re an adult. You’re single. He’s single. You were safe. What’s the problem?”

  “Well, for one thing, I was so exhausted from my sexcapade I didn’t even call my kids. What were they thinking? ‘Mom doesn’t care about us.’ What was Grace thinking? ‘My sister-in-law’s out all night, probably screwing around.’ What if there had been an emergency?”

  “Slow down. If there had been an emergency, Grace would’ve called you. And half the time you call, the kids don’t even want to talk, they’re having so much fun. As far as Grace is concerned, she’s probably thrilled you went out. She’s been telling you to date for over a year. So that’s handled. Next?”

  “No matter how you try to justify it, he’s a client. I slept with a client. Of all the things I thought I’d never do, I would’ve sworn I was above that. I was basically a whore for the state of Texas. And I wasn’t even a very good one. I’m pretty sure I was just focused on my own needs.”

  “Were you making a business deal when you decided to fuck?”

  “No. And don’t be so crude.”

  “Did you ask him to sign a contract after he came?”


  “Were you talking business any time at all during the day?”


  “So there. The sex had nothing to do with business, and you know it. What’s really bothering you?”

  “I don’t think I do casual sex.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “When we were together, the sex . . . well, what can I say? Three mind-blowing orgasms? I still can’t believe that.”

  “I know, lucky girl.”

  “But it was being with Jack that made it amazing. I wouldn’t want to do that with anyone else. I don’t think you’re supposed to feel that way with casual sex.”

  “Hmm. Good point.”

  “It scares me to feel . . . so good. He makes me feel young. And he’s smart and funny. And he’s this man of the world, but he makes me feel like he’s in my corner. It’s just too good. And we know what happens with ‘too good.’”

  “You always get up at the crack of dawn?” Jack’s voice stopped the therapy session. He leaned against the deck, halfway through the hatch. That chest from heaven called to her. Did he have any clothes on?

  “Did I wake you? I was trying to be quiet.”

  “I thought I heard a woodpecker tapping away on the deck.” He looked down to her knee bouncing at a furious pace.

  “Sorry.” Kate stilled.

  “No problem.” He smiled. His rumpled hair and razor stubble made him even sexier. “Now that we’re both awake, why don’t you come over here, and we’ll put that energy to good use.”

  One minute earlier, she’d been ready to jump ship because of her stupid actions, but those knowing eyes and warm voice almost had her back in bed.

  Old, safe Kate came to the rescue. “Actually, I’ve got a killer headache.”

  “Isn’t that the excuse a wife gives her husband?” He climbed up, thankfully wearing shorts, and joined Kate on deck.

  “It’s not an excuse.” Pretty much is. “In case you forgot, I’ve got an addiction to coffee. If I don’t get some caffeine in me soon, I’ll start having the shakes.”

  “I’m sure they keep some kind of instant coffee on the boat.” He headed into the cabin, and she heard him opening cabinets.

  “Really, Jack,” she called down to him. “I’d prefer the real McCoy.” She hoped her voice didn’t sound as icy as she thought it did.

  He rose up through the hatch and stared at her. His face was so different, so distant. The face that had shone down on her when they were making love was but a memory. But this wasn’t last night. It was day, and the sun illuminated all the mistakes that had seemed so right in the middle of the storm.

  “Fine. I’ll head back.”

  Chapter 17

  Kate jerked a weed out of the ground, the root intact. Yes. There was great satisfaction knowing it was gone for good. If life were only as simple. She hadn’t talked to Jack since yesterday, when they’d returned to the marina. Despite the twenty-four-hour separation, he might as well have been weeding beside her. She couldn’t shake the man. Couldn’t shake the struggle between want and fear when it came to his companionship, his concern, and oh yeah, his body.

  She’d called the kids twice already, once without even giving them a safety lecture. She considered flying them home, but they were having a blast with Grace. And besides, there was surely an unspoken law that a woman couldn’t use her kids as a cock block, physically or mentally.

  So here she was, on all fours, crawling around her backyard, pulling one weed at a time. Working in the yard, getting her hands in the dirt, had always calmed her. She decided what would go, what would stay, what worked, and what didn’t. A control freak’s paradise.

  When she finished the weeds, she moved on to hauling stones. She’d collected some beautiful pieces of limestone, and today would be perfect for laying a path. The project might take the whole week, but that was fine by her. She’d pass out from exhaustion every night and ignore Jack’s calls during the day.

  He’d called her repeatedly yesterday, but she didn’t answer. Caller ID was one of man’s greatest inventions. Yesterday, she would’ve ranked it up there with the polio vaccine. Of course, this morning, she’d made the mistake of picking up for Sue. Within ten seconds of their conversation, the sexy Yoda had figured it all out.

  “Oh my God. You guys bumped nasties.”

  “Hush, Sue! Are you in the office?”

  “No, I’m in the car. I’m not stupid. I’m heading to a meeting, but I’ll call later, and I want a complete debriefing.”

  One more call Kate ignored.

  She wiped a line of sweat from her cheek with a muddy hand. She knew it wasn’t practical, but she didn’t like working with gloves. If her face had dirt on it, who cared. She knew her hair was the really scary sight, probably in a full ’fro with the humidity.

  Bending in her knees—because that was important if you wanted to protect your back—she reached for one of the larger rocks. As soon as she moved it, a pale gecko scurried out. Kate screamed with terror and dropped the rock on her big toe.

  “Dammit!” Too fucking bad if the neighbor kids were outside.

  “Kate!” The voice came from her front yard, but she didn’t respond. Her throbbing toe demanded all her attention. She sat down, holding her foot, and rocked back and forth trying to work through the pain.

  She jumped when she heard footsteps racing toward her. It was Jack. Shit!

  “Are you okay? What happened?” he asked, kneeling down beside her.

  His presence was as upsetting as the pain in her toe.

  “No! I’m not okay. I think I broke my fu . . . freakin’ toe! What are you doing here?”

  “Let me see your foot,” Jack said calmly.


  “Kate, let me see it.” This time he grabbed her ankle and pulled her foot into his lap. “It doesn’t look broken, but we should get some ice on it.” He lifted her up, carried her into the house, then laid her on the couch. “Déjà vu, huh?”

  “Yeah. You seem to keep inviting yourself into my house.” Kate’s toe hu
rt like hell, but Jack’s presence was worse.

  “At least this time I wasn’t the one to cause your accident.” He winked, and Kate’s stomach jumped. Run, Forrest. Run.

  “Are you going to get that ice or what?”

  Jack headed to the kitchen, and Kate yelled, “Use the cloth by the sink.” There was no need wasting a clean towel on her dirty foot.

  He returned with the homemade ice pack and lifted her knee so her foot rested flat on the couch. “Here.” Kate hissed when he placed the ice on her toe.

  He settled on the coffee table. “Try to relax.”

  Sure. And I’ll end world hunger while I’m at it. She gave him a dirty look, but he returned it with a gentle smile. He grabbed her hand and lifted her fingers, looking them over in detail. Then he moved his eyes to her face, studying everything but her eyes.

  Finally, exasperated, Kate demanded, “What?”

  He chuckled. “Do you have some kind of Cinderella complex?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Look at you. You’re covered in dirt. You’re doing manual labor without gloves or shoes. You’re Cinderella before the Fairy Godmother.” He smiled and pushed back a sweaty curl from her forehead.

  She pushed his hand away. “Look, Mr. Freud, I don’t have any complex. I just like to enjoy the full experience of gardening. There’s nothing strange about that.” She stared at him, daring him to make one more comment. “What are you doing here?”

  “I brought you some—damn!” He ran out the back door and returned with a paper bag that was soggy and tearing. He had his hand under it to collect whatever was dripping and took it to the sink. “Well, I brought you some mocha almond fudge, but that’s not going to happen.”

  “You brought me ice cream?” He must have noticed the change in her voice because this time, he sat on the couch next to her.

  “Yeah. I figured after you didn’t answer any of my calls I’d have to pull out the big guns.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “You don’t fight fair.”


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