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Giving A Chance (Chance Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Hamford, Kacey

  “What?” He turned around to face me.

  “I’m with Matt…” He cut me off.

  “Only for a couple of more days and then you’re mine… Speaking of, do you have important classes on Monday and Tuesday?”

  “No, those are my study days.”

  “Perfect.” He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile back.

  “Why?” Beep beep beep. My food was ready and my stomach started growling.

  “It’s a surprise, pack a bag for a couple of days… Here, eat this.” He placed the plate in front of me and handed me a fork. I wasted no time and got stuck in, the pasta tasted so good. I didn’t realise how hungry I was.


  “What was that?” I asked, looking at Joseph as I finished eating.

  “Um, I think we should get out of here, Rose and J normally get like this after a fight.”

  “Like what? Are they arguing?” I stood up, I was worried for my friend.

  “No, definitely not fighting.” He winked at me.

  “Oh God.”

  “Yeah, if we don’t leave soon that’s what we’ll be hearing. I’ll give you a lift home.” He held out his hand for me.

  “I can walk fine on my own.” I climbed off the stool and stumbled a little. Shit, how much have I had to drink?

  “Come on, let’s get you home.”


  I helped Bonnie climb into my car, I didn’t know how much she’d had to drink but she couldn’t walk by herself without stumbling.

  “Are your parents home?” I asked her. She shook her head.

  “I need to go to Matt’s.”

  “Oh, sure. Ok.” I started the car and started driving. We had a nice evening and it felt like a kick in the gut when she said she wanted to go and be with Matt. I knew this was his week with her but that didn’t mean I had to like it. In fact, I was downright jealous. I just wanted to keep driving until we were alone together and no-one could come in between us. As I pulled up outside of my flat, I looked over and saw that Bonnie had fallen asleep, or passed out. I got out and went round to her side of the car and opened the door carefully as her head was resting against the glass. I held her up and I unbuckled her seat belt. I then carried her in the building and towards the lift. I managed, awkwardly, to press the button to my floor. I thought she would have woken up from being moved but she just snuggled in closer towards me. I breathed in her sweet scent, her hair always smelled like coconuts and the smell made my cock jump. I wanted her to be mine and I wanted to bury myself in her. Once I walked into the flat, I was tempted to go and put her in my bed but knew she would be pissed at me if I did, so I took her to Matt’s room and placed her on the bed.


  When I pulled up to my building, I was surprised to see that Joseph’s car was parked outside and not Bonnie’s. I thought she would have been back by now from Rose’s and didn’t know that Joseph was coming back.

  When I walked into the flat, it was dark and I could hear mumbling coming from the bedrooms. I made my way closer, thinking that Joseph had probably just bought a chick home to fuck. As I got closer I heard;

  “Come on, Bonnie, wake up. I need to get you out of these clothes.” My blood boiled when I recognised Joseph’s voice. I stormed to his bedroom and was surprised to see that it was empty. I heard him talk again and realised that the noise came from my bedroom. I threw the door open to see Bonnie lying on my bed with Joseph hovered above her.

  “What the fuck is going on.” I roared.

  “Shit man, you scared me.” Joseph said climbing off the bed.

  “Get your fucking hands off my girl.” I grabbed his arm and yanked him until he was stood up and then I threw him into the wall and placed my hand around his throat.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” He asked and I squeezed my hand a little tighter. “Do you want me to hurt you?” He asked. I knew full well that Joseph could get out of this position, he was a trained fighter. I eased up and backed away from him.

  “Keep your hands to yourself.” I looked towards my bed and saw Bonnie lying there peacefully, fully clothed, shoes and bag over her shoulder.

  “She had too much to drink at Rose’s and I bought her home. She passed out in my car.”

  “She should have called me.” I growled.

  “You were busy tonight, with Ethan, remember?”

  “Yeah, trying to get you and Jacob out of this bloody fighting gig.”

  “It’s all for Rose, she goes to pieces when he has to fight.” Joseph said walking out of my room. I followed him.

  “Yeah I know, I’m working on it.”

  “Thanks, man.” He slapped me on the back. “I’m gonna crash.” He walked off towards his bedroom and I walked back into mine. I sat on the bed beside Bonnie and brushed her hair out of her eyes. She stirred in her sleep but not enough to wake her. I got up and pulled her shoes and bag from her and decided to let her sleep in her clothes as I didn’t want to wake her up. I stripped out of my clothes and crawled in beside her.

  Chapter 13


  Matt and I walked into Rose and Jacob’s flat hand in hand. The party was flowing and there were loads of people milling around. I tried letting go of Matt’s hand so I could go and look for Rose but he held on tighter.

  “I wanna go find Rose.” I told him, trying again to pull my hand away.

  “Let’s go find her together.” I nodded my head and as I went to walk away he pulled me into him and crashed his lips against mine. I heard people whooping and cat calling as we were stood in the middle of the living room surrounded by people. I pulled away and glared at him, I didn’t appreciate what he had just done.

  “I know what you’re doing.” I snapped at him. He looked at me blankly. “Laying claim on me.”

  “Hey man, who is this lovely lady?” A tall and tattooed man asked, smiling at me. Matt pulled me against his side.

  “This is my girl, Bonnie.” I went to correct Matt when the guy said;

  “Lucky man… Call me if you want a real man, sweetheart.” He smirked at me.

  “Get lost, Callum.” Matt chuckled. I pulled away, I wanted to find Rose and was pissed off that Matt was telling everyone I was his. He had told two other people as we made our way towards the kitchen. I didn’t want Joseph to hear it and think that I had made my decision. I wanted my week with him.

  “Rose.” I called out as we entered the kitchen. She was sitting on the work top with Jacob between her legs. It looked like he was whispering in her ear and she was giggling. I pulled away from Matt and he wouldn’t let me go. I spun around to face him. “Let go of me.”

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked palming my face.

  “What’s wrong? I don’t appreciate you telling everyone I am your girl, when I am not…” He cut me off.

  “You are mine. I only wanted to show all these guys you weren’t available.”

  “I am quite capable of saying no if someone hits on me.” He didn’t say anything he just stood there looking at me. “I’m going to talk to Rose.” I walked away from him and heard him mutter, ‘fuck’.

  “Hey, you ok?” Rose asked as I walked up to where she was sitting. She pushed Jacob away and jumped off the side.


  “No, you’re not… Come with me.” She grabbed my hand and dragged me to her bedroom, as she pulled me inside we heard more cat calls being thrown our way. “What’s happened? Is it because Joseph isn’t here?”

  “Joe isn’t here?” I asked.

  “No, he said he would stop by later but only briefly.” Rose looked sad.


  “He said seeing you and Matt together would be too difficult.”

  “Yeah, well, I may be staying away from him for the rest of the night.”

  “Why?” Rose asked, sitting down on the bed.

  “He makes me so mad.” I began telling her, pacing up and down her bedroom. “He pulled me inside, kissed me in front of everyone and then be
gan introducing me as his girlfriend.”

  “You have never been bothered about public displays of affection before, why now?”

  “He was laying claim on me, it wasn’t a heat in the moment kind of thing. I don’t want Joe to hear Matt calling me his girlfriend and then him thinking I had already chose. I haven’t, I want my time with him too. Ugh, I sound completely selfish and a slut too, don’t I? Don’t worry you don’t have to tell me, I know I do. God, how did I get into this mess?” I flopped face down onto the bed with my legs hanging off the end.

  “Have you finished?” Rose asked me and I nodded. “First of all, Joseph is not going to think you have chosen, he would know you would tell him first. Secondly, you are not a slut, you fell for two guys, two hot guys and you are trying to figure out who to be with. It’s not like you are exclusively with Matt and cheating on him with Joseph, they both know the deal. Now, get your ass up and let’s enjoy my party.”

  “Your party?” I asked, raising my head.

  “Oh, ok. Mine and my gorgeous fiancé’s party.” She smiled proudly at the mention of Jacob.

  “That’s better… Call Joe, tell him not to stay away because of me. Me and Matt are not going to be all over each tonight, he has pissed me off.”

  “Ok, let’s go get a drink.”

  “Hell yeah.” Rose grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bedroom. As we walked out still hand in hand people began calling and cheering again. Rose blushed and I pulled her towards me and gave her a quick kiss on the lips just to make the men go wild. She pulled away from me and I winked at her as I dragged her to the kitchen.

  “What the hell was that?” She asked me giggling, as I poured some vodka into two cups.

  “Just having fun with them, it’s harmless.” I shrugged my shoulders and I handed her a cup of vodka and coke. As I turned around Matt was stood in front of me.

  “Wanna tell me why people have come up to me telling me my girlfriend is a lesbian?”

  “I’m not your girlfiend.” I turned to Rose and asked; “Wanna dance?”

  “Sure.” We both downed our drinks and made our way to where people were dancing in the living room. Rose and Jacob had moved the furniture to the edges of the room to make more space. Once we started dancing I noticed that we seemed to get a group of guys dancing around us. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Jacob was watching Rose as he was talking to a guy. He didn’t look worried, on the other hand Matt looked furious. I wasn’t dancing with any of the guys that had surrounded us, just Rose.

  When a guy stepped behind Rose and placed his hands on her waist she stepped out of his hold and told him she was engaged.

  “Who are you engaged to, sweet thing? I bet I’m more of a man than he is.” He told her. I looked over to where Jacob was standing and he was watching but he wasn’t barging in like a bull in a china shop, he knew he could trust Rose and she would call for help if she needed it.

  “Oh, he is all the man I want and need.” She told him as she looked past him and crooked her finger at Jacob. He didn’t hesitate in walking over to her. He pushed in front of the other guy, placed both hands on her face and kissed her. It was a hot and heavy kiss and I felt I should move away. As I walked back towards the kitchen I felt a tingle go over my spine and felt like someone was watching me, I looked over my shoulder and saw that Joseph was leaning against the wall looking at me. I smiled at him and walked to get another drink.

  A few minutes later I felt a hard body against my back, I knew it wasn’t Matt as this person was taller than him, but I didn’t get that flutter in my tummy that I normally got when Joseph touched me. I was about to tell this guy to get lost when he bent down to my ear and whispered;

  “I missed you, baby cakes.”

  I went to turn around to tell him to get away from me when he placed his hand over my mouth. I froze out of fear.

  “Don’t make a sound.” I snapped out of my fear, I needed to get away. I thrashed my head and tried to kick out at him when he grabbed my around the waist and lifted me off of my feet. I began to panic. Was he going to hurt me? What was he going to do to me? Once we were inside the spare bedroom he put me back onto my feet.

  “If I let you go are you going to be quiet?” I nodded my head. I just wanted to find out what he wanted. He let me go and I moved away from him.

  “What do you want?” My voice quivered as I asked. I was scared, he had a look about him I hadn’t seen before. “Have you been drinking? Rose said you weren’t coming.”

  “I came with one of the other guys from the gym. When I found out you were going to be here I jumped at the chance of us being together again.”

  “What? No, no.” I backed away from him shaking my head. I bumped into the wall and thought how stupid I was, I had backed myself into a wall, I would never get away. He stalked towards me, smirking. “No… HELP, HELP ME.” He placed his hand back over my mouth.

  “No one will hear you, baby cakes, the music is too loud… It’s time to make you mine again. You have always been mine and will always be mine. No one else should have touched you.” I whimpered, I didn’t want him touching me and I had no idea how I was going to get away. I began looking around for something I could use as a weapon, but we were out of reach of everything.

  “If you stay quiet, this will be nicer for you. Try and get away and I will hurt you.” I sobbed as he said this. I had loved this guy, at one point in my life we were inseparable. When I first met him he was gentle and loving, we laughed constantly and he took me out on dates. After being together ten months, things started to change, he would go out with his mates more and see me less often and soon enough I found out that he had cheated on me, several times. That was when I ended our relationship and I thought he had gone away to college.

  “Please, Damien, please stop.” He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head, using one of his hands he pinned my wrists to the wall and started kissing down my neck.

  “I missed you, I love you, baby cakes. Do you love me?” I shook my head and he squeezed my wrists together tighter which caused me to scream out in pain.

  “You’re hurting me. Please, stop. Please.” Just as I was about to plead some more I heard the door open. “Help me, please.” I called out. When Damien let go of me I saw that it was a huge guy standing there, he looked familiar but I couldn’t recall where I had seen him before. “Please, help me.”

  “Damo, what the hell are you doing? That’s Joseph’s girl. He’s gonna kill you.”

  “She is MY girl.” Damien growled, I slid down the wall and sobbed. The guy walked towards Damien and grabbed him by the front of his t-shirt.

  “Get the hell out of here and DON’T go near her again.” Damien nodded and walked out of the bedroom without looking in my direction. As soon as he left my body went slack and I burst into tears.

  “You ok, sugar?” I shook my head.

  “Thank you. Who are you?” I asked, looking up at him from my place on the floor.


  “The guy who runs the club?” He nodded. “Can you get Matt or Joseph for me please?”

  “No, I can’t do that. You see, sugar, you can’t tell the guys what happened here, they will kill Damien and that’s not something I will be able to get them out of.”

  “No, they won’t. I will talk to them. It will all be ok.”

  “No, I can’t let you.” He sat on the bed and rubbed his fingers over his stubbly jaw. “You need to keep quiet.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “I will have them fighting twice as much, more dangerous, experienced fighters against them.”

  “No.” I shook my head.

  “Are you going to keep quiet?”

  “Yes. Please don’t have them fighting more. Rose won’t be able to cope with it.”

  “You have my word, sugar, as long as you keep quiet.”

  “I will, I promise.” He nodded and left the room. I tried to compose myself. I got up off of the floor and straightened my
clothes, I had large red marks on my wrists that were already bruising. I needed to forget about this happening, I couldn’t tell anyone for Rose’s sake. She would be crushed if Jacob had to start fighting more. I would keep it to myself and try to be more aware of everything and everyone around me. I would not let Damien destroy me for a second time in my life. I opened the bedroom door quietly, I looked for my friends, I couldn’t see them so I made a dash for the door and made my way home. I was glad that I had left my bag by the front door so I had my phone so I could call a taxi to take me home. Matt would be pissed that I left, but I would deal with him when I had to.

  Chapter 14


  I had been wandering around Rose and Jacob’s flat looking for Bonnie. I had given her some space after she got pissed at me for introducing her as my girlfriend, I just wanted all the guys here to know that she was mine and to not touch her. To be honest, I loved calling her my girlfriend, I was just hoping it would be more of a permanent thing soon.

  “Hey, has anyone seen Bonnie?” I asked Rose, Jacob and Joseph as I walked into the kitchen.

  “The last time I saw her was about an hour ago and she was walking in here, to get a drink, I assume.” Joseph told me, shrugging his shoulders.

  “I’ve been dancing with my man so I haven’t seen her for a while. She’s gotta be here somewhere.” Rose shrugged her shoulders, she didn’t seem worried. Their flat was only small so I thought I would have bumped into her by now. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to call her when Ethan walked in.

  “Yo, Joe, I’ve just seen your chick leave, upset her have you?” He chuckled, slapping him on the back.

  “My chick?” Joseph asked.

  “Yeah, Bonnie is it?”

  “She left?” I interrupted. He nodded and I ran towards the front door to see if I could find her. There was no sign of her. I still had my phone in my hand and I felt it vibrate.

  Not feeling great, I’ve gone home. Couldn’t find you x


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