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Giving A Chance (Chance Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Hamford, Kacey

  “Hey, how was your evening?” Joseph asked. He was walking down the hallway towards us. I almost felt a bit guilty being with Matt, I didn’t want to rub it in his face especially as he told me how difficult he was going to find this week.

  “What are you doing here?” Matt growled, keeping me close to him.

  “I live here.” He cockily said.

  “Go and get ready for bed, babe.” Matt said to me, tapping me on the bum gently.

  “Ok, are you coming?” I asked. I turned my back to Joseph and focused just on Matt.

  “Yeah, in a minute… Just want a word with J.” I nodded and walked towards his bedroom. I grabbed my bag and stripped out of my clothes and changed into my pjs and climbed into bed.

  Matt walked through the door ten minutes later and I sat up in bed. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, why are you dressed?” Matt looked confused.

  “What did you talk to him about?”

  “There is a fight this week, I was just checking in with him… Get naked, babe.”

  “No, I can’t… Not tonight.” The fire was extinguished from my body as soon as I saw Joseph. I almost felt as if I was cheating on him, even though this was what we had agreed on.

  “What? Why not?” He stripped out of his clothes and got into bed completely naked.

  “I can’t, not with him just a couple doors away.” I explained. Matt looked annoyed. “Please, don’t let this ruin our night.” I moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me.

  “Hey, I got blown in the lift, I’m a happy man. Goodnight, babe.” I giggled and he kissed me softly on the lips and I snuggled closer towards him.

  Within a few minutes, Matt was snoring and had rolled onto his side. I lay awake, my body was working into over drive, it wouldn’t shut off and I couldn’t sleep no matter how hard I tried. I decided to get up and make myself a drink and watch some TV. I thought one of the reasons I was unable to sleep was due to the fact that I was meeting up with Damien in the morning for coffee. I made my way to the kitchen and was surprised to see Joseph sitting at the kitchen table.

  “Hi.” I said quietly as I made my way towards him. His head snapped up and he looked at me.

  “Hi, you ok?” He asked me.

  “Couldn’t sleep.” I shrugged my shoulders. “What are you doing? Do you want a drink?” I was gathering the things together to make a hot chocolate.

  “Sure, I’ll have the same as you. I’m just working on my business project… I couldn’t sleep either, well I didn’t want to go to bed and hear you guys.” I wasn’t facing him as he said that. I spun around and looked at him.

  “No, we didn’t… Um… Do that.” Colour tinted my cheeks as a look of relief crossed his face. I turned back towards the drinks I was making. “I’m making hot chocolate, cream, marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles.”

  “Sounds great.” I looked over my shoulder and he was concentrating on his work and I thought he never looked so gorgeous to me. When I first met him, I saw a guy who loved to party and sleep around and didn’t commit to anything. In the few months that I have known him, I’ve seen his passion and his love for his family.

  “Here you go.” I placed a mug on the table, it was overflowing with cream and marshmallows. “I’m gonna go and watch some TV.”

  I settled on the sofa and found a film to watch when I felt Joseph sitting next to me.

  “What you watching?”

  “The Hole. I haven’t seen this film in ages.” I pulled the blanket off of the back of the sofa and draped it over my legs.

  “Horror movies? I knew you were perfect for me.”

  “You can’t say that, I’m with Matt.”

  “Only for the week sweetness, then you will be mine… I have a great surprise for you.”

  “Really?” I was intrigued, I wanted to know what he had planned. “Tell me.”

  “You will have to wait sweetness, until you’re mine.” He winked at me, I smiled and we settled in to watch the film. “Why can’t you sleep? Is it because of tomorrow?”

  “How did you know that?”

  “Because believe it or not, I know you. I can be there in the café if you want me to be?”

  “No, he won’t like that. I will be fine. Thanks though.” We both watched the movie in silence just enjoying each other’s company. It was really nice and relaxed.

  When the movie finished I looked at the clock and it was two in the morning.

  “Oh shit, I had better get to bed. See you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight, sweetness.” He went to kiss me on the cheek and I took a step back, I knew that if he had kissed me I wouldn’t be able to resist him any longer. “Oh, sorry.” I smiled at him and made my way to Matt’s room. I climbed into bed with him and he didn’t move. I breathed a sigh of relief, I hadn’t done anything wrong but I knew that Matt wouldn’t have been happy. I almost felt guilty for watching a movie with Joseph while Matt slept. I cuddled into my pillow and willed myself to fall asleep, as soon as I closed my eyes all my thoughts drifted to Damien and what he actually wanted and expected from me.

  Chapter 11


  I walked into The Coffee Bean and saw Damien sitting at a table. As soon as he saw me he got up and smiled. I placed a hand over my tummy, I felt sick just being there. I didn’t want to be anywhere near him, he broke my heart and I hated him for what he’d done to me.

  “Hey, baby cakes.” He said as I walked closer towards him, he went to kiss me on the cheek and I pulled away.

  “Don’t call me that.” I snapped. Standing in front of him.

  “Are you gonna sit down?” He waved his hand to the chair across from him.

  “I need to get a drink…”

  “I’ll get it. Caramel latte?” That’s what I always use to drink. I shook my head.

  “Hot chocolate, please.” I told him as I pulled the chair out to sit down. He nodded and walked over to the counter.

  A few minutes later he came back carrying a tray with a couple drinks and cakes too.

  “Hot chocolate for you, you used to love caramel lattes…”

  “Well, things change… I used to love a lot of things.” He sat down and placed a white chocolate and raspberry muffin in front of me. They were my favourites but I didn’t think I could stomach any food.

  “How have you been?” He asked.

  “What do you want Damien? Why did you want to fight Joseph?”

  “I miss you.” He went to grab my hand and I pulled it away.

  “Why did you want to fight Joseph?” I asked again, my voice stern.

  “Because he is the fighter out of the two of them… Them, who are fucking my girl.” He growled and slammed his fist down onto the table making me jump. He looked at me and his face softened. “I’m sorry, baby cakes… I just miss you. We were good together.”

  “Good together? If we were so great then why did you go and stick your dick in another chick?”

  “It was a mistake, I’ve changed…”

  “Changed? You don’t all of a sudden change and want…” I stopped talking, why was I getting into this with him? I was only here so Joseph didn’t have to fight on Sunday.

  “Want what?” He asked, looking directly into my eyes. His eyes were soft and a lovely warm hazelnut colour. I used to love getting lost in them. I snapped myself out of my daze and stood up.

  “I can’t do this. You cheated on me, hurt me, broke me, told me to…” I broke off the sentence and shook my head. I turned to leave and he said;

  “If you walk out of here, I will set up that fight…”

  I spun around and got in his face. “Do it, set it up. Joseph will kick your ass. Just a shame I can’t be there to watch.”

  “Maybe we can sort something out.” He winked and smirked at me. I shook my head and walked out of there. I knew Matt and Joseph were worried about me going so I grabbed my phone out of my bag as I walked towards my car. I sent them both a text.

  On my way
to college. I am fine x

  Did he hurt you or upset you? J x

  No. I am fine x

  Out on a project. Will see you later? M x

  Yeah, ok. Dinner and a movie? I replied.

  Sounds great x


  I had decided to cook a meal for Matt and I. I had to text Rose and ask if she could invite Joseph over so he wouldn’t be here. I felt awful doing it, but Matt and I needed this time to get to know each other properly.

  “Honey, I’m home.” Matt called out as he walked in through the door. I giggled as I walked out of the kitchen.

  “How was your day, sweetheart?” I joked, acting like an old married couple. He chuckled and pulled me up against his body. “Eeww! You’re all sweaty.” I pushed away from him.

  “Funny that, seeing as I’ve just come from the gym.” He winked at me.


  “Yeah, J and J got a fight Thursday night.”

  “Oh? Where is Joe?”

  “Jacob said Rose is missing him so he is there for the night. I’m gonna go and shower, wanna join me?”

  “No, dinner is almost ready… Be quick.” I slapped him on his firm round bum and walked back into the kitchen.


  “Please sis, help me out.” I pleaded as Rose and I sat at the dinner table waiting for Jacob to finish in the shower.

  “Ok, ok. I’ll help you.” She sighed.

  “What you helping him with?” Jacob said as he walked towards us and gave Rose a kiss before sitting down.

  “He wants to see Bonnie.” Jacob looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

  “I just want a couple hours with her, without Matt being around.”

  “And why are you getting my fiancée involved?”

  “Because she can help and she loves me.” I chuckled as I cut into the steak that Rose had cooked. “Sis, this is amazing.”

  “Rose, are you sure you wanna get involved?” Jacob asked her.

  “I have to help out my future brother in law and if it all works out she will be my sister.” Rose had a big grin on her face.

  “One step at a time, sis.”

  “And how would you feel if Matt got some secret time with her when she is yours for the week?”

  “Yeah, I get it, man. I just miss her… I’ve never felt like this before, it scares me.”

  “So, I’m gonna get her to come over and help me plan the party on Thursday while you guys are fighting and she will just happen to be here when you guys get back.” Rose winked at me.

  “You’re the best, I owe you one.” I leant over the table and kissed her cheek.


  Bonnie was amazing, she cooked us a tasty meal and after, we settled down to watch a film.

  “Look, The Hole is on. Shall we watch it? I know how much you love your horror movies?”

  “No, you hate horror. How about Mr and Mrs Smith?”

  “Have you seen it?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t mind watching it again. You set it up and I will grab some popcorn.” Bonnie walked off to the kitchen and it gave me a chance to re-arrange my hard on. I had been rock hard since she walked out of my kitchen, I had a flash to the future of her here with me, married and her pregnant. I didn’t think I was going to be able to hold out much longer. I looked up to see her walking back in with a bowl of popcorn and she was typing away on her phone and smiling.

  “Who you talking to?”

  “Rose, she needs my help organising the party. I’m gonna go over there on Thursday while you’re at the fight.”

  “Ok, I will probably be home late that night as Ethan says there is a meeting I have to be at.”

  “I can just go home after.” She shrugged her shoulders as she placed her phone on the coffee table.

  “No, come here. I love finding you in my bed. No point us both being alone if your parents are away.”

  “Yeah, ok. I don’t like being in the house alone.”

  “Great, ready for the movie?” She nodded her head as she placed the bowl of popcorn in my lap. That was just going to be torture every time her hand went in there.

  Chapter 12


  I was with Rose sorting out what she wanted to be done for the house warming party the following night. There wasn’t really much to do, since I arrived an hour ago all we had done was chat and drink a bottle of wine between us.

  “I get what’s going on here.” I told Rose, looking at her.

  “Oh? You do?” Rose looked worried.

  “Yeah, if you just wanted me to keep you company while the guys were fighting, all you had to do was ask. I know you get nervous.”

  “Oh, yeah, I hate it… They should be done soon.” She said looking at the clock on the wall for the tenth time since I had been there.

  “So, who is coming to the party tomorrow?” I was trying to keep Rose occupied and she loved a party, especially one she was hosting with Jacob.

  “A few people from college, some guys from the fighting club…”

  “Damien?” I cut Rose off.

  “No, I told Jacob he had better not invite him or he would get cut off for a week at least.” She giggled.

  “A week? I bet you couldn’t keep your hands off of him for a week.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right, I mean have you seen his body?”

  “Wrong brother.” I laughed.

  “Oh, yeah, how’s it going this week?”

  Ring. Ring. Ring. Saved by bell, thank God. I couldn’t cope with Rose’s questioning tonight.

  “Is it Joseph?” Rose asked.

  I shook my head. “Matt.” I answered the phone. “Hey. Yeah… Ok.” I looked at Rose. “They are both fine.” She sighed with relief and I could see her relax in front of me. She emptied the remainder of the bottle into my glass and skipped off to the kitchen. “Sorry, yeah I’m here. You ok? Ok, well I will see you later, I’m not sure how long I will be here. I will get Jacob to give me a lift as Rose has been filling me with wine.” I giggled. I loved spending time her and felt like we didn’t see each other as much anymore because of these guys in our lives. “Yeah, see you later. Bye.”

  “Everything ok?” Rose asked as she sat back next to me with another bottle of wine in her hand.

  “Yeah, what’s with the wine? You trying to get me drunk?”

  “I miss you, that’s all. We never get time like this and Jacob will be home soon.”

  “Will he give me a lift home? I wasn’t planning on drinking and Matt has a meeting with Ethan.”

  “Yeah, either him or Joseph will.”

  “Joseph is coming here?” I felt my stomach flutter at the thought of seeing him, I hadn’t seen him for a couple of days.

  “Yeah, he has been staying here, remember?”

  “Oh, yeah, of course he has.” I picked up my wine glass and emptied the contents in one large gulp.

  “You ok? How are things with Matt?” Rose asked topping my glass up again.

  “Really good, he took me to ‘Vintage’…”

  “That really posh place?” Rose asked, cutting me off. I nodded. “You hate fancy places.”

  “I know, but it was nice. He was really sweet and I felt awful that I didn’t even know his last name.”

  “What? You didn’t know it? You have slept with this guy how many times?”

  “It’s not like I needed to know, it was meant to be a one time thing, a bit of fun and then you had to go and get involved with his best friend.”

  “Yeah… And you got to meet Joseph because of it.”

  “Look how great that turned out.” I sighed.

  “Are you saying you wish you had never met him? Because I see the way you look at him.”

  “No, that’s not what I…”

  “Babe, we’re home.” Jacob called out as they walked in the front door. Rose slammed her glass down on the coffee table and ran towards him, throwing herself into his arms and wrapping her legs around his body.

oa, I don’t need to see this, bad enough that I’ve had to hear it for the last couple of nights.” Joseph chuckled as he walked towards me. “Hey.”

  “Hi.” I responded quietly, looking down into my wine glass. I felt a blush covering my cheeks and I didn’t know why this guy had such an effect on me.

  “You ok?” He sat down next to me and placed his hand on my leg. I squirmed underneath him and felt myself leaning towards him. “You been drinking?”

  “Yeah, Rose has been filling me with wine.” I spoke softly, I didn’t want Joseph to hear my voice quiver, which was what he had done to my body. I had missed seeing him and touching him. “How was the fight?”

  “Great, we had a double tag fight tonight…” Jacob started saying as he and Rose sat in the large love seat.

  “Was awesome, those guys never stood a chance against us.” Joseph added. He was pumped, excited and still buzzed with adrenaline.

  “What have you girls been up to?” Jacob asked, nuzzling his nose into Rose’s neck.

  “Oh, just girly talk and wine… Oh, we need another bottle.” Rose went to get up and I said;

  “I’ll get it.” I stood up and wobbled. Joseph grabbed my hips to steady me.

  “Do you need more wine?” He asked.

  “I’m ok, just need something to eat.”

  “There is cold pasta left over from tea, you can heat that up.” Rose told me. I nodded and made my way to the kitchen followed closely by Joseph.

  “Sit down and I will warm it up for you.” I nodded and climbed onto the stool at the breakfast bar. “Here drink this.” He placed a glass of water in front of me and I looked up at him. “I don’t want you to be ill.”

  “Ok.” I whispered as I took small sips of the ice cold water. It felt refreshing.

  “So, how have you been? I’ve missed you.” Joseph told me as he placed the pasta in the microwave to re-heat.

  “Joe, don’t.”


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