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Giving A Chance (Chance Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Hamford, Kacey

Are you both drinking? x

  Yeah, I’ve had a couple x

  This was the perfect way to get her here, so she could see for herself what he is like.

  I’m coming to pick you both up. Be there soon x

  Perfect, now all I needed was this blonde to entice him a bit more, so Bonnie could catch him in the act.


  Why was Joseph wasted? What had happened? I hadn’t seen him drink like that in ages, why now? Was it me? I had to make sure he was ok, else I would be worrying until the next time I saw him and because of this arrangement with Matt, I didn’t know when that was likely to be. I pulled up outside of The Archer and climbed out of my car, I wasn’t exactly dressed for going out; I had on black leggings and a baggy t shirt and my hair was thrown up in a messy bun. I hoped they would let me in looking like this.

  Once I got into the pub, I began looking around for Matt and Joseph. I saw that Matt was stood leaning against the bar, he was looking at something and laughing. I made my way over to him and as soon as he saw me his face dropped.

  “Hey, babe.” He said, he moved to kiss me and I turned my head to the side so he could only kiss my cheek, I could smell the alcohol on his breath and it didn’t smell very inviting.

  “You ok?” He nodded, smiling at me. “Where’s Joseph?” As I asked this, his face fell and I was not in the mood for an argument about them.

  “I’m sorry, babe…”

  “What? What’s happened? Where is he?” I didn’t want him getting into any trouble, especially if he was as drunk as Matt said. He wouldn’t be able to defend himself very well. Matt pointed towards the dance floor and he was surrounded by three girls all pressing their bodies up against him, he looked like he could barely stand up straight let alone dance. As I walked towards them one girl wrapped her arms around his neck and looked like she was about to kiss him, I froze on the spot, I didn’t want to see that. As she moved closer to his lips he took a step back and dodged out of her way. She pouted at him and he shook his head, I was standing in the middle of the dance floor just watching him and then his eyes locked with mine. He pushed all the other girls out of the way and stumbled over to me.

  “Sweetness, that wasn’t what it looked like…”

  “I know, come on let’s get you home.” He put his arm over my shoulder and I wound my arms around his waist as I helped him to walk. I looked up to see where Matt was and he didn’t look very happy. “Can you help me, please?” He nodded and took hold of Joseph’s other arm and we got him into the backseat of my car.

  Once we’d got Joseph onto his bed, Matt held out his hand for me. I looked at him confused.

  “You may as well stay over now you’re here.”

  “Yeah, I’m gonna stay and make sure he is ok. I don’t want him to be sick and choke, also it’s not like him to drink so much recently. I need to make sure he’s ok.”

  “Fuck.” I heard Matt growl, before he stormed away. I began undressing Joseph, starting with his shoes and when I got to his jeans he tried to push my hands away.

  “No, not for you. Only for Bonnie. My cock won’t rise for anyone else now.” He mumbled as he rolled over and began to snore. My heartbeat sped up as his words sunk in, he didn’t want anyone else but me.

  I finally managed to get him undressed so he was just in his boxers. I slipped off my clothes and climbed into his bed, wearing my panties and one of his t-shirts. I looked at his face; he looked calm and peaceful when he slept. I couldn’t resist running my fingers over his face and through his hair. I kissed him on the cheek and settled in by the side of him.

  Chapter 9


  My head was banging, my mouth felt like sandpaper and I felt dizzy when I tried to move. On second thoughts, I wouldn’t move, it wasn’t worth the pain. I froze when someone moved in the bed next to me. Shit, fuck. Did I bring someone home with me last night? I never brought girls here, I found they got too clingy and then I couldn’t get them to leave. That’s why I always either went to their place or the bathroom at the club. I must have been wasted. I tried to move again and groaned in pain. That’s when I felt a hand on my arm, electricity zapped through my body and I instantly knew who it was.

  “Hey, how are you feeling?” She asked me.

  “Like death… How much did I drink? What are you doing here?”

  “Do you not remember me picking you up from the club?”

  “Shit, no, I don’t… My head is killing me, what was Matt giving me to drink? Was it tequila?” I tried to sit up and I felt the whole room spin.

  “Matt? Why would Matt be giving you drinks?” She looked at me confused.

  “I didn’t buy a single drink last night; he kept giving me shots… Tequila has a really bad effect on me, that’s why I stay away from it; I get the hangover from hell. I won’t be moving far from this bed today.”

  “Let me get you some water and pain killers. Do you want coffee?” Bonnie got out of my bed and stripped out of my t-shirt. She was stood in front of me in just a pair of panties as she bent towards the floor to pick up her clothes.

  “God, woman, what are you trying to do to me?” I growled.

  “What?” She smiled, looking innocent as hell.

  “I can barely move and now you got me wanting to bend you over the bed and fuck that sweet pussy of yours.” I heard her gasp as she put her bra on followed by her top. I watched her as she shimmied her way into her tight fitting trousers and I noticed that her chest was rising and falling faster than normal. I had affected her with my words; I bet if I got hold of her she would be wet and ready for me. Too bad it wasn’t going to happen today; I would most likely throw up over her with motion sickness.

  “I’m gonna go get you some tablets.” Once she left I slowly made my way to the bathroom so I could take a piss. Why did Matt give me tequila last night? He knew what that stuff did to me. I needed to brush my teeth, my mouth felt horrible. Once I started brushing it was all too much for me and I threw myself onto the floor and threw up what felt like six month’s worth of food and drink.

  “Joe?” I heard Bonnie come into the room and I shook my head.

  “No, don’t come in here…” I had to stop talking as more vomit was coming from somewhere. She walked into the room and then I felt a cold flannel on my neck and it felt like heaven. She sat on the edge of the bath tub and rubbed her hand up and down my back.

  “Anymore?” She asked. I shook my head and sat back onto my heels, she passed me another flannel so I could wipe my face clean.

  “Yo, J.” Matt called out walking into the bathroom. “We gotta go.”

  “No, he can’t go anywhere. Especially to a fight, look at him.”

  “Ethan called and this guy wants to fight you.” Matt told me. “Big money in it.” I did a mental check on myself to see if it was possible for me to go. I felt better now that I had been sick.

  “Ok.” I said, as I stood up. My head spun and I had to grab hold of the sink to keep myself upright.

  “No, he is not going… Postpone it.” Bonnie demanded.

  “You don’t postpone a fight babe, that’s not how this works.” Matt chuckled.

  “Well, get Jacob to do it.” She placed my arm over her shoulder and helped me back into bed.

  “No, Rose won’t like that… Who is it against?” I looked at Matt and he looked at Bonnie then back to me.


  “What?” Bonnie shrieked. “No. No, you’re not going… I will call him and get him to cancel it.” She grabbed her bag and began searching for her phone.

  “Sweetness, I don’t want you talking to him.” I told her.

  “Tough.” She was punching buttons into her phone and then she held it against her ear.

  “Bonnie.” I said in a warning tone and she looked at me with a look that said nothing was going to change her mind.

  “Hi, yeah it’s me… I need you to cancel the fight with Joseph… He isn’t well… Not even for me?.. What do you want in return?..�

  “Bonnie!” Both Matt and I shouted at her. She had better not agree to go back out with him; if that’s what he was going to make her do I would go to the fight and let him knock me out. I would be in no shape to fight back that’s for sure.

  “Ok, yeah that’s fine… When?.. Ok, see you then.” She hung up the phone and threw it onto the bed. She passed me some pain killers and a glass of water. “Sip it.” She climbed back into bed with me and turned my TV on.

  “Well?” Matt asked her.

  “Well what?” Bonnie said, not taking her eyes off of the TV.

  “What did you agree to, sweetness?” I asked, gripping her chin in between my fingers and pulling until she was looking at me.

  “Just coffee.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “When?” Matt asked. I released her face so she could look at him, she didn’t, she focused back on the TV.


  “No way, that’s my week. No dating anyone else, that’s what we said.” Matt looked angry.

  “It’s not a date, its coffee.” Bonnie sighed. “He is not fighting, not today.”

  Ring. Ring. Ring. Matt looked down at his phone. “Great, that’s Ethan. I bet he isn’t happy.” Matt walked out of my bedroom as he answered the phone.

  “Thanks for doing that for me, sweetness, but you don’t want to meet him… I saw how you reacted when he turned up here…”

  “I can do this.” She cut me off. “Now sshh, Vampire Diaries is on.” I took one more sip of my water and slid back down the bed. I put my arms behind my head to get comfy and Bonnie curled up beside me and placed her head on my chest and her arm over my stomach. This was how we were meant to be, together. No Matt to get in the way. I fell back to sleep happy with her in my arms.

  Chapter 10


  I was standing in Joseph’s old room as he had moved into Jacob’s room. I had just finished getting ready for my date with Matt. I would be dating him all week; I was really looking forward to getting to know him better. I was worried that putting this time and effort into knowing all about them would make my decision more difficult, but I had to try something. All of us couldn’t keep going on like this. I was dressed in a black dress that hit just above my knees, it had a halter neck top and detailing all across the chest. I wore my red high heeled shoes with my red clutch bag. I walked into the living room to see if Matt was ready. I didn’t expect to see Joseph sitting there watching TV.

  “Hey.” I said quietly. He looked up at me and smiled; his eyes trailed down my body and up again.

  “Wow, you look amazing.” He went to stand up and I put my hand out in front of me to tell him to stop. I knew that if he stood up and came near me he wouldn’t be able to resist pulling me close to him and I wasn’t sure if I could stop him either.

  “Babe, you look great. Are you ready?” Matt asked as he pulled me close and kissed me on the lips. I couldn’t help but think he was doing this in front of Joseph to show him I was his.

  “Yeah, let’s go… Have a nice night, Joseph.” He nodded at me and turned back towards the TV. We left the flat and travelled down in the lift in silence. Once we reached Matt’s car, I asked;

  “So, are you going to tell me where we are going?” He smiled at me as he climbed into the car.

  “We are going to ‘Vintage’.”

  “Really? Isn’t that restaurant really difficult to get into? And aren’t I a little underdressed?”

  “I have my ways to spoil you, babe… And you look gorgeous.” I smiled back at him, I felt nervous. I had never been to such a posh place. Would they have loads of different cutlery that I didn’t know how to use? I began ringing my hands in my lap.

  “Hey, you ok?” Matt asked, looking at me quickly and placing his hand over mine.

  “Yeah, It’s just… I’ve never been anywhere like that before.”

  “Do you not want to go?” He sounded disappointed.

  “Yes, I do… I’m just nervous. I guess, it’s just whenever Damien took me out it was always for takeaway.” I shrugged my shoulder like it wasn’t a big deal.

  “Well, I’m showing you how much you mean to me. Here we are.” Matt turned off the engine and we both climbed out of the car. He clasped my hand and led me towards the door. Once we were inside we were waiting to be showed to our seats.

  “Hello, welcome to Vintage. Do you have a reservation?” The host asked us. I didn’t miss the way she smiled sweetly at Matt. Which annoyed me as it was clear we were on a date.

  “Yes, it’s under Harris.” He squeezed my hand, I looked at him and saw that he was smiling at me.

  “Yes, here it is… Follow me please.” We followed the host to a small round table at the back of the restaurant. Matt held out my chair for me and I smiled at him as I sat down. The host passed us our menus. “Your server will be here shortly to take your drink order. Enjoy.”

  “This place is lovely, I’m starving.” I told Matt as I opened my menu. All I’d had heard about this place in the past was that it was difficult to get a table unless you booked months in advance. I had no idea what food they served or how expensive it was. I was glad to see that it was an Italian restaurant, there were no prices on the menus which had me thinking that it was an expensive place to be.

  “Do you want a starter?” Matt asked.

  “Um… How do we know how much everything is?”

  “Don’t worry about that, order whatever you like, it’s my treat.”

  “No, I can’t…”

  “Yes, you can, and you will…” I nodded my head as I looked over the menu again.


  “So, I feel kind of bad that I didn’t even know your surname was Harris, tell me something about you.” I asked as I finished my main meal.

  “What do you wanna know?”

  “About you, tell me about your family.”

  “There isn’t a lot to tell really, my Dad left before I was born and my Mum died when I was seven… I went from foster home to foster home, always getting into trouble and that was when Ethan found me…”

  “Oh, I didn’t know, I’m sorry…”

  “Don’t be, I’m over it.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Ethan has been great to me, he gave me a place to stay, a job and regular money… What more could I want?”

  “Me?” I winked at him.

  “Hell yes… In fact I would love some of you now, how about we have dessert at home?” I nodded as he signalled to the server to bring us our bill. Matt didn’t look at it, he just handed over his credit card.


  I loved having Bonnie all to myself, she was gorgeous and she had me tightly wound up all night, I loved how she didn’t argue with me about having dessert at home. It felt like ages since I had her underneath me and I would not be letting her go for several hours. I drove home quickly and once we were inside the lift, I couldn’t wait any longer. I pressed her up against the wall and claimed her mouth. She tasted sweet like the wine she had been drinking, once our tongues collided I felt my cock harden even more, it was starting to get painful. I groaned and Bonnie stepped away. She smirked at me as she turned away from me and hit the stop button on the lift.

  “Babe, what are you doing?” I began to ask. She placed her finger over my lips, telling me to be quiet. She rubbed my cock over my trousers and my breath caught in my throat. I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her close for another kiss. I felt her fingers undoing my belt and trousers, before I knew it, she had me in her warm soft hands, rubbing me up and down. My trousers pooled around my ankles and she pushed my boxers down too. Were we about to have sex in the lift? That would be awesome. She dropped to her knees and ran her tongue up my cock, I felt myself jerk on her tongue and she hummed which sent a vibration down my cock and to my balls.

  “Mmm, that feels good.” I moaned as I looked down at her. She was staring up at me under her eyelashes, she winked and then took me righto the back of her throat. “Shit.” I panted. She felt warm, wet
and I knew I wouldn’t last long. She used one of her hands to pump me while she sucked, I couldn’t see her other hand. When she let out a moan I asked;

  “Are you touching yourself?” She nodded. “Let me see.” She pulled away from my cock and I looked down to see that she had her hand in her panties. “Fuck, that’s hot… Let’s get to my room.”

  “No, I’m close; I want you to see you lose control.” She pleaded. How could I say no to that? I gripped the back of her head as she opened her mouth and fed her my rock hard cock. She closed her lips around my shaft and began licking, sucking and nibbling. She used one hand to pump me as I was too big to fit fully in her mouth. I felt my balls draw up, I tapped her on the head to let her know I was about to come, she groaned and her hand began moving faster in her panties. I tried to hold off for as long as possible.

  “Come for me babe, rub that sweet little pussy of yours… I want to taste your release.” She cried out and I stilled her head as I pumped my release into her warm mouth. She pulled away and we were both breathless. “Come here.” I pulled her to her feet and ran my tongue over her fingers that were pleasuring her. “Mmm, just as I remembered.” She gasped and I could still see the desire in her eyes. I pulled up my boxers and trousers as she pushed the button to get the lift working again. She walked back towards me and she leant back against my chest, I wound my arms around her stomach and whispered in her ear;

  “I need to fuck you, now.” She whimpered and nodded her head.


  Matt had treated me so well, the place we went for a meal was lovely and no-one had ever treated me like I was special, that I was worth being spoilt. My desire for him went through the roof and it crackled around us as we stepped into the lift. I couldn’t contain it and I had to have him.

  We walked into the flat and I was ready for Matt to take me, I still had so much desire running through my body. He had his arm around my waist and I had tingles running through my body.


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