Book Read Free

Changing Times

Page 11

by Marilu Mann

  “And your point would be?”

  “Okay…what kind do you want and how much are we talking?”

  “Two-hundred-fifty-pound male, give or take a few pounds. You name the kind of acid. All I want is for Micah to be out of the way when I take on Tony.”

  “Whoa…I’m out.”

  “What?” Slade’s voice crashed only slightly softer than the thunder outside.

  “You never said nothing about taking out Micah. No can do, man…no way, no how. You’ll have to call in a favor somewhere else. Sorry, man.” The call was disconnected and Slade let out a growl that had Jack backing into the corner. Slade looked up at the distracting movement.

  “Come here.”

  Jack swallowed as he met Slade’s eyes. “Who, me?”

  Slade snarled softly, his eyes glowing almost yellow. “Yes, you.”

  Jack approached with his eyes firmly on Slade’s chest and his head tilted to the side, showing his subservience to his Alpha. “I’m here. What can I do, Slade?”

  “Go find Maggie and Cutter. Tell them I want them here an hour ago.” Slade sat down as Jack cringed away from him.

  “You got it, I’m history.” Jack hauled ass into the other room where several members of the pack were lounging in the early evening gloom.

  “Mags, Slade wants you now. Where’s Cutter?”

  “Slade wants me? Perrrrrrfect.” Maggie got to her feet as she smoothed her hair back. “Cutter’s in the back….eating. Disturb him at your own risk. Oh and, Jack? Don’t call me Mags or you’ll find yourself sniffing your own tail permanently.”

  Jack winced slightly as he acknowledged her seniority. “Yeah, sorry, Maggie. Slade said he wanted you like an hour ago. He’s not a happy camper. I’ve gotta get Cutter.”

  “I’ll handle Slade.” Maggie smiled as she unbuttoned another button on her blouse, allowing the black lace bra she wore to show at the opening. “You handle Cutter.”

  There was a deliberate sway in her hips as she entered the office without knocking. “Hey, lover, I hear you were looking for me.”

  Slade snarled as he dropped the book he’d picked up. “Where the hell have you been? Bartlett didn’t come through.”

  Maggie was surprised. Bartlett had never refused them before. “He didn’t?” She moved closer to Slade, just a little unsure of his mood but absolutely sure that she could make him want her. Their relationship had been built on a foundation of hard and fast sex, just the way she wanted. Maggie figured she could get anything she wanted from Slade, at least until she wanted to get rid of him.

  She reached out and ran her hand down the front of his shirt, her nails making a soft scraping noise against the denim. “Want me to take him out for you?”

  Slade grabbed her hand and held it tightly. “No, goddamn it! If I wanted him dead I’d kill him myself. I need Micah out of the way. Permanently. Where the fuck is Cutter?”

  “Jack is looking for Cutter. I told him right where he was. Don’t know what is taking that pup so long.” Just as she finished speaking the door opened and Cutter came in, picking at his teeth with a toothpick.

  “Yo. You wanted me?” His attitude was just short of insolent and it caused Slade’s eyes to narrow at him. Maggie saw it and tried to warn Cutter with her own expression but he wasn’t watching her. Few of the other males would meet her eyes when Slade was in the room.

  Slade was across the room in a heartbeat and had Cutter by the throat. “When I tell you now, that means now!”

  Cutter immediately dropped his hands to his sides, lowering his eyes from Slade’s face as Maggie put her hand on Slade’s shoulder and spoke softly. “Hey now, he can’t help it if he got the message late.”

  Slade glared at her without taking his hand off Cutter’s throat. “Don’t fucking protect him, Maggie. Don’t do it. Where’ve you been, Cutter?”

  Cutter’s voice was soft but the insolence was still in evidence. “I was eating, man. I’m here now. What’s your beef?”

  “You’re supposed to be here in the war room, not out feeding your fucking face. We’re planning to take down Tony Pantera and you’re eating?” Slade shook Cutter who made a choking sound but still didn’t raise his hands to defend himself. Maggie took a deep breath. She knew Slade was ruthless, she’d seen him in action before but this was the first time he’d taken on one of his Beta males in front of her.

  “I’m sorry, Slade, I haven’t eaten since last night. Shit, you know my metabolism.” Cutter’s voice lost the insolent quality as he dared to glance up at Slade before looking away again. “Sorry.”

  Slade growled deep in his throat as he leaned in very close to Cutter. “You want to watch that, Cutter…any more time away and I’ll think you’re planning something.”

  Cutter tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck to his pack leader. “No, man, just eating.”

  Slade tossed Cutter off to the side and began to pace restlessly. “I want Micah, I want him now. I want to take him down hard and fast.”

  Maggie sank down onto the couch under the window. “Okay, so let’s take him. Send Cutter and me after Micah. You go after Tony.”

  “No. Micah has to be out of the picture first. I want him dead so I can deal with Pantera. The rest of those stupid sheep will fall right in line if those two are out of the picture. Micah still has some in the pack who are loyal to him…at least to his ideas…they’re going to be difficult.” Slade was speaking softly to himself at the last.

  Cutter looked at him in surprise as Maggie sat up and spoke. “In our pack? Let me have a turn with them, Slade.”

  “And do what, Maggie? Prove you can kick ass? I know that, hell, everybody knows that. You wouldn’t be on the inner council if it weren’t true.” Slade stroked his hand down the side of her face in a sensual but not caring gesture.

  Maggie rubbed her face against his hand then caught it between her own hands. Bringing his hand up to her mouth, she bit at his fingertips. “Then let me do something for you, Slade. I am raring to go and I need to do something.”

  She bit at the heel of his hand as Slade stared at her without even seeing her. Slade’s frustration showed through in his next statement. “There has to be a way to get to him. What was it like when he was here? Who did he trust?”

  “Shelly. He and Shelly had a thing going on. That’s why she hasn’t been around as much. She thought she was gonna be Alpha Bitch.” There was more than just a hint of bitterness in Maggie’s voice as she answered him. Slade grinned as he brought himself back to the present to look into her sharp green eyes.

  “You proved her wrong there, didn’t you, baby?” Slade pulled her off the couch and hard against his body, grabbing her ass with one hand as he stroked the other down her side. Maggie immediately wrapped her leg around his and stroked her hands over his chest as she bit at his neck. Neither of them was paying any attention to Cutter so Slade missed the look that went across Cutter’s face as he watched them.

  Maggie whispered to Slade as she continued to bite gently at his neck. “Yeah, only because you let me, Slade. Wanna find out how appreciative I am?” Maggie pressed her hips against him then brushed her breasts against his chest.

  Slade grinned again as he tangled his hand in her hair. “Why the fuck not?” He pulled her head to his for a hard kiss then lifted his head to look at Cutter. He was still holding Maggie against his body. “Find Shelly, bring her here.”

  Slade lowered his head and sucked at Maggie’s neck and even as she arched against him he lifted his head as he met Cutter’s eyes. “I want her unhurt, Cutter. I want to be able to talk to her.”

  “Yeah, sure, I’m gone, man, I’m gone.” Cutter stepped outside the room, cursing softly once he’d closed the door behind him. Removing his jeans, he shifted then moved fluidly out of the French doors across the hall.

  Slade stared at the door for a moment as he scented the air. The approaching storm was all he could sense. “He’s up to something, I can feel it.” Slade turned his attentio
n back to the blonde in his arms. “Get naked, now.”

  “How do you want it, lover?” Maggie moved away from him as she put her hands on the buttons of her shirt. Slade’s eyes were focused on her mouth as he closed the distance between them. He grabbed her shirt and yanked. It was nothing but rags on her body and there was a brief sign of fury in her face. “Damn it, Slade, that was one of my favorite shirts.”

  “I said get naked.” Slade reached out and just as easily ripped her bra off. Maggie’s eyes flashed again, only there was something more in them now, sheer desire. She kept her eyes on his, risking his anger as she ripped her own skirt at the seams and yanked her underwear off. She stood before him wearing only a pair of heels.

  Slade closed the distance between them again and put his hands under her arms. He lifted her straight into the air until her breasts were even with his mouth then he latched on to one of them. He bit her none too gently and Maggie wrapped her legs around his waist as she pulled his head harder into her ample bust.

  Slade held Maggie in the middle of the room as he bit and suckled at her breasts. She encouraged him by holding hard to his head and squeezing his waist with her thighs. “Harder, lover. Bite me.”

  Her voice caught as she rode the wave of desire. Slade knew what to expect with Maggie, knew just what she wanted from him and how she wanted it. He’d managed to become quite proficient with his sex partners, knowing what they wanted and giving it to them so he could get what he wanted from them.

  He’d never had to beg for sex, usually just telling a bitch he wanted her did the trick. There weren’t many females who’d refuse to have sex with an Alpha like him.

  Slade moved across the room and swept everything off the desk with one arm. He laid Maggie down on the desk without ever taking his mouth off her. Maggie helped him take off his shirt but when she reached for his jeans he stopped her by grabbing both of her wrists and holding them at her throat with one of his hands.

  Slade lifted his head and looked at her. “Tell me, Maggie. Tell me you want me to fuck you.”

  Slade slid his hand down her body and teased her, rubbing her slit before pinching her clit. He still held her wrists with his other hand. Maggie shook her head as he aroused her mercilessly. She met his eyes with a growl and lifted her head to bite his knuckles. Slade growled softly and pushed his hand deep inside her body. Maggie lifted her hips and panted softly. “Fuck me. Fuck me, Slade.”

  Slade smiled as he continued to move his hand into her body. He bent his head and tasted her. For a moment he thought he caught another scent but knew he was imagining things. No way would any of the other males touch her here. She was his, she was Alpha Bitch and she was exclusively his until someone dethroned her.

  Slade devoured her, using his hand, his teeth, his tongue and lips to drive her over the edge. He liked her wet and open and he wouldn’t take her until she was. Sometimes it took a long time to get her the way he wanted her but not today.

  He knew the thought of fighting turned her on. Maggie held the spot of the most bloodthirsty bitch he’d ever met and in that way she was perfect for him. Theirs wasn’t a relationship based on care or concern—it consisted of fair trade only. As long as she gave him what he wanted, he’d do the same.

  As soon as she showed signs of turning against him, he’d find another lover and get her the hell out of his pack. For now, she was convenient when he wanted sex. Slade released her hands as she came apart under him. Maggie immediately grabbed at his shoulders and he felt her nails biting deep. She’d make him bleed before they were done. She enjoyed making him sweat and watching him bleed.

  Slade lifted his head and met her eyes. Her green eyes glittered at him as he stood up. Slade unfastened his belt and pulled it out of the loops of his jeans. Maggie sat up, unbuttoning and then unzipping his jeans. She reached inside to release him, unimpeded by any other clothing since he always went commando and laughed softly at his hardness.

  Maggie leaned forward sinuously, pushing his jeans down off his hips. She ran her tongue over his cock slowly from tip to root then slid off the desk to kneel in front of him.

  Slade threaded his fingers through her hair and tilted her head back to meet his eyes. “Do it, Maggie. Take me in your mouth. Condom in the back pocket.”

  His voice deepened and Maggie smiled as she reached unerringly into his jeans and pulled the condom out. Slade always insisted on using one though he wouldn’t have sex with anyone else as long as she was in the picture and as far as he knew, neither would she. He knew it suited her just fine. Maggie wasn’t ready to have some whiny whelp running around.

  Maggie opened the package then slipped the condom onto the head of his penis. She covered him with her mouth and unrolled the condom as she took him deep in her throat. Slade groaned softly. That was one thing she did that never failed to get a response from him. He’d told her no other woman had done that for or to him.

  Slade pulled his belt into a loop, knowing what Maggie liked and what she expected from him. It wasn’t his thing but he’d make her come this way before he got off himself. Maggie looked up at him from her kneeling position on the floor. Slade put his free hand under her chin and tugged. She got easily to her feet then turned her back on him. Maggie bent forward over the desk, grabbing the edge then looked at him over her shoulder.

  Slade slowly drew the leather belt across her buttocks then slapped her hard with it. Maggie gasped then wiggled her ass at him. Slade hit her again with the belt and she lifted her ass slightly. He hit her again and again until her ass was bright red. She moaned as he moved between her legs and impaled her. This, this was what he wanted. Slade had become very adept over the years at discovering what turned his lovers on the most and giving it to them. Though he didn’t really enjoy spanking or tying his lovers up he was willing to do whatever was necessary to make them happy. It was definitely a win-win situation.

  Slade pulled Maggie away from the desk slightly as he leaned over her to bite at her neck, making sure he didn’t bite hard enough to leave a mating mark. Domination and control, those were the hallmarks of sex with Maggie. She was near her peak. He could tell by the way she tightened on him. Slade slammed into her harder and faster. Maggie growled then shoved away from the desk, forcing him to pull out of her body. Slade was surprised since she’d never done that before.

  Pulling him to the floor with her, Maggie straddled Slade as she took him deep into her body. His hands were on her hips then moved up to her breasts as she rode him. Slade wasn’t sure he liked her being in such a dominant position, but he did enjoy watching her breasts bounce and the feel of her warmth surrounding him. Reaching up to dig his fingers into one breast, he cruelly tweaked the other’s tight high nipple.

  Maggie’s nails left bloody furrows on his chest as she climaxed again. Slade rolled with her then put his arms behind her knees, spreading her wide to his thrusts, taking her hard and fast. His climax felt as though it started at his toes and he howled as he finally let go. Slade collapsed on top of Maggie and tried to remember how to breathe.

  He grabbed the condom as he rolled off her and lay flat on his back. Maggie curled onto her side then traced one of the bloody furrows in his chest with her forefinger. Sex and blood scented the air between them, overriding Maggie’s normally sharp lemon scent. She brought her finger up to her mouth as she met his eyes.

  Slade chuckled as Maggie moved closer to him. She licked the blood off his chest until he pushed her away. Slade got slowly to his feet and disposed of the condom then reached for his jeans. He threw his shirt to Maggie since he’d ruined her clothes. She picked it up and put it on but didn’t button it.

  “Do you want something to eat, lover?”

  “No. Go away for a while, Maggie. I need to think.” Slade dropped into the chair behind the desk and started to pick up the things he’d knocked off earlier. He didn’t even look up as Maggie left the room though he would have been surprised at the look on her face if he had.

  An hour l
ater Slade looked up as Cutter and Maggie dragged Shelly into the room. He could smell her fear from where he sat. Slade smiled slowly and moved around the desk to face her.

  “Hey, Shelly. How’s it going?” Somehow the soft scent of roses reached him even through Maggie’s sharp tang and Cutter’s more earthy scent.

  “What do you want with me, Slade?” Shelly wouldn’t look directly at him, submissively keeping her eyes down. Slade knew the marks from Maggie’s nails were still showing on his chest though they had quit bleeding long ago.

  “Oh nothing, baby, you’re just the bait. See, I’ve always wanted to go fishing and now’s my chance. I think Micah will come here if he knows you need him and you will need a ride home, won’t you, baby?”

  “No, look, Slade, I’ve tried to stay out of this. I don’t want to be involved.”

  “Oh, but you are involved, baby. You’re involved up to your pretty red head.” Slade moved closer, growling at her refusal to do what he wanted and sniffed at her neck. Maggie growled when she thought he got too close, tightening her grip on Shelly, causing her to wince. Slade reached out and touched Shelly’s neck with one hand even as he stroked Maggie’s face with the other hand.

  “You haven’t been with him or anyone else in a long time, have you, baby? Have you been lonely, Shelly? I’m sure Cutter would make you happy, wouldn’t you, Cutter?” Slade cut his eyes at his second-in-command.

  “Sure, Slade, you give the word and Shelly and I will have a party. Maybe with the whole pack watching?” Cutter moved closer to Shelly. Shelly closed her eyes but kept her composure.

  “What do you want from me?” Defeat laced her words, drowning out the earlier defiance.

  “Simple, baby. When the time is right we’re going to ask Micah to come get you. He’ll do it, won’t he? He’ll come if you ask him. Is he in love with you, baby? Did he fuck you while he was here?”

  “No!” Shelly’s voice sounded loud in the quiet room and both Cutter and Maggie growled softly at her. “Micah was, I mean, he is my friend, that’s all.”


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