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Changing Times

Page 12

by Marilu Mann

  “Well, we’ll see, won’t we?” Slade moved away from her slightly. “Take her upstairs and lock her in. We’ll need her later when we’re ready for Micah.”

  Cutter and Maggie left. Slade started whistling softly to himself as he plotted his next move. He knew all about the celebration tonight, knew that Micah was expected there. He also knew that Tony and Carly were at the party. It was time to take Micah out of the picture.

  Slade sat forward to make a phone call.

  Chapter Nine

  Micah smiled as he watched Nolan and Derik among the other couples on the dance floor. The two men were almost the same height but Derik’s white blond hair and bright blue eyes contrasted with Nolan’s brown locks and tanned skin. They moved together with the ease born of nearly twelve years as a couple. Micah sipped at his water as he moved among the shifters and humans in the noisy club.

  His senses were on full alert for some reason. He had seen Tony and Carly leaving earlier. He hoped that meant that Tony had finally put his demons regarding Jenny to rest. Micah looked down in surprise as his cell phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out to see an unfamiliar number displayed.

  “This is Micah.”

  “Hey, Micah, how’s it going?” Micah heard the amusement even through the phone line, recognizing Slade’s voice right away.

  “What do you want, Slade?” He wondered for a moment how Slade had gotten his number. Micah let the impatience show in his voice, knowing the other shifter would hear it.

  “Now is that the attitude to take with me? I’ve done you and your friends a favor. After all, if it weren’t for the Turn Skins, little Susie would still be in jail. Oh, that reminds me, another good friend of yours stopped by tonight. How long has it been since you saw Shelly?

  “She looks good, Micah, damn good. Having that kid didn’t ruin her figure at all. She’s in fine fighting shape, you know?”

  Micah felt his blood run cold. “Where is she?”

  “Well, she’s here at the compound. Did you know Curtis deeded it over to me before he died? Nice of him, wasn’t it? Twelve acres of prime real estate and this huge house. Why, there are so many bedrooms here I don’t even know what goes on in half of them.” Micah narrowed his eyes as Slade laughed. He had to know the picture he was painting in Micah’s mind.

  “Let her go, Slade.”

  “Why don’t you come out here and give her a ride? I’m sure she’d appreciate not having to walk home, you know?” Slade disconnected and Micah shoved his phone into his pocket. He figured with traffic being fairly light this time of night, it would take him about ten minutes to get out to the old compound.

  Micah stood perfectly still for the span of about two heartbeats, knowing it was a trap and knowing he had no choice. He had to do what he could to get Shelly away from Slade.

  She’d meant something to him once and they were now very good friends. Shelly had a child that Micah treated like one of his many nieces. He wouldn’t intentionally allow anything to harm either of them and he couldn’t stand by while Slade did so. Micah left the club without looking back.

  He let himself reminisce on the drive out to his former home. He and Shelly had enjoyed a brief relationship but he’d known she wasn’t meant to be his mate. She’d known it too. They’d parted on good terms and remained friends even after she’d met someone else and gotten pregnant. She’d left the compound shortly after he had due to Curtis’ increasing mental illness.

  Curtis had been a good friend to Micah, allowing him free run with the New Orleans Pack even though Micah had never joined the pack. Curtis had understood that his friends in Wisconsin were his chosen Packmates.

  Things had been so different when Curtis was alive and healthy. His illness had affected his mind as well as his body. It had turned him into someone none of the older pack members would have known, his appetites becoming darker and stranger as time passed.

  That was when Micah had left and Slade had appeared on the scene. As far as Micah was concerned, things had definitely gone downhill with the pack from that point.

  Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Micah called Tony’s house. He left a message on the machine telling Tony the time and that he was headed for the estate. He figured that Tony would stay with Carly, meaning he wouldn’t get the message for several hours but that at least someone would know where to start looking for him if he disappeared.

  * * * * *

  Tony pulled up in front of Carly’s place, parking the car carefully. What he really wanted to do was drive straight over the curb to her front door then drag her inside and take her hard and fast. Carly got out of the car before he could open her door.

  Unlocking the front door, she led the way inside. Tony followed her into the living room where Carly tossed her purse onto an end table. She paused and he saw the blinking light on her phone. He knew that as a doctor, she couldn’t ignore the messages, even though all his thoughts were focused on getting her into bed as quickly as possible.

  Tony walked up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her even as she picked up the phone. She listened to her messages as Tony slowly licked and kissed her neck and jaw. As soon as she put the phone down, Tony scooped her up in his arms to carry her upstairs. He kissed her as he walked unerringly down the hall toward her bedroom.

  Carly lifted her head away from him in surprise. “How do you know where you’re going?”

  “Scent,” he growled as he nudged the door open with his foot. “I can smell you strongest in this room. This is where your scent deepens while you’re sleeping.” Tony kicked the bedroom door closed as he put Carly on her feet. “Don’t go anywhere. I want to make a sweep of the outside.”

  Tony walked over to the French doors of her balcony and stripped then opened the doors. He changed mid-leap, landing on the soft ground on four feet, then made a quick circuit of her house and yard. There were no strange scents here. Everything was as it should be. Still, something bothered him. They should have heard something from the Turn Skins by now.

  Tony glanced back toward the condo to see Carly standing just inside the French doors. She couldn’t see him in the darkness of the yard, but surely she knew he was out there, possibly watching her. Carly slowly unbuttoned the sundress she’d been wearing and let it fall to the floor, then stepped out of her shoes.

  She stood framed in the French doors wearing a blue silk bra and matching panties. Though she hadn’t made any overtly sensual moves, just the fact that she’d do this for him, a private show to arouse him, caused his body to tighten and his desire for her to skyrocket.

  Tony ran forward, claws digging into the ground, muscles bunching as he gathered himself for the leap up to the second-story balcony. He landed easily inside the bedroom then slowly moved toward her. Carly backed up until she reached the bed, then she sat down abruptly, never taking her eyes off his face.

  He could feel her trepidation and excitement as she stared into his golden cat eyes. Just for a moment he wondered if she would back off, turn him away. That fear disappeared when she reached out and touched the side of his neck. He shivered, allowing his change to begin. When he regained his human form, he was on his knees with his hands on either side of her hips.

  Carly cupped the back of his head as she leaned forward to kiss him. Tony returned her kiss even as he moved closer to her. Tony moved his mouth over her neck and shoulders, pulling the straps of her bra off as he did so. Carly put her hands on the front hook, but Tony moved her hands. He dropped his head between her breasts. Carly laughed softly as he unhooked it with his mouth. Then she leaned back as he pushed the lacy bit off.

  Tony wallowed in her scent. This was what he yearned for, what he wanted so desperately. He had to have more of her in his system. He didn’t know why this human meant so much to him only that she did and he had to taste her. Tony moved his mouth over the center of her chest then licked the underside of her breast.

  Carly gasped and grabbed the back of his head as his tongue moved over her
slowly. For just a moment he let her feel the harsh rasp of a feline tongue but before she could react he took her nipple in his mouth to suckle her.

  Tony lavished attention on her breasts with his hands and mouth. Time ceased to exist. He didn’t know if he had been gently nibbling her nipples into points for hours or minutes. Carly was moving under him as he slid his mouth down her body.

  Slowly, he removed her silky panties, licking and gently biting her legs as he did so. He could feel her pulse in the center of her body, he could almost hear her heartbeat there as well.

  Tony took his time, laving her thighs and gently curved belly softly and completely before moving his mouth over her and truly tasting her for the first time. Carly cried out as he pushed his tongue inside her body. Tony growled deep in his throat as she came apart under his mouth. He wanted more, needed more. Pushing her thighs apart, he licked and suckled at her sweet body. Carly’s hands gripped his head. No shrinking violet, this responsive human female let him know exactly what she liked.

  He felt her fingers tightening in his hair as he found the perfect spot. Suckling at her clit, licking it from time to time, Tony slowly eased two fingers into her body. She made a sound of pure pleasure as he curled his fingers up slightly, finding her sweet spot. Carly started to move her hips on the bed, a slight side-to-side motion.

  Tony moved his fingers deeper into her body then pulled them nearly all the way out. Carly arched her back, pulling at his hair, and he pushed his fingers into her again, this time adding a third. She widened her legs even more, still making little noises of need. Enough.

  Concentrating solely on her pleasure, Tony pulled enough of his cat forward to change the texture of his tongue. The rough rasp against her swollen clit along with the thrust of his fingers into her body caused Carly to arch her back and scream out his name. Tony wasted no time in removing his fingers and pushing his tongue as deep into her body as he could. Her hips jumped under his hands and mouth as he fucked her deep and hard with his tongue.

  Finally, he pulled away just long enough to grab his pants and pull a condom out of his back pocket. Carly lay flushed and beautiful on the bed, her body still open to him. She watched through half-opened eyes as he moved up the bed to lie beside her, condom in place over his nearly painful erection.

  With the sexiest smile he’d ever seen in his life, Carly rolled onto her side then moved over his body. Tony put one hand at the base of his cock as she took him deep inside her body. His knuckles brushed her sensitive clit, and Carly hissed in pleasure as she tossed her head back. Tony put his own head back as she started a slow rocking motion guaranteed to drive him crazy in no time.

  * * * * *

  Micah moved quietly through the wooded area surrounding the compound. He stopped long enough to center himself, preparing for the battle to come. A light gleamed through the darkness in a clearing that had once been used for ritual challenges. His blood ran cold as he took in the sight that awaited him.

  Shelly lay staked out on the ground. He couldn’t see any injury that had been done to her but that meant nothing. She cried softly, trying to hold the sobs back in her throat and Micah felt his own heart breaking. He hadn’t been able to return the love she felt for him but he did care for her.

  As he watched, she pulled fruitlessly at one of the ropes holding her down on the ground. Micah scented the air. He knew immediately why she couldn’t pull free. Shelly had been drugged. He could smell the opiate from where he stood.

  Shaking his head, Micah stepped out of the woods. Slade, Cutter, Jack, Maggie and two others he didn’t recognize stepped out to meet him. Micah stared straight at Slade nodding once.

  “I’m here. Will you fight me?” Micah purposely pitched his voice to carry across the distance that separated them.

  “Oh now, Micah, you know the rules. You want to challenge me you have to fight your way through the pack.” Slade laughed as four more of his Beta males stepped out of the darkness to surround the circle. “What do you say, Micah? You fight the Betas for the woman. You win, she goes free. You lose, they get to party with her.”

  “No, Micah, no.” Shelly’s voice was soft but he could hear the fear in it. Fear for him. Micah sighed as the mentally reviewed the odds. Eight to one, nine if he counted Maggie, and Micah knew better than to dismiss Maggie from any fight. If there hadn’t been a strong enough male around she would have taken over the pack after Curtis’ death.

  “As you wish.” Micah pulled off his boots and proceeded to strip. Chanting softly under his breath, he asked for guidance and strength for himself as well as forgiveness for the deaths that would follow. The three who would challenge him first stripped as well then the four of them stepped into the center of the clearing. The first fights would be simple—the least experienced among them would be the first to attack.

  Standing perfectly still, he waited for one of the three to make a move. It came as they circled him. The one directly behind him shifted as he leapt at Micah’s back. Hitting him with one arm, Micah caught the inexperienced fighter across the windpipe. He heard the neck break, watching with only a small twinge of conscience as the wolf fell dead at his feet.

  The other two who had been circling him came at him together. Micah shifted as the first one attacked. Soon the harsh growls and sounds of fighting filled the clearing. Biting and clawing at one another, they all vied for the best hold, the fatal blow.

  * * * * *

  Slade stood at the outer perimeter watching. He knew if Micah survived the fight with the Beta males that he’d have to take him on. Honor among the pack would demand it. Slade had no intention of fighting Micah. He knew Cutter and Jack would handle him if the younger males failed. Slade felt Maggie moving closer to his side.

  She put her arms around him from behind as she started stroking his chest.


  He took his attention off the fight long enough to look at her avid face. Maggie smiled. “Will you let me have what’s left of him?”


  “I want to skin him before he has a chance to change back to human form and I want that bastard’s skin on my floor.” Maggie looked up, her face contorted in fury as Slade’s shove sent her sprawling.

  “We don’t skin our own, Maggie.” He let his disgust show through in his face and voice. Maggie backed down immediately, knowing she’d gone one step too far this time. She crawled toward him on her hands and knees. Wrapping her arms around his leg, she pushed her face against his hip, stroking her hand across his groin. He stopped her. This kind of fight wasn’t any place for sex, no matter how bloodthirsty a bitch she could be.

  After a moment he moved his hand to stroke across the top of her head. He let her know he’d relented enough to forgive her for the moment. Slade didn’t see Maggie catching Cutter’s eyes. He didn’t notice when she shook her head slightly at the expression on his face.

  Micah disposed of one of the other males after receiving a crushing blow to his ribs. He knew he’d broken at least one rib, possibly two, but that didn’t matter. There were still six males to fight. Micah could tell that Slade was getting bored when he waved toward Shelly with his hand. Though Micah couldn’t hear what he’d said, he saw Cutter moving toward Shelly.

  Another of the Beta males joined in the fight, which meant Micah was now facing three again. Cutter cut Shelly loose from the stakes and threw her over his shoulder. He carried her out of the clearing. Micah spared a glance in their direction. It cost him dearly as two of the males he’d been fighting got him on his back. Micah howled in pain and fury as he heard Shelly cry out.

  He felt one of the males bite his foreleg. Micah shot his energy into the wolf biting his leg, forcing the change on him. The younger male looked around in surprise wondering how he had shifted in the middle of a battle. That moment cost him his life as Micah’s powerful jaws closed on his neck. He saw Slade stiffen in surprise and fury.

  Micah dropped the dead shifter, raising his head to see Cutter gettin
g off Shelly. As Shelly curled into a ball on her side, Jack took Cutter’s place. Micah growled in fury again as he disposed of another of the Beta males. Now it was five to one, counting Cutter and Jack who didn’t bother to pull his pants back up. He shifted to join the fight. Smelling Shelly on Jack infuriated Micah beyond reason.

  Now he knew the only way he could get out of this alive would be to kill them all. He fought for his life and Shelly’s as well. Slade had already broken his word by allowing Cutter and Jack to have Shelly before the fight was over. He saw Maggie dragging Shelly even farther away from the clearing. Cutter stood beside Slade as they watched the fight.

  Micah felt himself weakening from blood loss and strain. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to hold them off much longer, his heart dropped when he saw Maggie rejoin Slade and Cutter. She held an empty syringe in one hand. The sharp scent of silver nitrate cut across his nostrils. He knew then that Shelly was dead. Micah howled as he continued to fight. Suddenly Cutter and Maggie shifted, howling in counterpoint to his sorrow as they joined the fray.

  The fight didn’t last much longer. Cutter and Maggie rejoined Slade, nearly untouched. Jack had a broken hand and numerous cuts and bite marks, one of the other Betas looked as if he wouldn’t make morning and still another lay dead in the center of the clearing. Slade smiled as he met Cutter’s eyes.

  “Good work. Now to get rid of Pantera.”

  “What do you want us to do with the bodies?” Jack sucked at a bloody knuckle, his gaze on the clearing.

  “Burn ‘em. Cutter, take care of that other little matter for me.” He started back toward the house. Slade’s path led him to the garage where he hopped on his bike and left the property. Part one of the plan had worked like clockwork, now for the rest.

  Cutter left Jack in charge of gathering up the dead for disposal. Maggie walked over to stand over Micah’s unmoving body.


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