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To Ocean's End

Page 18

by S. M. Welles

  “That one.”

  Everything about the hotel’s appearance radiated relaxation and pampering, from the stonework, the name’s script, to the plants and flowers accenting the exterior. She just needed a bikini, bathing suit skirt, and flip flops, and she’d fit right in.

  “You sure?” Mido said with a charming smile. He sounded like he approved of her choice.

  “You bet.”

  They headed inside and were greeted with a smooth stone floor with a red carpet leading up to the reception desk, lots of lush green plants giving life to the interior, a small waterfall that spilled into a goldfish pond, and one big shop full of clothes, necessities, and souvenirs. Mido and Jessie waited their turn in line as they took in the hotel’s splendor, then were helped by a tanned lady with a big smile. She greeted them with her spiel like it was fantastic news, letting them know about all sorts events and special accommodations, like their twenty four hour spa and music performances throughout the day and evening, and once she went through her list, she asked the usual questions. When she got to the bed question, Mido turned to Jessie for an answer.

  “One bed or two?”

  Jessie wanted to blurt “one” but she thought a moment. She didn’t want to give the wrong signals in case things came to that and she found herself unable to go through with it. “Two. Just in case.”

  Mido showed a twinge of disappointment in his soft smile, but it lasted only a moment. He turned to the receptionist. “Two, please.” He paid for the room, booked a massage session that was mentioned earlier, and once all their information was was stored on their biochips, Mido led Jessie towards the shop. “Want some different clothes or anything while we’re here?”

  Jessie took in her bodyguard attire. “Please.” It’d be real nice to dress ladylike and feel like a woman, one who wasn’t abused and disrespected; just beautiful and desirous. They joined the throng of shoppers without any fear hindering her movements. Jessie picked out a bikini, and Mido some swimming trunks. She wanted a one-piece but they seemed to not exist in the store, so, if they swam at all, it would have to be privately. She added some cheap panties and girl’s socks (since she wasn’t fond of the tube socks supplied by Sam), a pair of flip flops, and a t-shirt and capris. Mido picked out some sandals and a matching t-shirt, and paid for everything. When she asked if he was still comfortable paying, he said, “Of course.” Hands full, they headed for their hotel room.

  The two-bed room had all the amenities but wasn’t particularly spacious. However, the coziness was compensated by a huge patio leading directly to the beach. A beautiful ocean view greeted them on the other side of the glass doors. Jessie dropped her bags on the first bed and took in the sparkling panorama.

  Mido stood behind her, put his hands on her shoulders, and face beside hers. “Almost as beautiful as you.”

  Jessie put a hand on top of his and leaned against him. Once again, she found herself convinced that he was working magic on her. He felt so good to be with.

  “Our appointment is in an hour-ish. Ladies first in the shower?”

  Her heart began racing at the thought of being naked around Mido, and not in a good way. As much as she wanted him, she wasn’t ready to go farther. The realization made her heart sink and took away from the magic. “How do I know you won’t try anything funny?”

  He laughed. “I’m not that kind of guy, Jessie. Besides you’re the one who kissed me earlier and put me out of commission for a bit. You got me good with your steel toe boot. And your lips.”

  Jessie said nothing. What could she say, except another apology? He’d told her to stop with the apologies. His lips were near her cheek. She could feel his breath and wouldn’t be surprised if he kissed her.

  “So… the shower’s all yours.” He released her shoulders and made room for her to pass.

  Jessie faced him, her gaze serious to hide the disappointment that he hadn’t kissed her. “I’ll need to know where you are at all times. I’m still not a hundred percent comfortable.”

  “That’s fine. I can talk to you from the other side of the door if you want.”

  “Sounds good.” She collected her new clothes and took them into the bathroom, then left the door ajar. Mido pulled up the desk chair and set it next to the doorframe. “Put your back to the door.”

  Mido rotated the chair, then plopped in it. “This good?”

  “A little more to the side so I can see the back of your head.” He scooted over. “Perfect. Make yourself comfortable.” He propped an ankle on a knee and folded his arms. Jessie took a moment to admire his muscles without being caught looking, then left the door open a whole two inches and backed away, keeping a close watch on the back of his head. Once she reached the curtain, she got the shower running and used its noise to hide the sound of her stripping to her birthday suit, then looked in the mirror big enough for two people to share.

  She still had a generous amount of purple and blue bruising on her hips, waistline, and biceps. Hopefully, once they faded and her limbs got more meat on them, it would be easier to forget that chapter in her life. She’d done her best to avoid mirrors on Dyne’s ship, but every now and then, her bruising was too morbidly fascinating to not look at. She glanced through the gap in the doorway. Mido still hand’t moved. She envisioned herself standing behind him and pressing his head between her breasts, feel his hair tickle her sensitive skin, and then his hands could—

  She stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain closed as she sighed at herself. She’d kicked him. She had no right to daydream like that. “It’s safe for you to turn around now. And… thank you for putting up with my quirks.”

  “You’re welcome and you’re worth it. I really want to help you feel comfortable around men again.”

  “I feel safe around you.” Jessie began washing up, starting with her hair.

  “That’s… that’s great! Thank you. You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear that.”

  “You have no idea how relieved I am to not be suffering from nightmares and feel scared all the time anymore.”

  “I never want to know what that feels like. I hope your nightmares never come back.”

  “Me, too.” Jessie took a short shower as she went on to describe some of the odd dreams she’d had since they’d met, even the one Amphitrite had shown up in. Since she and the rest of the crew had cleaned up before docking, she just needed a good soap-down to feel refreshed. She also spruced up her bikini line now that she had a reason to perform maintenance on it, then made sure the tub was spotless. Once she was done, she told Mido to turn back around, then hopped out, toweled off, and got dressed. The fresh, dry cotton against her skin was such a pleasant relief after spending a while in soaked clothes under a sweltering sun.

  She opened the door wide and stopped. Mido was sitting there without a shirt or boots on. It was his bare chest that made her do a double-take and catch her breath. Her hands ached to explore his amazing physique and she wanted to inhale his scent.

  “I can take off my pants, too, if you’d like,” Mido said.

  Jessie tore her eyes from his pecs. He was smirking. She spun to face the mirror and began brushing her hair, her face burning. Mido just laughed. She brushed her teeth as well, moisturized her face, and exited the bathroom without saying a thing. She feared opening her mouth would betray her unchaste thoughts.

  Mido returned the chair to the desk and collected Jessie’s boots and his own change of clothes. “Just in case you still feel a need to run off.”

  “I don’t,” she said. Well, a tiny part of her still did but she doubted she’d listen to it ever again. That part might also never stop feeling a need to stay away from the rest of the world.

  “I believe you but I’ll feel better if I hold onto these while showering.”

  “Fair enough.” Eyes on her to the last second, Mido gently shut and locked the door. Jessie stared at the doorknob a moment, then decided against testing to see if it was really locked. It’s not like she neede
d her boots at the moment anyway. She sat on a chair near the patio doors and admired the scenery and the soothing sound of crashing waves. Yeah, this place reminded her of home in a roundabout way. Maybe she should consider convincing Mido to settle down in Paphos with her… Now there was a thought.

  A while later, she heard the shower turn back off. She watched a few more waves roll in, then meandered back to the bathroom. Before she could lean against the wall, the bathroom door opened. Mido was wearing nothing but his boxers. He set her boots back inside the room as he brushed his teeth. He flashed a foamy smile. Jessie just stared in open awe at the results of years of weightlifting as he turned back to the sink. She licked her lips, consciously realized she’d just done that, then blushed again. Thankfully Mido was too busy brushing his teeth to have noticed. She covertly watched him brush his hair, examine his shaved jawline, and don his shorts and t-shirt, then together they slipped on their sandals and headed out, her arm threaded through his.

  Since they had some free time before their appointment, they explored the resort. They discovered an outdoor stage with a pair of salsa dancers performing to intense Spanish music. Mido and Jessie watched on from the back of the audience as the couple danced through a flashy, high-energy, and sexy performance. The audience cheered and clapped at intervals, then gave them a standing ovation once the song concluded. The two clapped as well.

  Mido said, “Now I wish I knew how to salsa.”

  “I could teach you a little.”

  “You know how?”

  “Everyone on Cyprus is taught nowadays. I just haven’t danced in a few years.” They headed back inside ahead of the throng.

  “Well this seems like a fair trade. I teach you how to cook and you teach me how to salsa.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They smelled the spa before they saw it. The distinct aroma of jasmine candles greeted them right before the employees did, who all had dreamy gazes like they’d been massaged recently. The spa had classical music playing over the sound of water bubbling over pebbles, and it was one huge, vaulted room with Chinese paper walls partitioning off tables. Ample sunlight poured in through the glass walls. The whole spa was bright and serene, minus a few sections where blinds had been drawn.

  Jessie and Mido were led to a changing room to swap into bathrobes with nothing but underwear underneath. No bras allowed to stay on. Jessie decided on not letting her fear of being so exposed around strangers ruin her afternoon. The spa was too relaxed an atmosphere to disrupt.

  She and Mido were placed side-by-side on their bellies and both assigned female masseuses who went to work the moment they settled down. Jessie warned her masseuse about her bruises but told them she’d fallen on the ship, instead of the truth. She wanted to forget about that for now.

  Between the jasmine, the music, and the deeply relaxing massage, Jessie started falling asleep. It was like Mido’s presence had created a spa-sized bubble of security, and everyone inside had joined in to protect and coax her to relax and feel safe. And right as she was about to nod off, her masseuse asked her to switch to lying on her back. The daydream bubble popped, but her sense of security didn’t. Jessie rolled over with a yawn while the lady held her towel over her for privacy, then she settled back down.

  “Enjoying yourself?” Mido asked, lying on his back as well.

  “Very much. I almost fell asleep.”

  “In a public place full of strangers? Wow, I’m impressed.”

  “I’m too relaxed to care.”

  “I’m happy for you. Very happy. You’ve come a long way.”

  They exchanged contented smiles and Jessie blew him a kiss. He pretended to catch it, kissed his fist, then blew one back. She inadvertently flashed him a glimpse of her chest as she pretended to catch his.

  Mido’s masseuse raised her hands and backed away from him, chuckling. Mido went wide-eyed and covered the tent in his towel. Jessie tried not to smile but couldn’t help it as she fixed her own towel. Mido apologized to the three of them and took a few deep breaths to calm himself. His masseuse said, “Oh, don’t worry. You’re far from the first to do that while I’m working. I’m aiding your blood flow for crying out loud.” Once Mido returned his hands to his sides, both ladies went back to work and Jessie closed her eyes and resumed napping.

  * * *

  One amazing hour later, Jessie and Mido wandered back to their room, still in their bathrobes and regular clothes in a cloth bag. The cleaning people would collect the robes during their rounds. Both of them felt dreamy and totally relaxed. They hung the “Please do not Disturb” sign on the door handle and locked the door behind them.

  “Want to catch some sun on the patio?” Mido asked.

  “Sure.” More relaxing time with the only man in the world who made her feel safe. So long as they were together, she didn’t care where they went. They crossed to the glass doors, Mido slid them open, then guided her into his arms. Jessie slipped her arms under his.

  “Thank you for letting me treat you to lunch and everything else today. And thank you for coming back.” He leaned in to kiss her forehead but she rose onto the balls of her feet and their lips met. One sweet, gentle kiss. Mido licked his lips and held her in a magnetic gaze. Jessie felt an even greater dreaminess wash over her. She pressed her lips to his and they kissed again. Just a gentle one. And then another, and another. Their hands began to wander and the kisses grew longer and deeper. His skin was so warm and soft, his muscles firm and solid, his arms so big and strong. They inhaled each other’s scent, opened their mouths, and tasted each other for the first time. Mido snuck a hand inside her bathrobe and began playing with her breasts. Jessie kissed him harder.

  And then she felt his arousal dig into her abdomen.

  Jessie gasped and broke away. All her nightmares flooded her mind and the men who’d raped her came at her, one after the other, all of them sporting a hard-on before forcing her into submission. Even Tethys. Someone grabbed her wrists. She ripped her arms free and backed away.

  Not again. Just not again. She couldn’t take another bout of ravaging ever again.

  A big, strong pair of hands gently cupped her cheeks and lips kissed her forehead before she could push her aggressor. She stopped backing away. No rapist had ever kissed her before. What was going on?

  Jessie blinked a few times, then saw Mido standing before her. Just Mido; not a rapist. She teared up and he pulled her into a hug.

  “Thank goodness that worked. It’d taken me a few minutes to brew some coffee.”

  She buried her face in his shoulder. All those lovely, sensual feelings had left her body. She wanted them back but the memories held them at bay. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He kissed her head. “What happened? What set you off?”

  She sniffed and wiped her tears. “It was when I felt you.” She slid a hand to his hip and pulled at him without bring them together. “Your… suddenly a bunch of horrible memories replayed in my head.” Her eyes stung. “I wish they hadn’t. I want you so badly.”

  “I want you, too.” He lifted her chin and kissed her gently. “I think I can get around that.” He guided her to the bed. “Lie down. I can make you feel good without entering you.”

  “But that’s not fair to you.” Her heart began to race as she envisioned ways he’d try to pleasure her. Despite how unfair that sounded, she wanted Mido to make her feel good. She felt herself gravitating towards the bed but held her ground.

  “Are you kidding? Any man worth his stuff gets real satisfaction out of pleasing a beautiful woman like you. It’s not just about being inside you. It’s about making you feel really good.”

  Jessie couldn’t think of a flaw in his logic. “You sound like you know your way around women.”

  Mido popped a mischievous smile. “It’s because I don’t let him do all the thinking for me.” He pointed to the tent in his bathrobe.

  Jessie smiled back, then initiated another round of kissing that swiftly grew
in intensity. She was careful to keep her hips at bay, even though she wanted all of her pressed against all of him. She gripped his hips and dug her fingers into his flesh. He slipped both hands in her bathrobe at the shoulder and slowly pushed it aside. Once he lowered it to her elbows, she pulled her arms out, then interlaced her hands behind his neck. He let the robe fall to the floor.

  He looked into her eyes. “Everything still good?”


  He nuzzled his forehead against hers and locked her in his blue-eyed gaze as his hands caressed her skin all the way down to her hips, resting them on her panties. “Still good?”

  “Mhm.” His touch gave her goosebumps and her lips parted, ready for more kisses.

  He kissed her behind her ear, down her neck, each breast, then slid her panties off and picked her up in his strong arms. They kissed again, and then he lay her on the bed. “Time for a different kind of massage. I’ll make it a magic one so your bruises go away faster.” He disrobed, then crawled onto the foot of the bed and drew up to her and between her legs, stopping with his face between her upraised knees. “Still good?”

  Jessie could only nod as her heart raced and blood pounded. His arms were as big as her legs. Mido lowered his face. Jessie tilted her head back and arched her spine as his mouth, tongue, and hands began their magical massage.

  Chapter 18

  A Change of Course

  I woke to the sight of a woman sleeping with her head on my chest and the sheets drawn up to just below her soft breasts. Her red curls splayed over her back and shoulders, and she had a hand resting on my sternum. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, then grabbed a stray pillow and stuffed it behind my head. I’d get up after she woke. It’s not like I had a rigid shipping schedule. Heck, I’d stretched our vacation to five days. Two hadn’t cut it. Don’t know what I’d been thinking when I said two in the first place.


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