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To Ocean's End

Page 19

by S. M. Welles

Oh, I know: let’s just get our business done, and hurry up and get our side trip to Cyprus over with.

  Screw that.

  I dozed on and off until Delilah stirred some time later. She yawned and stretched, then tilted her head and smiled at me. I ran a hand through her luscious hair and stroked a cheek, making her let out a contented hum.

  “Good morning, Captain.”

  “Good morning, Delilah. Sleep well?” It was close to eleven, according to the wall clock in the hotel room. Even though I’d procured Delilah from a brothel, I refused to use the rooms in any such place. Hotels were cleaner and ordering breakfast in bed always got more brownie points.

  “Only because of you.” She slid a hand towards my groin, sending a pleasant shiver up and down my spine.

  That hand placed tantalizingly close, coupled with her hair tickling my chest and the soft touch of her breasts pressed against me was enough to turn me back on. I impressed myself right then, being able to get it up after spending most of my vacation with her. I hadn’t exactly paced myself for five days. I threw the covers off us, which relieved my rising body temperature.

  Delilah raised her brows in approval. “Again? Where do you find all that energy?”

  “Just a side effect of spending quality time with a beautiful woman like you.” My free hand wandered to her breasts and started enjoying itself. Delilah wasn’t the brightest prostitute I’d met but boy did she make up for it with her prowess in bed, along with her looks and playful personality. “Do you think you’ll remember me next time? I’ll be gone for about a year but I try to leave a lasting impression.”

  I respected women but I wasn’t loyal to any one of them anymore; just had a few favorites around the globe. After getting cursed, going through several divorces, and then finally outliving the one that wanted to be with me unto death do us part, monogamy lost its appeal. Being promiscuous saved me from falling in love ever again, at least not with a mortal soul. Delilah, though, had become my number one favorite in just five short days. She did have the same hair and smile as Rhode, two traits that had rushed me into picking her over all the other beautiful women at Summer Lotus.

  She rolled over and straddle my thighs. “After these last few days, I’ll never forget you, Captain Dyne Lavere. That I promise.” She leaned her curvaceous body forward and planted a kiss on my lips.

  My hands broadened their exploration and she sat on my legs. “Good. I have to head back out today.”

  She pouted. “Already? Are you sure you can’t stay one more day?”

  I massaged her thighs. Her head tilted back ever so slightly as her lips parted. I loved the sight of that. “Duty calls, sadly. I have a reputation to maintain.”

  “Which one?” she asked as she pointedly stared at my hard-on.

  Two could play at that game. I reached for her inner thighs and started massaging. She spread her legs a little wider and let out a heavy sigh. “My professional one; not my pleasuring one.”

  “The other girls at the brothel got so jealous when you picked me over everyone else. Do you know the things people say about you?” She scooted higher up my thighs and began caressing my arms.

  I’d picked her because she was the only one with red hair. Just a personal favorite. That and it was just as wavy as Rhode’s. I knew she was avoiding my full mast, just to be delightfully teasing. I switched to using both hands and got another sigh out of her. I also knew about the rumors surrounding me outside the bedroom. How could I not know? Still, I decided to play dumb just to hear the latest tall tales that had been spun. “And what do they say about me?”

  “They say that you’re a cursed sailor,” she said, then paused, I guessed, to see if I’d scoff or anything. I kept quiet and just looked into her eyes. “You’ve been around for hundreds of years, have lived to see the end of the world and watched humanity rebuild itself. They also say that danger always seems to find you. Because of this, you go through a crew a year. You use black magic to trick sailors into working for you, then drown them in the sea to please whatever gods are out there.”

  That was far enough away from the truth to not care. I smirked. “Is that right?”

  She shrugged, making her curls fall behind her shoulders. “I don’t believe any of it. If anything, your libido is your curse. How do you survive such long periods at sea without a woman to keep you warm?”

  “Fond thoughts of women like you.” If I wasn’t cursed with longevity, I could have easily fell for her. I was already daydreaming of spending endless days away from my ship just to make sweet love with her, but then I pictured myself still stuck in my forties while she was on her deathbed. Humans needed companionship, romance. It’d been over a hundred years since the last time I’d outlived a wonderful woman. I wanted to believe I had it in me to do that again, but I wasn’t in a hurry to find out.

  “Then I shall give you a parting gift, Captain.”

  She started to go down on me but I grabbed her butt cheeks and threw her onto the mattress with my legs still between hers. Her bouncing breasts called to my hands. I obliged. And I’ll be damned if I ever let a woman please me before I pleased her. That had subtle repercussions. “Ladies first.”

  “Oh, Captain,” she said in a throaty voice.

  Another perk of living too long: becoming a sex guru. Made for fun conversation between shipping deliveries when the boys wanted advice. And pleasing women helped curb the pain and yearning for the woman I couldn’t have.

  * * *

  The only downside to vacations was that they ended. All good things came and went. Jessie woke around midmorning, lying naked in the same bed as Mido, she on one side and he on the other. There was a little space between them so she could sleep peacefully.

  They hadn’t been able to go all the way over the past few days. They’d tried one more time last night but one good blow to Mido’s temple, which almost knocked him out, and they decided to slow things down. To Jessie’s relief, she was able to reciprocate pleasuring him with her hands. Any other way propelled her into terrible flashbacks. A couple of men had made her choke.

  Mido didn’t mind taking things slower. He coached her through many techniques and tricks that he best responded to, and she was rewarded with his satisfied smile and him needing to catch his breath between bouts. And of course lots of kisses and hugs, some chocolates, another trip to the spa, and hours of peaceful time together.

  Jessie rolled over to find Mido watching her rest, a contented smile on his face. He hadn’t stopped smiling since their first time in bed together—well, the blow to his head made him stop for a bit, but they’d laughed at that in retrospect. She leaned in and gave him a morning kiss, which turned into multiple kisses. Their behavior would be restrained on the ship, so they had to spend every last bit of energy today. Jessie didn’t want the whole crew to know what they were doing every time they disappeared, so it would be in both their interest to not want to partake in such adult behavior while out to sea. Their kissing turned into heavy breathing and a full make out.

  Ah, the joys of the bunny stage. She was going to miss this back on the ship.

  They mutually stopped kissing to catch their breath. Mido threw off the sheet. “Shower time.” Before Jessie could so much as nod, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her off into the bathroom. Once the water was running, they hopped in and worked towards putting each other into a sex coma.

  * * *

  The sky was a mix of sun and clouds, and the shore typically windy. Jessie and Mido drank in the scenery while he leisurely worked through a plate of grilled tilapia, and she a grilled chicken panini. Jessie might never see Revivre again, and Mido might not return for at least a year. They were both comfortable saying nothing and just enjoying each other’s company. They’d both verbally agreed that if neither of them had nothing interesting to say, then don’t talk just to talk. However, Mido looked like he had something on his mind.

  Just as Jessie finished making that observation, Mido said, “So our next
stop is your home. What do you think you’ll do?”

  She sized up her sandwich, trying to decide whether or not to take another bite and from where. She was halfway through it and already feeling full. What a heavy question on such a light day. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I kind of don’t want to think about it until we get there.”

  “Why not?” He asked the question innocently enough, but it still made Jessie feel like an open book. He had to already know what she was thinking.

  She took a bite to stall her answer, and then a sip of lemonade from her perspiring glass. There was no point in stalling, other than to stretch out their time away from the crew. “I don’t want to leave you.”

  Mido nodded, then put his fork down and held out a hand for her on the table. She took it in both hands. He gave her a gentle squeeze. “But…?”

  Jessie sighed in resignation. “I don’t feel like I belong on the ship. How could I?”

  “Dyne’s giving you a chance with the bodyguard job.”

  “I feel like that’s a bit of a stretch.”


  “I feel like my female presence disrupts the natural order of things on the ship. It’s nothing sexist, nor does it have anything to do with my history. Now that I’ve had time to think about things, I believe he’s just acting in his own interest.”

  “You don’t want the job?” There was disappointment in his eyes.

  “It’s not that. I don’t see how I’m needed. You’re all bigger and stronger than me.”

  “But you pack quite the wallop.”

  “I know, but I just don’t feel like a permanent fit on the ship.”

  “It is strange to have a woman aboard our ship, but it’s not like we can’t get used to it.” Jessie opened her mouth to protest but Mido said, “I won’t press you to stay if you don’t see yourself ever getting comfortable. But what about Captain and his curse?”

  Jessie rubbed his hand with her thumbs. “I still feel the same, even though none of you agree with me.”

  “You won’t help him?”

  “After all I’ve seen and heard, I do want to, but I don’t think the benefits outweigh the risks.”

  “The dying will stop if you succeed. I think it’s an even gamble.”

  He was right but she didn’t want to admit it. “I’m scared,” she said softly.

  “Scared is okay, remember?” He kissed her hand, yet again getting a smile out of her. “You’ve gotten over a lot of fears this week. You can find the courage to help Dyne, too.”

  “I’ll believe that the day I’m able to make love to you.”

  “Then stay,” he urged softly while caressing her hands. “Stay and build courage. Stay for us.”

  “Stay with me in Paphos.”

  Mido stopped caressing and blinked, then sat very still as the idea rolled around in his head. Jessie was just as surprised at herself for saying it. She’d intended to keep that secret until she got back home. He scrunched his brows and thought some more, and then his eyes widened and he smiled. “I will, but on one condition.” Jessie looked at their hands, then back at his eyes. “Help Captain.”

  Fear gripped her as thoughts of death filled her mind. “That’s a lot to ask.”

  “So is staying with you in Paphos. I’m a sailor at heart but I’d give it all up to be with you.”

  Jessie swallowed. “Maybe I’m asking too much of you.”

  “Not from my perspective.”

  “Then maybe we’re not thinking this through.”

  “Well then let’s take some time to think.”

  “These are huge decisions. How long will it take us to sail from here to Cyprus?”

  He thought a moment. “No more than a week.”

  Jessie’s heart began to race and she felt her hands getting sweaty in Mido’s grasp. “I need more time than that. This involves more lives than our own.”

  “Then let’s go talk to Captain.”

  * * *

  At some point in the afternoon, I finally escorted Delilah back to her brothel. We took a canopied cart and a few hundred U.D. worth of fancy chocolates to all the women who worked at Summer Lotus. I was in a giving mood and I wanted to leave a positive impression on all the girls at the brothel. I lost count of how many kisses they planted on my face as I handed out all the boxes wrapped in bows. Not that I counted. Delilah kindly helped me wash off the lipstick, then sent me off with one final kiss, the one that counted. The ladies wished me farewell outside the entrance, waving ribbons and morsels of chocolate, and urged me to come back soon.

  If only I could. “I’ll do my best, ladies. Take care.” I waved, then plopped into the awaiting cart. My legs were still wobbly. Just standing in front of the glass in the chocolate shop while pointing at random things that looked good had taken a lot of effort. I’d wanted to lie down and tell the clerk to just give me a little bit of everything, but I refused to give gifts the lazy way. Delilah and I had used each other for crutches while she helped me pick out sweets. Maybe one day I’d come back and continue to woo her. It took more effort to resist love than it did giving in to it.

  The cyclist dropped me and my duffle bag off by my cargo pushers, who were busy loading crates of fuel and our France shipment. Morocco exported salt, silk, and glass wares. Glass was a big pain to ship but worth the money. Doubly worth it since we were going to navigate notoriously dangerous waters. I meandered towards the stern ladder as Scully manned the dock’s steam crane, which was in far better shape than the one in Chesapeake. The rest of my cargo pushers moved the next crate within reach of the crane. Scully waved and the others welcomed me back.

  “Everyone feeling ready to get back on the water?”

  They laughed that certain laugh men have when feeling satisfied after having a great time with a great woman or two. Rammus said, “You bet, Captain. What about you?”

  “Look how he’s walking,” Scully said. “What do you think?”

  I gave them a dismissive wave. “Back to work, boys.” They laughed again, then returned to their crates.

  When I made it to the stern ladder, I stopped and stared up at the rusty rungs. Good god, the deck looked so far away. Seriously, it looked like it’d take me halfway to the clouds. I didn’t think I’d want sex for a solid month. I heaved a sigh, then hefted my duffle bag and mustered the energy to climb aboard.

  * * *

  I was in the middle of folding my now empty bag when I heard a polite knock on my cabin’s wood doorframe. Mido and Jessie stood there, hand in hand. My cook had a dreamy look that I probably was mirroring. Jessie shared our contentment, but with some anxiety mixed in. “What’s up?”

  Mido said, “Captain, when would be a good time to talk to you about where we head next?”

  “Right now, actually.” The question caught me off guard but I did my best to stay casual. I stowed my folded bag in a cabinet drawer, then leaned against the bunks. Where else could Jessie possibly want to go besides home? “So what’s up?”

  Mido looked to Jessie, who let go of his hand and stepped forward. “Would you be willing to make another delivery or two before taking me home? I need more time to think things through.”

  “You have a whole another week to think. Why do you need more time?”

  “It’s just very scary what you’re asking of me,” she admitted. “I need a chance to build more courage so I don’t just stay home once I see it. I want to help you but I’m not ready to officially say yes to that yet.”

  “Okay.” Over the years I’d become very good at detecting half truths and whole lies. Jessie sounded like she’d rehearsed what she just said, so here I had a half truth. “I believe you so far. What’s the other reason for the delay?”

  Jessie and Mido exchanged shocked looks. They knew they’d been caught in their theatrics but Jessie still said, “What do you mean?”

  I folded my arms and spoke patiently. “Jessie, I’ve been around for a very long time. I know when I’m not getting the full story.” I�
�d already made up my mind but I still wanted to hear everything. “Spill it.”

  She opened her mouth but no words came out. She tried again but I assumed uncertainty stole her words. She looked to Mido for help. When he spoke, I began to feel afraid. They’d clearly grown attached to one another. He wouldn’t, would he…?

  “Captain, I told her I’d go live with her in Paphos—” Oh, crap, he would! “—but on the condition that she helps us lift your curse.”

  Impending heart attack averted. But now this brought up another issue that’d been rolling around in my head for decades: what to do with my crew if my curse was lifted. I hadn’t given it too much thought since I didn’t want to get my hopes up decade after decade. All I knew for sure was that I’d retire for good if that day ever came. No two weeks notice or anything. This was one of my most guarded secrets. Only Sam knew, and only because I’d been drunk when I let slip that bit of trivia.

  I unfolded my arms and straightened up. “Are you sure that’s what you want, Mido?”

  “Positive,” he said with a nod.

  Now how to handle this? I was thrilled for Mido. He had a place to go, and with a beautiful girl, too. But if I came off as thrilled, that would raise unwanted questions. If I tried guilting him into staying, which I had a feeling he expected since they hadn’t wanted to say anything in the first place, that would pull Mido in two directions and make things awkward. I had no intention of doing that to him. I slipped my hands in my pockets and spoke to Jessie. “If you help us, then I’ll let you take my cook home with you. Consider it your reward if we succeed.”

  “But what if I try and fail?”

  “Trying is all I can ask of you.” I took a step closer. To my relief she didn’t even flinch. She’d come a really long way in two weeks. “I’ll do my best to make sure everyone survives. I’ll even transform on purpose if things get that dangerous.”

  “You’d really do that?” Jessie said in disbelief.

  I was surprised myself, but now that I’d said it, there was no taking it back. To be honest, I was sick and tired of watching people I cared about die because of me and my curse. “I’m that desperate.” Probably not the best thing to show a bit of weakness like that but I wasn’t above a small guilt trip. I was that desperate to have her help me.


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