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The Jews in America Trilogy

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by Birmingham, Stephen;

American Jewish Committee, 355, 356, 370

  American Metal Co., 407

  American Museum of Natural History, 252

  American Potash & Chemical Corp., 361

  American Smelting & Refining Co., 292, 293, 294

  Amherst College, 204–5

  Ami, Ben, 319

  Amory, Cleveland, 25

  Anaconda Copper co., 250

  Anderson, Robert, 150

  Anglo-American Telegraph Co., 116

  Anglo-California National Bank, 133, 137

  Anglo-French Commission, 344

  anti-Semitism, 16–17, 22, 73, 112, 116, 124, 135, 142–43, 160–65, 177, 204, 210–11, 239, 261–64, 314, 339–40, 349, 355–56, 380, 400, 403–4

  Arden, Elizabeth, 419

  Arling, Emanie, see Philips, Mrs. August

  Armstrong Committee, 328

  Armstrong-Jones, Antony (Lord Snowden), 382

  Arnold, Florine, see Seligman, Mrs. Alfred Lincoln

  Astor, Jacob, see Astor, John Jacob

  Astor, John Jacob, 40, 72, 75, 138, 158, 358

  Astor, John Jacob, Jr., 75

  Astor, Mrs. John Jacob, Jr. (née Gibbes), 75

  Astor, Mrs. William Waldorf, 118, 124, 382, 295, 326, 330–32, 380–81

  Astor family, 74, 75, 100, 103

  Atlantic & Pacific Railroad, 127, 128, 129, 186

  Atlantic Monthly, 18

  August Belmont & Co., 45, 145, 162

  “Aztec Land” deal, 186

  Bache, J. S., & Co., 20

  Bache, Jules, 21, 409

  Bache, Mrs. Jules (Florence Sheftel), 21

  Bache, Semon, 21

  Bache, Mrs. Semon, 273

  Bache family, 20, 283

  Back, James, 263

  Baer, Sophia, see Sachs, Mrs. Joseph

  Baker, Edith, see Schiff, Mrs. John M.

  Baker, George F., 223, 309

  Baker, George F., Jr., 418

  Balanchine, George, 416

  Ballin, Albert, 373, 394

  Baltimore & Ohio rr, 180, 337

  Bank of England, 83

  Bank of Manhattan, 384

  Bank of North America, 43

  Banque de Paris, 253

  Bar Harbor, 201–2, 204, 341, 368

  Barbizon school of painting, 388

  Barnard College, 355, 404

  Baron de Hirsch Fund, 320

  Barron’s, 18

  Barsimson, Jacob, 41

  Baruch, Bernard, 164, 248, 293

  Baruch family, 42

  Bath club (London), 261

  “Battle of the Giants,” 229, 231

  Bayard family, 39

  Beaty, Richard, 408

  Beauregard, Pierre Gustave, 95

  Beebe, Lucius, 77

  Beecher, Henry Ward, 163

  Beekman family, 39

  Beer family, 20, 382

  Beit, Eduard, 373

  Bellamont, Lord, 43

  Belmont, August, 24, 37, 38, 39, 41, 44–45, 72–77, 83, 85, 94, 101, 129, 131, 140–41, 145–47, 152, 155, 158, 159, 177, 189, 220, 261, 331

  Belmont, Mrs. August (Caroline Slidell Perry), 75, 77, 146, 282

  Belmont, August, Jr., 145, 261

  Belmont, Oliver H. P., 145, 261

  Belmont, Perry, 145, 261

  Belmont family, 75–77

  Benjamin, F. A., 115

  Benjamin, Judah P., 144

  Bernhard, Dorothy Lehman, 10, 398

  Bernhard, Richard, 409

  Bernhard, Mrs. Richard, 391, 409

  Bernhard, Robert A., 10

  Bernhard, William L., 10

  Bernhard family, 20

  Bernheimer, Alva, see Gimbel, Mrs. Bernard

  Bernheimer, Charles, 43

  Bernheimer family, 20

  Bertholdi, Auguste, 145

  Bethlehem Steel Co., 361n.

  Binswanger, Dr., 399

  Birmingham, Janet Tillson, 11

  Bismarck, Otto von (Prince), 177, 210–11

  Black Friday, 126

  Black Thursday, 229

  Bliss, Cornelius N., 263

  Bohm, S. H., 115, 165, 247, 251

  “Bohunks,” 318

  Bond, James, 125n.

  Bonn, William, 174–75

  Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 278

  Bouguereau, William, 76

  Boutwell, George Sewall, 118–20

  Bovenizer, George W., 354

  Brandeis, Louis D., 356

  Brandt, Carol, 11

  Brautschau, 59, 69, 91, 149

  Brearley School, 149, 199, 420

  Bremer, Frederika, 40

  Brevoort family, 39

  Brinckmann, Wirtz & Co., 397n.

  Bristow, Benjamin, 153–54

  Bronfman, Edgar, 410

  Bronfman, Mrs. Edgar (Ann Loeb), 409–10

  Bronfman, Samuel, 410

  Brown Brothers, Harriman, Inc., 113n.

  Brown, John Crosby, 263

  Bryant, William Cullen, 163

  Buckingham, James Silk, 40

  Budge, Henry, 175, 177, 309

  Budge, Mrs. Henry, 309

  Buneau-Varilla, Philippe, 259–61

  Burden, Mrs. William A. M., Jr., 407n.

  Burlington rr, 222–24, 226

  Buttenwieser, Benjamin, 409

  Buttenwieser, Mrs. Benjamin, 409

  Buttenwieser family, 20

  Cabot family, 38

  Cahn, Emma, see Lewisohn, Mrs. Adolph

  Cahn, Leopold, 21

  Cahn, Mrs. Leopold, 21

  Cahn family, 20, 283, 409

  Canfield, Cass, 11

  Cannon, LeGrand, 262

  Cardozo family, 42

  Carl M. Loeb, Rhoads & Co., see Loeb, Rhoads & Co.

  Carlton, Newcomb, 415

  Carlyle, Thomas, 220

  Caruso, Enrico, 334

  Cassel, Ernest, 189, 190–91, 198, 230, 369, 370

  Castle Garden, 320

  Castro, Fidel, 409

  Catchings, Waddill, 364, 385

  Central Pacific Railroad, 127, 186–87

  Central Park, 100

  Century Country Club, 374, 384, 408

  Cerutti, Marquise de, 296

  Chapman, John Jay, 143

  Chase, Salmon P., 89, 90, 91, 117

  “Cheeryble Brothers,” 102

  Chesapeake & Ohio rr, 180

  Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rr, 180

  Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, 179

  Chicago-Burlington & Quincy rr, see Burlington rr

  Choate, Joseph, 262

  Churchill, Mrs. Randolph, 407n.

  Cincinnati, 67–68, 69

  “Citizenship of Adolph Lewisohn, The,” 389

  City Ball, 74

  City College of New York, 18

  Civil War, 86 ff., 116, 153

  Clark, Dodge co., 129

  Clark, George C., 129, 140

  Clarkson family, 39

  Clemenceau, Georges, 351

  Clinton, DeWitt, 150

  Cohn, Henry, 117

  Collection of Jewish Narratives, 62

  Colombia, 260–61

  Colorado Smelting & Refining Co., 249

  Columbus, Christopher, 41

  Colusa mine, 243–44

  commercial paper, 104

  “Committee of Seventy,” 159

  Communism, 324

  Comstock Lode, 165

  Coney Island, 164

  Conned, Heinrich, 333–34, 335

  Consolidated Edison Co., 111

  Content, Rosa, see Seligman, Mrs. James

  Content, Simon, 23

  Content, Mrs. Simon (Angeline), 23

  Content family, 22, 269

  Continental Can Co., 363

  copper, 242–45, 248, 249, 291, 292

  Corbil, Sen., 139

  Corbin, Austin, 164

  Costa Rica, 255

  Coster family, 74, 75

  cotton, 84, 85, 92–93, 95, 102

  Crocker-Anglo Bank, 137

  Cudahy kidnaping, 295n.

  Cullman family, 149, 283

  Dali, Salvador, 410

  Damrosch, Walter, 208

  Davidson, Henry, 293

  Davis, Jefferson, 92

  Deal Golf Club, 374

  Dearborn (Mich.) Independent, 380

  Debrett, John, 394

  Delaware & Hudson rr, 337

  De Lesseps, Ferdinand, 253, 254, 255, 259

  Delmonico, Lorenzo, 77

  Delmonico’s restaurant, 40, 45, 74, 159

  De Neuflize, M., 119

  Denver & Rio Grande rr, 180

  Depression, 386

  De Rham, Willie, 17

  Deutsch, Felix, 346–47, 348

  Deutsch, Mrs. Felix (née Kahn), 346

  Dewey, Melville L. K., 164

  De Witt (butler), 381, 386

  Diamond Horseshoe, 332, 334, 339

  Dickens, Charles, 69

  Dillon, Read co., 405

  Distillers Corporation-Seagrams Ltd., 410

  divorce, 415

  Dodd, W. E., 90

  Donizetti, Gaetano, 334

  Drew, “Uncle Daniel,” 123, 124, 125, 130

  Drexel, Morgan co., 143, 156, 162, 253, 355

  Dreyfus case, 259, 355

  Dreyfus, Mrs. Ludwig (née Goldman), 21

  Dreyfus, Ludwig, 21

  Dreyfus family, 209, 213

  dueling, 72–73

  Durant, Will, 379–80

  Durr, John Wesley, 92, 102

  E. F. Hutton & Co., 22

  East Side Relief Work Committee, 321–22

  Edison, Thomas A., 242

  Edward VII of England, 309, 331

  Einstein, Albert, 401

  Elberon, N.J., 277, 283–90, 291, 368, 369, 396; see also Jersey Shore

  Electric Boat Co., 361n.

  Electric Vehicle Co., 358

  Eliot, Charles W., 204, 344

  Elliott, Marine, 220–21

  Empire Trust Co., 410

  Enterprise Mfg. Co., 256n.

  Equitable Life Assurance Society, 325 ff., 332

  Erie Railroad, 123, 124–25, 126, 178, 188, 337

  Ethical Culture Society, 166

  etiquette, 71–72

  Everglades Club, 374

  “Family Liquidation Agreement,” 190

  Farley, James A., 367

  Fatman family, 361

  Federal Reserve Board Act, 342n.

  Federal Reserve System, 383–84

  Felix and Frieda Schiff Warburg Foundation, 417

  Fessenden, William, 91, 117

  Field, Cyrus W., 116

  Financial & Industrial Corp., 385

  Fire Island, 404

  First National Bank (NYC), 162, 223, 309, 343

  Fischel, Harry, 356

  Fish, Hamilton, 118

  Fisk, “Jubilee Jim,” 123, 124, 125, 126

  Fleming, Ian, 125n.

  Ford, Henry, Sr., 380

  Ford, Henry II, 380

  Ford Foundation, 380

  Ford Motor Co., 380

  Fortune magazine, 366, 404, 405n.

  “Forty-Eighters,” 144

  Foster, William T., 364

  “Four Hundred,” 20, 118, 282, 332

  Fox, J. Bertram, 386

  Frankfurt University, 355

  Frelinghuysen-Zavala Treaty, 255

  Fremdenliste, Die, 235–36, 238

  French Society of Dramatic Writers, 351

  Fresh Air Fund, 203

  Freud, Sigmund, 278, 372

  Gable, Clark, 114

  Gage, Lyman, 286

  Gallenberg, Betty, see Loeb, Mrs. Solomon #2

  Garfield, James A., 285

  Gasner, Beverley, 10

  Gates, John “Bet-a-Million,” 160

  Gatling, R. J., 248

  Gatti-Casazza, Giulio, 334–35, 337, 338, 339, 346

  Geary, Sen., 257

  Geiger, Abraham, 174

  Geiger, Alfred, 174

  General League of Jewish Workers, 317

  General Motors Corp., 379–80

  George III of England, 47

  Gerould, Mireille, 10

  Gibbes, Thomas L., 75

  Gilbert, C. P. H., 313

  “Gilded Age,” 281

  Gilroy, Thomas F., 262, 263

  Gimbel, Bernard, 23

  Gimbel, Mrs. Bernard (Alva Bernheimer), 23

  Gimbel family, 23

  Gitterman, Henry, 87, 88, 94

  Goelet, Peter, 39–41

  Goelet family, 39, 41, 75

  Goethe, Johann von, 336

  gold, 78 ff., 113, 115, 116, 125–26, 143

  Gold, Nathan, 124

  Goldman, Bertha, see Goldman, Mrs. Marcus

  Goldman, Henry, 283, 361, 362, 363–64

  Goldman, Louise, see Sachs, Mrs. Samuel

  Goldman, Marcus, 66–67, 103–4, 152, 171, 266, 274, 283, 361

  Goldman, Mrs. Marcus (Bertha Goldman), 66–67, 103, 104, 266

  Goldman, Rosa, see Sachs, Mrs. Julius

  Goldman, Sachs & Co., 20, 22, 152–53, 266, 362–65, 380, 385, 406

  Goldman, Sachs Trading Corp., 385

  Goldman family, 9, 10, 23, 60, 66, 145, 149, 267

  Goldschmidt, Solomon, 234

  golf, 374–75

  Gomez family, 42

  Gompers, Sam, 293

  Goodenough, Prof., 374

  Goodhart, Howard, 374

  Goodhart, Philip J., 16, 374

  Goodhart, Mrs. Philip J., “Granny” (Hattie Lehman), 15, 17, 20, 23, 374

  Goodhart, Sander, 149

  Goodhart, Wolf, 90, 149, 163

  Goodhart family, 10, 15–16, 20, 361, 382, 404, 408

  “Googs,” 246; see also Guggenheim family

  Gordan, Mrs. John D., 23, 404

  Gordan, Phyllis Goodhart, 10

  Göring, Hermann, 396

  Gottheil, Gustav (Rabbi), 17, 148, 166–67, 317

  Gould, Jay, 123–26, 130, 131, 143, 179, 187, 268

  Gould family, 124, 269

  Graham, Charles H., 247, 248, 250

  Grand Union Hotel (Saratoga), 159, 160–65, 204, 284, 348

  Grant, Julia, 120

  Grant, Ulysses, 58, 79, 81, 91, 93, 94–95, 117, 118, 120–21, 125–26, 129, 132, 134, 138, 153, 155, 159, 256, 257, 285

  Grant, Mrs. Ulysses S., 58, 120–21

  Grant & Ward, 285n.

  Granville-Barker, Harley, 221

  Great Northern rr, 180, 205, 222, 223, 244

  Gregory Consolidated Mining Co., 250–51

  Groton school, 203, 204

  Guggenex co., 249, 292, 293

  Guggenheim, Benjamin, 24, 248, 249, 270, 296, 298, 303

  Guggenheim, Mrs. Benjamin (Florette Seligman), 24, 246, 270, 272, 273, 296, 298

  Guggenheim, Daniel, 250, 292–93, 294, 299

  Guggenheim, Isaac “Old Icicle,” 63–64

  Guggenheim, Jakob, 62

  Guggenheim, Joseph, 62–63

  Guggenheim, M. (Meyer) Robert, 299

  Guggenheim, Mrs. M. Robert #4 (Polly), 299; see also Logan, Mrs. John A.

  Guggenheim, Meyer (son of Isaac), 64, 247–50, 292

  Guggenheim, Meyer (son of Simon), 20, 65, 66, 86, 171–72, 295–96

  Guggenheim, Mrs. Meyer (son of Simon) (Barbara Meyer), 65, 172, 295

  Guggenheim, Murry, 250

  Guggenheim, Peggy, 24, 270, 272, 273, 283, 296, 299

  Guggenheim, Samuel, 64

  Guggenheim, Simon, 64–65, 250, 294

  Guggenheim, Mrs. Simon #1, 65

  Guggenheim, Mrs. Simon #2 (Rachel Meyer), 65

  Guggenheim, Solomon, 250

  Guggenheim, William, 248, 249, 296–97, 303, 371

  Guggenheim, Mrs. William (Grace Brown Herbert), 297

  Guggenheim Brothers, 64, 292–93

  Guggenheim Exploration Co., see Guggenex

  Guggenheim family, 9, 20, 21, 23–24, 60 ff., 171, 246–47, 248, 252, 273, 283–84, 292 ff., 382

  Guiterman Brothers, 117

  Gulf, Mobile & Northern rr
, 180

  Haarbleicher, Fanny, see Lewisohn, Mrs. Sam #1

  Hallgarten, Charles, 21

  Hallgarten, Mrs. Charles (née Mainzer), 21

  Hallgarten, Mrs. Lazarus, 273

  Hallgarten & Co., 20, 21, 309

  Hallgarten family, 20

  Hals, Franz, 231

  Hambuchen, Joseph, 398

  Hambuchen, Toni, see Loeb, Mrs. James

  Hamburg (city), 234–36

  Hamburg-America Line, 394

  Hamilton family, 39, 133

  Hammerslough, Augusta, see Rosenwald, Mrs. Samuel

  Hammerslough, Samuel, 362

  Hammerslough, Mrs. Samuel (Emelia), 362

  Hammerslough family, 20

  Hammerstein, Oscar, 334, 339

  Hammonia (ship), 237, 240

  Handlin, Oscar, 10, 357

  Hanna, Mark, 258

  Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad, 171

  Harmonie Club, 132, 148, 374

  Harper’s Magazine, 265

  Harper’s Weekly, 142

  Harriman, E. H. “Ned,” 187–89, 190–91, 201, 202, 221 ff., 291, 326, 327, 328, 333, 336

  Hart, Julius, 116

  Harvard University, 204–5, 206, 277–78, 355

  “Haute Banque” group, 119

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 159, 256n.

  Hayes, Mrs. Rutherford B. (Lucy), 256n.

  Heath, Charles Monroe, 297

  Heatherdale Farm, 386

  Hebrew Orphan Asylum, 252, 263

  Hebrew Standard, 318

  Heidelbach, Alfred, 309, 310

  Heidelbach, Mrs. Alfred, 309, 310

  Heidelbach, Ickelheimer & Co., 21, 309

  Heidelbach family, 20

  Heine, Heinrich, 210

  Heinsheimer, Mr., 227

  Hellman, Geoffrey T., 10, 272, 382

  Hellman, George S., 303, 304, 381–82

  Hellman, Henriette, see Seligman, Mrs. Jesse

  Hellman, Isaias, 85n.

  Hellman, Mrs. Isaias (née Newgass), 85n.

  Hellman, Max, 113–14

  Hellman, Theodore, 114–15, 166, 288

  Hellman, Mrs. Theodore (Frances Seligman), 114, 166–67, 284, 288, 290, 306

  Hellman family, 20, 84

  Hendricks, Harmon, 42

  Hendricks family, 42, 144, 261

  Henry Street Settlement, 17

  Herbert, Mrs. Grace Brown, see Guggenheim, Mrs. William

  Herbert, Hilary A., 92, 93

  Herbert, Victor, 264

  Hertz, Mary, see Warburg, Mrs. Aby M.

  Heyward, Edward, 73

  Heyward, William, 73

  Heyward family, 73

  Higginson family, 38

  Hill, James Jerome, 180, 191, 201, 205, 222, 223 ff., 244, 327, 328

  Hilton, Henry (Judge), 158 ff., 263

  History of Banking, Men and Ideas, A, 124n.

  Hitler, Adolf, 16, 177, 364, 372, 384, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399

  Hoffman, Malvina, 419

  Hotchkiss School, 403

  Hottinguer, M., 119

  House of Rothschild, see Rothschild, House of

  House of Seligman, see Seligman, House of

  Hughes, Charles Evans, 328

  Hunter, Margaret, 41

  Huntington, Collis P., 130, 263

  Hyde, H. B., 325, 326, 329


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