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The Jews in America Trilogy

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by Birmingham, Stephen;

  Hyde, James Hazen, 325 ff., 332

  I. D. Walter & Co., 139

  Ickelheimer, Isaac, 21

  Ickelheimer, Mrs. Isaac (née Heidelbach), 21

  Ickelheimer family, 20, 21, 151; see also Isles family

  Illinois Central rr, 180, 188, 189

  International Acceptance Bank, 384, 415

  “International Set,” 369

  Inter-Oceanic Commission, 258

  Irving, Henry, 221

  Irving, Washington, 40

  Isles family, 151

  Israel Institute of Technology, 355

  Israelite, 147

  Ittleson, Henry, 417

  Ittleson family, 374

  Ivy Lee, 337, 350n.

  J. & H. Seligman, 58

  J. & W. Seligman & Co., 10, 20, 29, 57n., 86, 151, 156, 159, 165, 249, 253, 254, 255, 257–59, 260, 261, 272, 275, 379–80, 381, 406; see also Seligman, House of, and Seligman, Joseph

  J. S. Bache & Co., 21, 283

  J. Seligman & Bros., 57

  Jackson, Levi, 261n.

  Jackson family, 38

  James, Henry, 331

  Jay Cooke & Co., 120, 134

  Jay family, 100

  Jephthah’s Daughter, 319

  Jerome, Leonard, 74

  Jerome Park Racetrack, 74

  Jersey Shore, 18; see also Elberon, N.J.

  Jewish Encyclopedia, 173

  “Jewish Grand Dukes,” 25

  Jewish Maternity Hospital, 323

  “Jewish Mayflower,” 41

  Jewish Museum, 315

  “Jewish Newport,” 283

  Jewish Theological Seminary, 355

  Jim Thorpe, Pa., 46n.

  Johnson, Andrew, 111, 117

  Joint Distribution Committee, 357, 370

  Jonas, Joseph, 42

  Jones, Captain, 80–81

  Jones, William B., 312n.

  Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, 410

  Josephthal family, 20

  Journet, Marcel, 304–7

  Kahn, Bernhard, 399

  Kahn, Gilbert W., 406

  Kahn, Margaret, 371

  Kahn, Maude, see Marriott, Mrs. John

  Kahn, Otto, 18, 21, 24, 178, 217, 220–22, 224, 231, 329, 330, 332–39, 344 ff., 357, 358, 363–64, 370, 371, 385, 397, 399–400, 401, 406, 408

  Kahn, Mrs. Otto (Addie Wolff), 208, 217, 221

  Kahn family, 9, 20

  Kane, Delancey, 100

  Kansas City Southern rr, 180

  Katy (Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Co.), 128, 129

  Keene, Jim, 227

  Kempner, Thomas, 409

  Kennecott, Braden co., 250

  Kennedy, Robert F., 164n.

  “Kikes,” 318

  King, Georgianna Goddard, 415–16

  Kirstein, Lincoln, 416

  Klein, Roger H., 11

  Kleinwort Sons & Co., 152–53

  Klingenstein, Lee, 10

  Knickerbocker Club, 144, 261, 290

  Kohler, Kaufmann (Rabbi), 217, 318

  Kuhn, Abraham, 68, 69, 103, 177–78

  Kuhn, Mrs. Abraham (née Loeb), 68

  Kuhn, Eda, see Loeb, Mrs. Morris

  Kuhn, Fanny, see Loeb, Mrs. Solomon #1

  Kuhn, Loeb & Co., 20, 21, 22, 24, 68, 69, 103, 171, 177–78, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 187, 193–95, 204, 208, 216, 217, 221, 222, 225, 227, 229, 231, 278, 288, 314, 326, 327, 328, 334, 336, 337–38, 343, 344–45, 347, 352, 354, 358, 360, 363, 369, 379, 383, 399, 405, 406, 409, 419

  Kuhn family, 20, 67, 68, 277–79

  Ladenburg, Adolph, 261, 318

  Ladenburg family, 19

  Lamar, David, 294

  Lane, Thomas, 285

  Langeloth, Jacob, 407

  Lanier, James, 158

  Lapowski, M., 405n.

  Lashanska, Hulda, 302

  Lattimore, Owen, 366

  Lauer family, 361

  Lawrence family, 38

  Lazarus, Emma, 144, 145, 261, 320

  Lazarus, Moses, 144, 261

  Lazarus family, 42, 144, 261

  Lee, Robert E., 90, 93, 94

  Lee family, 38

  Le Gallienne, Richard, 220

  Lehigh University, 35

  Lehigh Valley Railroad, 35, 338

  Lehmaier, Morris, 56, 58

  Lehmaier, Mrs. Morris (Rosalie Seligman), 31, 53, 56, 58–59

  Lehman, Arthur, 23, 361, 375, 409

  Lehman, Mrs. Arthur (Adele Lewisohn), 361, 375, 417

  Lehman, Dorothy, see Bernhard, Dorothy Lehman

  Lehman, Durr & Co., 92, 102

  Lehman, Emanuel, 61, 85, 93, 102–3, 263, 276, 283, 358, 361, 406, 407

  Lehman, Mrs. Emanuel (Pauline Sondheim), 85

  Lehman, Frances, see Loeb, Mrs. John L.

  Lehman, Harriet, see Lehman, Mrs. Sigmund

  Lehman, Hattie, see Goodhart, Mrs. Philip J.

  Lehman, Henry, 60, 61, 85, 276

  Lehman, Herbert H., 16, 25, 92, 358–59, 361, 366–67, 397–98, 403

  Lehman, Irving, 25

  Lehman, Mayer, 61, 85, 92–93, 102–3, 199, 276, 283, 358, 361n., 375, 407

  Lehman, Mrs. Mayer (Babette Newgass), 273

  Lehman, Meyer H., 276, 361

  Lehman, Newgass & Co., 102

  Lehman, Orin, 25

  Lehman, Philip, 276, 361, 362, 364, 365, 366, 411, 412

  Lehman, Robert, 25, 365, 406, 411–13

  Lehman, Sigmund, 276, 283, 361

  Lehman, Mrs. Sigmund (Harriet Lehman), 283

  Lehman Brothers, 10, 20, 57n., 61, 85, 102, 104, 171, 358, 360–62, 364–65, 366, 379, 405, 406, 409, 411

  Lehman Collection, 412

  Lehman Corporation, 366

  Lehman family, 9, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24–25, 60, 65, 84, 102, 140, 145, 148, 149, 172, 276, 321, 366, 374, 397, 404, 407, 408, 409

  Lehmann, Leo, 175, 177

  L’Elisir d’Amore, 334

  Lemaire, see Lehmaier

  Le Matin, 259n.

  Lenox, James, 77

  Leopold, Nathan, 22

  Levant, Oscar, 408

  Levant, Mrs. Oscar, see Loew, Mrs. Arthur

  Levi, Regine, see Seligman, Mrs. Henry

  Levi family, 20

  Lewisohn, Adele, see Lehman, Mrs. Arthur

  Lewisohn, Adolph, 10, 18, 233 ff., 242–45, 283, 291–92, 293, 294, 324, 371, 375, 386–90, 409

  Lewisohn, Mrs. Adolph (Emma Cahn), 283, 386, 389

  Lewisohn, Alice, 319

  Lewisohn, Frank, 10

  Lewisohn, Irene, 319

  Lewisohn, Joan, see Simon, Joan Lewisohn

  Lewisohn, Julius, 237, 371

  Lewisohn, Leonard, 237, 291, 292, 319

  Lewisohn, Sam, 233–34, 237–38

  Lewisohn, Mrs. Sam #1 (Fanny Haarbleicher), 233, 234, 235

  Lewisohn, Mrs. Sam #2 (Julie), 233

  Lewisohn, Sam II, 386, 389–90

  Lewisohn, Mrs. Sam II (Margaret Seligman), 389, 390, 418

  Lewisohn Brothers, 291–92

  Lewisohn family, 9, 20, 21, 24, 233 ff., 243–45, 250, 294, 321, 361, 382, 408, 409

  Lewisohn Stadium, 18, 388, 417

  Liebknecht, Karl, 351

  Liebmann, Mrs. Alfred, 302

  Lilienthal family, 20, 382

  Liliuokalani of Hawaii, 310

  Limburg family, 361

  Lincoln, Abraham, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 111, 117, 138–39, 362n.

  Lincoln, Mrs. Abraham (Mary Todd), 138–39, 141

  Lincoln, Tad, 138

  Lindo family, 42

  Literary Digest, 299

  Lloyd George, David, 351

  Loeb, Ann, see Bronfman, Mrs. Edgar

  Loeb, Carl Morris, 22, 23, 406–9

  Loeb, Mrs. Carl Morris (Adeline Moses), 407–8

  Loeb, Gerald, 22

  Loeb, Guta, see Seligman, Mrs. Isaac Newton

  Loeb, Harold, 22

  Loeb, James, 181, 277–78, 398–99

  Loeb, Mrs. James (Toni Hambuchen), 398

  Loeb, John
L., 23, 408, 409–11

  Loeb, Mrs. John L. “Peter” (Frances Lehman), 23, 408–9

  Loeb, John L., Jr., 409

  Loeb, Morris, 181, 197, 217, 276–77, 312, 399

  Loeb, Mrs. Morris (Eda Kuhn), 217, 277

  Loeb, Nina, see Warburg, Mrs. Paul

  Loeb, Rhoades & Co., 20, 22, 409, 410, 415

  Loeb, Richard, 22

  Loeb, Rosina, 67

  Loeb, Solomon, 22, 24, 67, 68–69, 103, 104, 171, 177–78, 180–84, 193–95, 204, 206, 217, 231–32, 276–77, 278, 279, 284, 321, 406, 419, 420

  Loeb, Mrs. Solomon #1 (Fanny Kuhn), 68–69, 181, 197, 420

  Loeb, Mrs. Solomon #2 (Betty Gallenberg), 69–70, 103, 171, 172, 180–84, 192, 193, 194, 216, 231–32, 267, 273, 276, 277, 278, 318

  Loeb, Therese, see Schiff, Mrs. Jacob

  Loeb Classical Library, 278

  Loeb families, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22, 23–24, 25, 60, 68, 69, 148, 149, 180–84, 200, 276–79

  Loew, Arthur, 408

  Loew, Mrs. Arthur, 408

  Logan, Mrs. John A., 299; see also Guggenheim, Mrs. M. Robert #4

  Lomask, Milton, 65

  Lombroso family, 42

  London, Meyer, 356

  London Chronicle, 75

  London Times, 347, 350

  Lone Voice Publishing Co., 297

  Long Island rr, 164

  Lopez family, 42

  Loree, L. F., 337, 338

  Louis, Minnie, 320–21

  Low, A. A., 83

  Low, Frederick F., 136

  Low, Seth, 263, 354

  Lowell, Josephine Shaw, 321

  Lowell family, 38

  Lower East Side, 316, 317–18, 320–24, 354, 355, 370, 404

  Lusitania, 347

  McAllister, Ward, 100, 101–2, 144, 282, 331

  McCarthy, Joseph R., 366–67

  McCarthy, Mary, 302

  McCormick, Richard C., 156

  McCreery, James, 263

  McCulloch, Hugh, 111, 117

  McKinley, William, 286n.

  McNamara, Hanna, 296

  M. Guggenheim’s Sons, 249

  M. M. Warburg & Co., 206, 209, 211, 214, 384, 393, 395, 415

  Mack, Julian W., 356

  Macmillan Co., 396

  Macy, R. H. & Co., 20, 82, 171, 260, 360

  Maine Chance Farm, 419

  Mainzer, Bernard, 21

  Mainzer family, 20

  Mallet, M., 119

  Manhattan Beach Co., 164

  Manhattan Opera, 335, 339

  Manufacturers Trust Co., 385

  Many Lives of Otto Kahn, The, 337n.

  Margaret, Princess of England, 382

  Marine National Bank, 285n.

  Marriott, John (Sir), 385

  Marriott, Mrs. John (Maude Kahn), 371, 385

  Marshall, Louis, 356

  Matz, Mary Jane, 337n.

  Mauch Chunk, Pa., 35, 46, 47, 140

  May Laws, 317

  Melton, James, 19

  Memphis, Carthage & Northwestern rr, 130

  Messel, Lina, see Seligman, Mrs. Isaac

  Messel, Oliver (Sir), 382

  Metropolitan Museum of Art, 252, 417

  Metropolitan Opera, 325, 331–35, 339, 346, 351

  Meyer, Barbara, see Guggenheim, Mrs. Meyer (son of Simon)

  Meyer, Rachel, see Guggenheim, Mrs. Simon (#2)

  Meyer family, 283

  Miami Beach, 18, 374

  Michel, Clifford W., 409

  Michel, Mrs. Clifford W. (Barbara Richards), 409

  mining, 247 ff.

  Minuit, Peter, 112

  Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Co., see Katy

  Missouri Pacific Railroad, 129, 130, 180

  mistresses, 295–96

  Mitchell, David L., 10

  Mittelweg Warburgs, 211

  Monetary Trust Investigation, 342–43

  Montagu, Samuel, 206

  Montana Copper Co., 243

  Montefiore Home, 252

  Montefiore Hospital, 17, 314, 354, 353, 420

  Montgomery, Ala., 60–61

  Morgan, House of, 141, 156, 225, 226, 380, 405; see also Drexel, Morgan Co. and Morgan, John Pierpont

  Morgan, J. S., 131

  Morgan, John Pierpont, 130–31, 141, 143, 147, 156, 176, 179, 180, 186, 187, 189, 191, 201, 204, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228–31, 248, 253, 254, 255, 309, 327, 328, 343, 354, 363, 379, 380; see also Morgan, House of

  Morgan, John Pierpont, Jr., 385n.

  Morgan family, 100

  Morgenthau, Henry, 333, 356, 415

  Morgenthau, Mrs. Henry, 415

  Morgenthau family, 20

  Morris, Lewis (Col.), 39

  Morris, William, 43

  Morris, Mrs. Wistar, 67

  Morris family, 39, 41, 43, 74, 75, 100, 101, 133

  “Morrisania,” 39

  Morton, Bliss & Co., 128, 162

  Morton, Levi P., 128, 158

  Moses, Adeline, see Loeb, Mrs. Carl Morris

  Moses, Alfred Huger, 407

  Moses, Isaac, 43

  Moses, Robert, 401

  Moses family, 407

  Mount Sinai Hospital, 7, 323, 373, 388

  Murray Hill, NYC, 83, 103

  Murray Hill Hotel, 303–6

  Museum of Modern Art, 416, 417

  Museum of the City of New York, 373

  Napoleon, 30, 67

  Nast, Condé, 23

  Nast, Natica, see Warburg, Mrs. Gerald

  Nathan, Benjamin, 42

  Nathan, Mrs. Benjamin (née Hendricks), 42

  Nathan family, 42, 144, 261, 382

  National Bank of Commerce, 182

  National City Bank (NYC), 224, 309, 343, 405

  Neighborhood Playhouse, 319

  Netter family, 68

  Neustadt, Adele, see Schiff, Mrs. Mortimer

  Neustadt, Sigmund, 21, 309, 310n.

  Neustadt, Mrs. Sigmund, 309, 310n.

  Neustadt family, 20, 21, 151; see also Newton family

  New Jersey Shore, see Elberon

  New York Association for the Blind, 17

  New York Central Railroad, 123, 130, 179, 337, 359

  New York City, 37 ff., 57, 71 ff., 82–83, 144–45, 316

  New York Clearing House, 405

  New York Herald, 39, 72, 91, 254, 334, 339

  New York Life ins. co., 327, 328

  New York Morning Advertiser, 264, 275

  New York Mutual Gas Light Co., 111

  New York Post, 417

  New York Railway Co., 158

  New York Stock Exchange, 38, 82, 227n., 381, 406, 408, 410

  New York Times, 22, 29, 147, 162, 282, 347, 349, 355, 370

  New York University, 417

  New York World, 138, 327, 330

  New York Yacht Club, 124, 179

  Newbold family, 100

  Newgass, Babette, see Lehman, Mrs. Mayer

  Newgass, Benjamin, 85n., 102

  Newport, R.I., 18, 160, 283, 286

  Newton family, 151

  Niblo’s restaurant, 40, 73

  Nicaragua canal, 254, 255, 256, 258, 259

  Nickel Plate rr, 338

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 346, 363

  Norfolk & Western rr, 180

  Northern Pacific rr, 187, 191, 222, 223, 224–29, 230, 244, 245, 327, 338

  Northern Securities Holding Co., 230

  Office of War Information, 366

  Ohrbach’s store, 138

  Old Guard, 23, 24, 99, 171

  Old Merchants of New York City, The, 42

  “One Hundred,” 20

  opera, 331 ff.

  Oppenheim, Charlotte, see Warburg, Mrs. Moritz

  Oppenheim family, 212, 393

  Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., 222

  Oregon Short Line rr, 222

  Packer, Asa, 35, 46, 47

  Pale of Settlement, 317

  Palm Beach, 18, 374, 400, 417

  Palmer, Mrs. Potter, 121, 132, 141

  Panama Canal, 253 ff.

nbsp; Panama Railroad, 255

  Panamanian Declaration of Independence, 260

  Panic of 1837, 35, 37, 39

  Panic of 1857, 83

  Panic of 1873, 134, 136, 142, 145, 201, 250, 254

  Panic of 1907, 342

  Pater, Walter, 220

  Patterson, Sen., 255–56

  Pavlova, Anna, 419

  Payne, Oliver H., 293

  Peabody, Endicott, 203–4

  Pearson, C. Arthur, 348

  Pecora Investigating Committee, 385–86

  Penn, William, 68

  Pennsylvania Railroad, 177, 180, 337, 359–60

  Perkins, George W., 379

  Perry, Caroline Slidell, see Belmont, Mrs. August

  Perry, Matthew Calbraith (Commodore), 75, 76

  Perry, Oliver Hazard, 75

  Perry family, 75

  Pershing, F. Warren, 409

  Pershing, Mrs. F. Warren, 409

  Pershing, John J., 350, 409

  Pershing & Co., 409

  Philips, Mrs. August (Emanie Arling), 10, 279, 283

  Phipps, Henry, 321

  Pierce, Andrew, 129

  Piping Rock Club, 374

  Plotz, Harry, 23

  Plotz, Mrs. Harry (Ella Sachs), 23

  Poniatowsky, André (Prince), 286–90

  “Porkopolis,” 69, 103

  Porter, Horace, 262

  Portrait of a Father, 390

  Potter, Henry C., 263

  prejudice, see anti-Semitism

  Prince, Ellin, see Speyer, Mrs. James

  pro-Semitism, 143

  Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, The, 143, 380

  Provident Loan Society, 354

  Provisional Zionist Committee, 356

  Pujo Committee, 342–43

  Puritans, 47

  Purmann, Gustav, 386

  Racquet Club, 261, 373

  railroads, 37, 82–83, 99, 115, 117, 122 ff., 141, 178–80, 185–89, 190–91, 194, 201, 202, 205, 222 ff., 244–45, 327, 337–38

  Rankin, Mrs., 52

  Rathbone, Basil, 387

  Rea, Samuel, 338

  Reading, Rufus (Lord), 344–45, 350

  Red Cross, 355

  Red Damask, 10, 279

  Redlich, F., 124n.

  Resources of National Socialism … 393

  Revolution of 1905, 317

  Rhinelander family, 39, 100

  Rhoades & Co., 409

  Rhoades family, 22

  “rich man’s panic,” 342

  Richards, Barbara, see Michel, Mrs. Clifford W.

  Rockefeller, John D., 62, 224, 246–47, 249, 292, 293, 343, 354, 359

  Rockefeller, William, 292

  Rockefeller, Winthrop, 19

  Rodeburg, Moritz, 263

  Rodin, François, 329

  Rogers, Henry H., 292, 294

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 16, 367

  Roosevelt, Isaac, 40

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 100, 260, 342, 345

  Roosevelt family, 39, 41, 100

  Root, Elihu, 262

  Rosenwald, Julius, 362

  Rosenwald, Samuel, 362

  Rosenwald, Mrs. Samuel (Augusta Hammerslough), 362

  Rosenwald family, 20

  Rothschild, Baron de, 73


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