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Shattered Heart

Page 7

by Carol May

  “Yes, I know it.” If only I could make a promise to my Mama. There was this guy on the opposite end of my floor that seemed to have it all. You know looks, grades, girls, money, and friends.”

  “I know the type. Let me guess that was Houston?”

  “Yes, it was. So one day, I saw him with another one of his “visitors.” Well, it wasn’t but about 15 minutes till I saw another girl standing outside his door, just about ready to knock. I’d seen this happen a couple of times with him. It didn’t really bother me. Only this time, the girl in the hall was one that I was interested in. So, to make a long story short, I saved her from getting her feelings hurt.” Laughing, he went on, being the egoistical ass that he is/was, Houston thought I did it for him. One thing led to another and we’ve been saving each other in one way or another ever since.”

  “Ok, I have to ask, how it went with the girl?”

  “We dated for four years.”

  Wanting to hear more I ask, “So you have been with him since you graduated?”

  Shaking his head, “No. I realized school wasn’t for me. So, I did a couple of tours in the Middle East. I ran into him at a veteran’s celebration back at school that his company was sponsoring. He needed somebody he could trust. I needed a job.”

  Pulling into my building’s parking lot, I grunt just a little.

  “Is something wrong, Mam?”

  “No, I was just thinking that this building isn’t exactly Dade 303.”

  “No, Mam but very few buildings are like Dade 303. Correct me if I am wrong but your company is young. Just because you are starting here doesn’t mean you’ll stay here. Even if you do, stay here that is, there is nothing wrong with it. Lots of people have a whole lot less.”

  “I suppose you’re right about that, Nash.” As I reach over to put my hand on the door handle, Nash exits the SUV. Before, I can get out he is around it and holding the door open for me.

  Flashing him a half smile, I say, “Thanks again for rescuing me but I’m really not sure what all the fuss was about.” I walk away from the vehicle shaking my head. I get about three steps when I stop, turn and see Nash walking behind me reminding me of a puppy I had when I was little. The way it followed me everywhere taking every step I took. Looking at him, I put my hands on my hips and ask, “What are you doing?”

  “I am to make sure you get inside and that you are ok,” he replies in a kind, patient voice.

  “In case you haven’t noticed, I am a big girl and I really don’t need you to do that. You can see I am fine.” Turning, pointing at the door of my building, “I am going in through that door, across the lobby, up in the elevator, down the hall, and into my apartment. Then, I am going to lie down on my bed and forget this day. Now, does it sound like I need you to walk me? I am fine. I promise you.”

  Lifting his eyebrow to create that curious look of his, Nash replied, “Mam. I am under strict instructions. Let’s just go inside and we can discuss it in there.”

  Mumbling under my breath, I agree and walk on. As quick as we get into the lobby, I take my phone out of my bag and text Houston.

  U have got 2 b kidding?

  I waited a minute, Houston didn’t answer. Looking at Nash, I said, “He’ll never know. You can just go but he kept walking with me.

  Nash reached into his pocket, pulled out his phone. Read a message then looked at me. My phone went off.

  In what realm do you think this would be a joke?

  All the way n2 my apartment? I AM FINE.

  Are you shouting at me?

  No, just trying to make a point. He doesn’t have to go up.

  Yes he does. Humor me.

  Oooooooh ok.

  I turn, look at Nash, “Well come on since I know you are coming no matter what I say.” Rolling my eyes with exasperation, I walk off and punch the elevator button.

  “Yes Mam, I am. We both knew that from the beginning, if you excuse my saying so.” Stopping, I glance around over my shoulder and give him my death defying stare. “Your right. Now comes the search and destroy,” as I hold my up my leather cross body tote.

  Looking at me as if I had gone crazy, I rolled my eyes. “Obviously, Nash you are not married or deal with many females.”

  “No, Mam. No females around.”

  That does it! I stop dead in my tracks and look at him. “Nash, it is none of my business, if the answer is yes, it is fine with me but after that comment I just have to ask.”

  “Yes, Mam. Ask away.”

  “Are you gay?”

  Standing with his hands behind his back and a deadpan look on his face, he answered “No, Mam. I am not.”

  Waving my hands around for no particular reason other than just to move them, I looked Nash in the eye and point blank ask, “So, let me get this straight, there is no special someone or Mrs. Nash?”

  “No, Mam. No Mrs. Nash.”

  “OK, now my search and destroy mission.” Looking at me as if I had grown another head, I held up my bag. “Just watch. I search in my bag for my keys. Then by the time I have found them, my bag is destroyed. See search and destroy?”

  Laughing and shaking his head, “Women.”

  I am about to unlock the door when he holds out his hand, “Mam, keys please”

  I roll my eyes, “You are killing me.”

  He unlocks the door and we enter. Before, I can close it he is on the phone. No doubt it’s with Houston. I walk over to the counter and put my bag down. Closing my eyes, I mumble, “My laptop bag. Oh shit! Oh shit!”

  Nash turns, looks at me and says, “Yes, sir. She is all safe and sound in her apartment. Just a moment sir. Ms. Jensen, is there something wrong?” Nash asks giving me a quizzical look.

  As I motion to him, “Go ahead and I’ll tell you when you are off the phone.” Shaking his head, “No, Mam. Houston heard you. He wants to know what is wrong.”

  As I cross over to lay my bag on the table/desk, I pick up my phone to text both Lana and Joan.

  “Sir, things are alright. She is fine. She has misplaced something. Yes sir, I will check in when I return.” Clicking off his phone and putting it away, he walked a little closer and stopped by my sofa.

  “Nash, I have done something incredibly stupid.”

  “Other than disappearing for several hours?” Crossing the remainder of the room to me with his emotionless face, “Tell me what you think is so incredibly stupid.”

  “I’ve lost my laptop.” Throwing my hands in the air and walking around my dining table, my rant begins, (city girl attitude takes over) “Well, that is just the icing on today’s little cake, isn’t it?” Stopping behind an end chair, I peck on the back of it with my fingernail. “I must have left the bag in the taxi when I was getting out at Coastal Park.” And I’m off again with the circling the table. I say more to myself than to Nash, “How in the world could I have been so stupid?”

  “First off, you are not stupid, Mam.” Touching my arm, to stop my pacing, “Let me discuss this with Houston. Then, I will take care of it.”

  I look at him in disbelief. “Take care of it? How in this world will you take care of it?” Actually, that phrase hits a nerve. I turn on him, “I know you are trying to help but take care of it. What does that mean? Does that mean you’ll talk it over with Houston about the idiotic thing the little woman has done? Not that I’m actually his little woman. Does that mean Houston will send you to buy me another laptop? Cause, buying another one will not exactly make all my problems go away. Does that mean you’ll find mine?” Looking at him with what I am sure is my mid-west girl’s redneck death ray glare, a strange look comes across his face.

  “Holding his hands up in defense he says, “Well alright. Let’s forget Houston. Tell me all you can remember about the taxi, the color, anything you can remember about the driver.”

  “Do you think I will get it back?”

  Nash grimaced, “Frankly Mam, I don’t know but I will do all I can to help you. That is what you want, right? Me to help you?”
  Just a little embarrassed by my tirade, I bite on my lower lip and then give him a big hug that I’m sure made him very uncomfortable.

  “Yes, Nash that is exactly what I want. I don’t know what just happened or why I went off on you but I am sorry. I usually reserve that level of going ballistic for my brothers. Please forgive me.”

  Returning my smile, “There is nothing to forgive. Remember, he is expecting your call. Take my advice, call him right after I close the door.”

  Chapter 13

  Talking to Houston, helped me feel better. It’s not that I need a man but if I am going to have one in my life why shouldn’t he more delicious than Swiss chocolate. I couldn’t or rather wouldn’t tell him specifics about the call. It was just too personal. I don’t want anyone to know. I am sure Joan told Lana about it and the way I suddenly disappeared from the office. What am I thinking, of course they both know they were involved in the calling frenzy.

  Houston will be by after work. I know he said in a text earlier today that he wouldn’t get out of his office to around seven. That means he won’t be here before seven forty-five at the earliest. I think I’m just going to lie down for just a few minutes. After this morning and not a lot of sleep last night, I could use a nap.

  Smiling about last night, I can’t believe that really happened. As I drifted off to sleep, I think about the night and the gentle touch he had. It was as if, I was having the perfect sexual experience. The way I had always imagined the movie kind portrayed. A generous lover that put my needs first, Houston was just that. Even when he scooped me up, like he was handling a wounded bird that needed tenderness, and carried me up the steps to his bedroom.

  Laying me down on that luxurious comforter, Houston bent over me, speaking between kisses, “Charli … you… are… so … beautiful. …Let… me …love…you,” moving his way up my stomach. I tried to hold back the moan that desperately wanted to escape my lips. Giving in to the desire that was building, I allowed myself a one word reply, “Yes.” Stopping on one of my scars, “What’s this my beauty? How did you hurt yourself?”

  “Just an accident, a long time ago.”

  “I can’t make it go away but I can kiss the memory away for awhile.” His tongue traced its outline and moved upward. Cupping my breast, he gently squeezed just enough for me to want more.


  Lost deep in thought, Houston is standing in what some prefer to call a power stance-fierce facial expression, arms crossed, back flexed looking out the wall of windows like a lone wolf watching over the desert. Most business associates would agree with the description, he is a wolf in the boardroom. A great many women would concur that his alpha male instinct carries over into his bedroom.

  On this night, one of the few differences between Houston and a wolf, is the wolf would see the array of lights flickering in the night sky in front of him. Houston’s concentration focused on one thing. Keeping his back turned as Nash enters the office, Houston managed to calmly ask, “What did she say?”

  “Nothing much, sir. As a matter of fact, after I picked her up she acted as if everything was normal. She seemed fine. I took her straight back to her apartment and as you know had just a little difficulty seeing her upstairs. After that was cleared up, she didn’t seem upset until…”

  “Until what?”

  “Until she realized she had left her bag containing her laptop in the cab.”

  “What? That was what she lost? She lost her laptop?”

  “Yes, that was what she lost.”

  “Is she really that scatter brained? This is the second time she has done that. Did you locate it?”

  “Yes, sir. I was able to locate it.”

  “Quit the sir, crap. We are alone. You know how I feel about my best friend calling me sir.”

  “I know, Hugh. It’s just sometimes, I forget.”

  Turning his back to the window, finding Nash’s eyes, “The only time I ever want you to call me sir is when we are in some high level situation. I really don’t like it then but it completes the power imagine. You know how I feel about that. Let’s get back to Charli. Tell me about the bag.”

  “She did a pretty good job with the taxi description. Luckily, the driver was honest and reported it to the dispatcher. I picked it up, it’s in my office waiting for you.”

  Returning, back to his view of the city, “Thank you. I really don’t know what I would do without you. You keep my world sane.”

  Laughing, Nash turned to leave the office, “Sane, yeah that is exactly what your world is.

  “I will be ready to leave in about thirty minutes.”

  “Ok, let me know. I’ll be in my office.”



  “Find the bastard.”

  “Already on it Hugh.”

  Turning to look at Nash, Houston smiled. “I had no doubt.”

  Chapter 14

  When Houston arrived later that evening, he had my laptop. “Oh thank goodness! Nash found it!” I threw my arms around him, giving him a thank you kiss that he won’t forget for some time. Using his special people reading talent, he could sense that I didn’t want to discuss the day’s events. He understood, I wanted to forget everything and simply relax.

  We ordered delivery from a local Cuban restaurant. “While we’re waiting, let me show you my home, H., because it will take all of five seconds. You really don’t have to move from the sofa for the tour. Just turn your head.”

  I stood up took five steps, “This is the kitchen, dining room/home office as you can tell by the mess.” I stepped off another five steps, opened a door, “bathroom,” three steps more “bedroom,” raising my eyes two or three times which made him laugh. “Finally, another five steps, I am back onto the sofa here beside you. See five seconds.” We both laugh as I sit down beside him.

  “Charli, your place is great besides it isn’t the place I am here for,” as he arched his eyebrows and smiles.

  “Oh really? You mean you aren’t here for the semi-hard couch and poor deck view?”

  “If I am not here for those things then let’s see what I might be here for,” leaning in closer to my lips he whispers “it’s the executive level home office.” Laughing, I pick up a pillow and bop him in the chest with it just as the doorbell rings.

  “Sit here beautiful, I’ll be right back. I’m just going to answer the door. Which I assuming it is the food unless you are expecting someone.”

  “You most certainly will not! This is my home and you are my guest.”

  Well, yes, this is your home but I am not a man that is in the habit of having my meals purchased by a woman, beautiful and pouty faced or not.”

  “Houston Donovan, my guests do not pay for their meals, mister.” Throwing up his hands he agreed, “I give up, okay, okay. This one time.”

  Since my dining room table is full of work, we sat on the sofa, eating out of carryout containers talking about the first time we each ate Cuban food. Agreeing that traditional Cuban coffee is either too strong or too sweet for us, we dug into the meal laughing and enjoying each other’s company. I am not sure which I enjoyed more, the food or knowing he seemed to be comfortable here in my home. I was thoroughly embarrassed when I yawned once or twice.

  “That is my signal, I better get going,” as Houston leaned over kissing my cheek. I turned to face him, prepared to ask him to stay with me in my humble abode as my eyes found pools of blue focused on my face. Houston’s lips met mine causing me to slide my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer but not stopping with me beside him but up onto his lap. I could feel his strong sculpted thighs underneath me. As our kiss deepened, the need for Houston to be inside me grew. Pulling away and leaning our foreheads together, “I really would like to stay but I have a conference call that I have to take from the office in approximately fifty minutes.”

  “Oh, it seems sort of late but okay.”

  “It isn’t late if the people on the other end are in Melbourne, A
ustralia. There is a twelve hour time difference.”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot you are Mr. Worldwide mogul, taking companies and making money.

  Tilting his head as if he was thinking about that, “Hump, I suppose. Will I see you tomorrow?” “I would like that,” as I run my hand up his loosened silk tie, wrapping my left arm around his waste. “By the way before I go, I wanted to ask if you have had an opportunity to discuss the Black and Gold Gala with Lana?” Making a face, I shake my head. “No, but I will tomorrow. I promise.”

  “OK, beautiful.”

  “Not hardly.”

  Charli, I don’t like it when you are negative about yourself. Yes you are, not up for discussion,” leaning down to give me one more kiss before he left. I melted into him as if he were the sun and I was an icicle.


  That smell what is it? It vaguely smells like hot metal. Why am I coughing? I hear something, its sounds like something popping. I try to shake my head so it will clear. Where am I? I raise my head just a little, open my eyes and look around. OH NO! OH NO! Next thing I know it is black.

  I sit straight up in my bed, jerk my head around and automatically know, it is the dream again. My heart is racing. I take deep breaths to try and slow it down. I lean toward the night stand, pick up my cell phone. It’s one in the morning I lay back down curling into a ball, afraid my real life nightmare will happen again.

  Chapter 15

  Hey Charli, want the usual?”

  Nodding my head, “Sounds good to me Rose.” Looking around the Java Hut, I ask, “Hey where is everybody? It’s a little empty in here.” With a little shrug, Rose replied, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, sister. You’re a little later than normal. That off to work rush is over.” It’s been a couple of days since you have been in, “Where have you been? I’ve missed your commentary on customers.”


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