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Irresistible Desire (A Savannah Novel)

Page 8

by Danielle Jamie

  I decided to check my @connect to see if Kayden has seen my tweet, heavily doubting that he had. My jaw falls open when I notice not one, but two tweets from him. Holy crap that was faster than I’d anticipated.

  @SavannahLivingston I’m happy to hear you received your flowers today, and that you liked them so much

  @SavannahLivingston Also, I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks at the Envy magazine party. It’s going be a night to remember.

  What the hell just happened? I didn’t expect to get any response, but two is just insane. In the following five minutes I’ve gained over two hundred new followers, most of them asking why Kayden Knox was sending me flowers. I know that my name will soon be trending because of this.

  “Oh Crap! I didn’t think this through at all,” I chastise myself and set my laptop down. I begin pacing the living room floor, what did I just do? Why couldn’t I just wait until tomorrow and write to his personal email? In the space of a few weeks I’m going to go from the front cover of magazines for announcing my engagement, to my engagement being called off, and NOW to me being the “mystery woman” that Kayden Knox is sending flowers to! I really didn’t think this through. Damn you Logan, this is your fault, you’ve sent my entire world into a whirlwind of gossip and speculation.

  I decide the best way to take attention away from me is to tweet Kayden back, I can just imagine the headache he is going to have because to me. You can’t even glance at someone in this industry without people speculating about your sex life. “You gotta love Hollywood,” I mutter to myself, shaking my head as I type a new tweet to Kayden.

  @Kayden Knox I look forward to the party, Eloise is thrilled with how the January issue of Envy is coming along. Thank you again for the kind words. It’s a difficult time for me, it means a lot.

  There…hopefully that will clear some things up and stop the rumor mill from going into overdrive. My stomach flutters as I read the hunk is now my follower, now we can communicate in private. As I admire his profile picture a smile creeps across my face, he is beyond handsome and I can only imagine the number of broken hearts he’s caused with that mega-watt smile of his. Hell, if my heart wasn’t shattered right now, I might actually be able to add myself to that list. Nevertheless, at this moment in time I don’t ever want to open my heart to another man. I don’t think I can cope with this betrayal again.

  I lie low over the next weeks, trying to ride out the media storm. Thankfully Logan gave up on trying to convince me to take him back, possibly due to the fact my father threatened to snap his neck if he came near me again. I spend every day in the same routine - going to work, going to the gym and returning home; before I know it, the end of October is already approaching. Brooklyn has started asking me to go out dancing over the last few weekends, but I don’t feel up to putting on a fake smile – it’s hard to act like everything is fine while my life is falling apart around me. I can’t deal with the paparazzi hounding me every time I step foot out of my house. There are more important things they should be worry about, like our economy or world hunger…not how I feel after discovering my boyfriend has slept with half of Los Angeles.

  My parents have been touring the last few weeks, so no more Friday family dinners, which missed, oddly. I could really use their wisdom right about now. We’ve been trying to stay in touch, using Skype once a week to talk. I thought people would have lost interest in the break up by now, but boy was I wrong. The reporters from all those cheesy magazines have resorted to harassing my parents, turning every tour promotion into a question and answer session about me.

  Thanks to a few of the models at Logan's agency, interest has skyrocketed over the last few weeks. They quickly realized they could make money off of my turmoil by selling their stories to the tabloids and now the entire world knows my ex-boyfriend had a vast amount of affairs while we were together. Typically, instead of hurting Logan it’s actually helped his career. This industry is so twisted, the more the media talks about him, the more attention he gets. Megan’s career is developing rapidly too, having Logan as a manager right now apparently draws attention to all the right places.

  I’m grateful for the distraction that comes with my job, especially as Eloise is being incredibly understanding. Having paparazzi camped outside our building on numerous occasions, waiting to bombard me with a swarm of questions, can’t be easy to deal with as a boss. Plus, I haven’t exactly been the most entertaining person to be around; tending to avoid any type of socializing as talking about things makes the pain worse.

  One good thing to transpire from this break-up is that I’ve gotten myself into the best shape of my life. I’ve always been skinny but now I have muscle tone in all the right places. I took up kickboxing to help release my pent up anger and it’s been really therapeutic. Who knew kicking and punching things could make you feel so much better? I even convinced Brooklyn to sign up and take the class with me and she’s enjoying it too. It doesn’t hurt that her acting career has taken a turn for the better as a result, she’s managed to get great guest appearances as a “bad ass” chick and has even been approached about being a stunt double in a huge blockbuster that starts filming in a fortnight. She’s ecstatic.

  Tonight is the annual Halloween party at Vertigo and I agree to go with Brooklyn, feeling bad for making her go out on her own the past few weeks. She’s beyond thrilled that I’m actually getting out of the house and attempting to have some fun. She buys a slutty little red riding hood costume and I pick out a sexy cop costume, complete with handcuffs. She tells me I need to find a guy tonight and fuck his brains out to help me get out my pent up sexual frustrations. I have to agree, it has been a long four weeks… that’s for sure.

  Brooklyn is applying the last touches of her make-up in the bathroom when I walk in and slap her on the ass. She giggles and jumps a few inches, “Savannah! You almost made me poke my damn eye out,” She turns to look at me, pointing her eye liner in my face.

  “Well, be grateful you didn’t.” I tease

  “That cop outfit is smoking hot, you going to test out your cuffs on a guy tonight?” She asks, winking at me before turning back to finish her makeup.

  “That’s the plan. I am not bringing a guy back here though. I plan on taking him out to my car and having wild, no strings attached sex.”

  I walk over and sit on the edge of the bathtub, watching Brooklyn work her magic. If she wasn’t pursuing a career in acting, she would make an amazing makeup artist.

  “Well I’ll be sure not to come a knockin’ if the car is a rockin’.”

  She raises her eyebrow and lets out a little laugh, applying her fire red lipstick before rubbing her lips together vigorously and separating them with a loud POP.

  “Finally, you take longer than I do with your makeup,” I taunt, pushing on her back and forcing her to walk out of the bathroom. “We have a party to attend and while I’m all for being fashionably late, I do not want every guy to be taken or vomiting by the time we get there.”

  “Stop being such a drama queen Savannah, you know, we nicknamed you well.” She teases as we head out to my car. It’s midnight by the time we arrive at Vertigo and there’s a massive queue outside the door. A hefty amount of people glare at us as we use our VIP status to walk by them and into the pounding club. The building is packed; there are more people here tonight than I’ve ever seen and navigating through the crowd is treacherous to say the least. After what feels like an eternity we finally make it to the bar, I order a Cherry Hooker and it brings a grin to Brooklyn’s face. It’s made from cherry brandy and orange juice. It tastes like heaven in your mouth, cherry brandy and orange, but more importantly, it gets you drunk fast…the perfect combination.

  “I’ll get the same as her.” Brooklyn shouted over bar.

  “So we’re being Cherry Hookers together tonight?” I ask seductively.

  “Yes we are; we’re going to let loose, dance all night, get smashed and find us some men!” She screams at me through the music, we’re
both going to be hoarse tomorrow.

  We finish off our drinks and head to the dance floor, managing to dance on our own for about half an hour before a group of guys approach us and join in. I automatically focus on one who looks to be about our age, with short dark hair and broad shoulders; he looks like he spent an awful amount of time in the gym and reminds me of an Abercrombie and Fitch model.

  He’s dressed as a rock-star and, oh my, did he look sexy as hell under the rainbow of lights. He walks up behind me, resting his hands on my hips and I begin swaying into him with the music, his hands slowly working their way down towards my thighs. I feel the heat radiating from his body and sweat begins to mist my body, he leans down and runs his tongue up the back of my neck, licking the saltiness away. Damn that’s hot. I throw my head back against his shoulder as he works his way up my neck, licking, kissing and sucking on it. Chills run up and down my entire body and I wonder how it’s possible to be simultaneously burning hot and covered in goosebumps.

  He whispers in my ear that he wants to get away from the crowd, and with our fingers linked together, he leads me down the hallway and into the restroom corridor.

  “You look so fucking hot in that cop outfit, it makes me want to be bad just so you’ll have an excuse to handcuff me and punish me.”

  He growls seductively into my ear, sending more chills down my spine, making the pulsing between my legs become unbearable.

  “Oh believe me, I would love to put these cuffs on you, but right now I have an even better idea,” I suck my bottom lip into my mouth and bite firmly, making him shoot a sharp breath out. He presses me against the wall, ravishing my mouth. He runs his hand slowly up the back of my thigh, stopping when he reaches my ass.

  “These fishnet stockings are killing me…I don’t even know your name.” He grips my ass firmly and moves his mouth down my neck, pressing against me until I feel his hard length press against my stomach.

  “Savannah, my name is Savannah,” I manage to breath between moans; his tongue on my neck is making it hard to concentrate on anything.

  “Well Savannah, I think it’s about time we got out of here before I rip your panties off right here and fuck you against this wall.”

  He spins me around so my back faces the wall and slides his fingers up my thigh, this time working his hands under my skirt. He rides his hand over my clit through my damp underwear before sliding his fingers under the lace fabric. I lay my head back against his chest and let out a deep moan. The smell of his cologne, the sound of the music and people everywhere was…intoxicating.

  I’ve only drunk two Cherry Hookers but it feels like I’d had triple that. My head is spinning and my body is beginning to tighten. I feel my climax building and the danger of doing this in public making it that much more exciting.

  “I…don’t know your name,” I breathe, as I press myself deeper onto his enticing fingers, silently demanding he continue.

  “Shayne,” Just hearing his deep rasp in my ear sends me over the edge and an orgasm rocks through my body, causing my legs to buckle under me. His arm wraps around my waist, holding me firmly against him. He quickly spins me to face him again, “You’re one hell of a girl Savannah, you ready to go and try out those handcuffs?” He flashes me a mesmerizing grin that makes my entire body flush again.

  I return to the bar to find Brooklyn at the bar with one of the men Shayne had come here with. I inform her we’re heading out to the parking garage and will be back shortly to dance some more. I’m still reeling from the public orgasm I just had; I’ve never done anything like that before and it was exhilarating getting caught up in the moment, so turned on that I couldn’t hold back.

  I hold Shayne’s hand as he leads me to his car, his eyes radiating desire. He rips off my panties in record time and I help him unbutton his jeans, sliding them down to his knees. This was going to be quick, pleasurable sex. Tonight I was having fun. I want to forget about Logan and all the women I’ve had to deal with over the last couple of weeks, Shayne is the perfect guy to help me jump this hurdle and move on.

  I climb into the back seat, pull out my handcuffs and tell him to handcuff me to the handle above my head. He flashes a small smile and slides the cuffs through the handle, attaching them to my wrists. Being restrained has always made the entire sexual experience more arousing to me. The idea of being completely vulnerable to another person, giving them the power to do to you as they please, is tantalizing. Just knowing you can’t do anything but lie there and take it is mind-blowing in itself.

  Shayne definitely knows his way around a woman and gives me some of the best sex of my life. I come three times before he lets me return the favor. My wrists burn from the cuffs but the sensation is overpowered by pleasure surging through my body. For the first time in a month I feel happy, free from the pain and lies. I’m ready to move on with my life, to focus on me and my happiness.

  We clean up and head back inside the club. We dance for hours and, only after admitting I could no longer stand in my six inch stilettos did Brooklyn finally agree it was time to head home. I hadn’t had a drink since the earlier cocktails and I feel completely sober so I drive us home I hated the idea of leaving my prize possession in a parking garage overnight anyways.

  I bid goodbye to Shayne, thanking him for giving me a very memorable Halloween. I’m relieved I managed to find a guy who I felt nothing but sexual attraction for. There were no butterflies in my stomach when he looked at me; there was passion yes, but nothing more.. I feel a hundred times better leaving the club than I did when we first arrived, Brooklyn was right; this is exactly what I needed.

  “Lucky bitch, you got a piece tonight and I leave empty handed."

  Brooklyn says, giving me puppy dog eyes and pouting her bottom lip at me.

  “Hey, you get a piece of ass every other day! I haven’t had sex for over a month and that was a month too long, that’s for damn sure. Shayne rocked my world tonight and it was exactly what I needed. So thank you for convincing me to come out tonight.” I wrap my arm around her and pull her against my side, resting my head on her shoulder.

  “Well, I’m just happy to see you smiling again, even if it has only been a few hours. Seeing you crying every day, keeping yourself locked up in our house is heartbreaking. It makes me want to go and ram this stiletto heel repeatedly into Logan Sanders’ groin.” She has a dead serious look on her face - the usually easy going, bubbly Brooklyn was gone and the angry, resentful Brooklyn was rearing her ugly head, I’ve only seen this look a few times and it never ends well…Ever.

  “I’m done talking, thinking, dwelling on Logan, the only way I can get past all this pain and sadness is to try to move on with my life and forget he ever existed. I want nothing more than to make him suffer, but wasting my energy trying to seek revenge on him is useless. It will only hurt me more in the end. I don’t need to give the press another story to write about. I’m sick and tired of seeing the worst moment of my life all over the covers of numerous tabloids."

  “All I know is karma better be a major bitch to Logan because he sure as hell earned a karmic beat down…that’s for damn sure,” With that Brooklyn drops the subject of Logan and we talk about my night, “I knew you were always a closet wild child, Savannah Livingston.” She giggles as she examines the red marks on my wrists.

  “I told you before, I like it kinky sometimes and I had no idea public sex could be so overly stimulating. It felt like everything he did was magnified a hundred times. I don’t know if it’s the danger of being caught, but it was exhilarating to say the least. I don’t think I’ll forget this Halloween for as long as I live.”


  Chapter 8


  We finally stagger through our apartment door around four in the morning, tossing our heels on the floor and heading silently to our rooms. . I crash hard and fast, today has been physically and emotionally draining but finally for the first time in a month, it’s in a good way. It’s no sooner than I fall asleep thoug
h, that I’m bombarded with nightmares of Logan, standing in the club watching me with Shayne, laughing and chastising me, telling me how I’m a slut just like him and gloating about how he’s ruined me for any other man. He tells me how they might please my body but they’ll l never be able to satisfy my heart. When I wake in the early hours, I find my sheets drenched in sweat and have to strip my bed, I can’t escape him. I suddenly feel sick about myself, was I a slut? I’ve always judged girls who have sex with strangers; it grossed me out to think of sleeping with a guy who I knew nothing about; anything could happen. Now I seem to have succumbed to acting just like them. Imagine if I’d picked the wrong guy.


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