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Irresistible Desire (A Savannah Novel)

Page 9

by Danielle Jamie

  I take a shower to wash the stale sweat and the stagnant smell of Shayne from my body; it feels like I bathed in his cologne. Just a few hours ago I’d felt like tonight was amazing, I thought I was finally taking down some of those emotional barriers I put up after Logan, yet now I’m regretting it all. My head is swimming with conflictions and I curse Logan for being able to ruin my night after everything that’s happened.

  I shower quickly and make my bed with new sheets, it’s already getting light outside but I fall back asleep in minutes, my mind still ablaze with thought of Logan, Cara and Shayne.

  The weekend passes quickly although it seems every day lately is one big blur. Brooklyn stays in the rest of the weekend, vegging out with me, watching shows we had on the DVR. With both of us working all week it’s hard to find time to sit down and watch anything. We’re in the middle of making lunch on Sunday when Brooklyn’s phone rang; it was her agent. In seconds she is screaming across the kitchen and jumping around with excitement.

  “OMG, that is amazing! Yes, I'm so excited; I’ll be there bright and early Monday morning…thanks, bye.”

  Brooklyn puts her cellphone on the kitchen counter and immediately starts screaming again, enthusiastically bouncing her way over to me. I get so wrapped up in her excitement that I start screaming and jumping around with her.

  “Wait! Why are we jumping and screaming?” I can’t help but laugh at how silly we’re being. I have no idea what was going on right now but her excitement is contagious.

  “The most amazing thing ever just happened,” she cries as she grips my shoulders and shakes me vigorously. “I went and auditioned last week for a small roll on Criminal Minds, it’s only one episode, I’m going to be a kidnap victim who will be rescued by Shemar Moore and the other cast members!”

  Her face flushes a deep red and she starts bouncing on her toes giggling, “Shemar freakin’ Moore, Savannah! That smoking hot man is going to be like five feet away from me! I swear to God, I just died and went to Heaven.”

  “Oh. My. God! Are you serious? That’s amazing! Your parents are going to be so excited, after all this time of struggling things are looking up. I swear I would risk incarceration for the chance to touch Shemar Moore. When he says “baby girl” he makes me tingle all over.” I can’t believe this; Brooklyn is going to get to work on the same set as Shemar Moore. That’s like dying and walking straight into Heaven.

  Brooklyn instantly has to tweet it, post it on Facebook and text everyone in her address book, obviously. I think she would have been happy just getting a job as a corpse on the show, let alone actually getting an acting gig for the episode. Tons of stars started out like this, small guest rolls on soap operas and primetime shows and before you know it you’re one of Hollywood’s ‘A List’ actresses. Luckily for her filming starts tomorrow, as in a few weeks she’s flying to Vancouver for her stunt double gig.

  Monday comes quickly and goes just as fast. Brooklyn is up at five to head to the CBS studios ready to shoot Criminal Minds. I have loads of time before I start work at eight, so I decide to go for a quick run. It’s incredibly therapeutic, I’m able to clear everything out of my mind and just relax, focusing on my breathing and the scenery around me. It beats the treadmill any day.

  Everyone is already hard at work when I arrive; they’re busy putting the finishing touches to the January issue. Eloise is ahead of schedule, swearing she couldn’t have done it without my multitasking skill – I was able to help her organize the entire issue so it’s basically ready to send to the publisher, only minor adjustments are needed this week. Right after Thanksgiving we all fly into Houston, Texas to stay at The Knox Hotel. One of the many Kayden and his father own worldwide. They’re on the Top 10 Best Hotels List for the Travel Channel and are certainly impressive. He’s throwing the party at his night club to celebrate making number one on our list and being on the magazine cover. He’s been generous enough to book us all suites for the entire weekend.

  It’s perfect timing to get away because I've been feeling so trapped here in Los Angeles; everywhere I go reminds me of Logan.. My parents own a beach house in Galveston, just outside of Houston, on the Gulf of Mexico. I’m considering taking a few extra days off and staying there for a week, to get away from Los Angeles for a little while longer. . Brooklyn would be in Vancouver working, so instead of lying around my house in Los Angeles all alone, I can spend the week laying on the beach in Galveston and exploring Houston.

  The Most Influential Men of 2012 Issue of Envy turns out amazingly. Eloise is thrilled with the end result and all the blogs and news shows are buzzing about the issue. Everyone has had their own predications for who they think will get the title and there have been some great guesses, it seems lots of people agree that Kayden Knox should be our number one.

  When I watched E!News last night they were discussing the issue and the men who have graced the cover as number one over the last few years. It’s the most incredible feeling in the world to know you work for such a fascinating and well respected magazine. To know I got to work so closely with Eloise Spaulding for the biggest issue of the year is like winning the lottery.

  Today, Eloise filmed an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Extra and E!News, announcing Kayden Knox is our number one man and releasing the cover for December's issue. It’s perfect timing because we’re leaving tonight for his party.

  Most people spend the day shopping Black Friday deals, trying to get the best sales of the season, but I am home, packing my suitcase to fly to Houston. Brooklyn and I went shopping last weekend to help me pick out the perfect dress to wear tomorrow, I have to look good; it’ll be the first time I’ve seen Kayden since the photo shoot. We’ve talked a little over the last few weeks but only to discuss the trip. There are twenty people flying in, Reagan will be coming thankfully, so I’ll have someone I know with me.

  I hear my cell beep and I see it’s a text from the man himself.

  Reagan: You packed yet? You know it’s going to be hot there, just toss some dresses, shorts, some Capri’s and a couple of tops, and your dress for tomorrow obviously. Why are women so high maintenance? You don’t need to pack your entire closet

  How does this man know me so well? I have two suitcases jammed almost to bursting. I’ve packed almost my entire closet, especially since I plan on staying at the beach house when everyone else flies back to Los Angeles.

  Me: I am all packed for your information, I have two very stuffed suitcases ready to go, so get your butt over here and use your big manly muscles to help me load these into the taxi.

  It only takes Reagan twenty minutes to get here; I really lucked out having a best friend who lives so close by, “Your chariot awaits my queen.” Reagan grabs my Louis Vuitton suitcases, while I carry my purse and hand luggage out to our cab, I didn’t want to chance leaving my Audi at the airport.

  “Stop calling me that! I really need to think of a nickname for you that will completely and utterly drive you insane,” I roll my eyes and slap him on the arm. Tossing my overnight bag and purse onto the back seat, I slide into the back of the cab.

  “Nope, sorry,” he says with a grin, “No. Can. Do. You’re stuck with that name for life. No other nickname would do justice for someone as glamorous and enchanting as you are.” He slides into the backseat next to me, giving my thigh a squeeze and flashing a quick smile.

  “Oh dear God, how am I ever going to survive an entire weekend with you? The mini bar better be stocked full of liquor because you are definitely gonna drive me to drink.” I rest my head on his shoulder and we ride in silence the rest of the way to the airport. Eloise is flying in later tonight due to back to back interviews with entertainment shows. We plan on arriving into Houston around three o’clock and taking the free time to explore a little. Our flight leaves right on time at noon and I’m grateful there isn’t any delay; one thing I cannot stand is being stuck in LAX for hours. We land just a little after three, Reagan collects our bags like a gentleman and we’re off t
o the hotel.

  The hotel has a very modern feel to it, from the architecture itself, to the furnishings and décor. It really was breathtaking. I could not wait to get into the spa. Kayden offered us free spa package of our choice and I was going to be taking full advantage of it. Reagan and I request rooms side by side and he helps carry my bags inside, before the bellhop brings them up to my room.

  “This place is stunning! Can you believe they have these hotels all around the world? It’s crazy.” I say to Reagan as we walk through the lobby to check in.

  “Can you imagine the amount of money it’s costing Knox for twenty Envy employees to have hotel rooms free of charge here? They’re like, what, four hundred dollars a night for one of our rooms? That’s not counting the spa treatments. Hello Mr. Moneybags,” he remarks enthusiastically. We checked in quickly and head up to the fourth floor to find our rooms. We enter to find a continuation of the luxury inside, each room has floor to ceiling windows that overlook the city, a cream colored chaise lounge in the corner of the room, placed perfectly in front of the windows. The armoire, bed and desk were all dark wood that accented the red, brown and cream bedding and decor. I perch on the most comfortable king size mattress I have every laid on and know this is going to be a good weekend.

  Reagan lets out a long whistle, “Now that is a view, I can’t wait to get out of this hotel and explore the city.”

  “Me too, I haven’t been here since I graduated high school, when Brooklyn and I came and stayed at the beach house and partied the summer away,” The memories bring a smile to my face, “We have to go to Crave Cupcakes as soon as we leave here, I need to pick up a dozen red velvet cupcakes. Don’t worry, I will share…one.” “I don’t know how the hell you eat like you do and not gain a single ounce.”

  “I’m blessed with a high metabolism,” I laugh, “The kick boxing class helps too. I just have to hang my dress up for tomorrow night, and then we can go. If you want to head over to your room I’ll come over once I’m ready.”

  “Okay, but don’t take forever, we going out to Knox’s club tonight? I need to find me a southern belle to sweep off her feet.” He winks at me, flashing his boyish grin.

  “Yeah for sure, we can have dinner in the restaurant downstairs and then go out to the club.”

  Reagan disappears to his room and I unpack my suitcases quickly, carefully hanging my dress for tomorrow night I touch up my makeup and change into jean Capri’s and a blue tank, with a little , white, short-sleeve cardigan and finally slip on my favorite sequin, Twisted Champions boat shoes. I don’t think sweatpants and a tank top would have been appropriate to wear out to explore the city. I toss my iPhone and wallet into my white, Michael Kors purse and head over to Reagan’s room.

  The hallway is buzzing with people, a few from Envy and other regular hotel guests. It occurs to me that it’s the day after Thanksgiving, so many of the hotels are probably packed full of people flying in for the holiday. I’m shocked Kayden was able to take twenty rooms away from his regular guests for us.

  “You scrub up well,” Reagan declares, looking me up and down as we walk out of the hotel and onto Houston’s bustling streets, “I thought maybe you were going to go get your cupcakes in your airplane attire.”

  “Definitely not,” I glare at him, “would you be too ashamed to walk with me if I was wearing Victoria Secret sweats and a simple tank top?”

  He quickly spins his head towards mine, knowing to answer wisely for his own safety, “Even in sweats and a tank top you would still look amazing and cause every woman we pass to become sick with envy. That is the God honest truth, Scouts honor,” he says, holding his pointer and middle finger up in the air together, thinking he is so smooth.

  “Boy scout? Get real Reagan,” I laugh a hearty laugh, “You were…never…a boy scout! I don’t think you’d last five minutes in the wilderness before you were begging to pay off the scout leader any amount of money to bring you home.” I quicken my speed, trying to maneuver through the crowd of people walking along the sidewalk.

  Reagan reaches his hand up and presses it against his heart dramatically, “Ohh, that hurts Savannah, that really cut me deep. How could you think so…?” Before he finishes he’s distracted by a tall brunette sashaying past us in mini skirt, sequin blouse and killer heels; the type of heel you don’t wear unless you want to be noticed. I smack his arm hard enough to help him regain his focus, “Oh, what I was trying to say was, you really hurt my feelings… thinking so little of me. I could make it camping in the woods and, for your information Little Miss Southern Living know-it-all, I wanted to be a boy scout but my parents wouldn’t let me. They wanted me to focus on sports. Now is a different story, but back when I was in elementary school I would have loved camping.

  We have so much fun just walking around and checking out all the different shops, we look around a few different art galleries before finally venturing to get my cupcakes. I’m starving and definitely ready for some dinner so we decide to head back to the hotel, it’s already seven so we eat in the hotel restaurant I choose a mouth-watering shrimp and fettuccini alfredo that’s absolutely delicious and Reagan got south western grilled chicken with rice. Kayden runs his hotel well; the staff are courteous and forthcoming, offering their assistance whenever needed.

  For dessert we split a chocolate cake filled with hot fudge covered in whip cream, chocolate syrup and cherries, with a side of vanilla ice cream, it was sinfully good.

  “I’m going to go and take a quick shower and then we can head out to club, I feel grimy between the flight and sightseeing.” I run my fingers through my wind tangled hair as if to demonstrate my point.

  “That’s fine, I’ll probably have one too, I don’t want to smell bad if I end up bringing someone back here tonight.” He winks at me as a Cheshire cat grin spreads across his face.

  “Okay, I’ll just text when I’m ready, give me an hour ‘cause I have to re do my hair and makeup.” I say as we step off the elevator and part ways. A shower is exactly what I need; actually a bath would be amazing; my entire body ached after all that sightseeing. I don’t think I’ll be doing much dancing tonight, more like lounging around enjoying the cocktails while I watch everyone else dance all night.

  I slip on a pair of black strappy heels and a tight, black strapless dress. I style my hair in “beachy” curls and clip a small black flower into my hair. I decide on a simple, elegant make up technique, opting for smoky eyes and clear lip gloss. It doesn’t take me long to perfect and I send Reagan a quick text letting him know I’m ready to head out.

  When we arrive at the club around eleven, it’s already packed. The line outside was huge, so I was grateful Kayden had put us on the VIP list. A few of our co-workers were already here, downing shots at the bar as we walk in. I only realized a few weeks ago that Vertigo is part of Kayden’s chain. I love that club back in home and am excited to experience the one here in Houston. Country music is blasting from the D.J.’s system; the club has more of a honky-tonk atmosphere compared to L.A.

  Reagan reaches for my hand and drags me towards the bar, “We have to do some shots to kick-start our first night in Houston!” He motions for the bartender and orders six shots of whisky.

  “You guys are joining the fun I see,” Rebecca, a stylist from Envy, slurs as she eyes the shots on the bar. “You need more than three to catch up with us Savannah, I’m already on my fifth,” she giggles as she sways to the music.

  “Here you go, tip ‘em on back,” Reagan shouts over the music as he tilts his head back, letting the whiskey run down his throat.

  “Here’s to Houston!” I shout back at him and toss back my shot, it burns like hell but I know that after a few more they’ll go down like water. Before I know it there are six shots in my system and I’m dancing, rather ironically, to Dierks Bentley’s Tip It On Back.

  As the shots keep disappearing and the country music keeps playing a few girls, including Rebecca, jump on the bar, Coyote Ugly style and start dancing.
Rebecca shouts over toward the dance floor, “Come on Savannah, get your little ass up here and dance with us!” I can’t help but laugh and as all my inhibitions flow out the window, I sidle up to the bar and clamber on.”

  “Oh man, I gotta post this to Youtube, and tweet it so Brooklyn can see this, she is going to flip her lid, she’s really gonna be pissed that she’s missing this. One thing that girl loves is dancing on bars,” Reagan laughs as he whips out his cell phone to record us all, lined up on the bar dancing. Everyone starts to crowd the bar, singing along with Big & Rich and hollering at us while we strut our stuff.


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