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Diminished (Winter's Wrath Book 2)

Page 29

by Bianca Sommerland

  Shiori waited while he added sugar and cream to her coffee. Her brow creased when he passed her the mug. “Malakai doesn’t share your enthusiasm.”

  “Malakai’s being paranoid and overprotective.” Brave rested his hip against the counter and took a gulp of the rich, sweet brew. “I told him Dariel has a thing for Alder. He doesn’t want tension in the band.”

  “Neither do you.” Shiori cocked her head. “So Malakai’s not jealous?”

  “He’s definitely jealous.” Brave shrugged, not sure what she was getting at. “He’ll get over it when he sees what Dariel can do for the band. The music is everything.”

  Sighing, Shiori turned and headed for the small round table set close to the picture window across the room. He placed his coffee and the coffee pot on a tray with the cream, sugar, and an extra mug for Malakai and brought it to the table, setting it down before taking a seat beside her.

  Cupping her mug in her hands, Shiori met his eyes. “Malakai is just as invested in the band as you are. The only way he’ll have a problem with Dariel is if you give him a reason.”

  “I love Malakai. He knows that.” But was that enough? Malakai’s concern for Alder made sense, worrying about people was the man’s MO. But jealousy? Hell, what was Brave supposed to do with that besides prove he wasn’t gonna mess around?

  Shiori shrugged. “Maybe he does. I don’t know how things will work between the three of us, but I get sometimes I’ll have to step back and let you deal with your issues. Like you’ll have to step back if it’s me and Malakai having trouble.”

  Inclining his head, he reached out to put his hand over hers. “You still get to have an opinion.”

  “I better!” She grinned and brought her coffee to her lips, not moving her hand from his. “Talk to him. That’s all I ask.”

  “Consider it done.” Brave gave her hand a light squeeze. “Now, let’s talk about you. How are you feeling?”

  Her cheeks flushed and she ducked her head. “Umm…a little sore. Good, though. It won’t affect my dancing tonight.”

  Fuck, why hadn’t I thought of that? His jaw hardened as he considered how their night together could have spoiled Shiori’s chance to make an impression on a huge stage. All their secrets wouldn’t mean shit if she couldn’t perform in front of the crowd.

  “Don’t.” Shiori frowned at him. “You don’t get to take the blame.”

  “Take the blame for what?” Malakai crossed the room, his tone sharp. He shot Brave a cold look before pulling out the chair at Shiori’s other side. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes!” Shiori slammed her mug on the table and shoved her chair back as she stood. “But I saw that. You’re ready to be mad at him. You’re both incredible. I think we have something good and then…” She motioned from Brave to Malakai. “This.”

  “Already breaking your own rules, babe? I thought you were gonna let us work out our own issues?” Brave grinned, trying to lighten the mood, but the second Shiori’s eyes narrowed, he knew he’d fucked up.

  Before he could take it back, she snatched the creamer off the table and splashed the liquid over his face. “Get out!”

  Cool cream dripped down his chin, joining the puddle soaking his boxers. He wiped his face with his hand. Stared at her. “Shiori—”

  “Now.” She pointed to the door, then spun on her heel and stormed into the bedroom.

  All right, what just happened? He moved to follow her, but Malakai latched onto his arm. “Give her some space. Let’s go to our room. We’ve got to meet the guys soon.”

  “I’m not leaving with her pissed.”

  “Because you’re an idiot. Whatever.” Malakai made a dismissive motion, cutting across the room in long strides and disappearing into the hall, shutting the door softly behind him.

  Damn. That got fucked up fast. Brave raked his fingers through his hair, looking from the closed bedroom door to the front door, completely lost. He’d never done relationships before—barring the reprehensible exception with Jesse, which didn’t count—and now he was in one with two people. And making a mess of it.

  He picked up his phone, doing the only thing he could think of to make things better.

  One message to Shiori. One to Malakai.

  With two words.

  I’m sorry.

  Halfway down the hall, Malakai’s phone buzzed and he pulled it out, cursing softly as he read the message from Brave. The anger that had flashed so hot within died a quick death. Damn it, he didn’t even know why he was mad.

  Fine, Brave hadn’t been too bright with his comment, and Shiori definitely needed time to cool down, but the man hadn’t really done anything wrong. He was being…well, Brave.

  Not the old Brave either. Simply a man who’d only truly cared about one other person in his life. His little brother. And their relationship had almost been fucked up beyond repair.

  Malakai could get on his high horse all he wanted, because he cared about a lot of people. Tate and Alder. Shiori. Anyone he thought needed him.

  But he never let them too close. He was trying with Shiori, but then he’d gone back to default mode and tried to find something to protect her from, rather than admit he was fucking terrified he’d hurt her. That he couldn’t be the man she needed after what she’d shared with him last night.

  Brave had been the easy target. Malakai lashed out without a second thought because that’s what he’d always done. And he’d usually been justified.

  Not today, though.

  Today, he’d taken away the one thing Shiori needed with a look. One that proved the three of them weren’t as solid as she’d believed when she gave herself to them. Two people in a relationship was complicated. Three? Almost impossible without trust and communication.

  Both issues they could work on, but not if he walked away the second things got rough.

  Heading back to Shiori’s room, he rapped his knuckles firmly on the door.

  Brave opened the door right away, which meant he’d probably been about to leave. He swallowed as Malakai backed him into the room.

  “Malakai, I’m—”

  “Don’t say it. Not again.” Malakai took a firm grip of Brave’s shoulders. “This was my fault. I assumed you’d upset Shiori. It was easier than facing my own guilt.”

  Brave frowned and shook his head as Malakai nudged the door shut with his foot. “Guilt? But she’s fine.”

  “I needed to hear it from her.” Malakai pressed his eyes shut and groaned. “All I had to do was ask.”

  “Then why didn’t you?” Shiori spoke up, standing just outside the bedroom door. She pressed her tongue into her bottom lip. “Wait. Don’t answer that. I’m guessing it’s for the same reason I kicked you out rather than telling you my fantasy of a sweet, cuddly morning together was ruined.”

  Brave dropped his gaze. “I wanted to let you both sleep. I had to take the call from Dariel. Otherwise, I’d have stayed in bed.”

  Malakai ground his teeth at the mention of their potential band member. He did his best to keep his voice level. “What did he want?”

  “He’s coming to rehearsal.” Brave held up his hands as Malakai took a step back. “I was a dick for joking about how hot he is. About him wanting Alder when he should want me. Yes, he’s a flirt. But more importantly, he’s smart and talented. And I believe he’ll respect my brother’s relationship. And ours.”

  Somewhat reassuring? Malakai relaxed, pressing his lips together as he eyed Brave. He’d never known Brave to pass up a possible conquest. “What if he doesn’t?”

  Shoulders lifting, Brave held his gaze. “That’s his problem. I’m with you and Shiori. I don’t want anyone else.”

  Sounded perfect, but he’d have to trust Brave and he was still working on that. They had history that hadn’t suddenly gone away just because they’d started fucking. Saying ‘I love you’ didn’t erase the past.

  But they had to start somewhere.

  “Fine. I’ll try not to worry about Dariel.” Malakai chuckle
d at Brave’s heavy exhale. He held out his hand to Shiori, the tightness in his chest easing as she laid her hand in his. “As for the cuddling, we don’t have much time, but we can get back in bed and chill for a bit.”

  “I’d like that.” Shiori started toward the bedroom, then stopped. She glanced over at Brave. “I’m sorry I threw cream in your face.”

  “It’s all right.” Brave closed the distance between them, curving his hand behind her neck as he pressed their foreheads together. “I was trying to break the tension, but it was stupid of me to toss your words back in your face, even as a joke.”

  “It really was.” Shiori laughed as she continued into the room, still holding Malakai’s hand. “We’re so messed up. But this was good, right? We figured it out.”

  “We did. And we’ll keep doing that.” Brave swooped her up into his arms, carrying her to the bed without pulling her hand from Malakai’s. “I was prepared to do a lot more groveling. If you’d both cut me out for any longer, there would have been begging.”

  “You’re making a good case for us to hold grudges. I wouldn’t mind seeing you beg.” Malakai smirked when Brave stopped at the edge of the bed and scowled at him. “Hey, don’t get all moody. I’m just saying you’re hot on your knees.”

  Shiori let out a soft sigh as Brave lowered her to the bed. “He really is.”

  Brave knelt on the edge of the bed. “You two are driving me nuts. I’m getting hard and I have a feeling that makes me the bad guy. Again.”

  “Nope.” Shiori giggled as Brave lifted her shirt over her ribs and bent down to nibble at her ribs. “Stop it! You can be the bad guy if you want. But I think it’s hot.”

  “Me getting hard?”

  “Oh, definitely.” Shiori sprawled back on the pile of pillows. “Isn’t that the fun of the three of us being together? We can all torture one another. And when I’m not up to playing, I can sic Malakai on you.”

  Lust surged down low as Malakai considered her words. He loved how easily she flowed from one emotion to the next. It wasn’t complicated. She’d been angry, but they’d resolved the issue as much as they could right now. And she was in the mood for fun.

  He hadn’t missed her mention of not playing. Sex would be too painful for her for a few days. He’d expected as much.

  What he hadn’t expected was for her to suggest he and Brave carry on without her.

  “You enjoyed your lesson last night.” He loved the way she blushed every time he or Brave casually brought up anything sexual. But she never backed down.

  She gave him a quick nod, scooting closer to Brave and he reclined against the headboard. “I did, even though I didn’t do much. I love the way he tastes, but…seeing you take him over the edge?” She ran her fingers over Brave’s bare chest, down the neatly trimmed dark hair trailing between his abs, inhaling roughly when he shuddered. “No sure I can do that. But I love watching you.”

  This triad definitely had perks he hadn’t considered. He’d been so torn between wanting to please both his lovers, he hadn’t considered pleasure could come from watching. But it made sense. Seeing Shiori lying there, next to Brave, touching him as though she had every right to his body, turned Malakai on. The idea of her getting off seeing him and Brave together made his dick swell.

  Neither she or Brave were bound by the pointless limits he’d put in place. It didn’t have to be all or nothing.

  “You like torturing him.” Malakai slid closer to the bed, his lips quirking as Brave eyed him warily. “Would you enjoy watching me fuck him?”

  The deep red on Shiori’s cheeks spread down her throat. “Yes.”

  Malakai jerked Brave off the bed, positioning him bent over with one hand around his throat, nuzzling the curve of his shoulder when Brave stiffened. “I won’t be as gentle with him as I was with you.”

  “I know.” Shiori turned on her side, elbow bent, her head in her hand. “But you love him as much as I do.”

  Brave’s muscles tensed. He lifted his head. “I love you. And him. It happened fast and it’s fucked up. But it’s true.”

  Shiori reached out to place her hand over Brave’s. “If I didn’t know that, this would hurt. But it doesn’t. I want you to be as happy as I am.”

  “I’m already there, Shiori.” Brave bowed his head as Malakai stroked along his spine. “I don’t need proof.”

  “This isn’t proof. It’s me being greedy.” Shiori cocked her head, glancing up at Malakai. “Please tell me he brought enough condoms?”

  Knowing Brave? Malakai bent down, reaching into the pocket of Brave’s abandoned bathrobe. He found two more condoms and a package of lube. “He never disappoints.”

  Dropping the packets on the nightstand, Malakai leaned against Brave’s back. He wasn’t sure if his pulse or Brave’s pounded harder, but he could sense the rhythm coming together, as it did so effortlessly on stage.

  He slid his hand over Brave’s chest, laying open mouth kisses on his neck as he held him, knowing they didn’t have much time, and yet, he needed this. One peaceful moment without the world fucking things up.

  Here, with Shiori sharing their pleasure, with Brave not putting on the arrogant rock star mask that slipped more and more every day, Malakai didn’t have to wonder if they were strong enough to face tonight. And tomorrow. And all the tomorrows after that.

  “I want to stay here. Like this.” Malakai’s brow furrowed. Why had he opened his damn mouth?

  If Brave fucking laughs—

  Brave turned his head, bringing one hand to the side of Malakai’s face as he kissed him. Rough with emotion, fingers digging into Malakai’s jaw, the kiss showed a longing that wouldn’t make sense if all Brave wanted was sex.

  Or if he didn’t share the uncertainty.

  He tugged Malakai’s bottom lip with his teeth and held his gaze as he released him. “So do I. Things won’t get easier. But I want to feel you when we’re back out there.” Brave inhaled roughly. “The spotlight isn’t my whole world anymore. The music is one of my passions, but this…” He smiled. “This right here is my reality.”

  Rising on her knees in front of Brave, Shiori put a hand on each of their shoulders. “This is ours. No one can take it away.”

  Malakai loved their confidence, but sharing their optimism was hard. He brushed his knuckles down Shiori’s cheek. “They’ll try.”

  “Let them. I’m tougher than I look.” She leaned back and held up her fist playfully. Then she bit her bottom lip. “Did I ruin the moment?”

  Brave huffed out a laugh. “No, I think I did.”

  Shaking his head, Malakai rubbed his still fully erect length against Brave’s ass. He gave Shiori a hooded look. “I don’t pass up opportunities.”

  Eyes wide, Shiori’s sat back, bracing her hands on the bed behind her. Pink shaded her cheeks, but she didn’t look away as he hooked his thumbs to the waist of Brave’s boxers and worked them over his hips. Brave’s dick was only semi-hard, so Malakai palmed it, stroking until it lengthened and firmed in his hand.

  Groaning, Brave shifted back, spreading his thighs. Impatient as always. Malakai wouldn’t torture him now.

  They were running out of time.

  “Can you help me, Shiori?” Malakai grinned when she blinked at him. “Open the lube. I don’t want to stop.”

  Nodding, Shiori snatched the package from the nightstand, tearing one end, then squeezing half the liquid into his palm. He inclined his head to tell her it was enough and brought his hand between Brave’s ass cheeks, letting the lube trickle down to his fingers. He circled them around Brave’s hole, pressing in and slicking him up just enough for an easy glide.

  Without him having to ask, Shiori passed him the condom, already open. He rolled it over himself, releasing Brave to use the rest of the lube on his own length. One hand on Brave’s hip, he positioned against him, filling him in one smooth thrust. The tight grip around his dick pitched an erotic, pulsing ache up into his balls. He sucked in air, willing his pulse to slow.

  A rough growl escaped Brave as he fisted his hands in the comforter. “Oh fuck.”

  Malakai grazed his teeth over Brave’s bowed shoulder. “You good?”

  “Fuck yes.” Brave shifted restlessly against him. “Don’t stop.”

  Fisting Brave’s dick in his hand, Malakai stroked him as he moved his hips, thigh muscles clenching as he picked up the pace. The sound of flesh slapping flesh filled the room and he looked to Shiori to see her reaction. She might say she was fine with him being rough, but she’d never seen them like this.

  Reclined on the pillows, Shiori rubbed her nipples through her shirt, bottom lip held tight between her teeth. Her legs pressed tight together and she seemed close to the edge.

  Sex might be too much for her, but maybe she could still find some pleasure.

  “Let him use his mouth on you, love.” Malakai changed his pace, drawing out slow, then driving in hard. “He’ll be gentle.”

  Shiori drew in a sharp breath. Uncertainty filled her eyes, but vanished as she lifted up to wiggle out of her pajama pants. She eased closer to Brave, gasping as he grabbed her ankles and tugged her beneath him.

  “I won’t last long with my mouth on her while you’re fucking me.” Brave let out a low growl, flicking his tongue over Shiori’s clit. “Tell me you’re close.”

  Malakai choked out a laugh. “More than close.”

  “Good.” Brave cupped his hands under Shiori, lifting her pussy to his mouth. “Mmm, so fucking good.”

  A small whimper escaped Shiori’s parted lips and Malakai tightened his grip on Brave’s hip in warning, but the way her back bowed and her eyes squeezed shut showed only pleasure. Brave was being careful.

  Angling his hips, Malakai focused on hitting Brave’s prostate, grinding in deep at a steady pace as his breaths grew ragged. He could feel Brave holding back. Hear Shiori’s whimpers turn to moans she couldn’t contain.

  He took a firm grip of Brave’s dick as Shiori cried out, trembling with her release. The hot length was swollen at the crown and with each rapid stroke Brave’s movements back against him became more erratic.


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