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Diminished (Winter's Wrath Book 2)

Page 30

by Bianca Sommerland

  Barring his arm across Brave’s throat, Malakai drew him up straight, slamming in hard one last time as the building pressure within fragmented, sending shards of ecstasy from the base of his spine, bursting through his balls and his cock with pure white-hot pleasure.

  Warm liquid spilled over his fist as he stroked Brave to the end of his climax, not letting him go even when Brave shifted as though he wanted to collapse on the bed.

  Just a few minutes. Or even seconds.

  Brave sighed, patting Malakai’s thigh lightly. “We have to go. None of us are dressed.”

  Malakai chuckled, even though his chest tightened as he pulled away. He knew Brave was right, but he didn’t have to like it. “You noticed that, did you?”

  From the bed, Shiori let out a happy sigh. “I am not seeing a problem with staying naked.”

  Glancing at his stomach as he turned, Brave bent down to grab an abandoned towel and quickly cleaned himself. He passed the towel to Malakai, shaking his head. “Don’t make me be the reasonable one again. It feels weird.”

  “But the grown-up look is sexy on you.” Malakai wiped off his hand, smirking when Brave made a face. “Fine, I’ll do it. Quick showers then we get dressed.”

  “Separate showers.” Shiori added, a sweet smile on her lips as she looked from him to Brave. “I don’t need one—besides, if I get my hair wet I’ll definitely be late. Brave can use my shower.”

  Made sense. He wouldn’t question the ‘separate showers’ comment. He’d have suggested the same for her and Brave. Or himself and either of them. Even now he had to fight not to recalculate the bit of time they had left to crawl back in that bed.

  Still, he hesitated before grabbing his clothes. “Why have Brave use your shower? I’m more likely to behave myself.”

  Brave scowled at him.

  Shiori snickered. “Because he’s the one who’s all sticky.”

  “Good point.” Malakai shot Shiori a sheepish look, pulling on his sleeping pants before bending over to kiss her. He grabbed her keycard from the night stand. “I won’t be long.”

  And he wasn’t, but by the time he returned to the room with a change of clothes for Brave, Shiori was already dressed, doing her makeup in the mirror over the desk in the lounge while Brave brushed her hair with a wide, soft-bristled wood brush.

  They were both sensual and sweet, domestic in a way he’d never found appealing before. Brave in his boxers, a soft smile on his lips as he ran the brush over her hair, nodding to whatever she’d said. In a transparent, dark green shirt, black bra, and faux leather leggings, Shiori visibly fought to keep her lips still as she applied a pale peach colored gloss. When she finished she grinned at Brave in the mirror.

  Chemistry—hell even hot, wild sex—didn’t guarantee they’d last. But moments like this proved they had a chance. He held his breath, not wanting to move at first. He loved seeing them happy and relaxed. His presence would remind them that they were running out of time.

  Shiori cleared her throat. “I can see you, Malakai. Don’t stand so far away. I’m about to lose you too.”

  Malakai’s jaw hardened. He crossed the room and took a knee at Shiori’s side, passing the clothes and boots in his arms to Brave before sliding his hand around the back of her neck.

  “Not fucking happening, love. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “But it won’t be like this.” Shiori sighed and shook her head. “You wouldn’t have come in quietly if you didn’t know it too. We’ll have to pretend—”

  “‘Pretend’ being the key word.” He shoved aside his own misgivings, searching for a way to assure her she wasn’t losing a thing. “The band knows. There’s no way they’ve missed the way Brave and I look at you.”

  Her cheeks reddened. She dropped her gaze, but he tipped her chin up.

  “In public, we’ll be careful. But it doesn’t have to be awkward. You and Danica claimed you’re so comfortable on the bus you change in front of us. It would be weird if we were cold toward one another.”

  “Yes, but—”

  Brave dropped his clothes on the desk, set his boots on the floor, and grinned at Shiori as he pulled on his tight black jeans. “Sneaking around will be fun too.”

  Biting her bottom lip, Shiori watched Brave dress. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Because you’re worth it.” Brave leaned over and kissed Shiori’s forehead. He groaned when his phone buzzed. Grabbing it from the desk by Shiori’s purse, he glanced at it with a heavy sigh, typing in a quick reply. “We’re being summoned.”

  Before Shiori could move, Malakai cupped her face in his hands. And kissed her, ruining her lipstick, but hoping she could remember what they’d had, and what they would have again, even when the cameras were flashing around them and she felt completely alone.

  She was strong. She was building an amazing career for herself. And he’d do whatever it took not to get in her way.

  He still needed to make sure she never forgot all she had to do was reach out and she’d find him, right there.

  Her smile reached her eyes when he let her go. She took a deep breath. “I love you.”

  He smiled back at her, using his thumb to wipe away a smear of lipstick below her bottom lip. “I love you too.”

  Brave’s phone buzzed again.

  “Have I ever mentioned Jesse is a pain in the ass?” Brave shoved his phone in his back pocket. He jerked his boots on, audibly grinding his teeth. “We’re on our way is clear, no?”

  “He’s doing his job.” Malakai chuckled at Brave’s muttered curse. “Come on, we’re gonna be all right. Tell me you believe that.”

  Pressing his eyes shut, Brave nodded.

  Slipping up against him, Shiori tucked her thumbs into the front pocket of his jeans, rising up on her tiptoes to kiss him. “No sulking. I love you too.”

  “And I love you.” He let out a rough laugh. “I didn’t realize how hard this would be.”

  “We’re coming back here tonight, right?” Shiori waited for them both to nod. “Then let’s not think any further. Nothing will change today.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Brave smoothed his hand over her hair. “Damn it, I never knew being crazy about someone could be so literal.”

  Another text from Jesse got them moving, but every time they got close to one another they had to kiss or touch again. They ended up running to meet the band in the lobby.

  Thankfully, there was no media or crowd of fans.

  But standing beside Jesse was Reese. Which was worse. One look and Malakai could tell she knew everything.

  Their first real chance to pretend they were no more than friends.

  And they’d failed.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Shiori’s pulse wouldn’t stop racing. She paced the greenroom, rubbing her hands on her leggings, which didn’t help dry them since the material was slick. Damn it, she wanted a drink. Or a pillow to scream into. A pillow would probably be better. No need to get tipsy and have Reese think even less of her.

  “Please sit down, you’re making me dizzy.” Danica took a long drink from the water bottle in her hand, grabbing Shiori’s wrist the next time she passed. “Reese isn’t mad.”

  “How do you know?” Shiori dropped down on the hard cushion of the sleek, slate-blue sofa. She brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them with one arm. “She didn’t say anything. She just looked so…so disappointed.”

  Danica nodded slowly. “I think she’s worried.” Her brow creased slightly. “Should she be?”

  “No! I can still perform. I won’t distract Brave. Or Malakai.” Heat crawled up the back of her neck when Danica’s lips quirked. “I didn’t mean to make them late.”

  “They’re big boys, no one’s blaming you. Besides, no one was late. We got here on schedule.” Danica relaxed back against the sofa. “Honestly, I wouldn’t worry too much. Reese always puts the band first. She’s focused on business, but she cares about the guys.”

  “So do I.” Her mout
h went dry as she considered exactly how this would look to Reese. Shiori had promised not to act like a groupie, but she was sleeping with two members of the band. And doing a horrible job hiding it. “She’ll get rid of me. That’s her only option.”

  “She hasn’t gotten rid of me.”

  “You’re a proven asset. I’m expendable.”

  “I doubt the guys will agree.” Danica held up a hand. “Stop thinking the worst. The way I see it, Reese will come here and give you one of two options. One, do better at keeping your relationship private. Two, bring it out in the open so she can play some naughty angle in the media. Give the band some publicity when your unconventional relationship goes viral online.”

  Is there a third option?

  Even with the little Shiori knew of Reese, she doubted it.

  She met Danica’s eyes. “What would you do?”

  “In your position? I’d keep it private.” Danica’s eyes darkened with sympathy. “And I feel like such a bitch saying that. People have speculated about Alder, Jesse, and I for a long time. Sometimes I tease with vague suggestive comments during interviews, and sometimes I tell the media absolutely nothing. It doesn’t affect my career either way.”

  “I’ve discussed this with Brave and Malakai. We’re all fine being discrete.” She ducked her head when Danica’s brow lifted. “We have to do better.”

  “Just a bit.” Danica let out a soft laugh. “Don’t leave together, wherever we are. That should help. So far you’re pretty good keeping your distance when we’re with the crew. On the bus, it doesn’t matter, but anywhere else, just make sure you’re not alone with them. Which will suck.”

  “I can do it.” Shiori inhaled deep, letting the air out slowly to calm her frayed nerves. “Do you think Reese will let me try?”

  Before Danica could answer, the door opened and Reese stepped into the greenroom. She didn’t look upset, but she’d had time to compose herself. That flawless, professional persona was back. No different than when Reese had given her the first contract to sign.

  “Please have a seat, Shiori.” Reese pulled up a chair from the table in the center of the greenroom and sat facing Shiori and Danica. “And stop looking so scared. I have a proposal for you that might work for us all.”

  One of two options. Danica was right.

  Shiori inclined her head. “Okay…”

  Reese’s lips curved slightly. “You’re better on social media than I expected. You were told not to read comments, but I’ve been paying close attention to what people are saying.”

  Wincing, Shiori glanced over at Danica, whose brow furrowed. She hadn’t been reading them either.

  “That one blurry photo didn’t get much attention—though the photographer tried hard, your making light of it with Danica took the steam out of the scandal. The majority want two things. More of your random, excited take of being on tour, and to see an unknown succeed.” Reese paused for a moment, smiling when Shiori blinked at her. “You’ve brought them on this exciting journey. Without drama, without any expectations. Every post gives a fresh look at the lifestyle people haven’t seen before.”

  “And…that’s a good thing?” Shiori always felt silly when she posted comments above pictures of her with Danica, or with any of the guys. She wasn’t funny. Wasn’t cool or sarcastic.

  She was excited to be with the band. Honesty was the best she could do.

  “Absolutely! Shiori, you’ve made your journey into a reality show without all the demand for attention most have. You’re sweet and almost shy and young girls can relate to you.” Reese leaned forward, placing her hands over Shiori’s. “You’re living a modern-day Cinderella story. Coming from nowhere and appreciating everything you’re given. You’re beautiful, but you take pictures with your hair a mess, your eyes wide like you can’t believe this is happening. A pair of shoes is a big deal. A purse has you acting like you’re handling something precious. You take nothing for granted and that’s clear in every picture, in every word you say.”

  “But…” Shiori considered the angle Reese focused on and shook her head. “You make it sound like I’m doing a good job. But you were upset when you saw me with Brave and Malakai.”

  Nodding slowly, Reese met her eyes, expression grim. “I was. You could lose all the support you’ve gained in an instant. Those who are jealous of your success could warp this little affair as you being a groupie faking it all to get attention. I know you’re not. And I understand how appealing those men are. But that sweet innocence, that untouched appeal, will be ruined with the wrong twist.”

  “So what should I do?”

  “What you’re already doing. Show clips of you with the band, simply amazed that you’ve gotten this opportunity. As you tour, show you a little more with Brave. Spending time together. Talking and having fun. Let people see how close you’ve become.” Reese sat back, her lips curving slightly. “Let the media make you a thing before you’ve said a word. Let them ask for more. Tell you how cute you are together. Some will tell Brave he’s a fool if he doesn’t see what he can have with you.”

  That made sense, and could work, but Shiori stared at the floor as she considered the one flaw in Reese’s plan. “What about Malakai?”

  “Shiori… What you do with the men is none of my business. My job is to give them—and you—the best opportunities. Danica is riding the wave of controversy. But she’s never really come out and said she’s with two men. It’s a huge risk.” Reese folded her hands in her lap. “I wouldn’t suggest you test public appeal at this point. Let them fall in love with you. Let them cheer for you. And once you’re a top pick for every commercial, for every magazine…if this relationship is meant to last you’ll have a story to tell.”

  “So we have to be careful.” Shiori glanced over at Danica, who inclined her head. “We can do that.”

  “Excellent.” Reese stood, her countenance much more relaxed. She’d been expecting resistance, which explained her initial approach. Motioning for Shiori and Danica to stand, she looked them over with a satisfied smile. “You’re both perfect. We have a huge stage, so go with the more elaborate routines. You’ll both be on for four of the ten songs. Sound good?”

  Inhaling slowly, Shiori nodded. She’d only practiced two of the songs with the band, but she knew Danica’s choreography for all of them. This would be the true test to prove she belonged here.

  No way am I gonna mess this up.

  “All right, let’s go join the guys. There’s time before sound check and they’re going over a few numbers with some musician Brave insists I meet.” She lowered her voice as they followed her to the door. “Back me up if I have to show the man the door.”

  Danica chuckled softly as they made their way down the hallway, which was slowly becoming crowded with the crew from both Winter’s Wrath and the top headlining band. “Brave or the new guy?”

  Reese smirked. “There are days… To be fair, Brave has been on his best behavior lately, so I can’t complain.”

  “You can thank Shiori for that.” Danica looped her arm around Shiori’s shoulders, grinning at her. “She’s a very good influence.”

  “I’ve noticed.” Reese slowed as they approached the side stage door. Cocking her head, she hesitated with her hand on the doorknob.

  Even through the door, the sound of a wailing guitar could be heard, clashing, then coming together with the long, pure tones of a violin. The combination was powerful. Eerie as the violin hit a minor key that made all the hairs on the back of Shiori’s neck stand on end.

  “Iron Maiden.” Shiori tongued her bottom lip, searching for the name of the song. The chorus came and she shivered. “Hallowed Be Thy Name.”

  “Very good.” Reese arched a brow at Danica. “You didn’t know that, did you.”

  Gracefully, using her middle finger to flick a nonexistent strand of hair from her cheek, Danica nudged Reese aside to open the door herself.

  Since the instruments weren’t hooked up to the sound system, the music
echoed in the huge concert hall, but being this close, the effect wasn’t lost. Standing center stage, Alder ripped out the chords with the same enthusiasm he showed when playing for thousands. His long hair spilled over his shoulders, slicked back with sweat as he attacked the strings of his guitar like he was challenging them to do more.

  Facing him, black skin glistening under the harsh lights, the violinist—Dariel, the man Brave had put all his faith in—slashed a long bow across the violin strings, moving with the same emotion pouring through the music. But he didn’t play like he had something to prove. He, like every member of the band, knew exactly what he had to offer.

  With his sound, with how good he looked on stage next to Alder, Shiori could understand why Brave wanted him to join them. He would be a perfect fit.

  Hopefully, Reese agreed.

  From the other side of the stage, Brave stepped out, followed by Tate, Connor, and lastly, Malakai. She frowned, not liking the distance between her men, but then she remembered she wasn’t the only one who had a part to play.

  They were in this together. She’d have to get used to being no more than friends again. At least in public.

  On stage, with other bands coming in and out carrying equipment, fit the bill.

  “Our audience has arrived.” Brave stepped up to the mic, shooting Shiori a wink.

  Reese let out a heavy sigh beside her.

  “Reese, baby, you’re gonna love this!” Brave looked over at Connor and Malakai as they took their places on stage. “Let’s do Subsist. Once Reese hears how fucking awesome it sounds with Dariel playing, she’ll join me in begging him to sign the contract.”

  Letting out a rough laugh, Reese shook her head. “I don’t beg. And if you call me ‘baby’ again, your next sponsor will be the local greasy spoon.”

  “I’m sorry.” Brave’s cheeks reddened as all the guys stared at him—except for Dariel, who had a slanted smile on his lips. “What? It pisses her off. I gotta stop that shit.”

  Connor nudged Alder with his elbow. “Your big brother is growing up. Should we be afraid?”


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