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Diminished (Winter's Wrath Book 2)

Page 31

by Bianca Sommerland

  Alder laughed and shook his head, as though to clear it. “Nope. I was hoping he’d smarten up before she handed him his balls. I’d like nieces and nephews some day!”

  Cheeks blazing hot, Shiori glanced at Malakai, whose lips parted. Then quickly slammed shut. When his eyes met hers, there was heat in them, which sent a sweet spill of pleasure deep into her core.

  She couldn’t imagine him thinking of babies. Not this soon.

  But practice making them? Yeah, his mind had definitely gone there.

  Thankfully, Tate started the opening beat for the song, bringing the band’s attention to the music.

  Subsist was one of her favorites by Winter’s Wrath, already perfect as far as she was concerned, but she couldn’t deny the intensity Dariel added as he joined in. He didn’t drown out the guitars, or Brave’s intense vocals. Instead, he brought another layer to an already captivating arrangement. The band didn’t seem to need to adjust to the addition. The violin simply filled a void they hadn’t realized was there.

  As the last note trailed off, Shiori clapped, too moved to show restraint. They’d done an amazing job. Who cared if she looked silly?

  Only, she wasn’t alone. Roadies had stopped to watch and cheered as they clapped as well. Beside her, Danica bounced in place, throwing Alder a kiss before slapping her hands together.

  Reese hadn’t moved. Hadn’t reacted at all.

  Brave shot her a nervous glance.

  She smiled and strode across the stage, clapping slowly. “You won’t hear me say this often, Brave, but you were right. Dariel, I won’t beg, but I do want a few moments of your time while they’re on stage to convince you to join. I brought a copy of the contract. I think you’ll like what we have to offer.”

  Dariel placed his violin carefully in its case, shutting it securely before grabbing the handle and crossing the stage, holding his free hand out to Reese, a charming smile on his lips.

  “I have a feeling I will too.”

  While the band cleared the stage, Dariel and Reese disappeared into the hall, Reese already giving her pitch. Danica walked over to Alder, hugging him and laughing when he grumbled something to her Shiori couldn’t quite hear.

  Shiori considered going to Brave, but she didn’t trust her acting abilities. Her body was still tender from his lips on her. Ignoring Malakai when the sensual ache reminded her of him inside her was impossible.

  The two men hadn’t exchanged a word, so they weren’t having an easy time of playing it cool either. Her only option was to keep herself busy until it was time for the show.

  Stepping through the side stage door, she caught sight of a few roadies and trailed after them, hoping they were going out a private exit. Luckily, they were. She slipped out the door labeled ‘employees only’ and fished her phone from her purse.

  There were texts from both Brave and Malakai.

  Brave: I fucking miss you already. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to get back on the road more.

  Brave: That was selfish to say. I’m sorry. Ignore me. I love you.

  Brave: I may go insane if I don’t see you soon.

  Brave: Ignore that too.

  Malakai’s one text wasn’t as raw, but also made her feel like she wasn’t alone in being so torn between doing what she had to do, and wanting to throw caution aside.

  Malakai: I’ve been thinking about you. Can’t wait to see you on stage because you’re going to prove to everyone how incredible you are. Which I already know. <3

  How in the world did she reply? She didn’t want to distract them. Didn’t want to sound needy. Didn’t want them to worry.

  But this was all they had right now.

  So she did her best.

  To Brave, she kept things light.

  Shiori: I miss you, but I’m so proud of what you did out there. There’s no doubt Dariel is meant to be part of Winter’s Wrath. You were already killing it with your music, but with him? HOLY SHIT! m/ So much love, baby.

  With Malakai, she had to thank him, because he’d managed to put her head back in the game.

  Shiori: I wasn’t sure I could do anything BUT think of you. Now I want to be the woman you think I am. I always doubt that I’m half of who I need to be, but you make me believe I can be even more. I love you.

  She still had time to kill before Winter’s Wrath hit the stage. Danica would be expecting her in the dressing room soon for last minute touch ups and to go over their routine.

  But she had a couple of calls to make while things were somewhat quiet. It wasn’t too cold outside, so a few roadies and band members were hanging out, smoking and chatting. Walking to the edge of the building, out of the wind, she called home to talk to Hiro.

  No answer.

  Maybe Elizabeth had taken him out for dinner? Shiori tried her cell, but there was still no answer.

  She pulled up Wendy’s number, then shook her head. Wendy would be at work now. No need to bother her. Fine, it was a little weird that she couldn’t get ahold of Elizabeth, but there could be many reasons. She could be taking a shower. Be at a movie with Hiro. In the middle of driving—which usually meant Hiro would answer, unless he was playing a game on her phone.

  It hit her, suddenly, that while she was here, trying to build a future for herself and Hiro, life back home had gone on without her.

  Everything routine and familiar was gone. Which would be good in the long run. She needed to change things to provide Hiro with all he’d need when she took over as his guardian. She’d promised her sister she would do whatever it took.

  And she was keeping that promise.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The music blared as Shiori slid onstage, thrusting her chest forward and her shoulders back. All around her, the pounding beat urged her on, and she drank in the fervor of the crowd as she punched her fist up in the air.

  Uncertainty melted away in the moist, smoke-filled air as the music took over. She saluted sharply as Brave gave a shout out to all the service men and women in the crowd. This song was dedicated to them, honoring their sacrifice. Yes, it also protested needless death, but the lyrics expressed the power of intent. The need to protect against all adversary, even when facing hate, they stood for what they loved.

  When she’d danced to S.L.U.T, the dance had been sexual. The new routine took on more of a burlesque feel, playfully sensual. But for this song, both she and Danica were truly backup dancers, their every move bringing attention back to the band. To the lyrics. To the core meaning beneath it all.

  Marching in place, she kept her eyes forward, her movements crisp, hardly blinking even though the light blinded her. When Malakai stepped up to her side, leaning down as he strummed out a deep, powerful note, she didn’t react. This dance wasn’t integrated with the band in the same way the others were. The choreography was as strict as any march until it switched drastically at the chorus so they moved with the crowd, egging on their shouts while punching their fists up.

  A final, patriotic drumbeat and Shiori stood at attention, counting in her head for her exit. She caught the eye of a man close to the stage, who she’d noticed singing along the whole time.

  He was an older man, maybe in his fifties, which might seem strange to some at a metal concert, but she’d noticed the appeal of Winter’s Wrath didn’t have an age limit. His black t-shirt read “Crawl, Walk, Run” in a large army font. And he had tears in his eyes.

  Not thinking, she went to the edge of the stage, took a knee, and held out her hand. He smiled at her and reached past the barrier, squeezing her fingers and mouthing “Thank you.”

  She didn’t know his story. Didn’t know if he was really a vet—but she had a feeling he was. This song had touched him on another level.

  There were flashes of cameras all around. Jesse—who’d joined security behind the partition—moved closer, but didn’t intervene.

  Someone approached her side. She caught Brave’s smile from the corner of her eye.

  “What’s your name, sir?” Brav
e held out the mic.

  Jesse passed it to the man.

  “George Harris.” The man’s voice was strong and clear. “I was a Wolfhound for thirty years. Not sure you kids know what that means, but I have to say, I fell in love with your music when I heard this song. Nec Aspera Terrent.”

  “Nec Aspera Terrent.” Brave slipped off the stage and gave the man a hug. “Thank you for your service.”

  More camera flashes. This would bring good publicity to the band, but Shiori knew, like her, Brave hadn’t considered that at all. He patted the man’s shoulder as Tate came to the edge of the stage, offering his drumsticks. Alder, Malakai, and Connor each gave the man guitar picks. Small gestures, but the man’s smile grew wider with every one.

  He still had the microphone and spoke into it with a laugh. “I’ve heard your cover of Megadeth A Tout le Monde. Be awesome if you could play it.”

  “Consider it done.” Brave took the mic back and looked over the crowd. “You all good with that? This man deserves all the thanks we can give.”

  The crowd went wild. Then they started singing. Shiori half expected the American anthem, but instead, the people sang America the Beautiful. Not everyone knew all the words. But they did their best and those who did sang loud and clear.

  Pulling himself back onstage, Brave joined in, with the band quickly adding their instruments, albeit softly, without drowning out all the voices.

  Blinking back tears, Shiori sang along, hand over her heart, not sure why the crowd singing was so emotional. She’d always loved hearing this song, or the anthem, at events, but this was different. This held a unity she hadn’t realized she missed.

  The show had been paused to give the people this moment. The war veteran had fresh tears running down his cheeks. He knew what this meant, far better than she did.

  She didn’t think about politics much. They could be confusing and a little terrifying. But in moments like this, all she saw was so many amazing people, honoring another’s sacrifices.

  As the song ended, Alder began the opening notes for A Tout le Monde. And it was perfect, because that unity didn’t fade. Everyone sang along with Brave and got lost in the escape he’d given them. Music had a power to unite. And Brave wielded that power effortlessly.

  She took Danica’s cue to retreat from the stage after the first verse and met her backstage. They hugged and didn’t say much. So far the night had been amazing, for so many reasons.

  Two more songs and it was time to hit the stage again. This song was light, defiant and sexy. There was a wardrobe change and Shiori was a little nervous about dancing in a short skirt and tiny silver tube top, but with a few tips from Danica, she managed not to humiliate herself.

  They finished their closing number to an insane round of applause. The fans were happy. The show had gone off without a hitch.

  And Shiori had been part of it.

  She was high on what she’d accomplished as she left the stage. Her whole body hummed with excitement. Nothing could go wrong now. All she had to do was this. Again for every crowd. A performance of a lifetime. A dream she never had to wake up from.

  Maybe she was still in that dream when she saw Wendy. Nothing could make this moment better than having her best friend here to share it with.

  But she definitely wasn’t dreaming when she saw her stepfather, struggling with security a few feet away from the side entrance.

  Her ‘dream’ had just turned into a nightmare.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  He can’t be here.

  Shiori closed her eyes and backed up a step. She wasn’t afraid of him. Not really. Not anymore. He’d become an abstract menace. The person who controlled Hiro’s life, and by extension, controlled hers.

  But he was gone so often, she’d gotten comfortable. She always had time to prepare before seeing him at home.

  He shouldn’t be here.

  Her chest tightened as Wendy took her hand and leaned close to her, forcing her to open her eyes and face that he was here and wouldn’t simply go away, no matter how much she wanted him to.

  “Tell security to get rid of him. We need to talk.” Wendy kept her voice low, putting her body between Shiori and her stepfather protectively.

  Which made Shiori nervous. Sure, Wendy didn’t like him, but she had no reason to consider him a threat.

  Did she?

  “Shiori, tell these assholes I’m your father.” He let out an irritated sound as security loosened their grip, but didn’t release him, looking to her for confirmation. “Damn it, let me go to my daughter.”

  She shook her head, backing up a little more. She’d never seen him this angry. No way in hell was she letting him get closer. “You’ve made a point of telling me you’re not my father. And you’ve never been one. Kyoko and I earned everything you ever gave us. I owe you nothing.”

  “That’s fucking bullshit!” He growled as the bigger guard blocked him from lunging at her. “You little slut, I might end up in jail because of you! If you ever want to see Hiro again, you’ll testify on my behalf. You tell them I never hurt you. Tell them those pictures were innocent.”

  Her stomach dropped. Her blood ran cold. Darkness swam in her vision and she had to hold on to Wendy to keep from dropping to her knees.

  This can’t be happening.

  “Shiori, tell them you don’t want to see him. I need to explain what happened.” Wendy gave her a little shake, holding her gaze with a determined stare when she looked up. “Honey, just tell them. I’ve got you.”

  Swallowing hard, Shiori nodded. She glanced over at the big guard. “He shouldn’t be here. Please see him out.”

  Eyes filled with sympathy, the big guard inclined his head. “My pleasure.”

  A tug at her arm got her to turn. Danica slid her hands over Shiori’s ears as her stepfather shouted. It didn’t block out everything, but Shiori could hardly hear past her heart pounding in her skull. The world seemed ready to collapse around her.

  When Danica moved her hands, the only sound was the final act of the band. She took Shiori’s arm, holding her close, while Wendy pressed against her other side.

  Then they were in the greenroom.

  Shiori was sitting on the hard sofa.

  And Danica was pressing a glass of water into her hand.

  “Drink.” Danica crouched in front of her, smiling as she took a sip. “Good. Now, it’s up to you if you want me to stay. I recognize Wendy from your video chats. If you’re more comfortable speaking to her alone, I’ll leave. I’m sure she knows more than I—”

  “She doesn’t.” Shiori could hardly hold the glass. She handed it to Danica and leaned back against the sofa, pressing her hands over her eyes. “I never told anyone. I just wanted to forget. But you should stay. This could affect the band, and you’ll know how to handle… Or…or maybe I should quit. They don’t need me bringing them down.”

  Wendy hugged her. Kissed her temple. Then pulled her hands away from her face. “You’re not quitting. Tell us what you’re dealing with. Or I can just go kick his ass. Up to you.”

  Laughing, tears blinding her, Shiori shook her head. “I need you here.” Her whole body shook as she thought back on all she’d believed she could leave in the past.

  But she’d been wrong.

  “Af-after my mother died, my stepfather struggled to support us for a while, but then, suddenly, things were okay. He’d been threatening to send me and Kyoko to a foster home for months. We never had enough food. He complained that we ate too much, that we were lazy…” She folded her hands on her lap and stared at them. “Out of nowhere, he stopped. He didn’t have a better job, but he had lots of money. He got a new car and started buying me and my sister new clothes. I was only seven, so I didn’t ask any questions. Kyoko had somehow made him happy. She told me not to worry.”

  She inhaled roughly, squeezing her hands together until her knuckles hurt.

  “For almost two years, things were good. But then the phone and cable got cut. Our ste
pfather couldn’t pay the bills. He was angry all the time again.” She pressed her lips together. Now both Wendy and Danica would be disgusted with her. But they had to know the truth. “He came home one day—Kyoko was at school, but I’d been sick. He said he wanted to bring me to a doctor, but he couldn’t afford to. So he needed me to do something for him. Let him take some pictures.”

  Neither Wendy or Danica seemed to be breathing.

  Shiori kept going.

  “It wasn’t a big deal. Just pictures of me in my PJs. He asked me to lift my top a little. Lay on my side and hook my thumb to my bottoms.” She unclenched her hands and rubbed her thighs. “He brought me to the doctor. Got my medicine. And he was happy with me. Told me I was ‘earning my keep’.”

  Wendy rubbed her shoulder. “But it didn’t stop there.”

  “No. There were more pictures. Always when Kyoko wasn’t home. They didn’t seem like a big deal until…until he wanted to do a video. With me in the bath.” Goosebumps spread over her skin as she remembered that day. He hadn’t really touched her, but still made her uncomfortable. Being naked in front of the camera while he washed her crossed some invisible line she hadn’t understood. “I…I felt weird after. Kyoko noticed my behavior changed. She asked me what happened and wouldn’t leave me alone until I told her.”

  Both Danica and Wendy nodded, leaning forward slightly.

  Shiori smiled and took a deep breath. “She told me I would never have to do that again. She talked to our stepfather. And that was it. He never asked me again.”

  “So your sister saved you.” Danica spoke softly, taking Shiori’s hands in hers. “She knew what he was doing was wrong.”

  “Yes, but…she told me not to talk about it. That we would be separated if we told on him. That it wasn’t a big deal.” She knew that wasn’t true. She’d heard things, read things…but those horror stories weren’t her life. What had happened to her had been brief. And she’d made a promise to her sister. “Our stepfather ended up getting a great job. He bought a new house and it was over.”


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