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Diminished (Winter's Wrath Book 2)

Page 36

by Bianca Sommerland

  The pain in Malakai’s eyes made Brave’s neglect so much worse. He couldn’t kiss this away. Couldn’t earn his trust with words. But maybe he could show the man he had been paying some attention to what he was going through.

  “You’ve lost so much. I wish I’d realized how fucking hard it would be for you to believe you wouldn’t lose me too. I got so comfortable because you’ve always been there.” Brave slid his hands down Malakai’s sides, resting them on his hips. “I figured you always would be.”

  Lips slanting, Malakai nodded. “So nothing’s really changed. We just fuck now and don’t fight all the time.”

  “No. Everything’s changed. You deserve better.” Brave leaned forward, brushing his lips over Malakai’s. “Give me a chance to give it to you.”

  A horn honked, breaking the moment. But there was something different in Malakai’s eyes.


  “We better go.” Malakai smiled, kissing him quick before backing away. “But you have your chance. Don’t make me regret it.”

  “Wouldn’t fucking dream of it.” Brave yanked out one of the gifts, shoving it at Malakai before he could walk away. “Here. I got you this.”

  Taking the devil plush, Malakai arched a brow at him, then stared down at the cute little thing. With big eyes, a huge, round head, and little black horns, the stuffy had been irresistible. Not that Malakai had any stuffed animals, but devils were metal, right?

  Brave shrugged when Malakai didn’t say a word. “Thought it would look cool in your bunk.”

  “It will.” Malakai blinked fast, shaking his head. “Fuck, this was really cool of you. I think I was four the last time someone gave me a gift like this.”

  Four? Holy fuck. “Damn it, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “Seriously, I’m gonna buy you all kinds of gifts. Got like twenty years to make up for and I love you and I get to fucking spoil you, all right?” That no one had before made Brave angry.

  Hugging Brave tight, Malakai chuckled. “All right. Just keep in mind, the bunks aren’t big.”

  “I will.”

  Another honk. They had to go.

  But first…

  He pulled out the last gift. “And I got you flowers.”

  Malakai burst out laughing, but Brave didn’t mind.

  His man looked happy.

  Mission fucking accomplished.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  “It’s today, it’s today!”

  Shiori smiled, then leaped forward as Hiro bounced off the sofa and almost sailed into the coffee table. Swinging him around, she tickled him until he was screaming with laughter, then set him on his feet.

  “You excited to see your uncles?” She knew the answer, but she loved how enthusiastic he was. From the way he’d been acting all morning, it might as well be Christmas.

  Hiro jumped up and down, his cute little face going red as he shouted. “Yes! Uncle Brave said he might get me a puppy! And Uncle Alder is bringing me a guitar. And he’s gonna play baseball and bring me fishing and teach me how to drive!”

  Coming in from the kitchen, her grandmother chuckled. “Really? All that today?”

  “Uncle Alder can do lots and lots of things. He’s really cool.” Hiro ran over, giving Misaki his most adorable smile as he eyed the plate of cookies she’d come in with. “Can I have one, please?”

  “Yes, you may.” Misaki handed him a cookie. “Now why don’t you go outside and play on your swings. Maybe Jiji will give you a push.”

  “Okay! Thank you, Baba!” Hiro took off running out the front door of the guest house.

  Shiori watched him leave, still uncomfortable with him going outside by himself. She kept having to remind herself they were surrounded by family, on gated property. From the first day, she’d felt like she’d stepped into a whole different world.

  Her grandparents lived in a huge house they refused to let her call a mansion. To her, the grand, French Chateau style home was like a castle straight out of a fairytale. The gray stone structure had spires and pinnacles and all kinds of fancy features that made it a true work of art. The estate itself was huge and even after three weeks, she still hadn’t explored all of it.

  Two of her uncles lived here, with their families, and yet she’d been given her own suite, not far from Hiro’s room. Misaki hadn’t been joking about spoiling her. The first week she’d insisted on bringing Shiori shopping for all new clothes. Asked her what changes could be made so the suite felt more like it belonged to her.

  Shiori hadn’t known what to say. So far, she hadn’t changed a thing. She was still waiting to wake up from this dream.

  For Brave and Malakai’s visit, she’d be taking over the guest house. Which she hadn’t bothered arguing about. Misaki was a savvy businesswoman who knew how to negotiate. She’d said the men would be more comfortable with a bit of privacy. Shiori had a feeling Misaki had told her grandfather Brave and Malakai were just her friends and was trying to keep up appearances.

  Which was fair. Jiji treated her like she wasn’t much older than Hiro. While Misaki was trying to provide Shiori with everything she could possibly want, he’d taken a more protective approach. He asked if she ate enough. Wanted to look at her contract, then speak to Sophie to make sure she was being treated well. When her uncles had friends over, he watched them like a hawk if they spent too much time near her.

  Strangely enough, neither Misaki’s pampering, or Jiji’s overprotectiveness bothered her. Sure, it might be too much after a while, but for now, she could tell they were trying to make up for the years they’d lost with her.

  Besides, her uncles weren’t like the rich kids she’d always heard about. They were hard working men, who pulled their weight in the family business. Once her grandparents got used to having her around, she’d be treated with the same expectations they had for their sons.

  That is if she stayed.

  She still wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. Her life here was amazing. Hiro was happy, and she could have a job tomorrow if she wanted one.


  Stepping up to her side, her grandmother set the plate of cookies on the coffee table and turned to face her, taking her hands. She pulled gently until Shiori sat with her on the cushy, beige leather sofa.

  “You’ve been very quiet. Are you worried things will be different with your men?” Misaki grinned as Shiori’s cheeks heated. “Don’t be shy. I may be old, but I’ve been around the world and know love comes in many different forms. All I care is that they treat you well.”

  “They do.” It was still weird, talking about stuff like this so openly, but she was as comfortable with Misaki as she was with Wendy. And she’d already talked this subject to death with her best friend. “Honestly, it’s not really about them. I have no idea what to do with my life.”

  “Anything. Everything.” Misaki smiled and shrugged. “You’re young, Shiori. I think you’ve been responsible for so long, you’re seeing your future as something that needs to be carefully planned out. And if that makes you feel more secure, then that’s what you should do.”

  That made sense. Shiori nodded.

  Her grandmother wasn’t finished. “But you also told me being with the band gave you the freedom you needed. Was it enough after such a short time?”

  “I don’t know.” Shiori groaned, even more confused than she’d been before. “Can’t you just tell me what I should do?”

  Misaki let out a soft laugh. “That I can’t do. But I’ll support whatever decision you make.” She lifted her head at the sound of Hiro’s joyful shouts. “I think our visitors are here. Come, I can’t wait to meet them.”

  Pulse quickening, Shiori stood, rubbing her sweaty palms on her jeans and straightening her snug black T-shirt. She was pretty sure everything was ready, but maybe she should check again? And her hair must be a mess from playing with Hiro. Maybe she should—

  Her grandmother grabbed her hand and towed her out the front door.

he second Shiori saw Brave and Malakai, all her nervousness disappeared. Her heart swelled as she watched them shake hands with her grandfather. Brave swooped Hiro up in his arms, laughing as Hiro laid sloppy kisses all over his face.

  She hadn’t been sure how they’d feel, being here, but all that really mattered was that they were.

  Breaking into a run, she skidded to a stop right in front of Malakai, then threw her arms around his neck. He lifted her up against him, his broad smile lighting up his whole face.

  “Damn, it’s good to see you.” He kissed her, lowering her slowly, cutting it short as he seemed to recall her grandparents were watching. Clearing his throat, he inclined his head to her grandmother. “Mrs. Sato, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Please, call me Misaki.” Her grandmother turned to Brave. “That goes for both of you.”

  “Thank you for inviting us, Misaki.” Brave’s eyes shone as Shiori slipped up to his side. He put his arm around her, balancing Hiro against his side and leaning over to kiss her. “How are you doing, little moon?”

  “Incredible. Have you seen this place?” Shiori laughed when he nodded, looking around like he couldn’t believe it himself. She reached out to take Malakai’s hand, then Brave’s, leading them both inside. “You’ll be staying in the guest house. There’s a room for Alder too, if he wants. I’m surprised he didn’t come with you.”

  Brave grinned. “He’ll be stopping by later. He promised this little one a present and is being very picky about it.” He kissed Hiro’s cheek, grin widening when the little boy giggled. “If your great-grandparents say it’s okay, we’ll go find a puppy for you at the shelter.”

  “And then go fishing!” Hiro threw his arms up in the air, and Brave released her hand to secure him when the boy almost tipped backward.

  Laughing, Brave bent down, setting Hiro on his feet and staying at his level. “Not sure we have time to do both today, buddy, but while I’m here, we’ll definitely go fishing.”

  Cheering, Hiro scurried across the room, helping himself to another cookie.

  “Hiro, don’t you eat all those, they’re for our guests.” Jiji shook his head, standing next to his wife just inside the living room. “Please, make yourselves feel at home. We’ll leave you in a moment, but I believe Misaki has a gift for you.”

  “Oh! We brought flowers.” Brave glanced back toward the door. “I left them in the car.”

  Malakai chuckled, bending down to whisper in Shiori’s ear. “He has a new thing for flowers. Expect to get a lot of them.”

  She snickered, recalling the story of Brave getting flowers for Malakai. Them telling her had been sweet and funny. Only Brave would make such a tender gesture by awkwardly shoving a gift at the man he loved.

  Misaki’s full attention was on Brave. “I absolutely love flowers. I hope you’ll enjoy my gifts as much!” She pulled two black gift bags from behind the sofa. “If they don’t fit, please let me know right away and I’ll have them replaced.”

  The men took the bags, looking stunned. Brave traced his finger over the sleek, silver raised B with horns on the bag. “Black Diablo? Fu—I mean, wow. This brand is expensive. I’m not sure we can accept this.”

  Jiji’s smile faded. “It’s expensive because it’s of the finest quality. All custom made.”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Is it not worth the price?”

  “Absolutely!” The back of Brave’s neck reddened.

  Shiori stepped forward before the situation got out of control. “Jiji, Brave’s overwhelmed by the gift, he’s not trying to offend you.” She glanced over at Brave, feeling bad that he hadn’t been warned in advance. She should have mentioned this earlier. “Black Diablo is my grandparents’ company.”

  Brave’s jaw nearly hit the floor.

  Her grandmother patted his hand, then shot her husband a dirty look. “We know Brave wasn’t trying to offend us.” She smiled up at Brave. “Please, take it. I’m eager to see what you think.”

  Without hesitation, Brave reached into the bag. He pulled out the boots, holding them almost as carefully as he’d held his nephew. His gaze took in the sleek Italian leather, black with flames reaching up the sides, with seven straps and studded detailing.

  Shiori was happy Brave had looked at her with more love than he showed those boots. Otherwise, she might be jealous.

  “These are magnificent.” Brave licked his lips, never taking his eyes off the boots. “Thank you. Damn, I can’t wait to show these off on stage.”

  Meanwhile, Malakai was trying on his leather jacket, which looked just as good on him as Shiori had imagined. It had an Assassin’s Creed style, black with blood red straps on the arms and a large hood. And it fit him perfectly.

  While he complimented the design, her grandmother fussed and made sure it wasn’t too snug anywhere.

  Moving closer to Shiori, Jiji spoke softly. “I’m not sure if I like them yet, but they aren’t as bad as I expected. They may stay.”

  “Thank you.” She bit back a smile. “And you’ll be nice to them?”

  “If you’re still smiling so much tomorrow?” He tilted his head to one side. “I’ll consider it.”

  The rest of the day passed in a blur, with Hiro running in and out of the house, Alder coming over, then all of them going out to eat before finding Hiro’s puppy. They dropped Alder off at the hotel where he was staying, then returned to the estate, parting at the end of the split drive.

  Hiro seemed to have forgotten all about his uncle, and Shiori, now that the puppy had his full attention. Her little boy had found the cutest, scruffiest little mutt and fallen in love. The Yorkshire Terrier mix had patches of fur missing—growing back from a recent surgery—and was blind in one eye. The shelter attendant had warned Hiro the puppy would need special care. Had tried to talk him into a dog that might be easier for him to handle.

  Misaki had taken the man aside and assured him the puppy would have a loving family to look after him. Hiro wouldn’t be caring for him alone. After that, the attendant eagerly told them everything they needed to know about the dog as he packed up ‘Captain Hook’s’—Captain for short—favorite toys.

  Captain slept in Hiro’s arms the whole way home. Once out of the car, both dog and boy went exploring, with Jiji trailing close behind. She sat outside for hours with her men, just watching the little boy play with his puppy. He’d never been this happy.

  His excited shouts, his laughter, were the most beautiful sounds in the world.

  That night Shiori lazed around the house with Brave and Malakai, catching up, making love, and falling asleep tangled together in the huge bed. If Shiori had been living a dream before, she was in absolute heaven now that her men were with her.

  Only, she couldn’t stay there indefinitely. Every day she realized she’d have to make a choice at some point, but she didn’t want to ruin a single moment

  By the end of the week, neither Brave nor Malakai had asked her what she planned. Her grandmother never brought it up either.

  For the first time, she wasn’t able to hide in her happy bubble. Tomorrow the band would be leaving. Taking their flight across the ocean for a tour that would last for almost two months.

  In the middle of the night, Malakai came down to the kitchen where she was drinking tea and staring out the window. He slipped up behind her silently, wrapping his arms around her.

  She closed her eyes and rested her head back against his chest. “Why haven’t you asked me about Europe?”

  Malakai sighed and pressed his lips to her hair. “Did you want me to?”

  “No. Not really.” She stared out at the view of the ocean bathed in moonlight stretching out into the distance. “What should I do?”

  She’d asked her grandmother that question. And Wendy. Both had given her the same answer. The one she needed.

  That she had to decide for herself.

  Her choice was already made. Nothing anyone said could change that. But she wished…she wished there was some
one who truly understood why this was so damn hard.

  Turning her in his arms, Malakai delved his fingers into her hair, bending down until his lips touched hers. “Come with us.”

  “Damn it, Malakai.” Brave cut across the kitchen, glaring at the other man. “Don’t do that to her. You were the one who always insisted on no pressure? She’s just found her family.”

  “I know.” Malakai backed away from her, letting his arms fall to his sides. “And even if she stays, I’ll still love her.” He looked at her again. “I’ll still love you and I’ll always come back to you. If you stay, you won’t lose me.”

  “You won’t lose either of us.” Brave’s expression softened. “Fuck, I know this is hard. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize.” Malakai’s lips quirked slightly. “I don’t need more flowers. The bus is full of them.”

  Shiori giggled, grateful that the tension had broken. She shook her head, shoving past all her uncertainty. “I’m coming with you.”

  Eyes wide, Malakai put his hands on her shoulders. “Brave’s right. Don’t decide because you feel pressured. I just wanted you to know, I want you to come.”

  “Perfect. Because I am.” Damn, that felt good. And no less crazy than the first time she’d decided to leave home to join a metal band on tour. Only, this time, she knew exactly what she was in for. “I’m excited. And terrified. And a little homesick already. This has become my home in a way no place ever was.”

  “But you’re still ready to leave?” Brave wrapped an arm around her side, his eyes searching her face. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I loved the career I started building and I still want to do that. The music videos, the photo shoots, the endless days of traveling. I want to experience it all.” She hugged Malakai, then Brave. “Being in love with you both made the decision a little easier. But then I’d get caught in a loop of choosing between you and Hiro and my grandparents. So I decided to be a little selfish. To consider what I want to do with my life.”

  “That’s not selfish. That’s what you should have been able to do all along.” Brave picked her up abruptly, wrapping her legs around his waist. “I tried to enjoy this week and not think too hard about losing you, even for a little while. I gotta admit, Europe would have sucked without you.”


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