Book Read Free

A Student In Need

Page 7

by Nicolas Schrammeck

  He moved without thinking, leaning forward meeting Leo’s lips with his own. He groaned into the kiss pushing back against Leo’s chest as the older turtle let go of his arms wrapped his arms around his shoulders. He shuddered as Leo’s tongue ran along his lips, a signal of what he wanted. He moaned into the kiss as Leo’s tongue moved into his mouth. He turned, pressing his chest against Leo’s as his arms wrapped around Leo’s hips pulling them closer. As they broke the kiss Alex pulled away panting, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. “Leo……”

  A moment later Leo let him go and took a step back. “No…”

  Alex felt his heart clench at the loss of Leo’s warmth, slowly he took a step towards Leo; an action that was met with Leo taking a step back from him. “No……I can't.”

  Alex bit his lip. “Why not?”

  Leo felt his eyes widen as he watched Alex shift from one leg to another, looking at him with a confused look on his young face. “Why can't we?”

  Leo swallowed; his mouth had become suddenly very dry. “I’m your teacher…’re my student…..It’s…..its wrong.”

  He shuddered as Alex’s eyes met his again. “That didn’t stop the samurai in the old days.”

  Again Leo swallowed as Alex spoke.

  “Why can't we? I like you……and you seem to like me. Why can't we do this?”

  Leo groaned, why did Alex have to makes such sense?

  “Cause I could lose my job. Cause you… could get expelled from the school……and cause…..cause….”

  Leo searched for all the reasons why they couldn't be together. “Because…..because……”

  His mind swirled with reasons why. Cause Alex was still sick; cause he might not really like Leo, but instead be acting on an impulse that had been ingrained into his mind that this is what Leo wanted in exchange for helping him. “Alex…….”

  He took a deep shuddering breath before speaking. “You and I, it can't happen. Not while you’re a student at least. Maybe……maybe in a few years when you’re done with school…….but not now.”

  He continued in breath heavily for another moment before straightening up. “I’m going to go and take a shower. When I’m done I’ll fix breakfast and then drive you to campus, ok?”

  Alex nodded his shoulders slumping forward. “Ok.”

  He watched as Leo left the dojo, moving up the stairs and away from him.


  Le watched as in front of him Alex slowly ate the pizza he had ordered. Next to him he felt Anthony watching the younger turtle with a trained eye, taking in every small detail of how Alex was acting. They had both been surprised when Alex had emerged from his session and instead of remaining silent as he usually did, asked to go out for pizza. That had led them to come to Antonio’s; a small pizza place on the boarder of campus. Normally the shop was filled with students, but today it was relatively empty. At first Leo had been surprised by this, but Anthony had reminded him that there was a homecoming football game that night, so most students were watching the game. Now they sat, Leo watched as across from him Alex picked up his 6th slice of pizza and began eating it. He shot a glance sideways to Anthony who smiled back at Leo. “I take it you like pizza Alex?”

  Alex nodded his mouth too full of pizza to respond. Leo watched as he swallowed what was in his mouth before speaking, a faint smile covering his face. “I love pizza! I tried making my own once when I was younger………it didn’t turn out so great.”

  Leo chuckled. It was nice to see Alex…….active after his therapy session. Normally he just dragged himself to his room and went to bed. Reaching for another slice for himself Leo paused as behind them the doors to the pizza place banged open and loud cheering filled the restaurant. Rolling his eyes Leo spoke. “Guess the game is over. Looks like we won.”

  Next to him Anthony nodded and moved to pick up another slice; as his hand touched the pizza he froze. Alex face had gone blank. Gone was the happiness that had been there before, now his whole head was turned down and he was beginning to tremble in his seat. Leaning forward Leo spoke. “Alex? Alex what’s wrong?”

  Alex didn’t speak, instead he only trembled harder; his skin had become pale and Leo felt his heart jolt as he found tears were leaking down Alex’s face. Behind them someone spoke. “AND SINCE YOU SCORED THE WINNING TOUCH DOWN JASON YOU GET TO HAVE THE FIRST SLICE OF PIZZA.”

  Leo’s head snapped towards the sound of the voice. The group that had walked in were students from the school; their sports jackets emblazoned with the school’s mascot, a Lion meaning they were football players. But his eyes went to a single player; a large muscle bound turtle. His skin was dark, flecks of red around his eyes, a large grin etched across his face. Leo flinched and nearly jumped out of his skin as a loud shattering sound blasted through the cheering coming from the crowd. His head snapped towards Alex who appeared to have tried to take a drink from his glass only to drop the glass because he was trembling so badly. Leo reached forward; wanting to make sure Alex wasn’t hurt. “Alex?”

  Alex’s head jerked up to look at him. Tears fell from his eyes, which continued to jerk from side to side. “I’m sorry.”

  Alex’s voice was weak and shook as he spoke. Leo shook his head. “Its fine Alex… that…… that turtle you’re…..”

  But Leo’s voice was cut off as a new voice entered their conversation.


  A fresh wave of trembles shook Alex’s body a Leo turned to face the new voice. The turtle from the football team had obviously heard Alex drop the glass, now he was moving towards them.

  “Alex? Is that you?”


  Alex trembled even harder now; his shaking so bad that Leo was amazed he hadn’t thrown up yet. Unseen by the turtle behind him the entire football team was glaring at Alex, their eyes bearing down on the terrified turtle like lasers. Leo jerked and moved to stand up as Alex darted out from the booth they were sitting in and moved to run towards the front doors. In his panic however he slipped on the drink he had dropped; making him slip sideways and into Leo who grabbed his shoulders and arms. A second later Alex buried his face in Leo’s chest, his entire body shaking. “Alex?” the turtle had stopped now. He stood a little ways in front of them watching as Alex continued to tremble and shake in Leo’s arms. “Please…..”

  Alex’s voice was weak, almost as weak as it had been when he’d shown up on Leo’s doorstep. “Take me home…….please…..”

  In front of them Alex’s brother spoke. “Alex? Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you for weeks now. Who are these guys?”

  As he spoke Alex’s brother gestured to Leo and Anthony. Next to him Leo felt Anthony shift, standing up to face Alex’s brother. “Stay away from him.”

  Anthony’s words were practically dripping with venom. Slowly Leo moved helping Alex to his feet. “Huh? Who the fuck are you? He’s my brother.”

  Leo glared at Jason. “Then you should have acted like his brother.”

  He could feel Alex clinging to him, his grip’s only weakness coming from how badly the young turtle was shaking. Again Alex repeated himself. “T...T….Take me home….please.”

  Jason looked away from Anthony and back to Alex. “Home? Alex where have you be-”

  But Anthony cut him off, shoving the larger turtle back several steps. A moment later Anthony was shouting. “THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY!? YOU STAY AWAY FROM HIM! YOU’VE DON ENOUGH DAMAGE! LEO GET HIM OUT OF HERE”

  Leo nodded and began tugging Alex in the direction of the door, half dragging Alex’s body as his legs refused to work properly. A second later Jason was yelling back at Anthony. “YOU’RE NOT TAKING MY BROTHER ANYWHERE. ALEX WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!”

  Alex’s only response was to let out a pained sob and press his face harder against Leo’s chest. His legs refused to work altogether leaving Leo only one option. Kneeling down for a moment Leo grabbed Alex’s legs and stood up, swinging the younger turtle’s body around so h
e could carry him in his arms. Alex clung to his shirt sobbing almost hysterically as Leo moved towards the front doors. But Jason moved faster; moving in front of the doors, blocking their path. When he spoke he no longer shouted. “Alex, what is going on?”

  Leo felt Alex begin to tremble harder as he looked up at his brother. “Move.”

  Alex’s voice was weak and shook with fear. Jason seemed to recoil slightly at Alex’s voice. “Alex?”

  Leo gripped Alex tighter as the young turtle continued to look up at his brother. “Move……please.”

  Leo watched Jason carefully; shock, confusion and fear rippled across the large turtle’s face. “Alex…….Alex what’s going on?”

  A moment later Leo staggered back slightly as Alex pushed away from him grabbing his brother’s shirt and pushing him back. “GET OUT OF MY WAY JASON!”

  Alex’s voice was shrill but oddly hollow. Stepping forward Leo caught Alex as he began to crumple to the floor; puling Alex in close to his body. Glaring up at Jason, Leo spoke. “Get out of our way Jason. You have no idea what you’re doing.”

  Leo felt adrenaline hit his system as Jason didn’t move. Leo’s muscles burned and itched as he watched the wheels turn in Jason’s head. After a moment the large turtle stepped aside allowing Leo to help Alex stagger past Jason who watched as Anthony moved in front of them and pulled open the back door of Leo’s car. The entire time Leo helped Alex into the seat Anthony glared at Jason who watched them. As Leo moved to go to the front seat he felt Alex’s grip on his shirt tighten. “Please…….please don't leave me.”

  Looking at Alex Leo made up his mind. Handing the keys to Anthony Leo moved, dropping himself in the back seat next to Alex who again buried his face in Leo’s chest. Leo watched as Anthony moved around the car passing by Jason who continued to watch them the look of confusion never leaving his face. As Anthony moved passed him Jason grabbed his arm. “Who are you? Where are you taking my brother?”

  Again Leo felt his heart jolt; it was a very real possibility that Anthony could snap and attack Jason, not something Leo would be able to stop easily. He watched nervously as Anthony glared at Jason for a moment before ripping his arm out of Jason’s grip. “We’re taking your brother home. As for who we are……we’re the people who care about him, something you should have done but didn’t.”

  Leo exhaled a small sigh of relief as Anthony continued past Jason without attacking him before turning on the car and pulling away from the restaurant leaving Jason standing in the doorway the look of confusion still covering his face. They drove in silence, the only sound coming from Alex who continued to shake and sob for several minutes. Turing onto Leo’s street Anthony glanced back at Leo who looked at him weakly.

  Pulling into the driveway Leo moved to help Alex out of the car, supporting him as the young turtle as they slowly moved into the house, behind them Anthony followed watching as Leo slowly led Alex into the living room; setting him down on the couch. Turning to Anthony Leo tried to speak; but no words came from his mouth. Instead he turned back to Alex who continued to shake and sob. He flinched as Anthony touched his shoulder. “He needs you right now Leo. I’ll go, give you two some privacy.”

  Leo didn’t speak instead he knelt down next to Alex who opened one of his blue eyes and looked at him for a moment before throwing his arms around Leo’s shoulders and sobbing into his shoulder. “Shhhhh, shhhhhh it’s ok Alex. Everything will be ok. I promise you, everything will be ok.”

  Alex continued to sob and shake in Leo’s arms. Slowly Leo shifted sitting down on the couch next to Alex so he could rub the back of Alex’s head and neck as he sobbed. He felt helpless like this. Here he sat unable to help Alex in anyway, while sobbed and shook in his arms. He clutched Alex tighter determined to at least make Alex feel secure. For how long they stayed like this Leo didn’t know. He remained seated, gently rubbing the back of Alex’s head and neck as slowly the young turtle’s sobbing lessened bit by bit until he was able to draw breath. Slowly Alex shifted sitting up and taking several deep breaths. “Thank….thank you.”

  Leo nodded. “Are you ok?”

  It was a stupid question he knew that, yet he could not think of anything else to say at that moment. Alex shrugged leaning back against the couch so he was looking up at the ceiling. “I….I don't know. I……I kinda feel like I might….”

  A second later Alex jumped to his feet and ran down the hallway. Standing up Leo watched Alex run into the bathroom. A second later the sounds of Alex vomiting made Leo recoil slightly. Nervously he decided what he should do. Moving into the kitchen Leo pulled out a glass and filled it with water before moving down the hallway towards the bathroom. Nervously he stuck his head in the room, breathing in a small sign of relief as he found Alex was no longer vomiting. Offering Alex the glass Leo smiled weakly as Alex drank the water before setting the glass down and leaning back against the wall. For a moment neither of them spoke, “I feel exhausted.”

  Leo nodded and knelt down next to Alex, but Alex shook his head. “No…..I can stand up on my own.”

  Leo nodded but remained close to Alex as the young turtle slowly stood up using the wall to support himself. Leo watched as Alex took several deep breaths before he moved to leave the bathroom, continuing to lean against the wall as he slowly made his way down the hallway towards his room. Leo watched as Alex came to a stop in front of the door. “Alex…..are you ok? Are you gunna throw up again?”

  Alex shook his head. “No…..I……can I ask you a favor?”

  Leo nodded and watched as Alex turned towards him. “Could you not go looking for Jason?”

  Leo raised an eyebrow. “Why not? He does have a right to know what happened to you. From what he said in the dinner it seems he’s unaware of where you’ve been or even what happened to you.”

  Alex nodded and Leo could see the young turtle was chewing his lip. “I know but……if he found out…..he’d go crazy and start beating people up. He’d get into trouble and…..and he’d get kicked off the team. Football…….it the only thing he really loves. I don't want him to lose that.”

  Leo shifted slightly before he spoke, “what about you? Shouldn’t he love you more than football? You’re his family.”

  Alex shrugged, taking a deep breath as he did so. “Please……just leave him alone……ok?”

  Leo sighed but nodded. “Fine. But if he finds me I’m gunna kick his ass.”

  Alex chuckled. “Deal.”

  Leo smiled weakly at Alex who smiled weakly back. “Goodnight Alex.”

  “Goodnight Leo.”


  Leo groaned as he slowly was pulled from his sleep. At first he remained where he was trying to figure out what exactly had woke him up. Slowly he rolled onto his back opening his eyes so he could look up at the ceiling of his bedroom. A second later he heard it, the thing that had woken him up; a small rattling sound that was just loud enough to pierce his dreams. Slowly Leo sat up, listing for the rattling sound again and finding it with little effort. Getting out of bed Leo sighed and began searching for the source of the rattling. After several minutes he groaned again; the sound was not coming from anything in his room.

  Pulling open his door Leo tiptoed through the hallway pausing at Alex’s door. Slowly he leaned in resting his ear against the side of the door, listening for the sounds of Alex’s breathing; only silence met his ear. Straining against the door Leo bit his lip as he found no sound came from the other side of Alex’s door, not even the sound of gently breathing. Nervously he gripped the doorknob and slowly pushed open the door. Alex’s bed was empty; the covers had been pulled apart and now looked as though they’d been put through a tornado.

  Leo felt his heart jump slightly at the empty bed, where could Alex be? But he forced himself to remain calm. Alex could be in the bathroom, or the kitchen, or perhaps he was looking for the source of the rattling like Leo was. Taking several deep breaths Leo closed the door to Alex’s room, and forced himself to move away down the hall
towards the living room. The sound was louder in here closing his eyes Leo listened for the sound before finding it and turning in its direction; it was coming from the direction of the door that led down into his dojo. Opening the door Leo found the light had already been turned on.

  Moving down the stairs Leo found that the doors to the dojo were wide open allowing him to see inside. Across the room Alex had changed, the young turtle was wearing the Gi he’d worn earlier and was furiously punching the punching bag. “Alex?” Alex didn’t respond instead he continued to punch the punching bag. Moving forward Leo found that Alex was mumbling under his breath yet try as he might Leo could not make out what Alex was saying. Again he spoke this time a bit louder. “Alex?”

  Again Alex did not respond, instead continuing to punch the bag. Moving closer Leo’s heart jolted as his eyes flicked over Alex’s hands. His knuckled were cracked and bleeding, staining the punching bag every time he struck it; yet the young turtle seemed to be ignoring the pain. Reaching out Leo touched Alex’s shoulder. “Alex stop.”

  Alex didn’t stop, only continuing to punch the punching bag harder and harder. Reaching out Leo gripped Alex’s shoulders and tried to pull him away from the punching bag. In response Alex spun around and shoved him back, making him stumble and fall to the floor. Growling Leo staggered to his feet. This time he grabbed Alex’s wrists as the young turtle pulled back for another strike. Pulling at Alex’s wrists Leo pinned Alex’s arms against his chest like a straightjacket. Instantly the young turtle began to struggle trying to get free from Leo’s grip; after a split second Alex started screaming; his voice echoing off the walls. “FUCK YOU JASON! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! GOD DAMNIT I FUCKING HATE YOU!”


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