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A Student In Need

Page 8

by Nicolas Schrammeck

  Alex’s strength was incredible, Leo had to hold on using all his strength so he could to keep Alex from wriggling out of his grasp and begin punching the bag again, all the while Alex screamed at the punching bag as though it were his brother. “I HATE YOU! HOW COULD YOU LET THOSE THINGS HAPPEN TO ME?! YOU SAID YOU’D ALWAYS PROTECT ME! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!”

  Leo grunted with the effort to restrain Alex who continued to writhe and scream, lashing out with his legs so he could kick the punching bag. “I’VE BEEN GONE FOR MONTHS WHY DIDN’T YOU CALL OR TRY TO FIND ME!? WHY DOES FOOTBALL MATTER MORE TO YOU THEN ME?! I HATE YOU! FUCKING TALK TO ME JASON! TELL ME WHAT I DID WRONG; TELL ME WHAT I DID TO MAKE YOU STOP CARING ABOUT ME!”

  All at once Alex stopped moving; his body going limp in Leo’s arms. For a full 5 seconds the dojo was silent, the only sounds coming from Alex who was panting for breath and the punching bag which swung back and forth making a slight creaking sound. A second later Alex crumbled in Leo’s arms, his body becoming dead weight dragging Leo to the floor as the young turtle began to sob. He held Alex tighter doing his best to comfort the upset turtle. “Why Jason? Why……why couldn't see what he was doing to me? Why did you leave me alone with him? Why? Why? Why?”

  Alex took a breath that made his whole body shudder violently. Leo didn’t even have to see his face to know it was covered in tears. “Why Jason? Why….why didn’t you protect me?”

  He held Alex against his body as the young turtle sobbed and choked; his entire body shaking. Slowly Leo shifted, turning Alex away from the punching bag and towards him. He felt Alex’s arm wraps around his shoulder as the young turtle continued to sob. “Why?”

  He repeated that word over and over again. Leo clung to Alex, doing his best to comfort him as he sobbed and shook. He wanted to speak, to tell Alex everyone was going to be ok; yet when he opened his mouth no words came out. They were empty promises. There was no way he could keep them. He couldn't take away Alex’s pain, not in the way Alex needed. He felt guilt well up in his chest; he was supposed to protect Alex. He was supposed to make sure the young turtle was safe and got better; and he’d failed. Instead he’s put Alex through more pain and suffering all the while making Alex believe he could help him. Leo bit his lip until it bled as white hot tears of anger fell from his own eyes. He clung to Alex. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  He felt Alex cling to him harder. How long could Alex keep going like this? How long could Alex walk around, and go about his life with this time bomb ticking away inside his head waiting for the right conditions to go off? How much longer could he survive being alone? They stayed like this for a long time. Leo silently crying because of the feelings of helplessness in his chest, while Alex sobbed in his arms. Outside he could hear the sounds of rain, of a storm passing over them. “Leo……”

  He moved looking down at Alex who was looking up at him tears still covering his face. “Leo........I’m in pain.”

  That statement made Leo clutch Alex tighter; mentally willing for Alex’s pain to leave him. “My hands…….oh god……Leo……”

  Alex clung to Leo his grip causing his knuckles to split and bleed even worse. “Please…….please don't leave me Leo…..please……”

  Leo buried his nose against Alex's neck shaking his head as he did so. Slowly he felt Alex’s sobbing ease back until the young turtle took several large sniffs trying to clear his nose. “ hands.”

  Leo nodded pulling away slightly so he could examine Alex’s hands. The green skin was cracked and still bleeding. Slowly Leo got to his feet carful to keep Alex supported as he moved across the room towards the section he used for meditation. Once Alex was settled Leo moved to let go; only to feel Alex’s grip tighten. Turning back to Alex Leo spoke. “I have to get the first aid kit. I promise I’ll be right back.”

  He watched as Alex nodded and pulled his legs against his chest. It took all his self control to move away from Alex. Racing up the stairs Leo tore open the bathroom drawer and grabbed the first aid before hurling himself back down the stairs and back to Alex. No sooner had he come to a stop and knelt down behind him, did Alex latch out and grab onto his arm. Leo shifted pulling Alex against his chest while he opened up the kit and pulled out the rubbing alcohol. “Alex…..this is gunna hurt. But I promise it’s to help you ok?”

  Alex nodded and prepared himself, watching as Leo doused a small cloth with the rubbing alcohol before touching the rag to his bloodied knuckles; the effect was instant. Alex’s entire body jerked as he cried out. “IT HURTS!”

  Leo held Alex tighter. “I know, I know it hurts.”

  But Alex was struggling again, trying to get away from the pain Leo was causing him. “IT HURTS! IT HURTS!”

  He did the only thing he could think of to take away Alex’s pain; replace it with pleasure. Turning Alex’s head Leo crushed their lips together. Almost at once Alex stopped struggling, his eyes going wide for a moment in shock, before slowly drifting closed. Leo groaned as he felt Alex return the kiss. He’d meant for it to be just regular kiss. Like one you’d give your brother or a friend; yet slowly it changed. Leo groaned. He knew he should break the kiss, knew he should pull away and stop; but he didn’t. He moaned as he felt Alex lean into the kiss, their chest rubbing against each other. He shivered as Alex’s tongue entered his mouth, running along its room enticing another moan from Leo. She shifted pulling Alex tighter against his chest; his own tongue coming out to explore Alex’s mouth. Alex shifted his arms moved upwards, wrapping around Leo’s neck. Leo felt Alex break the kiss and let out a low hiss as his hands twinge in pain. “Wait……”

  How he was able to speak Leo didn’t know. The smell Alex was giving off was incredible, a kind of sickly sweet sweaty smell that reminded Leo of taffy. “We…..we need to fix your hands.”

  Slowly he tugged on Alex’s arms pulling them down from around his neck until they were in front of him. Setting down the cloth he was holding Leo busied himself with the bandages wrapping them around Alex’s injured knuckles and fingers. As he secured the ends of the bandages he found his hands were shaking. Nervously he looked up at Alex who smiled weakly at him. “Thank you.”

  Leo nodded, taking a deep breath. Against his will he shuddered as he inhaled more of Alex’s scent. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

  Alex was silent for a moment. “I know how you can make it up to me.”

  A moment later their lips were together again. Leo groaned as he felt Alex shift. His arms wrapping around Leo’s neck again pulling him deeper into the kiss. Alex’s smell was all he could think about, the wonderful sickly sweetness making his mind go foggy. It took all his effort to break the kiss. “No………I’m……’re teacher.”

  In response Alex growled and shook him, when he spoke his voice was firm. “STOP SAYING THAT.”

  They kissed again. Leo’s eyes rolled back slightly as Alex’s tongue pushed into his mouth again. Why did it have to feel SO good? Again they broke apart an again Leo spoke. “No…….stop…….it’s not…..”

  Alex growled and glared up at him for a moment. “Then stop me.”

  Before Leo could respond he felt Alex grab his hand and bring it closer to his face. Leo shuddered finding himself unable to hold back the moan that escaped as he felt Alex take one of his fingers into his mouth, sucking on the digit while running his tongue up and down again Leo’s flesh. Leo froze as he felt Alex continue to suck on his finger. Stopping a moment later Alex looked up at him. “You haven’t stopped me…..”

  Leo bit his lip; he wanted this, dear god he wanted this so badly it almost hurt. On the other hand…….

  But all other arguments vanished into smoke as Alex kissed him; it was a gentle kiss, unlike the ones before it. As they broke apart Alex spoke. “Please……don't push me away.”

  Leo groaned as he made up his mind. He shifted, gently pushing Alex until he was lying on the floor. They kissed again, their tongue dancing with each other exploring the other’s mouth until
their lungs burned. Breaking apart Leo buried his face against Alex’s neck licking and kissing the sensitive flesh; enjoying the moans and whimpers that he got in response. He felt Alex’s hands grip his shell. “Leo………”

  After a moment he found the patch of skin he was looking for. Planting his lips against it he began sucking, enjoying the shudders and moans that Alex gave off in response. “Oh god….Leo…….what…..”

  Leo knew why Alex was acting this way. Just under the patch of skin he was sucking on was a large bundle of nerves; by sucking on the skin Leo was overwhelming Alex’s small body with pleasure. “Leo….I think……”

  A second later Alex let out a loud groan as his body spasmed for a second. Leo knew what it meant; the shudder meant Alex was excited enough that his penis had emerged from his body, something Leo’s hand already done. Breaking the grip he held on Alex’s skin Leo grinned as he found he'd left a dark red hicky against the green skin. Slowly he moved his hand, gently trailing it down Alex’s gi before finding the belt that held the uniform together. He undid the belt with little effort. Gently he began peeling back Alex’s shirt. He pulled back looking down at Alex who’s face had gone red as he nervously looked up at Leo. Alex’s body was thin with not a single ounce of body fat anywhere. He pulled the top of Alex’s gi apart, revealing more of his chest and stomach, which Leo began kissing. He could feel Alex shaking. Gently he leaned in capturing Alex’s lips in another kiss. Alex groaned as they broke apart. “No fair.”

  Leo chuckled as he felt Alex’s hands tug at his shirt. Gripping his shirt Leo pulled it off, flinging it off into the darkness, returning to Alex’s lips while he ground their chests together. He shuddered as Alex’s skin touched his; how would Alex be so irresistibly soft. A second later their lips crushed together as Leo kissed him. Leo’s hands roamed Alex’s back and shell, holding the younger turtle as close to him as he could. As they broke apart Leo found the waste line of Alex’s pants. He looked up at Alex who gave him a small nod. “It’s ok.”

  He felt Alex shudder as he began to pull, tugging Alex’s pants and underwear off. Gently he cupped Alex’s butt giving it a small squeeze making Alex yelp in surprise. “Don’t!”

  Again Leo squeezed Alex’s butt making the younger turtle squeal again. A second later Alex pulled away moving down to tug off Leo’s pants too. Leo shuddered as the cool night air rushed past his needy organ. As Alex’s pants slipped off his legs Leo threw them away leaving both of them completely exposed to the other. He felt Alex’s eyes roam his body, pausing on some of the scars that dotted his chest. His own eyes raked Alex’s form, enjoying the sight in front of him. He watched as Alex shivered slightly. “Leo?”

  He growled pulling Alex tightly again his body before kissing him. Again he rolled them over pushing Alex against the floor before breaking the kiss. Alex groaned as Leo began to kiss his chin and jaw line, moving slowly downwards kissing his neck, shoulder, chest, stomach, hips, and….. Leo felt Alex whimper as Leo came to a stop with Alex’s needy organ in front of him. Slowly he looked up at Alex. The young turtle was propped again one of the many cushions that were used for meditation; his eyes looking at Leo, watching his every move. “Tonight……is all about you.”

  He didn’t give Alex a chance to respond he leaned forward using his tongue to guide Alex’s organ into his mouth. The young turtle shuddered his hips jerking forward slightly as Leo pulled his organ deeper and deeper into his mouth. “Oh god…..oh god…..oh god.”

  Alex gasped and panted for breath as he felt Leo begin to bob his head up and down along his sensitive shaft. It wasn't like he’d never gotten a blowjob before. But the ones he got tended to either be half assed, or from armatures who didn’t really know what they were doing. Leo was certainly neither of those. Alex gasped and shuddered pressing his hands against his eyes as Leo bobbed up and down, swirling his tongue around Alex’s shaft sending lances of pleasure arching through his body. It was incredible, indescribable; the feelings of pleasure racing through his body were stranger then he’d ever felt before. His heart felt like it was going to explode as Leo continued his ministrations, lifting up until only the tip of Alex was left inside his mouth before lowering himself all the way back down until Alex’s tip touched the back of his throat. Alex’s eyes rolled back as he struggled to draw breath, he could feel it, his climax rushing up at him, making him extra sensitive to everything Leo did. His entire body shuddered as Leo sped up. “Oh god….Leo……I’m….”

  But the rest of his words were cut away as Leo let out a low, “hurrrr.”

  The vibrations added to his pleasure making his gasp and whimper as the pleasure slowly began to overwhelm him. He bit his lip his hands scrambling to find something to hold onto as his orgasm came closer and closer. His hand found another cushion which he grabbed and pressed against his face letting out a scream of pleasure that the cushion muffled. He’d never felt his before. The pleasure lashing at his insides was mind numbing, making his skin feel like it was on fire as he continued to tremble and whimper. He pressed the pillow harder against his face as he felt himself brought to the very edge of his endurance. He screamed into the pillow as his hips jerked upwards grinding against Leo’s face as Leo buried Alex’s cock as deep in his throat as it would go; surrounding it was warm twitching flesh.

  A second later Alex’s head snapped back as he felt his entire body shudder violently. The white hot pleasure that had lashed through his body erupting out of him coating Leo’s throat as Alex climaxed. Alex pressed the cushion harder again his face moaned and whimpering as he emptied his seed down Leo’s throat. He closed his eyes shuddering as he felt the last of the pleasure leave his body. He felt Leo release his cock making Alex groan. He felt Leo move gripping the other side of the cushion before pulling it away from Alex’s face. Alex blinked slowly as he looked up at Leo; the older turtle’s face was smiling down at him. A moment later they were kissing again, their bodies rubbing against each other enticing a gentle ‘churr’ from Alex. He felt Leo move, gripping his legs and shoulders. Alex yelped surprised and slightly scared as Leo picked him up. “Leo?”

  Leo response was to nuzzle his neck and slowly carry him back upstairs, down the hallway and into Leo’s room. He felt Leo release him dropping him down onto Leo’s bed. A moment later Leo crawled into the bed next to him before pulling the covers over them both while wrapping his arms around Alex’s hips. “Goodnight Alex.”

  Alex smiled and buried his nose against Leo’s chest. “Goodnight Leo.”


  Slowly Leo began to wake up. He kept his eyes closed as he slowly began to move; pausing slightly when he felt an unknown weight prevent him from rolling over. He’d had the most bazaar dream last night. Alex had been punching his punching bag so hard it had made him bleed and then….they’d……. Leo felt his face blush red as the memories of Alex’s moans and whimpers echoed in his head. No, no it had all been a dream, a really elaborate very detailed dream. What was pinning his arm. Opening his eyes Leo felt his heart stop as he found a VERY naked Alex lying next to him and on top of his arm. He struggled to dray breath as reality crashed into him; it wasn't a dream, last night he’d……he’d…… he frantically began trying to free his arm from Alex’s weight, in response Alex groaned and shifted rolling away from Leo; freeing his arm. Leo pulled the limb tightly against his chest as panic lashed at his insides. “No….no…”

  His voice shook as he spoke. It wasn't a dream, all of it had been real; every kiss every moan and whimper all of it had really happened. He’d violated Alex, he’d taken advantage of Alex’s emotions and had……had…..It all became too much for Leo. He staggered out of bed grabbing the clothes he’d stripped off last night before going to bed. Pulling them on he staggered from the room his vision beginning to blur as tears welled up in his eyes. Shakily he reached into his pocket dialing Anthony’s number as he slumped against the floor. Every time the phone rang his heart clenched tighter and tighter in panic until finally Ant
hony answered. “Huh? Leo? What’s-”

  But Leo cut him off his voice trembling. “I fucked up…..oh god Anthony I fucked up so badly…..”

  He broke off as tears began to fall from his eyes. He clung to the phone as though it was a lifeline; the only way to save himself from the darkness and shame that seemed to be pushing in on him. “Leo? Leo what’s wrong? What happened? Is Alex ok?”

  Leo’s heart clenched again as against his will memories of last night flooded his mind, Memories of Alex’s moans, whimpers, his scent, memories of his body they all came flooding back to Leo who began to tremble. “Anthony……I………I……”

  The darkness was swirling around him; Leo felt as though his heart might explode as the darkness began to laugh at him. “Just…….me.”

  He shook his head. “No….no… I’m not like you.”

  But the darkness kept laughing. “JUST LIKE ME!”

  He dropped the phone, his only protection against the darkness; making the darkness press in against him. “NO!”

  He was running, Leo felt his body out of sheer panic as the darkness began to chase him. He was outside now, the cold air tearing at his form making him shiver as he ran through his backyard before frantically tearing at the gate. He could feel it, the darkness pressing in around him, laughing at him calling to him. “JUST LIKE ME! JUST LIKE ME! JUST LIKE ME!”

  Finally managing to open the gate, Leo ran ignoring the pain in his muscles as he ran from his backyards toward the forest that his house sat on the edge of. He felt rocks and debris dig into his feet as he ran making him stagger and yelp in pain, but he ignored the feeling. He had to run, to escape the darkness that swirled around him grabbing at him, trying to catch him. He panicked running faster; ignoring the numbness that was creeping into his body as the cold began to dig into him.


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