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Solar Eclipse

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by McKayla Schutt

  Solar Eclipse

  McKayla Schutt

  Solar Eclipse

  The Legend Series, Volume 6

  McKayla Schutt

  Published by McKayla Schutt, 2018.

  While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


  First edition. March 14, 2018.

  Copyright © 2018 McKayla Schutt.

  Written by McKayla Schutt.

  ISBN-13: 978-1981590544

  ISBN-10: 1981590544

  I would like to thank my husband Branden, giving me the push when I needed it I

  love him so much.

  I also would like to thank my awesome editor for making me work hard.

  Last, I would like to thank my fans, especially my street team for always supporting me even when I felt like quitting you guys were there to keep me going.

  I hope everyone loves this story and make sure you review if you do. ;)

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page
























  About the Author

  Sign up for McKayla Schutt's Mailing List

  Further Reading: A Bite of Sin

  Also By McKayla Schutt



  WALTER SHOVED HIS HANDS through his hair, trying to push back the self-loathing. He trusted the wrong person. Kerine. “Magic is in your blood.” The woman’s voice sounded in his mind as the magic pulsed through his body.

  He lifted his gaze to find his sister rubbing her belly in her kitchen. The sun pulsed through the window near Maria. Owen, his youngest nephew, grabbed his hand bringing his attention back to their little game of magic. He tossed a purple ball of light up and waited for one of the twins to put up their own balls of lights.

  Part of him wondered what it would be like to be a wolf-witch like the little ones before him. He wouldn’t admit out loud that some days he dreamed of having a wolf beneath the surface. The idea of having a strong beast at his fingertips intrigued him so much he almost asked Maria to change him but never did.

  His mind wandered back to his time with Kerine. He hated how the evil witch bitch had used his love of family against him. Owen created a blue ball of light, reminding Walter of Kerine teaching him magic. The pup closed his hand and Walter tried to push back the memories of when he first met her.

  “Close. Try again.” Walter smiled at Owen. Vivian grinned brightly as she created a big purple ball of light. Pride filled his heart at how quick his niece and nephew picked up on magic. Vivian and Owen had both inherited their mother’s night black hair.

  Walter had been so angry at his mother for keeping magic a secret but more pissed at himself for letting Kerine use the anger to her advantage. Baven pulled on Walter’s arm, bringing him back to the present.

  “Can we shift, Uncle Walter?”

  “I can’t shift, Baven.” Walter rubbed his hand in his nephew’s hair. Maria waddled into the living room from the kitchen and smiled.

  “Walter, I need you to pick something up for me. Can you run to Treasures and More?” Maria glanced up, meeting his gaze. He had come over to play with his niece and nephews to help give his sister a small break.

  “Yeah, what do you need?” His little sister was pregnant with her second set of twins. She had unintentionally announced it when a pack mate, Angie, was about to deliver her twins. Walter grabbed Vivian from the couch and walked her over to her mother. Maria handed him a card and a small piece of paper.

  “Here is a short list. Oh, and if you see anything good you like and it’s under a couple hundred get it for your birthday.”

  “My birthday is a few days away.” Walter shook his head.

  “I know but I might space it out and forget. If you don't see anything you want, I'll keep looking tomorrow.” Maria hugged him then waddled back into the kitchen.

  “Are you coming to dinner Friday?” Walter glanced at the list, most were herbs for household magic users.

  “Of course, we’re coming.” Maria clicked her tongue. “Oh, did you hear, Devin found a girl on his trip east.”

  “He did?” Walter pulled out his phone expecting to see a message from his brother but found nothing. Devin was still pissed at Walter for following Kerine back to Crescent Valley. Once again, I’m still the bad guy.

  “Yeah. He said he might not make it Friday because of her. She has a big exam for her college class she can't miss.”

  “Interesting.” He sighed heavily and turned away from his sister. Everyone around him was finding their mate or someone to love but him.

  Baven jumped off the couch into a shift and his sister followed. Owen, however, walked onto Walter’s lap, fur covered the little one’s flesh and sharp claws pressed into Walter’s thighs. The sudden change startled Walter but he managed to keep his cool until one paw slipped toward his groin. Walter jump back, making the little guy tip toward the ground. His nephew barked and then latched onto the first thing he reached. Pain pierced his arm when Owen’s teeth sank into his flesh.

  “Owen! Walter!” Maria shrieked. Owen let go of his arm and shifted.

  “Mommy, I’m sorry. He scared me when he jumped.” Owen looked up at Walter. Maria grabbed him just before Walter fell off the soft couch and onto the hardwood floor.

  “Derrick!” Maria yelled louder this time. Excitement and nerves rolled around in Walter’s brain. If he didn’t have the wolf gene like his sister, the bite would kill him.

  The pain grew stronger, making it hard to breathe. A wave of heat coursed under his flesh. The nerves settled, this didn’t feel like death, as Kerine had pushed his body close on a few occasions during his time with her. The sound of clothes ripping rang in his ears while hair sprouted from his warming flesh. The one thing he had wanted for years was finally happening. The only down side, the burning pain racing throughout his body. He wanted the pain to end soon but he thanked his genes for letting him complete the change. Walter gritted his teeth together as his bones grew and readjusted. Fingers and toes turned into claws. Still can’t believe, I'm becoming a werewolf!

  Walter closed his eyes, and in a rush, the pain finally stopped.

  White flashed behind his eyelids followed by memories of Kerine standing over his body, her head shaking from side to side. Stones pressed into his back. Dread filled his belly and everything ached. “I had hoped to make this one stronger than the last.” She clicked her tongue while touching his forehead. Animus.

  Walter’s eyes snapped open as the memory faded back. The bitch took his memories but he had no clue why. Dread weighted his bones. Anger pulsed through his new wolf form. Derrick stormed into the house and stopped inches from Walter.

  “Damn. What happened?” Derrick leaned forward and met Walter’s gaze. His nose flared then Derrick looked at Maria. “Is that Walter?”

  “Yes, Owen bit him.” She took in a shaky breath then turned on her youngest son. “Owen, you can’t just bit
e a human, we could’ve lost Uncle Walter forever.” Her stern voice reminded Walter of their mother. Maria moved her hand across her face and Walter caught a salty scent. Three steady beats and two fast beats met his ears. His eyes took a split second to focus on his sister, everything filtered in so quick he worried he might give himself a migraine.

  “Well fuck.” Derrick looked from his son to Walter. “Do you want to run or shift back?”

  Walter motioned toward the back door. Baven panted next to Walter while Vivian rubbed her nose against his left shoulder. Energy pulsed through his body and his wolf wanted to stretch his legs before going back to the human side.

  “I wanna come.” Owen struggled in his mother’s arms.

  “Stick close, son.” Derrick motioned toward the back door, Walter took one last glance at Maria before walking out, her children following close behind. “Aiden, I'll be back.”

  Aiden walked out of the barn and saw Walter take a few unsure steps. “Damn. Would you like more company?”

  “Yes, since the kids are going,” Maria pitched in. Derrick had shifted and glared toward his mate but then nodded. Aiden shifted into a dark brown wolf. Walter looked at his paws to find black fur covering him.

  Black hair means black wolf, I guess it makes sense. Walter followed Derrick toward the fence line. A surge of energy raced through his body. He pushed forward with his new strength. He cleared the fence. He glanced back to see Baven dive low through the poles of the fence, with the twins following him and Aiden clearing the wood with ease. Walter stopped and moved toward his little nephews and niece. Baven’s wolf grinned, flashing sharp teeth, while Owen bowed his head. He knew the kid didn’t mean to turn him into a werewolf.

  Walter rubbed his nose against Owen’s side. The pup took a deep breath and relaxed. For months, he had wondered what it might be like to be a wolf-witch like his sister. Maria was always the good girl and him being the older brother, he felt the need to protect her even after she mated the alpha of the pack.

  The extra energy settled down and Walter let his wolf trot back to the house. He closed his eyes, letting his stronger senses guide him. I think I have been a wolf long enough for today. He pictured himself as a human and walked out of the shift into his human form.

  “Damn, you’re a fucking natural.” Aiden patted Walter on the back and chuckled. Derrick shifted back, followed by Baven.

  “Sorry, Uncle Walter.” Owen shuffled and looked up at Walter, who kneeled down to meet his gaze. A light breeze tickled his naked flesh. Walter snapped his fingers and pictured a pair of pants from his house. They covered his lower half, the awkward naked sensation subsided. The others might be used to going nude all the time, but he wasn’t.

  “It’s okay, little buddy. I forgive you.” Walter pulled the little guy into a short hug. He didn’t blame Owen one bit and, deep down, he was glad for the accident. Walter didn’t want to say he had a favorite but that might change.

  His new wolf didn’t have an overwhelming presence after the shift. His senses were back to normal as well, he thanked his luck for not getting a migraine from the sensory overload in his wolf form. Walter walked into the house, Maria rushed over and pulled him into a tight hug. Her belly pressed into Walter’s stomach while he hugged her back.

  “I’m so sorry, Walter. I should have caught it before he turned you.” Maria’s eyes were puffy-red and tears ran down her face. He cleared her cheek of the wet drops and met her gaze.

  “Maria, I’m fine. Just a little more like you than before.” Walter kissed her head and smiled. “I’m going to stop by my house and grab some clothes before I go to the store.” He didn’t like her being upset even on his behalf.

  “Eat something too, it will keep your strength up,” Maria added as she cleared the tears from her face. “You really forgive me?”

  “Yes, Maria.” Walter kissed her head again and rubbed her back. He hoped he would fit into the pack and coven better now since he had both sides. Austin, Nevada seemed to be the only place to have the two so closely intertwined. Witches weren’t out of the closet like the wolves but Walter had a feeling one day it would happen.

  Walter climbed into his truck, today would be different with a wolf lying under the surface.



  AMETHYST SWUNG HER hips while the song flowed from her phone into her earbuds as she walked down the streets of her small town. Every problem she had been struggling with over the last few weeks, was finally over. She no longer had to deal with her sniveling idiot ex-boyfriend, Collin. The bastard kept trying to convince her they would imprint after a few years of being together. Amethyst liked werewolves but Collin seemed to be on the slimy end of the scale. She sang the lyrics and moved her body. She flipped her new short hair, loving the feeling of being free from everything the asshole prized. Collin had hated her purple highlights. She could wear her purple stripes with pride now.

  She walked down the street pushing a ton of energy into her dancing, not giving a damn who saw or who judged her for her outlandish behavior. The next song came on by Taylor Swift and Amethyst’s awesome dance moves continued in spectacular fashion. A smile lit her face for the first time in a long time.

  For the last two months, Collin had threatened to change Amethyst into a werewolf to prove they were meant to be but Amethyst didn’t want it. At least not with him and she loathed being in his fucking shadow.

  Amethyst had been constantly making herself smaller to create a better fit with her ex but she had enough over the last few weeks. No, I’m strong and no man will define me. Plus, I don’t want to have his fucking children. The thought sent a shiver down her spine. Yes, she wanted kids but not Collin’s children.

  She strutted into her little job as the cashier at a mom and pop store-Treasures and More, which was a glorified second-hand store but it paid the bills. Now she had to find a new apartment because of this whole mess with Collin.

  She shook off the threat of self-pity before it consumed her thoughts while she put her bag down in the back and walked up to say hi to her bosses. The bell over the door sang and Amethyst turned to find a hot as sin hunk walking in. She resisted the urge to pant. The way his black hair hung over his eyes gave him a mysterious vibe. When his blue gaze met hers, a shiver zipped down her spine right to her core.

  He had this bad boy aura wafting off him. Amethyst grabbed onto the counter trying to not make a complete fool of herself. She licked her lips and moved toward him without even thinking about it. His arms were strong under his shirt like he worked out. Way more than just a normal work out, I wonder how his abs look. She batted her eyelashes and inched closer to him.

  “Can I help you find something?” Amethyst liked how his eyes scanned her body for a second before meeting her gaze. I could use a distraction like him. She took in a slow breath while he pulled a piece of paper from his back pocket. Hints of familiarity rolled off of the sexy man but Amethyst couldn’t put her finger on it.

  “My sister needs a few things; would you help me find them?” He smiled making her heart race. Light perspiration touched her palms so she brushed her hand on her jeans.

  “Sure.” She bit her lip and his eyes snapped down to her mouth before his gaze moved back to her eyes. He handed the list over, part of her hoped their fingers might touch but she didn’t get her wish. She scanned the paper, the writing looked familiar as well. The last item at the bottom of the list made her smile. “Your birthday is coming up?”

  “Excuse me?” His eyebrow rose and his body tightened up.

  “Birthday present for yourself is on the list.” She flashed him the paper. He chuckled low and his shoulders relaxed.

  “Yes, in a few days.”

  “Interesting.” She paused. His eyes wandered down again. “Follow me.” Amethyst turned, and she felt his eyes on her ass. She knew her body wasn’t tiny, actually, she liked her curves, very much. Collin didn’t appreciate them, he wanted her to lose a few pounds and be a skinny b
itch eating a fucking carrot. She told him to fuck off and grabbed a cupcake. Two days later and he was between some bitch’s legs. Amethyst rolled her shoulders as they reached the first item. Bobby, the owner, maintained a small herb section and only a handful of people asked about it.

  She plucked off a few bags of herbs and turned to hand them to the sexy guy. When she looked back at him again something clicked. Those blue eyes reminded her of the boy she had a crush on for two long freaking years. His longer hair and older features had thrown her off.

  “Wait, you must be Maria’s brother. Well one of them at least.” She leaned forward. “Are you the good older brother or the bad one?” She giggled, she knew which he was. A girl never forgot her first freaking crush. He’s aged well. Amethyst wanted to give him such a compliment but his eyes darkened.

  “She said she has a good and a bad one?” His jaw locked up tight. Tension pulsed off him in waves, her stomach tightened with regret.

  “Maria was only joking. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Amethyst swallowed hard.

  “I guess I’m the bad brother.” The way he said the last part sounded like venom leaving his mouth. A glass of water shattered suddenly, making her jump. Water hit her jeans and ran down the glass case. Fuck, he’s a witch too.

  “Listen, I’m sorry. Maria and I go back from high school. Please, just take the herbs and calm down,” she hissed the last part under her breath and looked around to see Bobby’s husband, Mark, looking over at them. He wasn’t a fan of witches, unlike Bobby and Amethyst. She found them fascinating and talked to Maria for almost two hours when she found out about her magic and her wolf side.

  “I’m sorry.” Walter looked around and took a deep breath. The glass clicked across the floor and became one again.

  “Damn,” she whispered.

  “I should probably get going.” Walter grabbed the herbs, his hand met hers and she gasped as a small current rippled under her flesh. His eyes snapped up to meet hers while he yanked his hand away. He placed a wad of cash on the counter near the glass and stormed off. Amethyst’s whole body screamed to be next to him but her feet wouldn’t move. She looked around wondering what the hell just happened. Her heart wanted to give chase but her legs wouldn’t freaking move.


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