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Solar Eclipse

Page 2

by McKayla Schutt



  ONCE WALTER REACHED his sister’s house, he climbed out and stormed inside. He looked around and found Maria resting on her couch while she showed the twins magic. Amethyst’s sexy body wouldn’t leave his mind no matter how hard he tried to force it on the drive over. Her dark brown hair with purple streaks fit her name so well. But those lake-blue eyes seemed to stare straight into him.

  “What’s going on?” Maria wiggled into a sitting position.

  “Here are your herbs.” Walter tossed them onto the table next to the couch. Maria raised an eyebrow.

  “Go play, you two.” Maria pointed toward the back door.

  “Race you to the barn.” Vivian pushed Owen. They scrambled out of the room.

  “What’s wrong?” Maria folded her arms. Her green eyes held bewilderment.

  “So, I’m the bad brother?” Walter leaned against the wall. Maria rose an eyebrow then something in her eyes clicked and she sighed. He knew on some level Kerine had been a bad person and staying with her for so long didn’t bode well in the pack/coven’s eyes. What they didn’t understand was, he didn’t remember more than half the years he spent with her. So much time had been lost with Kerine and he hated not knowing what happened.

  “It’s a joke, Walter. Amethyst is just an old friend I talk to when I go to the store.” The circles under Maria’s eyes were a touch darker than a few months ago.

  “She zapped me by the way.” Walter rolled his shoulders. Images of younger Amethyst without the purple streaks flashed through his mind, she had been pretty then, now she was beautiful.

  “Wait, you imprinted with Amethyst?” Maria’s mouth dropped open. The words settled into his brain.

  Imprinted, oh shit.

  “That's what the imprint feels like?” Walter’s eyes widened.

  “Like a zip of electricity flowing under your skin. You need to complete the bond, mate with her. You have three days or else you'll lose your wolf.”

  “I’ll lose my wolf unless I fuck Amethyst, seriously?” Walter shoved his hands through his hair.

  “Mate, not fuck, Walter. I don't know what you and Kerine were doing, but this is different.” Maria shook her head and clicked her tongue. Walter ground his teeth together and walked away. His little sister had no idea what he went through with Kerine. The Elder bitch had strength and ruthless temper.

  Five years ago, on his way to the airport, he was so dizzy he had to stop in Crescent Valley’s gas station. The damn tea his mother made him drink had worn off. When he pulled into the only gas station, Kerine spotted him as magic pulsed from Walter’s body.

  “You have two choices, you may stay here and agree to be mine. I’ll teach you all you need to know to be a strong witch. Or you go off to the Marines to be discovered, which will lead to you becoming a lab rat with needles digging into your flesh.” He had been so angry at his mother for not telling him about magic that he agreed to learn from Kerine.

  Explaining to the Marines how he wasn't fit for duty had been the hardest part but Kerine forced him to. After Walter gained some power of his own, Kerine took to threatening his family if he left her. Looking back, he wished he had just run like he did when Carmen and Kira helped him leave. From that point until Kerine died, Walter had used protection magic on his family without them knowing. Even now, his own sister, who called him the bad brother, still thought he willingly worked with Kerine. The coven had grown over the last few years. The year Angie became a member of the coven, they faced off with Kerine. The witch bitch didn’t make it out. Images of Kerine’s crumpled body filled his mind. She’s dead, she can't get you again.

  He had left the first time because Kerine almost freaking killed him. Only today did he remember bits and pieces of what had actually happened. Walter focused on his thoughts. He glanced at the calendar, two days until the solar eclipse and three days till he had to figure out if he would keep his new wolf.

  He drove home. Once he parked he headed right for his kitchen. During the solar eclipse, he had planned on lying low with his powers stronger during the special day. He didn’t want to show off his strength unless he had to. Being a strong ass witch hadn’t done him any favors. Of course, things had changed and he might not have a choice in the matter, depending on how it went with Amethyst.

  His phone rang, and he pulled it out of his pocket to see his little brothers face.

  “Hello.” Walter shoved his hand through his hair. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to Devin at the moment.

  “I heard there is another wolf-witch in the family,” Devin chuckled. Walter had been waiting for a phone call from his brother for the last few months but the call seemed forced.

  “Yeah, our little nephew bit me this morning.” Walter tossed his keys onto a stand by the door and strolled into his living room as his stomach rumbled. Instead of taking a break on the couch he swiftly turned for his kitchen.

  “Damn dude, how are you feeling?” Devin seemed interested but Walter didn’t know what to expect.

  “A little on edge. I’m still adjusting. I can use magic so I don’t see much change.” Walter scanned the fridge; sliced turkey caught his attention so he pulled it out to make a sandwich.

  “Hold on.” The sound of keys being tapped on rang in Walter’s ear. He knew someone had texted Devin by the way he tapped on the phone. “Dude, did you imprint?”

  “Damn it, Maria,” Walter growled. He didn’t want to keep it a secret but fuck he could’ve told Devin himself instead of it looking like he was hiding something.

  “You did. Who is she? What’s her name? Where did you meet? Are you ready to meet my girl? She’s fucking hot as hell.” Devin had a tendency to keep asking more questions before the first was even answered, a quality which landed him in trouble a lot in school.

  “Her name is Amethyst.”

  “That’s a cool name. Come on, give me details.”

  “I’ll tell you later. I need to eat.” Walter heard his brother keep talking to try to get more information but Walter wasn’t having it. He hit the end button and bit into his sandwich.

  While he made another sandwich, he pondered his choices. Go back to see Amethyst or stay home. If he stayed home, he’d lose his new wolf, which he didn’t like. His wolf nodded in agreement. After eating his third sandwich he grabbed his keys and walked out to his vehicle. He wanted to talk to her.

  What’s the worst that can happen? The thought didn’t give him much confidence.



  “HAVE A GOOD NIGHT, Purple,” Bobby called out and Amethyst waved back. She pushed one of her earbuds in and started listening to Shakira, the woman had the good beats that made her hips move.

  “Interesting nickname.” Walter’s voice filled her ear before she had a chance to shove the other earbud in.

  “I guess my mother picked the right name for me.” Amethyst shook out her hair with its purple highlights. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to see you.” Walter shoved a hand through his black hair, she met his soft gaze.

  “Look, I didn’t mean to piss you off earlier. Maria and I talk all the time and I only meant it as meant to be a joke and nothing more.” Amethyst placed the headphones into her back pocket with her phone.

  “Maria doesn’t know the whole story about why I stayed up in Crescent Coven.” Walter ground his teeth.

  “Well if it’s all you wanted to talk about I have to go clear out my old apartment.” Amethyst didn’t want to fucking sleep in her car till she had time to find a new place but it would have to do. She turned and walked a few steps before Walter followed her.

  “Would you like some help?” Walter asked making her stop and turn to him.

  “Why do you want to help me? You never gave me the time of day when we were in school.” Amethyst raised an eyebrow.

  “I’m sorry. Listen, I want to take you out to dinner and I can’t do it if you’re still cleaning out your s

  “Take me to dinner. Are you paying?” Amethyst wouldn’t go out with him normally but her need to give him a second chance grew stronger ever since he fucking zapped her or whatever the hell it was.

  “Of course.” Walter’s lips tipped up into a smirk.

  “Fine. Follow me there. You may help me get my stuff.” Amethyst walked over to her car and started it up. Walter jump into his truck and the engine roared to life. What I wouldn’t give to have a pickup. She pushed down the thought and pulled out of the lot, Walter easily keeping up with her. After a few turns, she came up to her soon to be former apartment. She would have kicked the ass hat out, but he had the apartment before they were together. When she climbed out, she looked around for any sign of Collin, she didn’t want to run into him.

  “So why are you moving out again?” Walter’s brows knitted.

  “I didn’t say.” Amethyst glanced around one more time before going up to the second floor, Walter followed close behind. Having him close sent heat down her spine but she did her best to ignore it. She unlocked the door and her stomach dropped as Collin’s voice called her name. Damn it!

  “I knew you’d come to your senses,” Collin said as he turned the corner. His eyes narrowed on Walter then looked at Amethyst. Anger pulsed from Collin’s body and she hoped he didn’t do anything stupid. “Who’s he?”

  “He’s here to help me get my stuff.” Amethyst scanned the room searching for her laptop. She could afford to get her own dishes and other small stuff, but her computer would be a big chunk of her paycheck if it had to be replaced.

  “You’re not leaving before we talk about this,” Collin growled at her. Amethyst resisted the urge to flip him off when her eyes caught the corner of the black cover of her laptop.

  “We talked this morning. I’m done.” Amethyst grabbed her computer and then turned to Collin. Anger contorted his features but Amethyst didn’t give a damn. He had spent the last few months trying to convince her to change into a werewolf so they could magically imprint. Part of her thought it was bullshit but she didn’t want to take the chance of being connected to Collin forever if the imprint did happen that way. Ripping fabric warned her of Collin’s shift seconds before the brown wolf stood in his living room.

  “Don’t do anything stupid.” Walter moved between Amethyst and Collin, she had to give the man props for trying to stand up to a werewolf but she worried Collin would kill Walter.

  “I’m getting my clothes and then I’ll be out of your hair. Find someone else to get pregnant.” This had been their major fight especially when heat struck her for the first time because of him being so close. Amethyst moved around Walter and toward the bedroom.

  Pain shot through her leg as teeth sunk into her flesh. What the fuck? She turned to see Collin had wrapped his mouth on her left leg. Anger coursed through her body, she clenched her fists and punched him between the eyes. Collin let go.

  A solid black wolf bared his teeth at Collin. The pain from her leg spread up her body making her drop to her knees. She closed her eyes and listened to the growls and whimpers in the living room. Forcing her eyes open was too difficult, so she took in short and sharp breaths. Heat coursed under her flesh and the sound of tearing filled her ears. A wave of tingles crashed over her flesh sprouting hair in its wake. The bastard turned me!

  Her bones broke and settled as Amethyst’s body expanded and shifted into a werewolf. The growling in the living room stopped and when Amethyst opened her eyes, she saw the black wolf standing close to her. He shifted back into sexy Walter, completely naked and all Amethyst wanted to do was pant at how fucking sexy he looked.

  “Breathe, Amethyst.” Walter’s voice broke through her foggy brain. “Close your eyes and imagine yourself in your human form.” Walter leaned closer to her, placing his hand on her head. His scent reminded her of cloves and orange zest. She closed her eyes but after a few deep breaths, she didn’t shift back.

  “I’ll call my sister, she’ll help you.” Walter stood and Amethyst stared at his ass while he walked back to the living room. With the front door closed, her eyes scanned the apartment for Collin but didn’t see him. Walter snapped his fingers and jeans covered his bottom half. Amethyst blinked a few times. A second later a shirt covered his chest. Once again she reminded herself he had magic flowing beneath but it didn’t scare her like she expected it to. When Maria had first trusted Amethyst with her secret, it took a few days to process and after knowing Maria for so long she could easily accept it.

  “Maria, I have a problem.” Walter turned back to Amethyst, he explained how Amethyst had become a werewolf and gave her the address. Amethyst stood and took a few hesitant steps toward Walter. Her new wolf wanted to be closer to Walter for a reason she didn’t share with Amethyst.

  “They will be here soon. I’m going to kill the fucking prick who turned you,” Walter growled low. “Once you shift back, we’ll get you settled into your new place.” He walked past Amethyst into the bedroom. She followed with surer steps this time and heard something before she entered. Walter’s hands were moving and clothes were placed in bags but Walter wasn’t touching the fabric.

  Wow, he’s a witch and a wolf. Her foggy brain tried to keep up.



  WAITING FOR HIS SISTER and mate grated on Walter’s freaking nerves. He wanted to talk to Amethyst, instead, she just stared at him in her sexy wolf form. The purple-colored dye in her hair didn’t move over to her wolf fur but she still looked good.

  He still couldn’t believe the fucker turned Amethyst and then fucking run. Who the hell would do that? Why didn’t he stay and fight?

  Walter debated on just helping her out of the shift then leaving her alone. He wasn’t a good guy and part of him thought she deserved a better man. Ideas bounced back and forth in his head like a tennis match. He had no idea what he was going to do but something about this woman spoke to him.

  “Amethyst, I need to tell you something.” Walter shoved a hand through his hair and met her gaze, her head tilted slightly like she wanted to ask a question. “Earlier, when I touched you, we imprinted.”

  Walter let the words sink in, she didn’t run away which gave him a shred of hope of her considering it. He wanted to keep his wolf, but he wouldn’t force Amethyst to become his mate. Kerine had forced his hand too many times, he wouldn’t do that to Amethyst. The idea of losing his wolf made his stomach twist up, he may be a new wolf but he wanted to be stronger with the new side to him.

  “Since you’ve become a werewolf, from what I understand, we only have three days to decide if we want to complete the bond. Oh, and my sister wants to make sure I tell you, we complete the bond by mating.” Walter gave her a half shrug.

  Amethyst tilted her head and looked at him funny. When his sister imprinted with Derrick he neglected to tell her how to complete the bond. Walter didn’t want to force Amethyst into a forever relationship, he had been forced to do shit so he wouldn’t do it to someone else.

  “We have sex.” Walter tried to guess the reason for her confused gaze. A tap on the door sounded and Walter moved over to let Derrick and Maria in. His nephew bounced in Maria’s arms and then looked at Amethyst.

  “She’s a pretty wolf, like Momma.” Baven struggled out of Maria’s arms and landed on the ground, somehow on his feet. The little guy ran up to Amethyst and hugged her neck. Her lake-blue eyes widened for a second before she relaxed in Baven’s hold.

  “Baven, let go. We need to get her to shift back. You’re only here because your father insisted.” Maria sighed, frustration filled her green eyes.

  “I need the practice to be the next alpha, Momma.” Baven grinned at his mother then turned to face Amethyst. “Oh, it’s easy. Remember what you looked like in the mirror?” Baven asked and Amethyst nodded. “Close your eyes and force your wolf back to become her again.” Baven grinned like it was that simple.

  Amethyst rubbed her nose against Baven’s arm making him giggl

  “Uncle Walter, I want to stay at your house tonight.” Baven looked up at Walter. Any other night he would be happy to have his company but tonight he needed to talk to Amethyst. Maria stepped in before Walter had a chance to open his mouth.

  “Sweetheart, you’re staying home.” Maria swooped up her son and Derrick kneeled next to Amethyst. She looked toward him and shook.

  “I’m not here to hurt you...” Derrick glanced at Walter. Walter didn’t like how scared she acted around others. He kneeled next to her and she calmed down, he hoped he might help more. Ugh, I’m failing again.

  “Amethyst or Purple,” Walter supplied. The spell to cover her with clothes hovered in the back of Walter’s mind. He didn’t want Derrick to see her naked.

  “Amethyst, try to close your eyes and really focus on your human form. What it felt like and looked like.”

  Maria turned off the water faucet and a few drops sounded in the sink. Walter stared at the water as it slowly fell. Reality faded away as the sound remained in the memory with Kerine.

  Kerine’s voice filtered into his mind. “Looks like we can pull a bit more magic.” Walter blinked as more of the memory filtered into his mind. He didn’t know which memory came back to him as Kerine wore the same robe when casting a spell. “Yes, just a little more.” Her head tilted back and a mumbled chant left her lips. Energy pulsed away from his body as she took his magic and put it into a stone laying a foot away. Close enough to grab but his body wouldn’t move. His body was paralyzed but he didn’t understand why.

  Walter blinked a few times and met Amethyst’s gaze. Sweat coated the back of his neck as worry sunk into his bones. The stones meant something serious...something dangerous but he couldn’t quite remember. He took in a shaky breath and met Amethyst’s concerned gaze. Walter gave her a reassuring smile, he didn’t want to worry her with his problems.


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