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Solar Eclipse

Page 3

by McKayla Schutt

  Amethyst nodded once and closed her eyes. Derrick gave her space and after a few breaths, Amethyst’s body shook. She gasped for air after her body shrank. Her eyes turned to Walter making him painfully aware of her naked body. Her perky tits and soft curves made his cock harden instantly against his jeans. He snapped his fingers and clothes covered her perfect little body.

  “After a few shifts, you’ll get used to it.” Maria smiled at Amethyst. Anger gnawed at the pit of his stomach for not protecting her better. He didn’t move as well in his new form.

  “That’s if I keep my wolf side.” Amethyst turned her whole body toward Walter. He wondered if he should’ve stayed in his witch body so he could’ve used magic.

  “If you have any questions, call us or stop by the house.” Maria patted her shoulder then she and Derrick said their goodbyes with Baven in his father’s arms. Walter closed the door behind them and finally met her gaze.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t block the fucker before he bit you.” Walter ground his teeth, he had shifted from all the anger that had coursed through his body when the guy jumped toward Amethyst.

  “Collin has been threating to turn me for weeks.” Amethyst shook her head.

  “I’m sorry. So, you didn’t want to be a wolf?” Walter kept his gaze glued to her blue eyes. He needed to know what she was thinking.

  “I didn’t want to imprint with him. He told me if I were to become a wolf, it would just happen. I know he’s a fucking liar too.” Amethyst walked down the hallway to the pile of shredded clothes.

  “I’m sorry.” Walter bowed his head. He had been so used to apologizing to Kerine for every damn thing, even if it wasn’t his fault. Walter wondered why Collin would tell her such a lie.

  “Why? You didn’t just bite me or did you conspire with Collin?” Amethyst bent over giving Walter a nice view of her round ass. His cock twitched.

  “I’d never change you into a wolf without consent. I was forced to change too.” Walter rolled his shoulders, their situation wasn’t the same though because he didn’t blame his nephew.

  “Who bit you?” She pulled at her shirt.

  “Owen, my youngest nephew. You met the oldest one, Baven.” Walter pointed toward the door.

  “Walter.” His name on her lips made his insides melt. Fuck, this woman is going to drive me crazy.

  “Yes?” Walter admired her clothed body all the same.

  “I think you’ll need a shirt if we’re still going out to dinner.” Amethyst rose an eyebrow while her eyes appraised him from head to toe.

  “Yes, I’ll grab it from my truck. We’ll drop off your stuff at your apartment and then go out to talk and eat.” Walter smiled. Her eyes dropped to the floor.

  “I um...” Amethyst scratched the back of her head.

  “What?” Walter didn’t like her hesitation. Shit, did she change her mind about dinner?

  “I don’t have an apartment yet. This place was Collin’s before we got together and my dumb ass didn’t keep my old place because I couldn’t afford it.” Amethyst pulled on a pair of flip-flops and sighed heavily.

  “Then you can stay at my house,” Walter said before he could stop himself. “For now,” he added when she looked at him.

  “I couldn’t.” Amethyst shook her head.

  “You’re not staying in your car. You can sleep in the spare room. If it makes you more comfortable.”

  She looked like she was pondering her options before she nodded. “For a few days, till we sort all this out between you and me.”

  “Wonderful,” Walter said then summoned his shirt and shoes. Amethyst gasped and blinked a few times.

  “I thought Maria was crazy when she told me the stories of her learning magic.” Amethyst wet her lips.

  Images of getting Amethyst naked with a snap of his fingers made his cock strain against his jeans. Walter wanted to fuck her hard, but he pushed back the urge as he helped get her car filled up with her things. He would have his opportunity soon enough.

  “That was nothing.”



  REMEMBER, HE’S THE bad brother. She reminded herself repeatedly as she followed him in her car to his house. They reached a cream-colored home, with two levels and a big yard out front.

  Amethyst pulled out a bag of clothes and followed him inside. “What do you do for work?” Amethyst looked around the huge living room, decent kitchen, and large dining room. An image of a little kid running around the house filled her mind but she pushed it down. She wanted to get to know Walter before even thinking about children. Yet the deep need still filled her body to know the unconditional love for and from a child.

  “I have actually just been working on the house. Magic is a good tool when you know how to use it.” Walter smiled while he glanced around.

  “You did all this with magic?”

  “Originally this house only had a single story. I put the walls up over the course of a week. I could only do it at night so humans didn’t see me use magic. Once those were up it took two days to finish.” Walter shrugged and walked up the stairs to a landing where it broke off in three directions.

  “What about your neighbors?” Amethyst thought about the noise which should come from construction sites. As a kid, her neighbor had done a remodel and the noise had been very annoying.

  “They all have their own magic and the realtors have been paid to look the other way, along with the city development offices.” Walter shrugged like it was nothing.

  “So, you have no qualms about bribing others. I see.” Amethyst tapped her lips while glancing around. She felt his glare on her skin but she ignored it. Amethyst had meant it as a joke but knew he didn’t take it that way. “Where will I sleep?” She clapped her hands together once.

  Walter, grinding his teeth, turned to the right and opened a door. He waved his hand around in the room and little bits of light filled the hall before she walked in. Everything from the walls to the carpet and the blankets turned from shades of white to shades of purple.

  “I’ll order some pizza.” Walter turned and left the room once everything finished changing. Amethyst looked around feeling strangely loved. She wondered what other things he could do with his magic. Naughty images filled her mind, but she pushed them back. She shouldn’t be thinking about him in that way even if he did save her from Collin.

  She sighed and plopped her body onto the bed. The purple everywhere made her feel oddly at peace. Maybe Walter isn’t so bad, I mean he’s giving me a place to stay. Amethyst pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Maria asking what Walter did to become the bad brother.

  Amethyst always thought he was kind of sweet to other girls in school but Amethyst had stayed under his radar. She was two years below him and when they all hit high school, she was the funny sophomore while he was the attractive senior. I’m not like that anymore. I’m a werewolf, who imprinted with the hot guy. Her phone buzzed with Maria’s reply.

  ‘He learned to practice magic when my brother and I didn’t even know we had powers. Little bastard didn’t have the balls to tell me why he did it.’

  Amethyst felt Maria’s frustration with her brother through the text. She sent a quick thank you and heard the doorbell ring, the scent of pizza reaching her nose.

  Amethyst lifted herself off the bed and moved back downstairs to find Walter with a large box in his hands. His ruffled black hair made him appear even more dangerously attractive.

  “I hope you like pepperoni.” Walter set the box on a wooden table and moved into the kitchen to grab plates. Amethyst caught a glimpse of his ass as he walked away.

  “I can always take them off.” Amethyst grabbed a slice with the least amount of spiced meat off the pizza and started a pile. Her parents never gave a crap when they ordered pizza so at a young age she adapted little tricks of getting the slices clear of anything but cheese.

  “Well, we can fix that easily enough.” Walter clicked his fingers a few times, and the pepperonis
levitated off the pizza then moved to a plate.

  “Cool.” Amethyst stared in awe then sat trying to remind herself not to act stupid. They ate a few slices before anyone started taking. A new heady scent filled her nose she wasn’t used to.

  “Are you ok?” Amethyst sniffed the air trying to figure out the new scents. She quietly took in a deep breath to get more of the smell.

  “I’m fine. Why?” Walter used a napkin to clean off his face. His brow raised with curiosity filling his ice-blue eyes.

  “Look, maybe this isn’t going to work. You’re obviously lying. I’m pretty sure I smell it.” Amethyst shoved a hand through her hair and tried to calm down. She didn’t want to be with someone who lied. Over the years with Collin, she learned to spot potential lies quickly. Those eyes she remembered so well flashed with anger, making her nervous. She didn’t fear him but didn’t know what he might do.

  “I’m not a liar, Amethyst. I’m fine.” Walter clenched his fists together. No matter how much she wanted to get to know Walter she didn’t want to push herself into another box like before.

  “So why did you lie to your sister about the magic?” Amethyst raised one of her eyes brows. Walter opened and closed his mouth a few times before anger tightened his features.

  “I’m not talking about it right now. Enjoy the pizza.” Walter stood and walked up the steps. His door slammed after he reached the upstairs landing. Maybe I’m scenting deception or anger. Her wolf shook her head and put up an image of Walter naked. Crap, and I go pissing him off.

  “What am I doing?” Amethyst shoved her hands through her hair and placed her forehead on the table. She had three days till they either connected or lost their new wolves.

  But one thing she knew for sure, she wouldn’t bond with him unless it was the right thing to do.



  JUST FUCKING GREAT, she had to be on Maria’s side before even giving me a chance. Anger pulsed under Walter’s skin as he paced the length of his bedroom in his new wolf form. He shifted to better hear what Amethyst did in his house. He knew a spell to hear better but didn’t want to drain his energy just in case she changed her mind and came upstairs to complete the bond.

  He really hated being labeled as the bad brother when the situation wasn’t in his control. Part of him wondered if they were right, he might be the bad guy after all. The memories filtering in still didn’t give him the whole picture of what Kerine did to him. Her constant threats toward his family kept him from running. Only when Carmen had offered him a way out did he take it, hoping he knew enough magic to protect the ones he loved. But Kerine had made her point clearly when she kidnapped his mother, Elene, before giving her back to her old coven. “I’ll get to your family before you even blink.”

  His wolf scratched at the door but Walter pulled him away from the exit and resumed his pacing. The breeze outside picked up, the sounds of a storm brewing caught his attention. The noises brought back memories of practicing magic late at night.

  When he moved back home he practiced magic daily to build his strength to protect his family with wards against Kerine. The woman had taken his good name and destroyed it and he was forced to live with the damage. He only wished he had been the one to kill the witch bitch instead of Derrick and Hector. The memory of the battle filled his thoughts while he listened to Amethyst’s heartbeat.

  This time his wolf pressed his nose against the door handle then scratched at the door blocking them from Amethyst. The scent of wood filled his nose.

  “Look, I shouldn’t have said... no, I mean... ugh!” Amethyst’s voice met his ear making his wolf perk up. The wolf wanted to be next to Amethyst and the pacing wasn’t cutting it any longer. His wolf tipped his head low, Walter didn’t know what was happening. The damn door was closed, blocking his wolf from running back to Amethyst. At least that’s what Walter thought before his wolf slammed into the wooden door. Breaking it in half, his wolf slipped out of the bedroom going after his mate’s scent.

  Walter tried to surge forward but the damn wolf had a stronger hold than he thought. After a few steps on the stairs, Walter gained control and shifted back but he ended up tumbling down the fucking stairs.

  “Son of a bitch,” Walter hissed when he finally stopped falling. His shoulder ached from hitting it on the way down.

  “Are you okay?” Amethyst ran around the corner and stopped, her eyes widening at his naked body. “Damn, you’re hot.” Amethyst slapped her hand over her mouth while a blush covered her cheeks. Her breath hitched which made his cock twitch.

  “I’m fine. And I’m glad you like what you see.” Walter stood and rolled his shoulder to attempt to relieve the pressure. His lower body ached but he pushed down the pain.

  “I’m sorry for staring.” Amethyst turned, her cheeks still bright red. Part of him enjoyed her blushing.

  “Do you want to talk about this imprint or not?” Walter asked after he snapped his fingers and put jeans on his lower half. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.

  “I don’t know. Look you seemed like a nice guy in high school and then something changed.” Amethyst nibbled on her lower lip and sat.

  “A lot has changed since then, Amethyst.” At thirty-four, high school graduation had happened a while ago. It didn’t seem so long but he had Kerine to thank for that since she took his memories making time slow down.

  “Like actually noticing me or giving me the time of day?” Amethyst snapped back. She scanned his abs for a second before meeting his gaze. His cock twitched again against his jeans but he pushed down the urge to take her on the couch. He needed to set things straight with Amethyst.

  “I noticed you but you were Maria’s friend. I... I noticed you.” He stopped himself from telling her about all the times he thought about her in high school. It did do him no good to admit it. Only proved he had been the ass she thought him to be.

  “There are two things you need to know. I don’t want to be controlled like Collin tried to do and I want respect. I don’t think you can meet those conditions. I’ll find a place tomorrow and be out of your hair.” Amethyst moved to walk past Walter but he stopped her. Her soft eyes held a yearning he didn’t expect to find.

  “I’d never want to control you, Amethyst. And how could I not respect you?” Walter leaned in more catching her floral scent. She smelled even better in his wolf form but right now was still just as heavenly. She licked her lower lip making his cock harden.

  “You’re blocking my way. Isn’t that a way of controlling?” She raised an eyebrow while she pressed a finger into his chest. Slowly she traced her finger down his skin. The slight touch made him harden like a rock.

  “I don’t think of it that way. If I wanted to control you I have some witchy ways to do so.” Walter leaned in some more, hovering an inch away from her face. Her breath hitched while her gaze met his. She would have to do the rest and, to his surprise, she did in a heartbeat. Her lips were soft and when she opened her mouth he took full advantage, sweeping his tongue over hers. She tasted like vanilla.

  “We won’t mate tonight, I promise, but I need something from you.” Walter pulled away, and she nodded. “I need you to cum.” He snapped his fingers and her clothes were in a pile on the stairs. Her soft gasp had his cock pressing hard against his jeans. His wolf wanted to get inside her. Not tonight. But tomorrow all bets are off. He lifted her into his arms and placed her on the couch.

  “You’re beautiful.” His eyes scanned down to her soft breasts, his hands gently squeezed them and a sexy moan left her lips. Slowly, he moved down and spread her legs. Her entrance was perfectly wet for him. He met her gaze as he lowered his head toward her core.

  When she looked away, he growled low. “Look at me, Amethyst.” Her eyes snapped to meet his while her breath came out in a short pant. He swiped his tongue along her seam, she moaned again but kept her eyes locked with his.

  “Good.” He loved her sweet taste. Her hips squirmed under his hand
s. One more long stroke from his tongue made her buck up against him. He couldn’t keep her on the edge too much more, or he might go back on his word. Slowly he moved his tongue over her little bundle of nerves then down to her entrance and back again.

  With each pass, her breathing became more erratic and her soft moans grew louder. Her hand moved into his hair, her grip tightened while her body tensed up. Fuck, this is freaking hard not fucking her. His cock pulsed.

  “Walter!” Amethyst screamed out as she tensed even more then shook under his tongue. His body hummed with excitement. Soon he would make her scream his name when he fucked her and right now he couldn’t wait for that moment.



  HOLY FUCKING ORGASM. Amethyst remembered what Walter did as she stared into space at work. The whole thing was so fucking hot, she barely managed to watch him do it to her. Collin had never even gone down on her, so she had no idea what to expect. Not the best orgasm of my fucking life. Her wolf wagged her tail, wanting to get closer to Walter again.

  Instead, she stocked the herbs she bagged the day before, her thoughts constantly wandering back to Walter. She needed to figure out if she truly was going to give him a second chance or just give up her wolf forever. Her wolf growled low in her head as the idea crossed her mind.

  “Working hard I see,” Maria giggled behind Amethyst. She blinked a few times and turned toward her friend.

  “Oh yes.” Amethyst set down the bags she held and gave Maria a quick hug. She always enjoyed seeing Maria. Amethyst hoped they would stay friends no matter what happened between herself and Walter.


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