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Susie Follows Orders

Page 15

by Roger Quine

  ‘See, the maiden is ready,’ chanted the girl on her right, a statement which couldn’t have been more accurate. A fierce desire smouldered within, and she was aching for something to fill her.

  And that moment had arrived. Through lowered eyelashes Susie saw the girl raise two hands, showing to the congregation what she held balanced on her palms. It seemed to be carved out of a dark hardwood, like ebony, long and solid with a bulbous end and corded veins along its considerable length. It was exactly what Susie craved, and everyone in the room seemed to feel the tension of her need as she stood stoically still, mesmerised by the awesome phallus.

  The girl on her left knelt and nudged Susie’s feet further apart, so she was positioned vulnerably with her legs wide and her arms raised and secured behind her head. She then reached between Susie’s thighs, and Susie gasped as dainty fingers peeled her glistening sex lips apart, separating and holding ready an entrance that was already open and waiting.

  Receiving a nod of readiness from her companion, the other girl moved in, steering the polished black head into the inviting opening. The blunt tip was cold and smooth, slippery with oil that mingled with Susie’s own juices as it spread her wider, pressing up and penetrating, filling her until she was sobbing with relief as at last she felt the fullness she’d been craving for so long.

  The gathered onlookers were still chanting quietly to the moody music, and the gentle movements of the large shaft were timed to the rhythm. The girl holding the phallus knew just how to use it, manipulating with skilful hands, her wrists twisting lightly and pumping up and down, producing exquisite sensations of delight, Susie shuddering in throes of ecstasy, her fingers clenching and unclenching behind her head.

  ‘See, the maid is maid no longer,’ announced the kneeling girl, embracing Susie’s leg and stroking her cheek against her tensed thigh as she watched the thrusting dildo in graphic detail. As though her words signalled a phase of the ceremony, the shaft slipped away from Susie, leaving her empty, aching, rocking gently, moaning - so near, so nearly there. She wailed, wondering how long they would continue to torment her until they allowed her release.

  Susie was aware there had been some vital change in the proceedings. She sensed a new presence, close to her on the raised steps. A stirring of air told her someone had approached from behind and was standing by her as the chanting went on, as if the climax to the ceremony was approaching. Susie opened her eyes just as the girls stood together, holding the glistening dildo for the congregation to see, and shouted in unison, ‘See, our sister!’

  ‘See, our brother!’ the congregation chanted back, and dusky arms reached round from behind to embrace Susie, powerful hands enclosing her breasts, mauling as a muscled chest moulded against her back and pressed forward so she was slightly bent at the waist. Firm thighs nudged between hers and a rigid phallus took her breath away by unexpectedly penetrating her from behind with one swift stab, filling her inexorably until she felt a humid groin and pubic hair pressed against her beaten buttocks. She arched her back and swooned in the arms that cocooned her, her bound hands trapped against a hot cheek, the breath of the man panting in her hair as he rutted against her.

  The chanting built to a fevered crescendo, and then slowly subsided to a steady rhythm, matching the long thrusts perfectly. Susie swooned and her head swayed forward, and through misty eyes she saw the strong hands possessing her breasts so beautifully, and noticed with a degree of shock the intricate pattern of tattoos that started just above the wrist and seemed to cover both arms almost entirely.


  It must be him, she thought through a myriad of emotions as the sweeping waves of ecstasy engulfed her and she shuddered in the arms that held her, and then sagged, her breath ragged as her stunning orgasm slowly ebbed.

  She became aware that the constant chanting had slowed again, and that Raoul had straightened her up and was withdrawing.

  He moved beside her and she almost gasped with shock, for he was naked, and he was tattooed all over, even across his groin, and the aggressive looking penis spearing up from his dark pubic hair was also tattooed in the same intricate whirlpool design. It made her cringe to think he could have had such a thing done to himself.

  ‘See!’ he called, and an instant silence fell amongst those gathered in the intimate chapel. ‘Our sister! Our lover!’

  Chapter Thirteen

  Susie lay awake in the dormitory, conscious of the even breathing all around her as the other seven girls slept, conscious of just how uneasy she felt.

  She knew she had to find Sophie.

  She knew there was no option but to go looking. But she was terrified of being caught, because she knew the secrets Raoul was hiding were important enough to kill for.

  But she had to go. She had to save herself and Sophie.

  She couldn’t understand why she’d not yet seen her sister, and could only assume it was a calculated ploy on Raoul’s part to keep them separated, but she gambled that she’d find her if she checked every bedroom in the place. But that in itself was an alarming prospect, because the risk of waking one of the sleeping girls or just happening upon one who was still awake, was enormous. And if she was caught, she had little doubt that the consequences would be severe.

  She’d had a long time to ponder her options, not that there were many, because after the night of her initiation she was allowed all day to rest and recover. In the morning she was due to begin her ‘work’ as a full member of the New Believers, and she had little enthusiasm for the task. She simply had to risk being caught in her attempt to find Sophie before Raoul found the sheet of paper was missing, and if she was discovered, hopefully the worst thing that would happen was that she’d be admonished in some fairly minor way for being out of bed without permission. That she could cope with as long as Raoul didn’t suspect her motive was escape. Which he almost certainly would, and if he decided to search her bedside cabinet even a quick look through her handbag would reveal the concealed camera, and that would be the end of that. It would almost certainly encourage a more detailed search, in which case the sheet of paper would also be found and that would be the end of everything - including Susie Wills.

  Don’t think about it, she told herself as she crept into the first of the dormitories she’d previously only looked into whilst walking past. Now she crept silently from bed to bed, peering into the faces of the sleeping girls, searching for the one face she knew she would recognise, even in the creeping semi-darkness of the coming dawn.

  In the second room she began to feel a little more confident than she had in the first - until she got a real shock, coming across an empty bed which obviously had been slept in, meaning the occupant was quite possibly in the bathroom and about to return at any second. She froze, heart hammering, and listened for any sound from the end of the room where the closed door of the bathroom was... but there were no sounds to cause concern.

  Creeping further round the room she came across a crowded bed with two heads. Clearly she’d found the missing girl, who’d come to sleep with her friend or lover. As her tension relaxed, Susie looked down affectionately at the sleeping pair, glad they had found some comfort from each other in this perverse environment.

  Because it was so definitely strange, for the first time Susie began to wonder why she was apparently the only person there who seemed so aware of the fact. Surely not all the inmates were as lost or lonely as one would have to be to find the commune a more welcoming option to being with family or friends. Even when things went wrong at home, they surely never went so wrong as to make this right.

  She began to wonder whether her own family could have had a similar effect on Sophie, imagining her to be so lonely or afraid, so alienated from the love which had surrounded them both as children that she was happier amongst strangers with dangerous customs and habits.

  By the sixth risky foray into a dormitory full
of slumbering girls, and just as Susie was filled with an awful feeling of despair that she’d never again see her sister, she saw her at last!

  She wasn’t actually there, in bed asleep, but on a bedside cabinet beside an empty bed stood a small silver-framed photograph, a picture of Susie and Sophie together, smiling happily in the sunshine of better days.

  Her heart leapt and she stifled a small sob of relief as she reached out and touched the frame, making sure it was real. And it was.

  But the bed was empty. Neatly made, not slept in. Empty.

  She could have cried with frustration.

  But at least the discovery was something positive, she told herself as she crept back out of the room. At least she now knew where to find her sister, even though she wasn’t there right then. Her disappointment was fuelled by the dreaded certainty that she was not going to be able to escape that night. She would have to stay for another day, at least. And she would have to return to the dormitory again tomorrow night - and every night from now on until Sophie reappeared.

  And it was not a prospect she relished. It wasn’t even something she thought she’d get away with every night indefinitely until Sophie came back from wherever she was.

  Already she was jumpy, her nerves starting at the slightest sound, the slightest creak of a floorboard, and then that last creaking floorboard merged into two shadowy shapes that blocked the landing ahead. She knew instantly that it was two of Raoul’s henchmen - and quite clearly they’d already seen her, too.

  ‘Now then, sister,’ a hushed but threatening voice emanated from the looming shadows, ‘where d’you think you’re off to?’

  ‘I... um... was just going back to my room,’ she floundered, trying to control her trembling voice so as not to betray the fact that she was, as far as they’d be concerned, up to no good.

  ‘So which room did you come from?’ asked the second shape, shorter and wider than the first.

  ‘I went to see my friend,’ she replied, keeping as close to the truth as possible whilst trying to ignore the fear that was threatening to make her sick there and then.

  ‘Well, I think we’d all better have a word with our leader,’ said the first.

  ‘No!’ Susie blurted, a little too anxiously. ‘I mean, no, we mustn’t do that, please.’

  ‘And why shouldn’t we?’ pursued the second, clearly sensing all was not well. ‘If you’ve nothing to hide. But, of course, if you have...’

  ‘Look,’ Susie was getting desperate, knowing she was very very close to being in big trouble, ‘just let me go back to bed and I’ll... I’ll...’ She groped around desperately in her head, thinking of something to offer them, some bribe with which to appease them. She knew nervous perspiration was coating her forehead and hoped they couldn’t see it. ‘I’ve got money... on the outside.’

  ‘But we’re here... on the inside,’ the squat one pointed out unnecessarily. ‘And so are you.’

  ‘I know that, but I...’ She could hardly tell them she was planning to be back on the outside very soon, so she was pretty much stuck for an answer. ‘I’m afraid I haven’t really got anything of any value in here,’ she said lamely, resigned to having her plot thwarted before it had even begun, and wondering with dread what would become of her.

  ‘Oh, I wouldn’t say that,’ said the first, Susie immediately recognising the leering tone despite being distracted by her thoughts.

  ‘No, I wouldn’t say that either,’ agreed his colleague.

  ‘Oh, no,’ she said, shaking her head in denial and backing off a pace, ‘please...’

  ‘Okay, we’ll just have to take you to our leader and wake him up, then.’ The guard shrugged and reached for her. ‘And even if you’ve nothing to hide he won’t like being woken up so early.’

  ‘No, don’t do that,’ she protested, and then as the tension between them increased she took a deep breath, made her mind up and added quietly, ‘Okay... whatever you want.’

  ‘Ha, that’s better,’ said the first as he sat on a small chair tucked into a corner of the landing. ‘Come on, over here.’

  Slowly Susie walked to him, trying to delay the inevitable, still trying desperately to think of a way out.

  ‘Go on then,’ he said, looking down at his lap in the half-light, the dawn getting ever closer, and Susie realised he expected her to do everything for him. Loathed to as she was, she didn’t have much of a choice.

  She sank silently to her knees, crouching between his widespread thighs, the dark material of his trousers rubbing her skin, her hands shaking as she undid the button at his waist. Her stomach churned unpleasantly as she tugged down his zip and opened his trousers, trying not to look at his shadowy face or at the shrouded lump distending his underwear. And then hands grasped her firmly from behind and lifted her skirt up over her bottom to expose her white knickers, stretched tight across her bottom and clinging to her sex, which was traitorously moist with unwanted arousal.

  The second guard pulled the damp cotton aside and brusquely shoved two stubby fingers easily into her from behind, making her gasp.

  ‘Dirty little slut,’ he murmured as his digits delved into her cloying wetness. ‘I know what sort of friend you’ve been to see,’ he sniggered, ‘unless it’s us two who got you into this state.’

  As he mauled with increasing fervour Susie knew she was beginning to writhe wantonly as her body responded to her predicament and instinct took over from rational thinking. She moaned and edged her knees apart, the invitation unmistakable.

  She sighed with satisfaction as the invading fingers gave her exactly what she needed, and she pushed back at them, tilting her bottom higher, knees wider so they could get deeper inside her. It was a glorious sensation, and she found her hands gently massaging the turgid lump lying just before her flushed face. She hadn’t consciously grasped the seated man’s erection, but there it was beneath her palms, firm and warm inside its cotton wrapping.

  She fumbled around, found the opening in the underwear and managed to tug the erection clear with little ceremony, extracting a quiet exclamation of discomfort from the man. His penis was promisingly hard, with a glistening tip that stretched her lips and a gnarled shaft that filled her mouth as she sank her face into his lap.

  When the man behind shuffled closer and Susie heard the sound of his zip being pulled open she knew what was happening and felt the beginnings of a climax. She sucked more avidly on the salty thickness in her mouth, holding it still around the base with one hand, massaging it with the other, feeling the rubbery foreskin sliding over the tip and back inside her mouth.

  Then there was a cock pressing between her thighs, and he paused there, waiting, making her rock backwards, trying to get him into her. She heard him snigger at her need, then he slid slowly inside her and she was ashamed to be so wet and ready. She felt his groin crush against her buttocks and she sighed around the meat filling her mouth, relief mingling with excitement.

  He stayed still for a moment, then began to heave deeply in and out with sweeping thrusts of his hips. She whimpered with delight, and they answered her pleas, and as the kneeling one shunted against her bottom the sitting one clutched her head and guided it up and down, although she needed little encouragement now her violent climax was almost upon her...

  And then they stopped.

  As if they knew she was enjoying it too much and wanted to deny her.

  Then they were moving, neither one saying anything as they changed places, the one who was now kneeling behind her grabbing the sodden elasticated edge of her panties and pulling it aside as he pushed himself swiftly into her with a solid thump that almost took her breath away. She knew she’d be coming soon, and he seemed to know too, shoving hard and fast, his pelvis slapping rhythmically against her.

  She was quickly gasping and panting again, and when the other one sat in front of her she s
wallowed him hungrily into her mouth, and at once she began to climax beautifully. And she felt them coming too, and she couldn’t believe what was happening as their orgasms arrived precisely together, the sitting man gripping her head with fingers like talons and filling her mouth, and the kneeling man grunting as he erupted deep in her vagina.

  And then the three of them were still, breathing deeply as they calmed, their intensity slowly subsiding.

  The two men withdrew from her. She slumped onto the carpet, feeling her climax receding as they stood up, rearranging their clothes.

  ‘Come on now,’ said the first one, his voice level. ‘Let’s go and see Raoul.’

  Still lying on the floor, Susie could hardly believe her ears. Her breathing was more or less under control now and her pulse had returned to something approaching normal. ‘But - but you said - ’

  ‘Said what?’ the second one goaded.

  ‘That if... you said that if I... you know exactly what you said as well as I do,’ she exclaimed.

  ‘Sorry, don’t know what you mean. You know you’re not supposed to be here at this time, and now we’ve found you we’ll have to take you to Raoul.’

  There was absolutely nothing Susie could do or say, and she knew it. So she let herself be led, unresisting, down the stairs, one man on either side, holding her firmly by the upper arms.

  Grey light was now coming in through the windows and the house had a feeling of coming alive for the new day. She was soon lost again in the hallways of the ground floor, but she recognised the room as soon as they entered, and she glanced sheepishly at the balcony where she’d hidden and spied the awful event of the other night.


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