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Susie Follows Orders

Page 16

by Roger Quine

  ‘Well?’ Raoul was sitting at the large desk, wearing a grey vest stained dark with sweat beneath his arms and around his chest, and as he stood and approached them Susie saw he was wearing jogging bottoms and trainers. He dabbed his sweating forehead with a towel slung around his shoulders. Susie realised the blunt question was directed at her.

  ‘I - I was just looking for my sister,’ she blurted, seriously worried about how he might react, ‘when these two brutes assaulted me on the landing and forced me to - ’

  Raoul impatiently raised a hand to halt her rambling, clearly finding it all extremely tedious. He stood close and regarded her with liquid eyes. ‘You are a New Believer now,’ he said quietly, ‘and whatever your brothers and sisters need you to do for them, you will do. There can be no assault in this place, no violation, no theft, no crime. Only need, and need fulfilled. It is your task.’

  ‘So they can just do what they like to me or the others?’ Susie definitely did not like the sound of that. At least, up until now, there had seemed to be some degree of structured control to the way she was taken advantage of; everything ordered and monitored by Raoul. But she certainly didn’t like the sound of a sexual free-for-all, perpetrated by the likes of these two brutes or Savage, with her as the common denominator, and with no chance of recourse.

  ‘Anyone roaming the house without express permission, particularly during what are deemed to be the night hours, is their concern,’ Raoul said calmly. ‘They did right to bring you to me.’

  ‘But, what about everything else the did to me?’ Susie was exasperated, to think the men could take advantage of her as they did without reprimand from their superior.

  ‘That is not my concern,’ he said, infuriating her further. ‘My concern is what you were doing. Where you were going. What you were looking for.’

  ‘Not what I was looking for,’ she snapped. ‘Who I was looking for. And you know full well who that is.’

  ‘Yes, I do know who that is,’ he conceded, moving back to his desk, rubbing his hair with the towel.

  Susie sensed the tension was easing and that the immediate threat had subsided, and so, bravado returning just a little, she decided attack was the best form of defence. ‘So, where is she then?’ she challenged. ‘I want to see Sophie - my sister.’

  ‘I have told you before, she is not here,’ he said, clearly containing his patience as he sat down. ‘And she does not want to see you.’

  ‘But - but she’s my sister!’ blurted Susie, suddenly stricken with dread that he might just slide open the desk drawer and discover something was missing, and so saying anything to keep him distracted.

  It seemed to work - for the moment. ‘We are all your sisters and your brothers now,’ Raoul preached piously. ‘Everything you do must be for the equal good of all. There can be no favourites, no special relationships, no exceptions.’ A hand rested on the desktop, just above the drawer, and Susie held her breath, convinced the worst was actually going to happen. ‘Now,’ he went on, ‘go back to your room and prepare for the day.’

  Then he looked to the two men and said, ‘I need my morning shower. Arrange for fresh clothes to be brought to my rooms.’

  And then he stood and left without another word, and Susie almost collapsed with relief. She remained relatively safe as long as Raoul thought she was simply wanting to find her sister; that she was a harmless nuisance, nothing more.

  A little later at breakfast, sitting amongst the rest of the inmates on the usual long wooden bench at the usual long wooden table, Susie was surprised to see Raoul enter the eating hall, stand at the head table with some of the other dark suits, and address the attentive throng.

  ‘There is one amongst us who must be cleansed,’ he announced grandly, his arms lifted and spread wide. ‘Who will help her achieve perfection?’

  It was the sort of pseudo-religious pronouncement she’d come to expect from such a phoney, but her heart sank because she knew without question who the ‘one’ concerned must be.

  A young man raised an arm and Susie’s heart lurched at what she considered to be a traitorous act on his part.

  ‘Thank you, my brother,’ said Raoul, acknowledging him with a smile and a faint nod of his head. ‘And who will choose the way?’

  A girl rose to her feet and Raoul nodded, giving her permission to speak. ‘The sister or brother in question must be cleansed by Sister Savage’s strap,’ she decreed, and Raoul looked pleased with her suggestion. ‘And the cleansing must take place here, now, in front of us all, so we can all learn by example.’

  Susie felt desperate, and hoped the young man wouldn’t be too severe with the punishment.

  ‘Come,’ Raoul beckoned to the young man, the girl, and then to Susie, and a hushed murmur rose as all eyes focussed on the one who was perceived as needing cleansing by their leader.

  Raoul was staring at her too, and there was a smouldering longing in his eyes, a look she knew and recognised, but did not understand. He was their absolute leader; he could do anything he wanted at any time he wanted to anybody he wanted. If he chose he could fulfil the need Susie saw in his eyes, and end that hunger. And there was no doubt in her mind, as she got closer, that he wanted her.

  The cleansing was not nearly as prolonged as Susie feared it would be; in fact, it was all over rather quickly. Savage offered the strap to the girl, who took it on her upturned palms, and stood beside the young man, waiting. He then told Susie to take off her dress and panties, in a loud crisp voice. When she was naked, Susie was ordered to lean forward and rest her hands on the head table, an area having been cleared of dishes, and she waited, head bowed, eyes closed and cheeks flushed, thankful that her blonde hair went some way to screening her shame from the silent onlookers.

  Then Raoul gave his permission for the cleansing to proceed, and the girl presented the strap to the young man. There was a tense pause, and then the strap whistled and Susie rocked forward a little as the impact bit into her bare buttocks. She bit her lip, determined not to make a sound, not to let Raoul know she was suffering. Five more times the leather smacked against her flesh, five more times she jerked forward, her breasts swaying, and five more times she suppressed the overpowering urge to scream with outrage and despair. She wanted nothing more than to defy all these creeps, stand tall and approach Raoul, and slap that arrogant smile off his arrogant face. But she knew she couldn’t, and clearly Raoul knew it too.

  And then the humiliating beating was over.

  Raoul said nothing, but merely nodded curtly and left the hall. Once he’d gone the other dark suits took their leave too, and then a general bustle arose as the inmates stood and started collecting together the empty breakfast dishes. Susie was now ignored and left alone to put her knickers and dress back on, wincing as the soft material encased her smarting bottom. Only then, unnoticed by the others going about their duties, did she allow tiny tears to seep from the corners of her eyes.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The rest of the day passed without incident; another day spent alone by Susie. She’d not made an acquaintance of any of the other inmates, partly because she wanted to concentrate on what she was there for, and partly because for some reason they all seemed pretty intent on avoiding her. So everyone else lounged around in small groups talking, giggling, reading, or strolling around the sunny gardens, and Susie kept herself to herself. On a couple of occasions she tried to venture out to the gardens too, for some fresh air and a chance to get her bearings, but Savage always seemed to appear at the last minute to deter her with a venomous look and a warning caress of the strap.

  And so, that night, Susie again lay in bed assessing her increasingly hopeless situation.

  She knew it would be foolhardy and probably dangerous to embark on more nocturnal searching, because they’d almost certainly be expecting her and she’d be caught again.

  If Sophie r
eturned from wherever she was and whatever she was doing - and Susie really didn’t want to think about what she might be doing - then Susie would get to her and they could make their plans for escape.

  If she didn’t appear within a day or two then Susie knew she would have to escape alone and hope she could return with photographers, journalists and the authorities to liberate everyone and destroy Raoul and his cronies. That, now, was her plan. But it was still extremely risky, because she was well aware that the longer she waited for her sister, the greater the chance that Raoul would discover his sheet of paper was missing.

  When Susie awoke she lay quietly and listened to the beautiful dawn chorus, and envied the little birds their freedom. The rest of the girls in the dormitory were still breathing peacefully as they slept, the house still seemed quiet, and for some reason Susie felt extremely turned on. Lying on her side, her back to the door, she was unable to resist. She slipped her fingertips down between her thighs, knowing she was already damp, and gently caressed herself. Sighing quietly she cupped her breast and rolled her stiffening nipple, her excitement simmering beautifully. Conscious of not waking the other girls, she buried her face in the pillow to stifle her whimpers of delight.

  ‘My my, we are keen this morning,’ hissed Savage as she wrenched the sheet and blanket down, exposing Susie’s naked body, knees curled up to her breasts and fingers buried between her tightly clamped thighs. Susie looked up at her in alarm, the pillow having muffled the sound of the woman creeping into the room. ‘I’m glad to see you’re so eager, my dear,’ she hissed again, quickly glancing around in the half-light to make sure she hadn’t woken any of the other girls. ‘I simply cannot wait to tease that pretty little pussy myself.’ She licked her fat lips with a slug-like tongue. ‘But such delights must wait. There’s work for you first.’ She jerked her head in the direction of the bathroom and a mortified Susie was on her feet at once and tiptoeing through the door.

  Raoul was sitting on his usual cushion, contemplating the floorboards, as was his custom.

  For long silent minutes he continued looking at the floor while Susie stood in front of him, hands submissively together at her front, wondering if he could sense her trepidation, certain that he could, smelling it like a predatory animal. She remained motionless, hardly even breathing, wondering what he wanted with her now; fearing he’d discovered the absence of the paper.

  ‘Sit,’ he said finally, and she knew he meant the cushion in front of him, just before her bare feet. Only when she gracefully sank down did he look at her, the hunger in his eyes only too evident as he watched her carefully, noting the skirt of her dress shimmering up her thighs as she sat crossed-legged.

  Very slowly his gaze crept upward, devouring the narrow hips, the flat stomach, the swell of her firm breasts and deep cleavage within the snug fit of the dress, her slender throat, her lovely face and wide eyes, making her feel naked before him.

  ‘A guest arrives here later this morning,’ he eventually said. ‘A generous sponsor who gives us much. You have been chosen to accompany him. You will not fail us. That is all.’ He looked down at the floor again, and she knew the meeting was at an end. She slowly rose, feeling confused.

  Thankfully everyone was by now at breakfast, and Susie didn’t have to suffer the ignominy of their knowing glances as Savage took her upstairs to the bathroom she’d used once before; the time with the two attentive girls. The bath was already full and steaming.

  ‘You will prepare yourself for our sponsor,’ said Savage, and then she sat on a chair by the window, watching with evident relish as Susie took off her dress and panties, stepped into the luxuriously scented water, and bathed herself, wondering anxiously what was to befall her next - but having a fairly good idea.

  Once Susie was dried with large fluffy towels Savage stood and handed her a bathrobe. ‘Put this on and follow me,’ she ordered, and took Susie into a dressing area where an outfit was laid in readiness on a chair.

  Clearly Susie was to be given to the ‘sponsor’ as a gift, probably as thanks for previous business or in return for a consignment of something totally illegal - like drugs. Although she had no real evidence, Susie was now totally convinced that Raoul’s sect was an elaborate cover for a trafficking enterprise, whilst providing him with the perfect opportunity to indulge in a life of perverse hedonism at the expense of the vulnerable and the lonely and the homeless.

  And now she was expected to act as nothing more than a prostitute to further his ambitions, plain and simple.

  She picked up the delicate garments and, aware that Savage was still ogling her whilst leaning against the doorway, took off the bathrobe and slipped them on. The outfit consisted of black silk knickers, dark silk hold-up stockings with lacy tops, and a sheer black dress that clung enticingly to her shapely curves. It wafted down to mid-thigh and tightly caressed her bra-less breasts, exposing a teasing amount of their upper slopes and perfumed cleavage. Slipping her feet into a pair of waiting black high heels, she was ready.

  She felt guilty, knowing she was dressing to thrill a man she had never even met before, but despite her chagrin, a tiny frisson of excitement knotted her insides as she turned elegantly to a full-length mirror and saw how gorgeous she looked.

  ‘Perfect,’ Savage said huskily from just behind her, having crept closer without Susie really noticing. Such was the spellbinding image Susie created in the mirror, she was too overcome to react as two hands slipped around her waist, and then lifted slowly to possess her breasts. She watched the reflection as Savage buried her face into her neck, eyes closed as she inhaled Susie’s scent through flared nostrils, savouring the smell and feel of the younger female. Then Savage looked into the mirror too, challenging Susie to deny her, and when there was no reaction her hands began to move freely, mauling her breasts, smoothing the softly whispering material over them, causing her nipples to harden and press into the greedy palms. Then she pinched those stiffening buds and Susie couldn’t suppress a little sigh of delight, her arms hanging limp and submissive by her sides.

  ‘You just love it, don’t you?’ Savage croaked into her ear, causing the soft blonde hair at Susie’s temple to flutter beneath her breath. ‘You just love it, and very soon now I’ll have you all to myself, and then we’ll have some real fun together. Would you like that, dearie?’

  Susie could say nothing; the woman repulsed her but a timid lick of her lips indicated the pleasure she was enjoying from those hungry hands on her breasts and nipples.

  ‘We’ve no time now,’ Savage went on in husky tones, ‘but believe me, I will get you alone soon. Now, breathe a word of this to anyone, and you’ll regret it...’

  And then the hands were gone and Susie stood by herself again, noticing through conflicting emotions how flushed her cheeks were, suddenly feeling ashamed for behaving so wantonly with someone so loathsome as Savage.

  Just then the bathroom door opened and Savage went out of the dressing area to greet the newcomer. Susie immediately recognised the voice as Raoul’s. Pulling herself together and smoothing the dress over her hips, she turned and went through to where he and Savage waited for her.

  For once Raoul looked caught for words as he drank in the lovely vision standing before him. Still feeling dangerously aroused after Savage’s lewd advances, Susie actually felt her pulse quicken at the realisation that he, too, clearly wanted her so badly.

  ‘It...’ so taken aback was he he had to clear his throat and try again. ‘It is time for you to meet our sponsor, my dear,’ he managed, and held out a hand.

  Susie took it, feeling its smooth warmth, and allowed him to lead her out along the landing to yet another room, airy with leather chairs and sofas, and a deep-pile carpet.

  ‘This is Sheikh al-Arab,’ Raoul said, as a portly man turned to look at Susie upon hearing them enter. He was older than she’d been expecting, and sported a dense beard.

p; ‘Your highness, our sister awaits your pleasure,’ Raoul addressed the man, as Susie felt eyes crawling all over her.

  He nodded once, before turning dismissively to continue a conversation with another dark man in an expensive looking business suit, the perfect cuff length just revealing occasional glimpses of a gold watch that simply oozed wealth.

  ‘He likes you,’ Raoul whispered as he steered Susie to one of the leather chairs. ‘He’ll do his business first and then he’ll ask you to accompany him for the afternoon.’

  ‘Accompany him?’

  ‘To his suite upstairs, of course.’

  Susie felt her body tense, not particularly liking the look of the man or the prospect of ‘accompanying’ him, but still simmering with an unexpected yet undeniably erotic thrill after her brief encounter with Savage.

  Raoul nodded, seemingly confident with his choice for his guest. ‘Yes, you will be very good. He will approve, and we will continue to prosper. All is as it should be. Wait here.’ He indicated the leather chair and joined the other two men as she perched on the front edge of its seat, her hands held nervously in her lap.

  She might have been glad of the opportunity to eavesdrop to further her cause, except that the three men spoke in conspiratorial tones in a foreign tongue she had no chance of understanding.

  After quite some time, just when Susie was beginning to get bored and forgetting what lay in store for her and gazing absent-mindedly around the room, the men suddenly stood up, their negotiations apparently at an end. There were no handshakes, no pleasantries as such, nothing to indicate their meeting was over, but the body language was clear and they had obviously concluded their business.

  The Arab - Susie couldn’t hope to remember his name - snapped his fingers brusquely as he walked past her, and did not look back to see if she was following or hold the door open for her. She instinctively rose and followed him out of the room, glancing briefly back at Raoul for some sort of reassurance, and then had to move quickly to keep pace with him as he went up to the third floor. They stopped in silence while he fished a key out of a pocket, and then they entered a room not dissimilar to the one they had just left.


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